Absolutely disgusting

How do we stop the regressive left at its source?

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by shitposting on Cred Forums

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>"You have always had a curious and open mind. I'm glad it's being filled with leftist brainwashing."

American college was a mistake, we need to purify the states in nuclear fire.

This may sound weird, but your chance may actually be to make education free.

America is fucked up

clearing mines?


You don't have to do anything. A philosophy of the weak will only lead to more weakness. It is a problem that will solve itself.

My country has free education, and while it has its own sets of problems, it produces fairly professional graduates. We have private colleges with tuition, but nobody takes them seriously. Why? Because tax payer funded education radically changes the dynamics between teacher and students. Today in america the education is funded by the students and they basically become customers and it is in finacial interest of faculty to keep them happy, thus you pander to them with programs, councelors etc.
In full tax funded college the money granted by the state are usually based on people who really enrolled at the beginning of the school year. That means that after you enroll, not only you are no longer needed, you have actually become a nuisance to professors, because they don't want anything from you, that mean no psychologists, no councelors, no diversity officers, no better acommodations etc. because those things cost money.
And what Bernouts and other faggots don't realize, if you make free college, you are effectivelly surrounding the school to government control, and the state can start dictating what kind of subjects you will teach.
This exact thing happened in Japan - Japan has problems with birth rates, so their emperor ordered gender studies classes to be shut down, and truly, they got obliterated, and no matter how much the harpies were shrieking, it didn't help them one bit.


And what kind of degree is zhe getting from a class like Reeducation 101? What kind of job does zhe plan to land with said degree?

These are the people they're referring to when they say that 51% of college graduates support Hillary.

No, the nigger whipper 9000.

It also deals with race traitors.

Her parents are literally paying for her to be an indoctrinated marxist useful idiot. Tens of thousands of dollars goes into this annually.

She will be a fine goy when she graduates.

> Clearing minds with land mines.

The best final solution ever

But wouldn't that just make it able for the goverment to poison the academia even more?

Dear God... it just keeps getting worse.

War in the west and lots of death DESU. They need a wake up call.

>hyper aware
>micro aggressions
>knowledge is power
This is the modern reeducation camp.

Fuck off is this real

Push her further to the Left until she becomes whacked. Tell her American College is a corporation and they're only telling her lies. Tell her to read up on Mao and tell her veganism is the only way to fight the system of power. Blame her for helping the system. The harder and farther you push left at a rapid pace, the more she'll reject it. Or if she's retarded enough, she'll believe it and become super whacked out that she comes off as crazy.

Yeah, it's real. Look her up on facebook. There's more...

Pretty much

Please, do it. My body is ready.

Absolutely disgusting rancid marxist jewry. Wake me up

It's cringeworthy how hard she is trying to sound like an intellectual in a barista tier degree program

I don't understand how you can get a degree from studying political propaganda. The far-right equivalent would like getting a bachelor in racism... except that would actually involve facts and statistics with a basis in reality.

those are women. they eat everything up you tell them to. they dont really do critical thinking.

Implying racism is a bad thing. Discrimination is bad, though

>I've placed undeserved significance on a college course I'm in b/c it agrees with my political predilections and think everyone should conform


I don't understand how liberals can't come to terms with human existence being based on hierarchies. This one love, everyone has what they need shit is unachievable.

Leftists don't have rational expectations.

This depresses me

Please dislike this video


Well... In our country it is basicaly the same... The education is getting worse, but at least we do not produce SJW retards... Our country wants stupid people who do not care about politics and thinks that everything is the best as it is rn... But we have got still proffesors and teachers that want to teach the kids as much as they can...

Also problem is in the younger parents nowadays

But still our educational system makes a lot of great educated minds, that are working abroad in US, Swiss, Ger, etc.

And Czechs got education better, so it could get worse but it is better than private schools with retarded teachers and classes.

She was probably just your average girl a few months ago too. Now she will constantly spew SJW bullshit to all of her friends until the cycle repeats itself.

Hmm, if only there was an answer.

(No, not gas the Jews. Deport the Jews to Israel, and withdraw all aid.)

Government, left or right, anywhere in the world needs working country and while it regularily screw up their citizens, there is a degree to which country has to work. No matter how you spin it, to produce a new generation of people who run around with communist manifesto, interested only in losing their chains is very detrimental in long run, and while you can use them to impose stricter control, if they spin out of control, they WILL come to redistribute you.

Look at Labour party in Britain. While the worst of today open boarders, shitting on tax payer, globalization pushing left parties, they are now freaking out, because they are being infiltrated by Trotskiist radicals, who use the 'tolerance and equality' argument against them. That is disaster.
Look at Saudi Arabia - they exported this wahabi shit into the world, and before they realized it, they created a massive community of fundamentalists who thinks Saudis are whores of the west and thus apostates.

What I want to say is that usually countries do have a stake in creating quality crop of people who will be needed, i.e nobody with liberal arts.

Shit, has anyone asked what this is for yet? I want the (You)'s it always gets when you ask.

What's this for?

Imagine being in a relationship with this person. I bet she gets mad for no reason all the tome and throws random objects at random times

sweden with the cucked solution

If I didn't know that it is really that easy and appealing, I would think this is a troll.

Tell them to take a real class


There is no cure for a bluepill that believes they are redpilled.

Your taxes pay for it

Also, american education is subsidized via government loans. Also your second paragraph seems to contradict the first paragraph?


It's the same one that Hitler himself approved. The nazis even worked with the zionists, you know.

You need to flush out the universities and seize all mediums of information dissemination (television, radio, film industry, newspapers, the internet).

What's sad is an increasing number of universities are making courses like this mandatory

>same one that Hitler himself approved
Their kindness was repaid with evil. The second shoah will feature real ovens

Increase standards and make it much harder to get into college
Eliminate safe spaces and SJW policies from colleges nationwide
Remove affirmative action
Purge as many commies as possible from education
Expand opportunities for high school kids to look at other avenues such as job shadowing, apprenticeships, trade school, etc.

>countries do have a stake in creating quality crop of people
that's a pipe dream, (((they))) don't care about quality people, they just want happy little consumers who are just barely smart enough to pull levers, press buttons, enter data, and file paperwork and who are stupid enough to submit to every bit of filth pertaining to racemixing, drug use, abnormal sexuality, and other degeneracy

> Today in america the education is funded by the students and they basically become customers and it is in finacial interest of faculty to keep them happy

This. Americans don't understand the purpose of university.

Yeah, that's true. Although as Zundel implies, there are enough guns in america to solve the problem in a more direct way.

Watch from the timecode and on (21m12s), if interested.

Students are customers, and you can't change that without force.

In olden days, if you wanted to learn something you'd hire someone to teach you. Guilds were formed on that basis. If you were a master, you got extra money from the guild to teach your craft to others so they didn't have to waste time on trial and error.

The guild couldn't blame the community if there was no work for them. They could either adapt and expand their skillsets, or start taking on less students.

Did the emperor of Japan really shut down genders studies in hopes to increase birth rates? Thats fucking hilarious. I cant tell the difference between memes and reality anymore.

it's true that we pay for "public" university, but they're usually funded in large portion also by tax dollars also; that being said the czech does have a point about the professors not needing to pander to their students, however his point about japan gutting gender studies funding to improve birth rates isn't really an argument that applies to the west since white countries have already chosen that the solution to low birthrates is to mass import shitskins that will do low-mid skill labor for pennies on the dollar

trade school is a meme
my mech eng faculty was chock full of trade school graduates in mechanics, technical drawing etc that couldn't get a job at all
as jobs become more and more automated, very few learned trade school skills will be needed

>low IQ woman takes radical cultural marxist course
>believes every word of it

The state funded university system with its un-earned income and status accommodates for the most vile and base elements of society to promulgate themselves into the malleable youth. It's giving the weakest,most cynical languisites the most influence essentially. This is an ample and fertile home for the Marxist virus to spread itself. There is no question about it, these institutions must be dissolved in totality and their remains stomped upon. That will be the eventual result when the day of justice arrives.

Trade schools in the US are pretty good. A lot of people ~5 years out usually have their own business.

Another thing I've observed from American unis is that even elite schools like Harvard are hard to flunk out of. You have all this shit like probation, councelling, special circumstances.
This is not the case in most of Europe and (East) Asia. A bad exam streak is all you need here to not only get kicked out but to receive a nation-wide lifelong ban to re-enroll into the same degree course. Exceptions are rarely made and it's not only pretty good motivation, it's also a reminder where you are as a student at a uni - at the very bottom of the ladder. I cannot imagine scenes like we've seen from your campuses last year happen anywhere else.

Mine clearing. Its a giant flail
And yes it works

Good watch. To think that for decades, prior to the internet, information like this was just tucked away in some guy's house. To think that in a decade, information like this might disappear from the internet altogether.

typicall mem-core women course
Im a freshmen in computer science and physics and ofc we only have like 5 girls out of 75 people.
But social work or some shittier degree has 95% women.. Ofc the bitches earn less when they do kindergarten niveau shit lol fuck women ..

Fucking women holy shit

>look at these buzzwords. do I sound intelligent yet?

>you have always had a curious and open mind. I'm glad all this stuff is pouring into it.

>I'm glad all this stuff is pouring into it.

>there are no jobs for trade school graduates in my small country
>therefore there are no jobs for trade school graduates anywhere in the world

>Im a freshmen in computer science and physics and ofc we only have like 5 girls out of 75 people

At my school it was more like 30 girls out of 75 people, however almost all of them were planning on eventually becoming high school physics teachers, not actual physicists

You probably misunderstood - of course that when I say free, I mean paid for by others, I'm not a socialist to think something is really free.

First paragraph is about american education, second one is about my country system, it maybe didn't sound that way, I write on a pad so long sentences are real shit.

Yes, US has government subsidised loans, but the burden and danger of that loan is still on the student and he is still a customer who looks how to spend his (borrowed) money.

Good point. Jesus, can you imagine that entitled twat screeching at the dean of the college about making home here trying to pull something like that here? They would throw out every single one of them and no amount of lawyers would help them.

That japan example was just to show that if you surrender control over schools fully to the government, they WILL enforce their own vision of education and neither students not teachers would be able to do anything about it.

Yes, he actually did, this is some way back but if I remember it correctly there were 22 schools with wide focus on these social justice studies, and they shut down 18 of those. And good on him that he did, Japan don't have to tippy-toe around someone's feefees and just call it by true names.

You should see them when UN demanded that japan dismantle the systems of female opression in form of anime and manga, and japan send female ambassador who completely assraped everyone present during the hearing, and as a cherry on top told them that someone who has Saudis as human rights council should shut the fuck up about japan and clean their own mess.

Bullets fired out of guns