Calling All Sheeple - A Simple Question

The best way to take a red pill is to see how inconsistent your blue-pilled beliefs really are. Let's begin. This will be a fun exercise and I expect large amounts of butthurt from you plebbit refugees out there.

>Proposition 1: Most modern academics believe that it would be impossible for ancient South Americans, ancient Egyptians, ancient Scandinavians, ancient Chinese, ancient Africans, ancient Greeks and ancient Indians to ALL have had contact with each other. Remember, most academics believe that the New World was first visited by the Chinese, the Vikings, or Columbus.

>Proposition 2: There is a symbol called the Ouroboros which represents a snake devouring its own tail. This symbol was accorded great significance in ALL of the above ancient civilizations. The symbol existed in these civilizations independently, in remarkably similar fashion (always devouring its own tail, almost always linked to ideas about eternity and the link between creation and destruction).

>Conclusion: The commonly accepted wisdom of academics, that the above mentioned civilizations could not have contacted each other, is incorrect. It is not resonable that so many disparate groups, seperated by geography, language, beliefs, and culture, would have devised exactly the same symbol with the same meaning.

>Conclusion 2: An alternate explanation to the one given by academics is that this Ouroboros symbol belonged to a civilization which existed prior to all those mentioned, and from which all those mentioned originated. If this is true, modern beliefs about ancient human history must be revised.

Come the fuck at me. Don't even think about using a faulty appeal to authority.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek has confirmed my post's truth. Who will challenge me?

Go look up the Aztec god of the nose

The jews are literally the ancient civilization

Oh shit what

>god of commerce and merchants
>sigil is a faggot

No way to know for sure

Independent thinking is good, and leads to self red pilling

On the subject of Ouroboros. Its does strike me as a fairly obvious symbol of eternity. Also one which could easily come from observation of snakes, which I think all cultures had access to.
Keep in mind the time frames involved. Someone would come up with this design in each culture at some point...

Anyway do most modern academics think this way? I thought it was fairly common thinking now that these groups excluding South Americans all had more contact with each other than we used to think. Perhaps the evidence is still not all there yet.

Conclusion 2 is a very big conclusion to make just based on this. Why not have a few people traveling around and share ideas? Is that a simpler explanation?
Perhaps a civilization in the past was more developed for sailing than we know now and spread some ideas?


While i love the idea, and do follow any advances in it, the truth is:

Snakes eat their own tails when overheated.
its a common behaviour that any snake owner knows, they will start eating themselves due to confusion. (like too much sun does to you if you are in the desert for example and dehydrated/brain starts cooking)

Any people who see this, will find it really bizzare and use it as a mystical symbol.

It's a archetype.

youre correct that most civilizations started about the same. the same pressures to create civilization existed in one way or another across the world. and the cultures of europe and western asia shared common ancestry not too long before civilization itself arose in those places. these cultures were influential and warlike and so their customs and beliefs spread far and wide.

your idea that there were 'civilizations older than we think' is potentially correct. structures like gobekli tepe and stonehenge suggest that complex stone masonry, architecture, and organized religion may have predated agriculture by several centuries. i am of the belief that human civilizations have sprung up and fallen independently ever since the end of the last ice age, and that it was not until the sumerians that any of them had real staying power. the wild changes in climate since the glaciers began melting likely lead to droughts or floods that wiped these ancient cities off the map before they could flourish.

the incans and mayans are an interesting exception. they formed under vastly different conditions and are separate from the protoindoeuropean culture that most civilizations descend from by tens of thousands of years.

as for the ourobouros symbol, it represents the cycle of the seasons. time is a very important thing for early agricultural societies, who had to the serpent eating itself is very similar to how winter kills what spring lets live with the cold and snow, which in turn provides the catalyst for new life to grow again.

Out of interest whats your profession/ education?

Odd I was gonna ask the same question.

You guys realize that snakes occasionally eat their tail in nature, right? It's just people noticing a weird ass thing and drawing it. It isn't evidence of anything.

That's a good step, but now deconstruct why they all have similar meanings.

Just remembered there is /his/ now

I feel like Cred Forums used to be the semi unofficial history board

nice shitpost kike

It's interesting that the R y-DNA haplogroup appears everywhere that civilization starts. This is, in fact, the haplogroup to which king tut belongs.

Forgot pic related. I encourage people to research the origin of the R haplogroup for themselves.

Playing devil's advocate:
Perhaps the idea of ouroboros was independently synthesized in each individual civilization, and that most humans, to some extent, share some common baseline cognitive faculties and functions.

>It is not resonable that so many disparate groups, seperated by geography, language, beliefs, and culture, would have devised exactly the same symbol with the same meaning.

It's perfectly reasonable.

They all came up with words for "up". They all came up with sharpened sticks, fire, etc etc.


>It is not resonable that so many disparate groups, seperated by geography, language, beliefs, and culture, would have devised exactly the same symbol with the same meaning.

I'm in Thoth and Annunaki tiers of creation, but this argument is weak. People could have observed snakes in the wild and thought of the symbol.

Also, a good explanation of common symbols could be linked to the Tower of Babel or a similar older real event that inspired that story.

Bro, you haven't disproved his argument.
All you argued was that there's a reason why the symbol (but not why the meaning) is shared. That doesn't disprove his argument that they all have the symbol AND it has a shared cultural importance regarding metaphysics in all civilizations.

Do you see why it's important to disprove both?

You'd have to show me a civilization that had the symbol but it meant nothing similar to its other meanings to say his argument is shit (which I believe it is).

I am interested, but skeptical.

What proof and / or argumentation do you have concerning this supposed ancient civilization?

Speaking of Thoth....

All redpilled goys who have an open mind should read that ..... have fun

>implying the New World civilizations assembled themselves out of the dirt

Hmmmmm, I wonder if they conceived of spoken language on their own too?

Nigger, everybody knows Balkans is the cradle of civilization

I think you're on to something. If we were to liken the symbol to a tool that every (most) civilization has possessed like a hammer or a chisel your postulate seems even more reasonable. Can we say which civilization created the hammer? No, but it serves the same purpose regardless of any uncertainties we may have about its origin.

Early civilizations arose first in Lower Mesopotamia (3500 BCE), followed by Egyptian civilization along the Nile (3000 BCE), the Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley (in present-day India and Pakistan; 2500 BCE) and Chinese civilization in the Yellow River and Yangtze river (2200 BCE).

Snakes are on all continents. Sometimes they are retarded and bite themselves. Ta-da, problem solved.
There are a lot of things we have in common with cultures we have not been in contact for tens of thousands of years. We all look at stars, we all tell stories, we all wear some clothing, we all use spears, we all cook and use fire, we all have a language... With a large enough set of variables, you can find some variable shared between ANY groups. It's statistics 101. Don't be a retard.

I actually take that back. His argument is shit because it's baseless speculation. There could be an infinitely many number of reasonable explainations and his doesn't assert why his is the one and only.

But I guess I was just disproving his using his frame work.

Regardless your proof didn't really do much to hurt his argument.

Nigga that's a circle.

Everybody got circles.

I think this is kind of a bad example op. It could just be a common concept like how many civilizations separated by great distances build similar structures. I.e. Aztec pyramids and Egyptian pyramids. I think it's much more likely that they both built pyramids because it's a common shape not because they are connected somehow.

good shit, man

also, God is a serb

There's a very redpilled book, ironically named "DIE SHEEPLE DIE", that goes into all of this.

Answers all of this. Dive in, user.

any download link?

yes this site seems almost too good

Found one

PDF Download of based book.

Thanks bruv, I downloaded that too just in case the one I found was wrong or corrupted.

I saw he wrote some other books too; have you read them and if so are they as good as this one was to you?

any similar sites?

This is straight out of the bible dude.

haven't read the others. can't say. first book is incredible, though.


are these translations of the emerald tablets?

Another bookmark, thanks user.

No I don't have any other sites offhand, wish I did.

Every now and then a good thread pops up on the other pol though. This one is still alive:


>the emerald tablets

No idea, really fires up my neurons though.

It is actually bananya

Alright sounds good, will read.

thats what I've been looking for. great stuff user

Anything on 8pol will have a strong nordocentric bias but the read is still very good


Ouroboros is my favorite symbol, because (as you state) it appears across all cultures.

But, it's concept is older than recorded time. It predates all civilization.

Campfire stories user. That how all culture began.

while you are right you do know that most of our history is formed and shaped because of the christians
had cortez not burned all the aztecs we might have an idea of this ancient civilization but throughout history time and time again religion has made us close our eyes and forget our past

that we know yet we have found HUMAN remains in france that have evidence of civilization and that can be accurately dated to 50000 bc
if the mongols didnt burn the library of alexandria we would have actual first hand knowledge of some of these ancient humans

Fuck off leaf, you're not helping.

how butthurt were when harper got destroyed in the last election?

but there is a necropolis here in Varna where there is gold jewelery dated from 5000BC

Ouroboros is a meme


>a theory was posited by scholars
>there is new evidence that this theory might be false
>scholars debate about the validity of the evidence until more evidence is presented to either prove or disprove either theory
>this continues ad infinatum
This isn't redpilling, user. It's just basic fucking academic research.

> makes shit political.

You're still a leaf, faggot. doesn't matter if you voted Conservative, Liberal, or NDP. Still a faggot leaf. Don't forget your place.

It's clear that there was either one or a number of major civilizations that existed before humanity was "supposed to" have existed, according to historians.

The problem is we have no idea where or what it was.

The only answer lies in the universal language of mathematics, left behind in the ratios and dimensions of ancient hidden structures.

Interestingly, they all feature Pi, the golden ratio, fibonacci, whatever you want to call it. And if you trace their loaction, they form a perfect line across the world, from the easter islands to stonehenge. They obviously wanted to tell us or warn us about something.

My personal theory is they were telling us which direction the poles shift - ie, "don't build shit here because it's going to be covered in ocean/ice eventually"

the whole of history we learned is a lie. just check the sumarians. those were allegedly the first civilisation about 10k years ago. humanity is allegedly 200k years old. so 190k years of living in caves, hunting and stuff, then boom civilization.

Many old civilization told of white skined, blond haired and blue eyed people coming to them, showing them technology and build civilizations with them. so probably the survivors of an even older civilization that got away and shared their knowledge with others they found.

now it gets even weirder, there are footprints indicating that humans lived 290 MILLION years ago
considering that it is even more unbelievable that we startet civilization 10k years ago. there were definitely previous ones. probably even as far advanced as we are, which then got destroyed (WW3 anyone?) and humanity had start once again. over and over. and we are too dumb to get passed the selfdestruct stage without selfdestructing ourself.

time travellers bro

your posting from a leaf to faggot again i ask how many days straight did you cry for after harper got beat the fuck out? how many times did you say fuck this im moving to america? how many times did you swear it was the last time you were going to sit idly by while your country goes to shit? thats right then you remembered that your a nolife, kissless virgin, neckbeard basement dweller and that if you ever did leave the comfy confines of your basment then you would lose your GBP and mommy wont make you tendies anymore

That's a lot of words to say "muh feels".

Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.

But the world isn't perfect and the law is incomplete. Equivalent exchange doesn't encompass everything that goes on here, but I still choose to believe in its principle. That all things do come at a price. That there's an ebb and a flow, a cycle that the pain we went through did have a reward and that anyone who's determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it's not what they expected.

i dont know, but that really is interesting. i heared theories about some power grid on the earth they were trying to harness. isnt trumptower on the same line? i heared it is, but didnt looked further into that. however it is weird because those construct seem to be less than 1° off the line, which should have been impossible back then to do that accurately all around the world. and i bet the elites know this shit but wont tell us. just as they wont tell us that there most probably were previous civilizations that turned to shit since then people maybe finally will start working towards a better future to avoid those mistakes and arent that easily controlled anymore. those who dont know the history are doomed to relieve it all over again

> Thread

> Ctrl+ F

"New Earth"

> Disappointment

The importance of snakes in the ancient world is no accident, whether you believe they are harbingers of good or evil.

explain pls

Yeah the inside of the great pyramid was actually an ancient powerplant so to speak... It used the natural frequency of the earth (shumin resonance) and amplified it using granite cylinders, and something that acted as a tuning fork... It would pick up on the shumin resonance and amplify it, and then they filled the chamber with some kind of gas which reacted to the frequency (chlorine or hydrogen, can't remember right now).

Obviously the Earth's frequency does change over time, sometimes drastically and suddenly, and this would in turn lead to explosions within the gas chamber. That's why there are blast marks on the inside of the chamber...

Nice try jidf zogbot. Snake farmer here, Snakes do not eat their own tails.

gas the leafs.

I believe it. I'm reading "magicians of the gods" by graham Hancock which talks about this sort of stuff but you probably already have heard about it. the shame about it is even though it is practically undeniable there is no "smoking gun" that undeniably proves it.

your infograph is missing this

like most of the knowledge in this stuff you can only gain it once you realize everything you have been told could be a lie. only if you do that you might find the hidden truths since they are covered beneath the lies

From the emerald tablets:

When they refuse thee, as surely they will,
command them to open by these words of power:

>I am the Light. For me are no barriers.

From the Bible:

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying,
>I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.

Christianity btfo?

Nice, lots of interesting material there. For further reading you might enjoy Julius Evola and Rene Guenon (latter has been called "the original ancient astronaut theorist").


the fuck?



>see how inconsistent your blue-pilled beliefs really are.
"jesus is not a jew" seems like a very big bluepill suppository taken by quite a few here

Yup. And you know who's to blame for a mass destruction of ancient records and knowledge of the Aztecs and Mayans?

The motherfucking Spanish. Thanks to those zealot lots, an enormous amount of ancient records of their legendary "white, blue-eyed gods" were destroyed and burned. Only a fraction of a fraction survived after they realized how utterly retarded they were being.

Fuck them, reading that part made me pissed off.

Tl;dr saged

Only if you accept that humans have no common way of thinking which is bullshit given our similarity as a species. You are by fact referring to a universal symbol not to a very specific one. Similarities in the genesis of written language in distant places prove you wrong shithead.


How about this: The ouroboros is a symbol of infinity and also represents a paradox.

Civilizations grow by asking questions never thought of before. The ouroboros was a proclamation to all that their culture knew more about the world.

>Similarities in the 'genesis' of written language in distance places

>Similarity of our species

Really just another way of reframing the same issue OP brought up.

So you are using his question to answer his question.

That makes you pretty stupid.

Isn't the idea that we're all from Africa? What if we all had that symbol back then and just kept it

The difference is, is that OP is asserting some /x/ tier bullshit, whilst is asserting that these similarities will occur just out of human nature, and that similar collective and cognitive abilities of early civilisations stretched over centuries are bound to bring up similar ideas & symbols.


Man you just need to know a bit of biology and study How the written language came to be. Obviously I wont post a fucking citation for every single confirmable fact I write about. You just need to google those two terms.
Didnt even refer to psychology and collective subconscious so where are my question burger?

Really american education at its finest

The eternal anglo got it

Autosarcophagy (self-cannibalism) is more common than one would think.
Snakes eating themselves appear in nature, it's most common for snakes that normally eat other snakes.

Certainly possible but less likely. But this is exactly where the paths diverge. People less open to the idea of a greater history than what we know will never believe in the idea of a shared culture.

Your post reads like mental diarrhea

>Various civilizations lay claim to creating the wheel or the hammer, they must have collaborated

Or it's just THAT obvious to tie a heavy stone on a stick and start mashing shit. Or that that cool circular shape stone rolls really far compared to square stones

As op said forcing people to accept something makes them butthurt.
I am sorry for you man

IQ range 110-115

It's pretty unfortunate for a snake to eat itself, as it often leads to death. But also because of that, it's possible to find a snake that devours itself, definitely an unusual view, which probably lead to turning it into a symbol.



do you farm snakes for meat? venom(to make anti-venoms, hides, pet trade or fun?

Well if you have studied a little bit about christianity you would surely know that that bible which christians follow contains different kind of stuff from different religions edited to fit christians narrative, kinda like kid going to wikipedia and rewriting stuff for his own project.

What surprises me though, is that it's not a symbol of self-destruction.


>Wow bruh u so smart.
>Y u on Cred Forums then?

Posting this kind of shit proves you are just an underaged little shit. What are you trying to prove? Lets say we believe you. Then what? The world is full of people like you in every field of study.

You are welcome, son

BItch, fuck you. You owe humanity a great deal for your crimes.

>all that knowledge of our most ancient ancestors
>lost in time
>like tears

Thats from FMA senpai

And yet, you owe us everything. Ironic

They didn't have contact, this was occult memetics spread by the Watchers.

Why don't you pull that 12 inch black dildo out of your ass so you can sit quietly instead of stirring the hornets nest online?

You raise a fair objection, but I believe that it doesn't actually resolve the paradox; it simply raises a new one with similar problems. Allow me to explain. But before doing that, I need you to clarify precisely what you mean by your remark about the genesis of written languages. I could argue that many were fundamentally different. Sumerian, Mayan, Kartuli, and Basque, for example, employ an ergative-absolutive structure which is essentially different from languages with a nominative-absolutive structure. Protoindoeuropean is thought to have had a nominative-absolutive structure. From your flag, I suspect you took Latin in school, so you should be familiar with at least one inflected language, and able to understand the gist of what I'm saying. Just because languages with ergativity are rare today does not mean that fewer of these languages existed in the past. So it's really difficult to hammer down which aspects of language are universal. You could hardly make the case that Sumerian and Protoindoeuropean shared similarities that were significant enough to allow generalizations regarding their original conceptions. In fact, we know next to nothing about early Sumerian and early Protoindoeuroean, so I'm not sure I understand your reasoning at all.

Now, as to your first point. Given the unreliability of your assertion about the genesis of written language, you will have to provide further evidence about humans having a common way of thinking. Even if it were true that humans have a common way of thinking, this does not explain why the Ouroboros symbol acquired such prestige relative to the infinite other possible symbols that could represent the same concepts. In other words, why that specific symbol with its specific meaning? And so we return to the initial paradox posed in the OP.

>Most modern academics believe that it would be impossible for ancient South Americans, ancient Egyptians, ancient Scandinavians, ancient Chinese, ancient Africans, ancient Greeks and ancient Indians to ALL have had contact with each other.

But this is just wrong. Just because I don't interact directly with chinese people doesn't mean I can't access chinese goods and ideas. What academic claims there was a time of no global interaction?

Many inventions like dog taming spread across the world instantly, when an idea is simple and good your neighbours will copy it, their neigbours will copy it and so on.

Modern genetics claims there was constant interbreeding causing genetic information to travel across the world. Its was in small enough quantities so distinct races formed but still genetic information was travelling across the planet between people who knew nothing of each other.

Cultural memes like the oroborus spread even more easily than the genes or goods we have evidence of. Oroboros is not the only global meme, e.g. feathered serpant.

Its pretty simple really. Probably the lizard people thought all civilizations these stuff.

The simple answer is time travel. Someone travelled back in time and created these "coincidences" just to fuck with us.

I am just curious as to why the future me hasn't come back to visit me yet.

The yin/yang/swastika is also global.

They are different representations for the contrast between light and dark stirring the world into action.

Probably got lost somewhere, fighting demons

“This story is about a lone spirit that lived in this spiritual place before there was a world of any kind of life … He has been alive from ever and will continue to live forever … Life is given to all of us humans and to all the creations of the earth … ”4
The Blackfeet describe the Creator God as “Creator Sun”, who’s first living beings were snakes that rebelled against their creator and were punished for their transgressions. He then decided to make “ … something that will look like my image.”5 This creation was a woman (Creator Sun’s wife), animated when, “He had blown in the nostrils of the mud figure, which gave it life”.6

This woman was looking for food one day when she was tempted by a “snakeman” who told her a half-truth7 and caused her to betray her husband. The Creator “ … knew what was going on … but, as always, he is so forgiving to all his creations.”

“Nevertheless, all of us are to pay for whatever sins we commit … ”

From the mud Creator Sun molded a form in his own shape, his own image … This mud figure came to life as Creator Sun blew into his nostrils.8

“ … he wanted to do for the mudman … Some way to help him overcome that loneliness. Using that strange power, Creator Sun put the mudman into a deeper sleep so he wouldn’t know what was going on.

“Kneeling down beside him, Creator Sun took out the mudman’s lowest, smallest left rib. With this rib he made an image after the mudman and himself … To bear fruit, to bear offspring.”

Source: Pic related

More evidence for OP's hypothesis.

As a kid, before I even knew what the Ouroboros was, I wondered what would happen if the head got all the way to the end, physically speaking. Does the whole thing turn inside out? I tried it with socks, little rubber tubes, whatever. But now that I'm typing this, it might've been an episode of Catdog.

I seriously doubt it they all had the same symbol. Seems to me like you are trying to see things where they are not. With that said, I think there might be evidence for a pre-YD civilization namely with Gobekli Tepe and the other ruins on Indonesia I believe it was. Anyway, you need to assert your 2nd proposition in a proper way because my first thought is to believe you are full of shit and going full astronaut.

Its not unlikely for unconnected societies to develop similar not the same imagery. The symbol was different in china and india respectively being a dragon and the other a snake around a turtle that held the worlds four elephants.

Snakes are allover the world. Now piss off

Man i am sorry but i AM working a night shift today and i cant answer you as i would like to. Maybe you could give me a temp mail where i can write you more about this tomorrow as this is my kinda my work and i like to be able to discuss about it

but when you see a snake eating itself. do you think "thats the right thing to symbolize eternety!". wouldnt it be closer to think "thats the right thing to symbolize death/selfdestructive behavior/unsustainable way live/etc" still its always the same meaning even though other interpretations would be closer and more logical

I think its more probable that humans evolved to belive in this abstractly for their own survival, and it manifested it's way in all civilization because of this. That doesn't mean it's right, just that it's better for survivability to believe it

Daily reminder that post-messiah Judaism is (literally) Christianity, meaning the true Israel is the spiritual body of Christendom.

That modern Judaism is properly called Talmudism, which has its origins in Pharisaism and is the ideological opposite of pre-Christian-era Judaism.

That Talmudism/Pharisaism is the richest ideological firmament for Satanism, which found its purest expression in the act of crucifying Christ as urged and committed by the Pharisees of the time.

That modern "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) generally originated in Khazaria, but have lived internationally, intermarried, and converted (both in and out) for so long as to have no discernible genetic or familial heritage.

That the "13th Tribe" and "Ashkenazim" racial memes are Hasbara psyops designed specifically to justify the current occupation of Palestine known as "Israel," as well as employ a political parry silencing anyone who names the "Jew" or criticizes their activities as being a racist. There is no "Jewish race."

That the extortion at the Temple - whom Jesus drove out and excoriated - was promoted and conducted by the Pharisees of the day; that the modern day extortion employed by the same "Jews" (actually Talmudists - the spiritual successors of the Pharisees - as per the above) via the Federal Reserve and similar monetary and usurious banking rackets are spiritually identical in form, function, and nature of perpetrator.

That the Holocaust (TM) is designed to subvert Christ as the preeminent messianic sacrifice, and in supplanting Christ as messiah replace Him with Talmudic satanism disguised as "Judaism."

That if you don't know the above, and much more, you have a long way to go before you are "red-pilled."

every civilization had a swastika, a cross, a trinalge with eye thingy, etc.
Why?! Because people think alike.
>Imagine there are 5000 people in a room, you ask all of them to think of a new symbol to represent....jews!
>None of the 5000 humans are allowed to comunicate with each other, they are put in seperate rooms.
>Results: some symbols are similar
>Reason: humans, although from seperate races, have similar brains, so they think in similar ways.

Holocaust literally means "Sacrificial Offering"

Jesus was an invention of Flavius Josephus, ordered by Tidus Flavius Caesar, so he could conquer the original kingdom of Judea/Judah.

Read "Antiquities of The Jews", then read The New Testament. Laugh about how one is "Scream", and the other is the "Scary Movie" parody version.

Luciferianism is far, far older than christianity, and has had many names. God and Satan are two personalities with the same entity/person (praise our schitzophrenic god!)

Death Cults are death cults, no matter how you swing it.

Nice thread. Indeed KEK has blessed your post.

The Ouroboros could definitely have emerged independently in these cultures. In a way, spirituality is hardwired in humans. Consider the experiences people have while tripping on LSD, shrooms or DMT. It is not THAT unlikely that the sages and mystics of the races you mention saw the same things.

That said, I personally believe (BELIEVE) in the theory of an ancient Atlantean Herrenvolk.

guys, look intosaturn worship. see saturn has a hexagon on the northpole. when you put triangles onto the flat sides you get the star of david. if you put 3 additional line (pic related) you get a cube. if you open up the cube you get a cross. then see that saturn is usually associated with lucifer, Chronos, appollyon and others. then remember it is told that we shall not worship idols and tin gods. we the star of david in judaism, the black cube in mecca where the people walk around in circles like the rings around saturn, and we have the cross in christianity. in christianity you have basically your messiah dying through the cross/lucifer, and playing to that moment. figure your self out who you are praying to when you pray to either of those symbols. and ask yourself why there are such idols despite you shouldnt have them according to the own religions which are using them.

all the "mememagic" we that would go to god when praying is rechanneld through those symbols when you are praying to them. i think you get the idea

was meant to since he was talking about luciferianism

Anons, help me out. I'm trying to join the Knight Templars, to fight for God with pen or sword, but I don't know what the modern equivalent is. The Freemasons accept buddhists, Jews, and Muslims. What is the true order of the Knight Templars?

Did you ever see an animal chase it's tail when you were a kid? This really isn't that profound.

>to fight for God with pen or sword

>it's not reasonable that so many disparate groups, separated by geography, language, beliefs, and culture, would have devised exactly the same symbol with the same meaning

why? Why is this not reasonable? All you've done on this step is make a claim that it's not reasonable, but you've not provided any reason to believe this. For example, all civilizations on earth had a language of some sort (a form of communication between members) does this necessitate their all having at some point been in contact with one another? of course not.

All human races have language. Not all human races have had the Ourobos.

I find it hard to believe you're this retarded, but your post doesn't seem like bait... are you drunk?

no? I just don't understand why they're having similar ideas necessitates their having contact with one another. What about weapons? all races have had weapons, does this necessitate their having shared this knowledge among each other?

this is what I'm pointing toward
Why is this not a reasonable explanation to their having similar ideas?

>Snakes are on all continents

Are you retarded?

get into alchemy faggot
there was a time when spiritual knowledge was widespread. Not because civilizations met each other but because it was accepted by everyone that we are more than talking animals

that was before the western world and scientism cucked everyone into oblivion

>behold! a man!

>Conclusion 2: An alternate explanation to the one given by academics is that this Ouroboros symbol belonged to a civilization which existed prior to all those mentioned, and from which all those mentioned originated. If this is true, modern beliefs about ancient human history must be revised
This. Ouroboros probably existed at the time of Babel

Ancient history has to be revised. All the allium manipulation that was going on is covered up.

Alliums= Link between cultures that are spereated.

Read The Law of One.
(Just search the text)
If appropriately educated in history and world religions you should have no trouble connecting the dots.

There is a reason people are killing off the races that keep an oral history.

it contradicts the narrative.

The native "Creator" is the only thing I've heard that resonates in the school of monotheism. Good post otherwise, user.


I don't think it necessitates intercontinental contact at all, but comparing a SPECIFIC SYMBOL originating from a specific mystical insight with having a language, having weapons etc is pants-on-head retarded

I'm The Ourobos is a much more complex symbol than the Swastika, for instance, and the implications of OPs post are incredibly cool whether the they discovered the symbol independently or not


Did you take into consideration that perhaps the stuff concerning the Ouroboros is actually true and all the different peoples have discovered it on their own during their history?

It's the Eclipse, user. Ouroboros is a symbol of the Eclipse.

Yes, this shit travelled. they didn't just find it on their own.

Read DIE SHEEPLE DIE. CTRL-F the thread. it's listed in here.

>It is not resonable that so many disparate groups, seperated by geography, language, beliefs, and culture, would have devised exactly the same symbol with the same meaning
Why not? It seems entirely reasonable to me, since it is an obvious symbol that one can observe in nature. There are only so many symbols in the world, so choosing the same symbols for objective concepts makes sense. Unless you're saying that many of these civilizations could have never seen a snake or similar creature.

But even then, one could just as easily conclude that there is some kind of shared consciousness among humans - deeply seated instincts from a common ancestor. For example, the Mandelbrot Set and other computer-generated representations of fractal patterns look exceedingly similar to ancient Hindu art. And the iteration and self-similarity of fractals is everywhere in art prior to computers. Does that indicate the existence of an ancient race of computers?

It is reasonable to assume that disparate groups with snakes in their territory would come up with the idea of a snake eating itself as representing eternity. It depends how similar this all is, have you got any sauces?

The snake is also a fairly ubiquitous create and is often attributed a mystical significance.

It is also one of the best shaped creatures for depiction in the act of self consumption.

Okay ahemed

>when snek gets bored.