Your SWEDEN YES memes finally reached Sweden

Your SWEDEN YES memes finally reached Sweden

Article from Swedens largest newspaper:


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw the day of the rope comes
>Tfw swedes think people are coming to save them from their own idiocy
>tfw they just wipe the whole country.



I would be fine with that.



post here
not clicking this shit

Thanks for the translation swed bro.

Are there really Swedes with their heads so far up their butts that they don't notice what is happening to your country? The article acted like they have no idea why people would hate them like it is beyond their understanding

>tfw swedes have to flee en masse
>come to germany as refugees
>finally have enough manpower to overthrow sandpeople
>annex netherlands
>create an aryan superstate

i cant wait

This is the swedish leftist media.

They all live in the same area in Stockholm. And they believe that everything looks exactly the same on the outside of their little communist bubble.

They really are this naive.

it's the ones that are against it that have their heads up their ass, they are clearly against it but never bother to look up facts or shit, really easy to make those people extreme, i made redpilled some people on imperialism



>"It's so liberating to your genes will die with you and your people will cease to exist."

which one of you shitlords wrote this?
how does the author un-ironically pretend not to understand what they're talking about?

>I was met by a Sverigehat from a direction you never talk about, namely the white power movement, she says.

That really stimulted my neurons


>proud Swedish tradition of free speech

>of course we should not be giving these nazis a platform to speak


how do you say "meme" in Swedish? how's it pronounced?

>Who or what is behind the fascist remarks do not know.
They havent found us jet



Can we make countries better with meme magic?

Has "POO IN LOO" helped increase pooing in loos in India?

>nazi trolls
why do nordic leftists always respond to valid arguments with "they're just trolling"?

That was amazing.
Thanks for sharing.


Invading with memes?

If I were to go to Sweden impersonating a snackbar (I look like a moor) and go apeshit on refugee centers, planting bombs and burning them to the ground, would I get in trouble? Travelling there is not a problem, I am an EU citizen.

>go apeshit on refugee centers, planting bombs and burning them to the ground, would I get in trouble?
..... Yes.

Not if he looks like a mudshit

police can't touch them, he just needs to speak arabic and they wont even be able to prove he's not one

Would it be a deportable offense? If I get to stay in a Swedish prison it'll be bliss. I'd probably get to rally a few hundreds of liberals to say I was a misunderstood underrepresented minority and ask to set me free.

Nazi troll implies they are leftists pretending to be Nazi. Looks like leftists are to blame.

Is this satire? I used to be able to figure things out but nowadays I find it very hard to tell sometimes.

There is no more Sweden, it is a New Country now.

>police can't touch them
Sure they can, they're just not very good at it

>Nazi trolls

OPGEKANKERD FUCKING KRAUT, I rather drown then be your little bitch

>in the enchanted forest


>Eternal nagging of Pippi and ABBA in the spruce
>in the spruce

Kansas has gone bye-bye

Just claim you are underage and our migrant agency will go out of thier way to defend you. And the horny old bogwitches will want to have sex with you.

I assume you're aware that you would be sharing that cell with people like this?

> Who or what is behind the fascist remarks do not know.

Jeez I wonder what made people extremely furious about a video telling them that as natives them must give up their history, values, and culture to be more friendly and understanding to savage dunecoons and niggers.

>natalia kazmierska

Ah fuck I knew it. Another polish coalburner. What a time to be alive.

Ayy lmao

>polish coalburner

So would the nig sleeping with her be a "Coalish Poleburner"?

>our policies are destroying our cultural heritage and we're proud of it!

We got the worst of all the fucking immigrants. All lefty cunts.

>all these thousands and thousands of lefty cunts from Chile all over Sweden and in Swedish politics who came in the 70's

Just fucking end it all.

Dude, all these people here in Sweden believes that immigration and multiculturalism IS our cultural heritage.

They are so brainwashed.

>'straya asking the important questions

It is your duty.

Good. Swedes need to know they have become a laughing stock. If this started earlier we might have been able to recover Sweden. Now it's far too late.

Why is it so typical in Sweden that journalists just over the top slam people who just carefully hints that they should maybe put brakes on 'progressive' ideology?

Even our journalists get this shit from Swedish journalists. Which results in replies like pic related.

>nazi trolls
Sweet propaganda.

We have same thing in Finland. They all live in small area in Helsinki near the center.

Godwin's law

>We have become accustomed warnings rysshot and Islamist terror, but Sweden account shows that we should take even the far-right Sweden Hatred seriously.

ahahahaha shitposters are as big a threat as muslim radicals lmao

It's basic reverse psychology. Shame them over and over again until they get so pissed they lash out and try to prove it's not the case.

Honestly, your journalists should keep up attacking ours. Norwegian and Dannish news reports better on stuff in Sweden than Swedish "journalist".

Svensk kulturekspert: Kardemommeby fremmer fasisme og fremmedfrykt

I've read that Norwegians are the most racist people in the world. What do you think about us?


Why are they most racist?

"Titta - titta ... titta - titta" :DDD he is ready to be a swede.

A wild Japanese Pole appears

I don't know, that's just what I've heard.

>I've read that Norwegians are the most racist people in the world.
That's.... not true at all. Being tolerant, open and progressive is quite common here.
>What do you think about us?
You're the guys that shot all those Russians and export saunas, alchohol and nightmares (mumitrollet).
All in all fine fellow scandis.

Someone should put up some salty Pepe stickers to create a siege mentality amongst the cucks.

Hey Greenland I read today that all your ice melting faster then ever, can you confirm.

I think that's a bit ironic since many would think you were being racist right there in your post, calling us yellow and stuff. :D

The truth is you couldn't tell me apart from a native Norwegian.

We can't be Japanese if we shot nazi's and kamikazi during wars for the Americans

That can't be racism, right? Maybe they do not want to give hand-outs to foreigners. Which they are right doing so, if that's the case.

It's true, ice is receding every year. That is most noticeable in my hometown (Ilulissat)

What did the article say?

>calling us yellow and stuff.
... No, I didn't.

couldnt read it it, im tired of the suicidal opposition calling everyone that says fuck you to hostile takeover a nazi.

>I've read that Norwegians are the most racist people in the world
Might not be too far from the truth. maybe closeted racists, because I hear jokes all the times and stories from colleagues and friends often that can be "Someone my age died in my town yesterday. found out he was some african, I don't need to worry after all." etc

You are for some reason the strange and relatively unknown neighbour. It's nice, flat and Rovaniemi is 100% comfy in winter.

Holy fuck :D ebin reading skills by me. My bad

I guess Finland is pretty racist too. The leftist combat this by posting self-hating mongol memes. We are not worthy of preservation because we are dirty mongols ourselves.

Holy fuck this is big
Keep up the work lads

Apparently Swedes and Danes consider us that insensitive guy that make loud innapropriate jokes about "A nigger, Hitler and a horny feminist enter a bar".
But on the other hand we give bajillions to poor nations and goes on and on about being the Humanitarian Superpower.

no problemo Pekka

I would hope you would not drown yourself, my suicidal friend.

I don't understand the meme

The mongols never made it to Novgorod and even less so finland

I don't understand why people believe this shit

Was it something about haplogroup N, that it came from East Asia, or something.

They can not put brakes on. Remember - apostasy is punished by death.

you will drown once diversity reaches your dam engineers.

Yeah but not all Siberians are mongoloids? And not all Finns have that haplogroup. I've done the DNA test and I'm I1-M253.

Here you go

tell us the joke

>inb4 "ur mum"

You share cuck gene then. Meanwhile we and Latvians are 40 % slavs and 40 % fingolians.

>“It is pretty scary”
Michael Bevis

Yes, it's very noticeable, but I don't think raising awareness of it will stop it. Actually, it's retarded to think that. Earth's getting ready to the Age of Aquarius

Pic wasn't included, trying again


What's the 20%?

>You share cuck gene then. Meanwhile we and Latvians are 40 % slavs and 40 % fingolians.

Are you the proto-ubermensch?

>tell us the joke
Can't help you there, just a made up example.

Some I, some R1, you know a bit of West and North.
Not really, we are just weird mix of three groups, one of them Indo Europeans, and do to isolation we have archaic language.

>-De hatar oss svenskar för att vi är liberala,
Kek. Anyone remember the bush-era "they hate us because of muh freedums"?

Top kek

redpill me on imperialism


I love when Nordic Poland balls say Bork.

So cute.

Daily reminder to view and share this map of migrant crime in Sweden since 2010 wherever you can:


I was fucking beyond triggered at this


Except there is none and you literally get imprisoned for criticising Islam.

Now, I would assume some payment is in order

what the fuck

until recent years, nobody really cared about racism in Norway, jokes were interpreted as jokes and racist statements were interpreted as anecdotes of someones personal experience. Lately tho, this anglo hypersensitivity has been creeping into norwegian society and it's shitting up debate, school and everything it can get it's claws on.
Finns seem to have a higher chance of autistic behaviour from my experience but most finns i've met are bro-tier.

>INB4 all oil you have

That sucks man on a side note I like where you are from looks like home pic related you on left, me on right

>They hate sweden because we are liberal and care about human rights!
>The ''The swedish hate'' adds playing are about how racist swedes are

how do you want this m8

Men för i helvete. Nog borde det väll finnas riktiga nyheter att rapportera om än bajsbrevande på twitter.

What's wrong user? You're not some bigoted prude right?
A splendid suggestion!

Dude, you're a mess and contradict yourself many times. Get out of here with that insecurity.

>On the other hand, it is perhaps more important than ever to keep free speech banner high, in the enchanted forest.


That's actually my hometown, I am now living in Nuuk till january. Nuuk is a shithole.

>tfw you wake up and you still live in Sweden

Feels pretty good. I don't live in the south end of the country where all the retards live.

People in the north are the retards who overwhelmingly vote left though, we just have to deal with their bad voting because niggers don't like cold weather.

Enchanted forest = trollskogen
It would be better translated as the troll forest or something

>Finns seem to have a higher chance of autistic behaviour from my experience but most finns i've met are bro-tier.
That's actually hilarious because just recently a popular Finnish writer said the same thing. He said that we are more xenophobic on average because we are autistic people.


It doesn't matter who you vote for. Everyone in politics have to handle a retarded monolithic mess that is already fucked.

>frenchfag talking


>to cast a spell in swedish is att trolla
>to troll someone is att trolla någon

Meme magic is already written into our language!

> Largest newspaper
> Website looks like straight out of 2001

I actually had to check the source just to see if this garbage used tables for layout. Your country really is a third world shithole.

Fucking this. They're a bunch of inner-city liberals.

Every single material you worthless Cred Forumsacks see about Sweden are made by these faggots.

You if anyone aren't one to talk about anyone else being cucks for Islam
only Germany saying this would sound more ironic

>that pic
Don't lie to yourselves.

Scandinavia is very sexually liberated. Same thing with France and Spain.

I really don't understand why Americans, especially the their media, go apeshit over sex and tits.

thank you for the translation, you swedes are much better than those fucking germans


>>tfw the day of the rope comes
>>Tfw swedes think people are coming to save them from their own idiocy
Save them? Ha! In The Turner Diaries, during the day of the rope """whites""" like the Swedes were hung as an example. Hell, most of Cred Forums won't survive the day of the rope and I'm not sticking around to see the lulz.

>no area left unenriched
Dear God Sweden. I knew things were bad but I thought at least your countryside and small towns might be salvageable.

I'm actually genetically closest to poles after Finns :D phenotypically pretty nordic

Simon Kvamm isn't from the Faroe Islands

That's cute, the article stated that Swede cucks are """liberal""". Ha, their policies, and the policies of other western nations, are fascist and have nothing at all in common with the principals of the Classical Liberalism.

Leftists don´t have a sense of irony, really. This may contribute to why leftism seems so passé within the swedish youth nowadays.

Can't be because Poles are roundheaded potatonosed Slavs.

shit ,I watched the wrong one

> twf living 6 meters above sea level.


>wew lad

You and Latvians - the only ones left from this language group.

>We have become accustomed warnings rysshot and Islamist terror, but Sweden account shows that we should take even the far-right Sweden Hatred seriously.

>behead people
>say mean things

>The proud Swedish freedom of speech

No worries, you might learn something new about foreskins and such.

she appears to take far too much pleasure is this..

Feels good, man.

Jesus, I'd have got more than a semi from a qt girl like that rolling my foreskin back.

It's just a puberty video

The ecstatic enthusiasm have always been a part of Newton
They used to have this guy host the show

Fahrrad bitte kutmof, bitte fahrrad.

theres no way in kanker that germany in its current state will lead an aryan union. In the extremely unlikely case that that's going to happen, austria, switzerland, norway or maybe even the netherlands will lead. Germans have proven time and again they are incapable of ruling.

I like how she praises free speech while hating people voicing their opinions

Heim ins Reich, my swampy friend.

The hardest pressure makes the brightest diamonds.

This reminds me of the time, when I went to Sweden in one of the big ferries. I had a good evening, got drunk, ate greasy food and all that.

In the morning I got up, was slightly hungover and in immediate need to vacate my bowels. So I took this massive in the cabin's WC's tiny toilet bowl. I mean this turd was hugh mungus, like 30 cm long and about as wide as my wrist.

Of course the toilet wouldn't flush. I tried adding more water from the shower, even pushing the thing with a rolled magazine, nothing. It just wouldn't go down.

I was getting a bit nervous by this so I thought maybe I could get some help from the staff. Embarrassing, but there you go.

I opened the cabin door and luckily there was this cleaning lady right outside, doing his morning rounds. Unluckily she was Swedish (I'm actually guessing nu-Swedish, from some Balkan country or something) and didn't speak any Finnish or English.

My Swedish is pretty bad but I know a few words and decided just to show her the situation.

So I took her to the toilet by hand, opened the toilet bowl lid and pointed at this massive shit snake floating in the water. "Titta", I said, as I pushed the flush button to demonstrate it doesn't work.

It worked perfectly.

>our national dish tacos

lel, Germanics having a domestic

How is this area called?

You showed her!


Heard the very same story before (but with hotel rather than ferry), apparently its a common problem faced by travellers.

Long after everyone is dead.


>The proud Swedish freedom of speech

You sure about that?

>a hundred years old Nazism
Swedish intellectuals.

>Who or what is behind the fascist remarks do not know.
>We have no resources to dig into it, but maybe we need to start doing, says Emma Randecker at SI.
Someone please send them a link to here. The following mass suicide as their minds shatter with the force of a thousand redpills should prove quite amusing.

cant handle bantz

Because it shows the level of your degeneracy, and that your women are sluts.

Sounded like a muslim, but whatever, it's still a truth.

Maybe you should open a refugee center there.

>Because it shows the level of your degeneracy, and that your women are sluts.
Butt all our prostitutes comes from your part of the world user

Trips of truth.

There's mouth breathing morons in America calling for American media to be like European and show naked women and men fucking being queers now. We can't even hold onto our last shred of dignity before being completely judaized.

no one is trolling

Dunno about that. It just stated that I'm closest to Finns then Poles then "mixed slav"/russian, then German, Swedish etc.

The genetic distance to Finns overall was 10 and 20 to Poles.

>swedish "police"

I would say that whores are less degenerate, and are forced by economical reasons to do it, I doubt they genuinely love being whores, while sluts are just essentially humans turned to animals, with no self control. Depending to your philosophy or ideology this might not be a problem, subjectivity is a tyrant.

This plagues all of the western world, and our region belongs to the west, even if it's periphery region..

>our last shred of dignity = no sex-education
Don't be such a prude user

>We have become accustomed warnings rysshot and Islamist terror, but Sweden account shows that we should take even the far-right Sweden Hatred seriously.

Yes because us virgin NEETS saying mean things about you on the internet is on the same level of threat as Islam terrorists you openly invite into your country.

fucking stupid

We got along fine for millennia without (((sex education)))

Does Sweden even have a right wing party trying to save their Nation?

I think scandinavian women just dont get paid, they do it because they enjoy bbc

Geert our new savior? The whole ruling class in germany needs to be pruged. Dosent matter by who.

It always blows my mind that I'm constantly called a "right-wing extremist", essentially equating my shitpostibg to real extremists that straight up kill people.

I could maybe see radical, but in no way would I call myself, or anyone else that only really holds an opinion against the status quo, an extremist. It's insane that people on the left see my opinions that I hardly act on, as equally bad as the actions of the Islamic extremists.

Fun fact: Kazmierska is a Polish Jew.

Ah, I though she was a Pole, that explains some things.

there's nothing wrong with nudity and sexual liberation, it's promiscuity that's bad, but they aren't the same thing. it's actually prudishness that leads to promiscuity and degeneracy.

>makes the kid look like a Jew
Doesn't the presenter ever get her kit off?

>it's actually prudishness that leads to promiscuity and degeneracy.

Spoken like a true kike.

cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias


Ak44-45, nu kan blattarna hälsa hem! Vit makt, negerslakt! Heil Hitler!


You mean like when anglowomen do it out of tolerance?
Not that I know

top kek, finland's cultural integrity saved by autism.

Ethnic Poles living in Sweden are often right-wingers who despise Islam, gays and whatnot.

If a politician, journalist, or anyone for that matter who represents the establishment, has got what appears to be a Polish surname, it'll undoubtedly be a Polish Jew.

A few examples:

>Szyber (Hungarian?)

>there is no such thing as positive sexuality
I bet you really know how to please a woman.

You see, you think about sexual pleasure as a priority, while you should think about family and or carrier. I don't blame, you are just a product of your time, like a rest of us, I just dread to think to what will this lead.

>"The proud Swedish freedom of speech"
>freedom of speech

Svenska Motståndsrörelsen visit the wealthy neighborhood that voted M (and it's alliance)
to power and begun this whole Sweden yes shit.

Pic is how it looks when the party leaders of M, KD, C and L (the alliance) outside of their bubble.
3 uniformed cops and atleast 2 SÄPO agents.

No one in this country likes politicians


What's the second song in this video

>hurr durr MUH DICK

Quite shameful desu

wew lad I want that Swedish police woman to the left to arrest me.

If you think mutual sexual pleasure without shame is not an important part of any healthy relationship (even straight, monogamous ones in which you have sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation) you are going to have a seriously disappointing relationship and be disappointed in return. Also be pretty fucking emotionally unfulfilled.

Någon som har bilden med Svergiedemokraterna och israel i ett strarkt samband?

They follow the lead from their puppet masters here. We have no sovereignty. They just try different policies where they can.

All things considered, I think we have it worse than Sweden. But I hope you bros can turn it around.

Its not too late.

>Also be pretty fucking emotionally unfulfilled
>He relies on women for emotional satisfaction


I never said you can't enjoy sex. Just don't show dicks and naked women on TV or let women walk around virtually naked all the time.


I'm not saying that that's not important at all, but it should not be priority, for one, and secondly I don't are for relationship, personally, I do't feel that I would be a good family man.

Small cities usually have lots of buildings not in use, some cunt comes along, buys it cheaply
remakes it into asylum housing and rents it back to the city for crazy amounts of money, easily
200 usd per refugee a day.

It's fucking disgusting, it's why so many places caught fire late 2015.

>its da juice

lmao Swedecucks searching excuses for their degenerated subhuman nation once again

Aren't the USA the nr. 1 producer of pornography in the world?

Are you brown?

We're #1 in lots of things.

Not an argument.

I wondered the same thing

So they're complaining they keep getting shit on twitter because they turned their country into cuckolds?

Number 1 in spreading degeneracy

>Whether she tweets about feminism, post pictures of Annie Lööf or our national dish tacos pops up followers who usually words such as "degenerate" and "miscegenation."

well, except living standards :^)


jews =/= Americans

>USA produces massive amounts of highly degenerate porn
>But Europe producing matter of fact sex education videos is somehow more degenerate that Jewlywood interracial bukkake gangbang videos
Seems like a pretty fair argument.

Americans support them

Cling together, swing together

>Sweden will be a third world country in 15 years


Does not mean that all populace supports it, being on Cred Forums, you should know this.

No one is making you watch bukkake gangbang interracial videos man. Besides, a nation of 330,000,000 is going to produce more of everything than a nation of 9,000,000 swedes or 60,000,000 brits.

Again, not an argument.

>Not an argument.
Is it?
I mean, you go online and complain about dumb europoors having nudity in their sex-ed while your country floods the international marked with interracial pornography.

>making you watch
Could you elaborate on how people are forced to watch a specific tv-show over here?

And I got called a prude for not wanting naked women and men in regular TV. Apparently we're behind Europe in "sexual liberation" or whatever.

>Could you elaborate on how people are forced to watch a specific tv-show over here?

Because apparently kikes making more interracial porn than another country is somehow a counter to us not having naked women and men in regular TV.

Really makes me think

The only good thing is when SHTF the cities will burn while "ebil right wingers" chill out in the country side.

>sex education

invented by a jew in titos hungary to corrupt Christian girls aka desensitize them to sex

the red beast strikes again

That's a fantastic pic you got there

There is nothing wrong with those sex education videos. It's just teaching pubescent kids about their bodies, how they are changing and how they work, it's not pushing any particular agenda or encouraging any degenerate behaviour.

What exactly do you Americans think is degenerate about it?

> it seems more and more to be international Nazi control

They really are delusional aren't they? Who will fight their war against the so called far right when the cataclysm occurs? Do they honestly believe a battalion of twinks and feminist hold any chance what so ever.

They'll be expunged from power in a blink of an eye, when the white males begin their march.

This. x2

These people are the worst of the worst, even worse than the refugees themselves because these are the people who made Sweden really hit the shit from the beginning.


Pick one. France have a Muslim problem but isn't cucked.
Blindly accepting million of migrants and accepting it on the other hand...

I actually had the idea of putting up Pepe stickers just the other day.