Tfw too intelligent to be a nationalist

>tfw too intelligent to be a nationalist

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Feel you bro. Life would be easy.



I fell you man. They used to call me special too.

Lets hear your well thought out and coherent argument against nationalism
If you repeat a single buzzword i strongly advise to kill yourself for the good of our collective gene pool

Nah you are just deluded that's all.

It takes intelligence to realize that there is something going on with our current plutocrats, they are ploting something and reality is that they are only trying to preserve themselves, we ordinary people are threat to them and they want us on the leash.

If you cannot realize that big multinational corporations and bankers are profiting from left wing and right wing policies being shufled as they buy influence in the state... Remember left wing= big goverments control aka buy influence for goverment to help you.
right wing= delude cuckservatives into giving you more freedom and chance to capitalize even through you work against them aka more money less taxes.

If when you see this you will realize that, companies should have same influene in the goverment as church. None.

If you are poor or rich one vote is one vote.

Death to plutocrats!

north korea is the most visible logical conclusion of extreme nationalism, and it's a fucking shithole full of brainwashed starving halfchinks

You are confusing a communist dictator with enforcing border control
How do you even make that leap
genuinely curious

more like the face when compensating with the fact your to cucked to hold an unpopular opionion by claiming "muh intelligence" without making any actually logically arguments against the thing your bitching about. Here is what you actually came here for op, its okay to believe in superiority and actually if you don't your clearly inferior and don't really matter, need proof? look how much this fucking board has influenced shit dumbass

That's a funny way to spell "retarded".

>be OP
>be full of shit
>be deluded
>suffer from delusions of grandeur
>think I'm too smart for nationalism
>let liberals turn my home into a multicultural shithole
>my daughter and wife are letting niggers fuck them in every hole
Yes, goy. You're VERY smart.


gas smart people

i'm simply evaluating nationalism according to its most extreme form, which i believe is a good way to isolate the characteristics of one facet (nationalism) of a complex org such as a nation-state

1. nobody in, nobody out
2. limited/no exposure to foreign ideas
3. limited/no trade agreements of political treaties

ergo, half a ration of cold rice and the infinite wisdom of the hermit leader

take it with a grain of salt, assuming your nation has salt quarries that is

One day the human race will have to evolve beyond nationalism, but we are nowhere near that point yet. We are stronger together, but we haven't come to an accord on all the issues dividing 'us' vs 'them'. Perhaps an extraterrestrial invasion or some impending catastrophe that threatens all humanity would be enough to unite us, at least for a short duration, like the Greek city states united in times of shared peril. Barring that, though, I think humanity is going to have to take the long way and slowly evolve past things like nationalism.

Weak argument, barely an argument at all given it is so out of context.

Thanks for playing, we all now know you are a artist LARPing as an internet genius. My only hope is that you live in a state with lax gun laws, so you can head to the local gun store, buy a shotgun, and stick the end of it in your mouth and yank the trigger.

Abandon thread and SAGE>


You all realize that, while Globalism is indeed a trainwreck, nationalism has always been what the aristocracy sell to the working class to keep them obedient, right?


Wish I knew that feel

Nationalist here and consistently one of the dumbest people in my PhD courses.
3 years in and it's a miracle I haven't been kicked out yet

>tfw when im not a sub 100 IQ nigger
Kill yourselves.

I understand the feeling OP. Australian bogan nationalists are worse than American patriots =S

>tfw too intelligent to read

>right goyim? you believe me Right? your not going to figure out you will overthrow us if you accept nationalism right? you don't know the aryan race is our only competitor right?

>tfw I'm too smart to understand the value of common culture and identity

You're an idiot.

Only stupid people call themselves intelligent

Lets get our definition straight
Because you are arguing against a strawman
>Nationalism is a shared group feeling in the significance of a geographical and sometimes demographic region seeking independence for its culture or ethnicity that holds that group together. This can be expressed as a belief or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with or becoming attached to one's nation.

Do you agree that
a) Human beings are a highly diverse group of people
b) Human being feel the safest and best amongst their genetic and cultural kin


>t. Dunning–Kruger effect

>tfw to inteligent too read*

Every conflict in human history can be boiled down into the "us vs them" mentality. Unless you're talking about expanding human consciousness with some transhumanism shit, this mentality is never going away. It's an inherent quality of humanity.


True, but it works. All of the technological advancements born during any war were because of nationalism. National pride got the U.S. to the moon first. National pride won WWII for the Allies. Family, Community, State, Nation. If each one of those hierarchical groups are strong (starting with family) a nation/empire will be unconquerable. It is only now, when the U.S. is losing its national identity and cohesion, that it is weakening. Coincidence? I think not.

a. yes
b. not necessarily

my questions are slightly different
1. what are the benefits of nationalism?
2. what are the drawbacks of ultra-nationalism?
3. can the two be meaningfully reconciled? how and on whose authority?

You realize you are doing the exact same thing as when conservatives imply that liberal policies will lead to a Bolshevik revolution in the US?

Having some left leaning policies will not turn us into a communist dictatorship. Having some right wing policies will not turn us into a fascist fourth reich.

Stop with this retardation.

Agreed. I'm speaking of the far future that neither of us can fathom. 100,000 years from now the human race (if it even still around) will be as unrecognizable to us as humans from 100,000 ago are to us. That's what I'm referring to.

Us vs them - til we have a them that no longer is one of "us"

Ie self aware machines, alien life, etc.

now you're just typing words, not ideas :^)

But communism is opposite to nationalism. You are not very smart, aren't you?

You're performing s thought experiment with faulty premises. You're imposing impractical practices on what is meant to be a practical policy. American nationalism is about three things: verifying that only the best and safest immigrants come to america; ensuring that America benefits from all trade deals; and putting the policies of America and American citizens before the policies of any other nation.

No one argues for a complete to immigration or trade. You're obtuse if you think that anyone wants complete isolation.

I'm sure importing masses of uneducated workers and cheap foreign produce will do wonders for the working class.

Nationalism is imaginary lines drawn in the sand. Like politics.

Kill people over these lines for the most fun

I don't watch South Park anymore, what is the story behind this particular image I see thrown around here?

Alternatively, what about the extreme of Hitler's Germany, which had incredible financial success? What about America, which has long been considered one of the best countries in the world, and the only superpower, and is also famed for its patriotism? What about England, whose nationalism fueled the largest empire in history?

In evaluating NK, you've evaluated communist nationalism, not nationalism.

If you are intelligent, I'll give you a clue to understanding nationalism, though it will take some thinking on your part. With any ideology, there is the question of evaluation of an idea. How does one know whether some is good or bad, or right or wrong for society? I ask that you adopt a Darwinian biological standpoint, and evaluate each idea on whether or not it helps you to propagate your genes. From this idea, and an understanding of the genetic basis of altruism, you will come to realize why nationalism works, and why it is desirable beyond other systems with more freedom, more wealth, or more equality.

Yes! It's the responsibility of each nation to put it's own citizens first. Make America great again!

Nationality is a mass delusion, with no more basis than Santa Claus or religion.

Well if they stopped threatening to nuke their neighbours they'd be doing a whole lot better.

We are not talking about "left wing ideas" or "right wing ideas".

We are talking about nationalism. And boiling it down to logical extremes makes perfect sense in order to parse out its true strengths and weaknesses.

NK is a unique country with unique circumstances for sure... but the general idea still remains - it is an ultranationalist country that rejects foreign influences of almost all kinds (foreign aid aside) and suffers clearly for it.

Internet troll terrorizes the neighborhood through cyber bullying, turns out it was a kike all along

>what are mountains, rivers, seas, oceans

For what reason other than lulz?

Yeah home ownership is too.

Remove the door from your home and invite everyone in.

They are just lines when you look at them from space. And how did we get into space? On rockets built with nationalis....Oh wait.

Einstein was a Jewish nationalist (aka Zionist).

The problem with intelligent people is that they have egos. The perception they have of their own intelligence is the source of their pride and ego, and to assume a belief that is unpopular in the intelligentsia class would put into doubt their own intelligence, diminishing their self worth.

The ego that intelligent people have makes it impossible for them to think 100% rationally. They will always be biased towards the prevailing opinions of the "enlightened" social caste.

>too intelligent to not be a cuck
>not intelligent enough to see the problem

>1 post by this ID

More like the edges of different religous, cultural, and ethic groups. That can't get along together *cough* middle east *cough*

>I just started my first semester of uni: the post

>i'm simply evaluating nationalism according to its most extreme form, which i believe is a good way to isolate the characteristics of one facet (nationalism) of a complex org such as a nation-state
Ok. Just because you believe something doesn't mean it's true. Your entire premise is incredibly flawed. Back to reddo with you.

>tfw warfares changed and trump wont send us to die on the front lines
>tfw free neetwelfare for whites only
>tfw drones slaughter every nonwhite without a nuclear bunker

My IQ is around 120, and I'm fairly nationalistic. To be fair, I didn't used to be. I knew the right lied their asses off, I just deluded myself into thinking the Left were honest but naive. The one thing I broke with the Left on, prior to my conversion, was guns. I was, and am, very pro gun. And since the Left had been on silent running where guns were concerned since 2000, I was able to tell myself they had dropped the issue.

Sandy Hook changed all that. People I thought were honest began spouting half truths, myths and outright lies about guns and gun laws. I had the realization that if they were willing to lie to get what they want about guns, they would lie about anything. I began questioning everything they said and found almost everything the Left champions is bullshit.

So here I am.

A former lefty turned full on nationalist who supports Trump, if for no other reason that he opposes the Left AND swept in and preformed a successful hostile takeover of the Republican Party.

I know nationalism is not inherently right wing but in the current US election it is a position that the right has embraced.

>geographic barriers are also cultural barriers
>what are legs, vehicles, riding animals, boats, bridges...


1) Preservation of culture and of social cohesion, I don't even have to close my door here in Poland. And this is incomprehensible in USA. I'm not scared to walk at any time in the day. I can walk up to any person and everyone is going to be polite.
2) Draw backs of ultra nationalism are,
- no tourism money
- short term drawback by not brain draining other countries (this turns into a strength longterm because of regression to mean and destruction of social cohesion)
- possible trade embargos
- lack of understanding of other cultures since sheltering, that leads to aggression and an us against them mentality (think of an iron curtain)
- possible deification of political rulers
3) Im definitely a libertarian, with no forced inclusion and diversity incentives. People will naturally self-segregate, its in our nature.
Im just a proponent of states being allowed to be proud of their people and their heritage and not being forced and guilt beaten to accept something unnatural
It isnt, read studies on diversity and social cohesion, and the wellbeing and subsequent lowering of wealth of a nation

Even most liberal studies came up with this conclusion

>tfw too intelligent to not be a nationalist

My God. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried: the alt-right is afraid of intelligence.
Who knew that a bunch of macho retards would be scared of people who can actually use their brain to create a living and attract a decent wife?


I don't know there's only been 2 episodes, probably because kikes love to stir shit.

Side note, they started a subplot about him trolling Denmark, if you feel like watching it

>tfw too intelligent to be Australian

feels good man

"Enforcing" nationalism and culture is pointless. It's just manchild egocentrism that contributes nothing to the real world. The greatest nation on earth was never nationalistic.

Difference between nationalism and home ownership is that I don't imagine that I have any special connection to other people who happen to own a house in my general area, but nationalists like to play pretend that people who happen to be born in the same geographic region as them have anything in common with them beyond culture, which is arbitrary and made up.

And yet too stupid to make a good bait thread.


Great links man, thank you!

"There is no universally agreed definition of social cohesion."
In other words, the conclusions reached are incredibly weak because "social cohesion" is a loaded term used more for propaganda purposes than because it has any objective meaning.

"The empirical evidence from the US suggests a negative relationship between diversity and cohesion. The evidence from the UK and rest of Europe is more mixed. Results differ depending on the indicators used."
In other words, in general diversity is not a good thing or a bad thing, it is just a thing which sufficiently capable people can adapt to and deal with. The US can't cope with it because the US is a dysfunctional pariah state, which shouldn't be news to anyone.

Seems like your talking about civic nationalism, which is indeed retarded

Fair enough mate, thanks

>corporate bodies are a mass delusion
>McDonalds is a mass delusion
>Islam is a mass delusion
>The government of Finland is a mass delusion
Religion may be a delusion, but it does provide a certain measure of collective bargaining power to its adopters. Nationalism, the idea that the citizen has a share in the direction his nation goes, also gives the plebs a voice, but without the ideological baggage. This can be proven by anybody who seeks to investigate it, because a) the nation is real, b) citizenship is real, and c) what the citizens do with themselves goes a long way toward determining what path their nation would take.

Should nationalism ideally be racial ? So does nationalism mean not letting people in, despite them might contribute equally to the country ? Despite them liking the country so much that they won't be like 'another culture' ?

>But communism is opposite to nationalism.
>He still thinks North Korea is communist
They are modern day monarchy and nationalism is a big focus in state propaganda.

>It has also been described as a form of Korean ethnic nationalism, but one which promotes the Kim family as the saviours of the "Korean Race" and acting as a foundation of the subsequent personality cult surrounding them.[1][3][4]
>Throughout the 1990s, the North Korean regime became increasingly nationalistic – at least, in its official pronouncements – leading Kim Chonghun to state that "Socialism of our Style" was really "Socialism without Socialism".[81] Speeches and official announcements made references to socialism, but neither to Marxist–Leninist thought nor to any basic communist concepts.[82] Shin Gi-wook argues that "there is no trace of Marxist–Leninism or the Stalinist notion of nationhood [in North Korea]. Instead, Kim stresses the importance of the Korean people's blood, soul and national traits, echoing earlier Korean nationalists such as Sin Chaeho, Yi Kwangsu and Choe Namson. He no longer has any interest in applying Marxism–Leninism to the North Korean situation; indeed it is no longer useful for the country."[82]
Charles K. Armstrong says "North Korean Communism would not only be quite distinctive from the Soviet model, it would in some respects turn Marxism–Leninism upside-down."[83]

>It notes that the North Korean government is xenophobic and militaristic. It cites a report of a mob attack on Black Cuban diplomats and the forcing of female North Koreans to abort mixed children.[4][7] It says that the 2009 North Korean constitution omits all mention of Communism.[7]

Assuming we're 'all in this together' is the most idealistic naĂŻve shit you can pull jt
The fact is every other culture outside of western is conservative, ie 'masculine' men that wont give two shits about your 'intellectual' ideals of civility based from a point of abstraction, meaning we're doomed to be overrun with barbarians if we dont protect the ideal of a closed cultural society to begin with - all of your 'altruistic morals and ethics' will mean shit when our democratic demographics are controlled by foreign elements...

Tl;dr - if you were so smart, you wouldnt be willingly shilling progressive globalist propaganda

Intelligence is relative to knowledge. With out the knowledge intelligence is wasted. Garbage in garbage out. Garbage knowledge in garbage opinions out.
I would rather trust an unintelligent bloke speaking of what he knows. Than a intelligent bloke speaking of things he is ignorant of.

Please tell me when you think of London 20years back or london now.
What is more safe, where would you rather go spend a night in the street

I dont understand why you are deluding yourself

The effects in the UK are not as visible because UK is still 80% white not 60%.

When did I imply I was afraid of intelligence? When I say that intelligent people can't think 100% rationally I was trying to make the point that a person's IQ does not mean they're going to automatically have more legitimate political views than those with lower IQ's.

They are still vulnerable to groupthink bias just like anyone else, and often will use politics as a way of signaling that they too, are intelligent due to having the same opinions as other intelligent people.

The benefits of nationalism are long term and biological.

1) Your children grow up amongst their kind, with shared mindsets and shared experiences that bring them close together, even with strangers, in a fraternal way. This would reduce suicide rates and addictions to depressant and other drugs by strengthening social bonds.
2) Your children reproduce with people like themselves, avoiding hybrid depression and becoming biologically fine tuned to their geographical location.
3) Unifying ideologies under "what is best for the genetic lineage of the nation" simplifies politics in a sustainable and logical way, where ideas can be proven and disproven, and universally reconciled, while fraternal bonds and shared goals between politicians prevent obstructive tribal parties from forming.
4) Preservation of the nation. Nationalist ideas such as border control, restricting immigration, and designating first class citizens on racial grounds preserves the biological characteristics of the native race and the cultural characteristics of the nation, that have developed over time to naturally select the nations people for that environment, and ensures the lifespan of the nation. Think of the longest lasting civilizations? How many of them had a multicultural and multiracial society?

Drawbacks are mostly short term
1) Putting the nation first prevents certain economic strategies.
2) It is not globally inclusive, so harder to implement for natural humanitarians (white people).
3) There are more.

Can they be reconciled? Absolutely. Further examples of nationalistic states include South Korea (99% Korean) and Japan (99% Japanese), these are economically liberal states that don't scream to the average person "nationalism", but nonetheless, the focus of politics in these countries are the nation that almost solely inhabit them, making the de facto nationalists. They restrict immigration, and carefully control their borders, and are extremely successful.

To be honest he likely wasn't alive, 20 years ago.

>not intelligent enough to realize sovereign nations working together as a global organism is a better structure than the jewish one world government meme , the latter being unable to ensure local (let alone individual) perspective or freedom

you're a dumb cuck OP

>groups of muslims exist, therefore allah is real
>government exists, therefore there is an objective basis for their legitimacy
>nationalist groups exist, therefore the myth of "nations" as a thing is true

People make groups based on bullshit all the time, senpai.

Channel your inner Shockley, moron.

C'mon. Your Stanford-Binet is 106. You are about as clever as Monkey Obama, which is very good for a monkey.

Can't even get check them


London now, without a shadow of a doubt.

There is nothing inherently wrong with nationalism and there is nothing inherently wrong with globalism. Globalism could be good if everyone was civilised - but we don't live in a perfect world, so the version of globalism that we're getting right now is one that is planned to end Western Civilisation and cause the extinction of the white race. This is obviously unjust, so we ought to adopt nationalist principles to prevent this globalist plan from succeeding even while REMEMBERING who we REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is infinite and eternal) having an experience in a temporary human form. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
What we need is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually and collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY to begin with. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

"Think of the longest lasting civilizations? How many of them had a multicultural and multiracial society?"

Rome. So, to answer your question, 1.

Yes collectivist ideologies are not for intelligent people.

Dude, don't you realize that mixed race kids are most attractive as well as being healthier than non mixed race?

Look at how attractive the kardashian family is, don't you wanna have kids like that?

Mixed race = master race

It's a shithole because of the incompetent communist party which has absolute control of all sectors of the economy and public life. Not because of nationalism.

>too intelligent to consider Nationalism
Have you ever read Washington's Farewell speech?

Its like the Nationalists Manifesto right there.

Makes me really think what injustices i have accepted as a part of daily life
State for sure
What else
You aren't white are you

>3. can the two be meaningfully reconciled? how and on whose authority?

As long as the culture of the nation isn't degenerative you stuipid fuck.

Rome was fine while they made others Romans and died when they stopped wanting to be Roman and welcomed the barbaric cultures though.

Rome became extremely multicultural in the latter days of the empire. This was after it had already achieved its greatness. From then on forward it assumed a slow downward trajectory into irrelevance.


Good goy. Cultural and national identity are a myth. There is no such thing as one ethnic group being intellectually inferior or superior to another. Thats racism! Obviously blacks are physically stronger and faster than whites because they're superior to them. Open borders is the answer to all the world's problems. Israel needs to be protected with a strong military and borders to prevent another holocaust to happen solely because of antisemitism.

What about the various ethnicities that lived under the Chinese dynasties?

When Rome started to become very multicultural it fell. It pushed it's own culture "being Roman" , direct opposite of the retarded left cucks running around now

"tee hee i'm a citizen of the world i just went to taco kebab wearing skinny jeans and a fez going to go burn a flag now"

keep pushing above multiculti meme and see what happens

I've been spending years trying to figure out what liberals mean when say "diversity is a strength," and still haven't come to a conclusion.

>Assuming we're 'all in this together' is the most idealistic naĂŻve shit you can pull jt
If he is not a nationalist, he doesn't necessarily have that mentality. He might be an individualist who thinks nationalists have that collective mentality, on a smaller scale.

Anglo as fuck, senpai.

desu it was really nice 20 years ago. I didn't see any Arabs or niggers anywhere.

False. It's a personality cult.

Nirth Korea is an authoritarian communist country that rejects any western influence and capitalism.

You're a faggot.

>what is the notting hill carnival
>where is brixton
>where is finsbury park

Plenty of black, Arab and Muslim people in London 20 years ago.

Brainwashed or do you have a reason

And here you are, using your amazing intellect for shitposting

In a world where everyone is practising in-group preference, you will be wiped out if you do not also.

>this is what cucks tell themselves

What I meant by that is the generic 'all races all creeds working together' version of multicult, but you have a point

Because it's genuinely cleaner and safer on the streets these days. CCTV everywhere means people don't piss everywhere, mug people openly, generally act like barbarians in public spaces.

>too intelligent
>has glasses
why don't you see better if you so smart??

>Defending CCTV

Just compare the southern shithole with la or nyc. Compare the indie film/art scene, compare how people dress, etc etc. Your nation, is great, because of the liberal parts of the country. The conservative parts are like "everyone is shitty we have racial slurs for all of them we are great and superior, they are not." While the left were like, welcoming and actually trying to work with the whole world in creating a better environment for everyone. The right doesn't want peace, well they only want peace for themselves. That's not right. Everyone should want peace for everyone

Also Globalism can only work with shared values and culture.
Most of the world is full of barbarians and modern globalism is based around destroying western civilization for a shared barbarian culture. One which can be controlled by a certain group of people.

>jews practicing in-group preference
>muslims practicing in-group preference
>asians practicing in-group preference
>blacks practicing in-group preference

>whites pra-

>eastern country rejecting western influence is bad
>western country rejecting eastern influence is good
Everyone has the right to feel superior about themselves

Lol, wrong. A nation is its people, people are its nation. A strong people have a strong identity, and work together towards common goals. A confused people have no clear objectives and attack one another, supporting individuality over nation. A strong nation supports families and recognizes that the nuclear family is the basis for civilization and progress (not leftists bastardization of the word).

In a sense, nationalism is the ultimate redpill. It recognizes the sovereignty of your nation, as well as self determination of other western countries. Truly nationalism is the minimum essential requirement for having a constructive society that aims to build up ITS OWN people, and any other political agenda that works against nationalism is very likely treasonous

>TFW too intelligent to pay the denbts

shouldn't you be sharting in a mart?

The world will have only one shared values and culture, don't worry.

And it won't be western

good goy

Are you retarded?

Globalism favors the Aristocracy more than Nationalism ever could. It ensures that their wealth is fluid and unable to be taxed, and labor/resources can be selectively plucked from whatever nation they are cheapest/most plentiful.

There's a reason that during birth of globalization in the 70's all of the financiers and multinationals jumped on like flies to shit. All of the people pushing the EU, NAFTA, TPP, you name it are aristocrats. The EU itself was established as the successor to the EEC.

Declining crime statistics and social improvement don't lie, friend!

You're prolly about as intelligent as my left nut.

It was literally the same 20years ago, with no CCTV.
So as i thought, you just have no idea about the effect of "people" you are talking about

>the la and nyc are cool places to live because I saw them in movies meme

>tfw too intelligent to be a nationalist
Nationalism is based on emotion, not intelligence. Apparently you're not intelligent enough to realize that.


>Here we show that ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries as world population saturates.

>Intelligent enough to be brainwashed, not intelligent enough to see through the brainwashing

This is America's future, and the future of the West as a whole.

There will be no happening.

There will be no WW3.

There will be no great reversal of how things are currently headed.

It doesn't matter if Trump wins, or if FN wins, or AFD, UKIP, etc. The West is done for. Victories for these parties would just be minor bumps in the road that history is traversing.

We are basically where Rome was in 0-200 AD, enjoying the relative peace and prosperity of the world and unaware of the impending plunge into the Dark Ages which won't even occur in our lifetimes most likely.

By the time Rome "fell" in 476 nobody even cared that much because it had already lost its power long ago and nobody alive at that time had any memories of its greatness.

Once the modern West finally collapses as a civilization it will be met with a similar reaction. The decline will have been too gradual for anyone to notice.

reductio ad absurdam. Anything can be made to sound stupid if you take it to extremes

What possible goal can a nation have, other than the security, safety, and well-being of its constituents? (There is literally no other goal of governance, or a "people" as a mass unit. Outside of keeping ourselves comfy for as long as we can, there is nothing to do and there is nowhere to go, there is nothing to be and there is noone to know.)

Since everyone has the same basic goal, is there any real distinction between nations beyond an arbitrary flag and historical detritus?

Since the existence of out-groups which are severely impoverished means that desperate members of those groups have a strong incentive to go after what you've got, isn't there a strong imperative to raise the standards for everyone, so that in the long term they will be more likely to co-operate than compete with you or fight you?

If you walled up your nation and made sure nobody could get in, wouldn't the people within the nation immediately start competing with each other? Do you really think someone of your skin colour and culture has your best interests at heart just because they are superficially similar to you?

I also think it can be criticized from the other side, as in not being collectivistic enough. For example, a marxist might criticize 's viewpoint by saying that people can have common goals without nationalism and that it divides and is therefore detrimental to the working class.

Reminder that the East didn't fall into the Dark Ages.

Reminder that the same will happen again.

Then why did Murdoch etc. back Brexit?

Rome didn't have nukes.

>i'm posting from poland so i know more about london than the guy who is posting from london


A fucking leaf

Your southern cities are dead and boring and depressive.

Sup shill mudslime?

It doesn't have to do with intelligence at all. Some people just don't believe in tradition, or being tied to the place one was born. Some people feel citizens of the entire world, not being confined within some arbitrary borders made up by our ancestors (dead long ago after all).
Don't worry, there's a solution. Simple actually, and of medical nature, just empty a bottle of Brandy and implant a 9mm bullet inside your parietal lobe.

The Romans didn't have nukes, and the roman empire wasn't founded on a massive political con (petrodollar) like the US is. If you think the US would let the petrodollar system fail peacefully you're sorely mistaken.

Yea, it's crazy how it repeats itself. East is a backwater of "west" civilazation but when west plunges into darkness our light will be like sun blazing to the blackness of new dark age.

But also:

Yes. This time instead of the heart of the civilized world switching to the near east it will become centered in the Far East like China or East Asia in general.

Yeah... Keep going boyim

tfw to intellegent to meme

Nice reading comprehension.

Those who think of themselves as smarter than the rest are usually the dumbest.

There's a slim chance of WW3 happening but imo it would only be due to an accidental launch after a period of escalation. Possible but not probable.

MAD still applies and all the current nuclear powers even NK are rational so unless something really crazy happens the US is not going to fuck with any other nuclear power.

>says this without mentioning what political system he is in favor of

I remember hearing that above average people will delude themselves into believing utterly retarded shit to signal that they're capable of rationalising unintuitive things.

>tfw intelligent enough to have grown out of my libcuck phase in my teens
>tfw always several years ahead of my peers
>was an edgy atheist as a 10-13 year old when all my classmates were still going to church and believing in God, got in to arguments with them about why religion was stupid
>by the time high school comes around and everyone and his dog is an edgy atheist I've already moved on to bigger and better things. I realize that religion has its uses and there's worse things in this world than Christianity such as Islam
>all my classmates remember me as the original edgy atheist of the school and see me as some sort of intellectual authority

I was the same way.

Like what left-leaning policies. In what way will they not be Communist? How is increasing taxes to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor not some collectivist mindset straight from Lenin's playbook?

LOL, I'm so smart that I take everything the MSM tells me at face value!

I literally think this.

Why do you guys want to live with only your own kind ? I don't.


My culture is so shit, i want to adopt a new culture. i'm already a fan of some other culture. Should i be accepted ?

Collectivist ideologies outright kill you when you are alone.

Divide and conquer, m8.

North Korea has a problem with totalitarianism, not nationalism, congrats on proving that you're retarded.

Most NorKs know that their country is a shithole, they just feel powerless and are afraid of repercussions if they rebel.

Kill yourself.

This is for the accepting culture to decide if you are worthy.