Debates are in 3 days

Who /scared/ here?

There's no way this will go well for Trump.
>all mainstream media shilling for Hillary
>Democrat debate moderators for all of the debates
>Hillary will be given the benefit of the doubt on everything
>Trump makes ONE mistake and he'll get eternally shit on by the media

Please someone tell me it's gonna be okay. I'm honestly afraid to watch the debates.

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Fuck Trump and fuck all whites

Nigger mad

Trump has already learned all the ways to trigger a seizure in Hillary.

I am just waiting to what situation the mastermind will play his ace. Trump: "As a president, what would be your reaction to X" *trigger* Hillary: face witches, retarded maximum, eyes circling... Trump: "Hillary, you are fired." BOOM!

He should just keep being a savage, like in other debates.

Reddit milennials will moan about how Trump is just yelling insults and not saying anything of substance, but to 80% of watchers it doesn't really matter.

He should just talk about emails, pneumonia, benghazi, wall street speeches, saudi donators etc etc.

People will ignore policies and instead focus on how Hillary is a devil.

All Hillary can say is that Don is racist, xenophobic, sexist and stupid, which is what everyone heard 1000 times, noone gives a fuck.

>Democrat debate moderators for all of the debates

is this allowed?

Well bend over and I'll fuck you then, brown bottom.

Think about this:

>Months of fighting the shills on live TV.

>Several press conferences

>Rallies pretty much everyday

He has been preparing himself for this debate for more than a year now. He will outperform.


Google mad*

I wasn't aware of this either but on his interview with I think Fox and Friends, he says that all 3 moderators are democrats and that he doesn't expect a fair shake.

That's right. Time for attack.


Trump got in more reps with all the debates so far which were must tougher than the ones Hillary did. This is actually an easier debate than the primaries.


1. There are no chairs in the first debate, now confirmed.
2. There are no breaks in the first debate, now confirmed.

Trump just has to remain how he has been for the past two months: calm, respectful, not attacking, and focusing on policy. He's winning, so Hillary has to go on the offensive which will just destroy her.


That's gonna happen no matter what. Hillary could literally shart out her mouth while raving about Pepe and they'd say she won. Trump has no pressure; he already knows what the media's going to say.

It's the Democrats who should be terrified. Can you IMAGINE what would happen if Hillary has a medical incident? Has to sit down? Starts coughing and Trump calls her out on it? Or even has to end the debate early? Holy fuck it might be over.

>Hillary could literally shart out her mouth while raving about Pepe

KEK, let it be done!

Don't be scared. If the moderators don't lick Trump's asshole it will help his campaign and hurt their profits. Hillary is dead.

Nah brah.
Trump has this..
He played it perfectly.

No substantial policy presentations through out the primaries or pre-debate. Just bold statements and attitude. Intentionally get coverage a unstable, make media hype up how crazy you are.

Subvert all expectations in the debate.

I'd be willing to bet he is going to focus purely issues and put out easy to understand policies and solutions, with zero Hillary jabs. (Except the occasional counter punch.)

Throw in a from-the-heart remark along the lines of "I've been intentionally hyperbolic. I have to put on a show to get people to pay attention."

Trump 2016 guaranteed.

Also, we need someone to get into that debate and yell a random "PEPE!"

It will go on like literally everything else this year: Donald will speak and everything he says will be twisted in some way in hopes of pissing pff a demographic hillary needs.
Hillary will be lauded by the media as the obvious winner for nonjustifiable reason.
The media will ignore anything that makes her look bad.

Barring her falling down or spazzing out mid sentence it will be a massively viewed non event that has trump supporters doubting the media even less.

100% Cuban is a hillary surrogate who will yell out something to try to get a reaction out of donald and regardless of his response theyll paint him as an asshole for it.

Nigger no one wants Hillary,its all a meme by main stream media

Second if all she is going to drop dead at the debate

Kek wills it

At this point trump is untouchable and hillbot will hopefully die during the debat

Anyone else think Trump vs Bernie would have been a 1000x better election?

Hillary is as boring as a tub of mayo. Plus there'd be the whole "It's Cred Forums's canditate vs Reddit's candidate!" banter.

Won't that work in his favour though? If people see he's being unfairly treated they'll see him as more of an underdog and it'll help him win.

>Hillary could literally shart out her mouth while raving about Pepe
If the GET's power is in effect she might actually die during the debates.
Let's praise Kek for something to happen

>Democrat debate moderators
Lester Holt is a registered Republican.

No because Bernie would have had a steady 10-20% lead over Trump and it would have been over before the DNC.

It's a lie.

I'm actually glad Bernie got assfucked by his own party and abandoned his supporters with their shekels like the jew he is.
It got a lot of support on Trump's side and honestly Bernie had a much bigger following than Hillary. Plenty of Trump supporters now used to be Sanders shills who felt betrayed.
Not that I doubt Trump would be capable of stumping Bernie but Hillary is an easier, more obvious target, and poses less of a risk. If anything, the Dems should have invested on Bernie's popularity with teenage millenials instead of trusting Hillary to do the job.

well greatest ally, the GOOD news is that it's already been decided and Trump wins

Nobody watches the media, so who cares? Most people will be getting exposed to an unfiltered Trump for the first time. It's going to be one massive redpill dispenser. Expect this country to be in complete shock from the cognitive dissonance for at least a week. It will be like after 9/11, people will be questioning their purpose in life and wondering how they could be so blind for so long. Then by the week after, this entire country will be on the Trump train (except for the fringe lefty extremists).

Yeah, I'm aware that Bernie getting out helped Trump a lot due to his cult-like following.

I just think it'd have made for a more entertaining election, from the point of view of an outsider/shitposter.

Hillary isn't even able to debate.

Trump's Breitbart guy is clued up and will know how to advise Trump.

Hillary Clinton's advisors are a bunch of mentally ill trannies and dumb asians worried about cartoon frogs who are coaching her to talk like a fucking autist:

Look how the country reacted to Trump's appearance on Jimmy Fallon compared to how the media reacted. They are losing their grip on the narrative.