Why do millennial women adopt dogs instead of having children?

Why do millennial women adopt dogs instead of having children?

Dogs don't become trannies and fags

They get to feel something they don't have from dogs, Loyalty.

Dogs aren't by law forced to attend public schools, so basically they don't come home stupider every day of their life.

She likes dogs and she looks pretty cute...
WTF am I doing behind this PC all day....

Why don't mimenials want jobs?

Boomers not retiring.

Companies hiring Indians and Chinese for cheap labor.


i hate seeing this cunt with her soulless eyes


Why are you obsessed with this girl OP? And why do you post stupid "why do melennial girls do X" threads starring her on a daily basis?

Tbh it's kind of bizarre. She likes to cosplay and shit. So what? I'm sure she's slightly flawed in that "millennial" way, and is probably even liberal but she looks more normal than 90% of tumblr SJW out there.

If you weren't a fat slob with no social skills you could mold a girl like this into a nice conservative woman.

> why do girls like dog guys
Would you rather them be near nude and getting freaked by Tyrone at DA KLUB

why should i have to work my ass off just to get fucked over with taxes that support the destruction of my people?

They want to get knotted.

Dogs don't betray you.

Because they're bitches. Literally.

Because they have been taught that men are evil, sex with white men is rape, and motherhood is slavery. Also, it allows them to avoid their responsibilities and have an easier life free of having to contribute to their race's survival. Basically, brainwashing.

people like this are pathetic. I know too many. They live alone and they continually adopt dogs and cats and pretend that it is the same as having a family. They probably post on Facebook about being "introverts" or "social anxiety problems" in between selfies with their animals. They can never leave their house because they have to always be around to let the dogs out. In spite of this they brag about the freedom of their "commitment-free" life

How does such cute girl turn into such a waste? Its honestly sad.

> it's pathetic to stay at home all day and have depression and just hang out with your dog

This is what 90% of the men on Cred Forums do, but somehow because it's a female doing it it is different?

Again, what the fuck do you want? From what I've seen of this girl, she isn't race mixing with her girlfriends at da club, posting twerking videos online, or binge watching keeping up with the kardashians.

She likes cosplaying. She's kind of cute and she knows it, so she enjoys selfies. You're probably right, she seems depressed and introverted.

But again, that's EVERY GUY ON THIS BOARD

Because kids are shit.

>Why do millennial women adopt dogs instead of having children?
Men and women have been adopting dogs and cats for like a hundred years, how underage are you exactly?

Wait, everyone on Cred Forums is a cosplayer now?

older generations are waiting longer to retire
companys are able to bring in cheap labour (indians and chinese) for entry level jobs, even in financial and tech sectors
Manufactoring is gone, plenty of jobs have become either non existant or automated.
University has become a mandatory 3 extra years of highschool for anyone who hasn't picked up a trade

These 4 things mean 1 thing for millennials, there aren't enough jobs to go around, not even close..

Dogs are a degenerate waste of resources. They used to serve a utility in human society, now they just fill the void left by postmodern malaise and broken relationships.

>complain they could never have kids because 'muh freedom' and 'muh money'
>get dogs and spend more than I spend on my kids with vet bills and dog sitters
> can no longer go anywhere for more than 2hrs because dog is shredding their shitty apartment and shitting on their yoga mats

Is girls like this really the issue???At least she knows better not to post her booty online like 90% of social media millennial whores

I do. But I'm not gonna get a job when I'm gonna move away in 5 days.