So if iq is purely genetic and the reason races are better than others, how do you explain the flynn effect?

so if iq is purely genetic and the reason races are better than others, how do you explain the flynn effect?

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how do you explain australian abos?

>how do you explain the flynn effect?
How does the Flynn effect have anything to do with disparities in intelligence in studies that account for environment?

It's not purely genetic. However it is a major factor in what determines someone's IQ.

>purely genetic
Also it's clearly not. Many skills of basic reasoning have at least as much to do with childhood development as genetics.

How do you explain Australians?

>owning the mechanical jew

it's ~70/30 genetics/environment

Hasn't the Flynn effect literally been reversing recently?

>if IQ is purely genetic
Few say this. Most say it's mostly genetic with an environmental component.
Environment probably accounts for some of the disparity but not all of it.
The flynn effect is mainly getting enough to eat.
So yes, if you include not almost starving to death as an environmental component you can say it's mainly environmental.
Abbo's are pretty much the exaggerated difference needed for me to really ditch the whole "races are the same" nonsense.

In what terms? That if you have 100 IQ points, 70 are a result of your genetics and 30 your environment? That's asinine.

Poor environments (high stress, malnourishment, lack of social interaction, etc.) can be hugely detrimental to reasoning skills, much more so than genetics attributing positively to them.

It's artificial because IQ test material gets mainstream more often than not.
We are actually getting dumber.

We don't notice it because we're getting more specialized.

I clicked on this thread because I thought he was going to poo on the baby

>high stress, lack of social interaction
So South Koreans and Japs? The highest IQ's in the world?
Of course starving to death will fuck anyone.
But you can't make a genius out of any baby.

Where all the high sub-Saharan African IQs? Food is now not a concern with aid hence the population explosion. There are plenty of chances for social interaction. I would argue that since food isn't an issue stress is also reduced.

It's not "genetic", it's only the environment but that includes parents. Dumb parents of any race will make dumb children that won't be able to be stimulated by them.

IQ is just one very imperfect metric too.

>So South Koreans and Japs?
High degree of parental engagement as opposed to low. Japs have a ton of social interaction, they're the most "hivemind" oriented culture I've ever encountered, they literally teach their children to try to have no negative impact on others above all.

>you can't make a genius out of any baby
You also can't "make" geniuses in that sense at all. You can increase cognitive reasoning with interaction, education, and positive reinforcement, but extremely high examples of intelligence are by their very definition anomalies.

>Food is now not a concern with aid
nice meme

>It's not "genetic", it's only the environment
This has been proven over and over not to be true. Different races are predisposed to different levels of cognitive ability.

>it's only the environment
go back to plebbit this "its your enviroment" shit has been disproven for years here

I went to state schools only. Working class.
138 / 133 IQ

Dna test:
5% french/german.
1% scandi.
94% brit.

Underage or just really bad reading comprehension/abstract reasoning skills?

>Cred Forums is a reliable source
as you can see with all the holocaust denial

Oh yeah, and I was very skinny growing up because we didn't have enough food.
Yet I was still the smartest kid in my school.

Plz explain?

IQ is genetic. No matter how much the kikes and sjw's try to tell you it isnt.
The fact that someone like me with a single mother parent and only state schooling (like everyone else) coming out smarter than everyone else proves it.

Explain the population explosion and underestimating it by 1 billion? Obviously food I very much less of an issue it's not a meme.

Nice sources you got there.
Environmental causes of intelligence is fucking self-evident. Intelligent parents make intelligent children, dumb parents, dumb children.

>making a statement about comparative data with percentages
He's trying to make a value statement about attribution of intelligence to nature/nurture without knowing anything about how IQ is even defined. You can attribute relatively high or low IQ scores to individual stimuli only by isolating them with a control, which is pretty complicated.

And obviously if poor environment can be demonstrated to affect scores vastly more in the negative direction than good environment in the positive (most certainly true), it becomes obvious that the aspect of environment is more important than genetics.

That doesn't mean that the cap or achievable level of cognitive ability isn't different for individuals and on average isn't different for populations of different genetic backgrounds, but if everyone eats paint chips as a kid everyone ends up being retarded.

It's not purely genetic. Iq has a heritability of. 4-.8.

The Flynn effect isnt happening in Africa or the Caribbean.


>Genetic cause

>There are several pieces of evidence suggesting the possibility of a genetic cause.

>Kanazawa (2008) writes that cold climate and harsh winters (the study uses mean annual temperature) as well as environment novelty (the study uses three different measures of distance from the ancestral environment in sub-Saharan Africa: ordinary distance and differences in latitudes and longitudes) have been proposed as important factors behind the genetic evolution of human intelligence. The study found independent support for both theories and argues that they together explain half to two-thirds of the variance in national IQ.[65]

>A study conducted in South Africa has shown evolutionary-ethnic background is a more important predictor than SES.[21] However, it can reflect environmental and cultural differences not covered by SES environmental and cultural differences.

>Another study found that the impact of living conditions is of a much smaller magnitude than is suggested by just looking at correlations between average IQ scores and socioeconomic indicators. The study has found that after controlling for the test-takers' region of ancestry, the impact of parasitic diseases on average IQ is found to be statistically insignificant when test results from the Caribbean are included in the analysis. The author concludes that "differences in average IQ across world regions may change in the years ahead insofar as the strength of Flynn effects may not be uniform, but some regional differences in average g levels seem likely to continue indefinitely."[66]

Using the GWAS method, several SNPs for intelligence have been found. A study found the average frequency and the factor score of nine GWAS hits are strongly correlated to country IQ (r = 0.91).[67] However, this study employs a novel method that needs to be validated by further research.

There's so much evidence to suggest high degrees of average cognitive ability it's almost indisputable, though equality of environment and education can certainly narrow the gap.

The question is "does it matter?" and "do you treat people differently because of it?", and from a policy standpoint the answer is typically no.

Based on what exactly?

Lol It means biology determines your potential iq somewhat, and your environment can either facilitate your potential or fuck it up.

Correlation doesn't imply causation. It has to be said.

The article is absurd because races simply don't exist aside from very minor difference that mostly exist in a continuum. For every metric that you take, you can see that a lot of "variations" are shared by all the population, and only 5 to 15% is exclusive to one race.

Genetics play a role, but it's not clear cut in "races". It's more between clines, and it's not irreversible.

i clicked it to say this

>Explain the population explosion
Some of it is due to western aid, especially with regard to disease.

A tremendous aspect is economic growth, which has been occurring naturally due mostly to demand for natural resources.

I totally agree with that statement, but that by definition makes probability a stupid way of expressing it.

>Correlation doesn't imply causation
Of course not, and of course races are gradient. That doesn't mean that genetic predisposition to intelligence doesn't exist, and that geographic and racial makeup doesn't play a part.
>it's not irreversible
Research into continued evolution would suggest that populations exposed to technology and a high degree of use of written language and mathematics are seeing advances in average intelligence at a faster pace than those who don't (i.e. third world countries), so in a way the gap may only be getting wider.

When i see that picture i always have urge to post this pic.