Why don't you support Basic Income and Medicare for All?

Why don't you support Basic Income and Medicare for All?

Because I work for a living

Because I dont believe in supporting people who either don't/wont work and/or hate White people. "Workfare"? Sure.

Because people aren't entitled to shit just for being alive.

The only people, I repeat, THE ONLY PEOPLE who should be given money and healthcare using taxes are the mentally and physically disabled & veterans. That's it. No exceptions.

Alright, how disabled would I have to get?

Pic related

Not that guy but I would have to imagine it to be some Arnie grape level shit.

40% minimum and it can't be cause by self inflicted BS (unless it can be proven before hand that the person has had a mental illness)

>Why don't you support Basic Income and Medicare for All?
I do but only with a reform to the monetary policy.
Otherwise you are just chasing your tail paying it with taxes.

Some would say that poverty is a disabling condition.

I am highly interested in Basic Income and think it needs a lot of study and trial.

I support Medicare for all unequivocally. Next to Climate Change it's perhaps the most important societal problem we need to tackle.

I work for a living by the way.

I have a brother who is retarded but has a car and a job.

And those people are wrong

You'd have to be pretty mentally ill to do this in the first place though right? Actually, isn't work aversion a mental illness kind of?


some people also would say that treyvon martin dindu nuffin
some people are stupid

fucking this.

It's not confirmed as one officially even though a person with it usually has a mixture of mental illnesses to begin with.

Basic Income could potentially be a good idea, however for it to work you have to get rid of all other forms of welfare. That includes healthcare.

But if we c an give people money and healthcare due to the massive wealth of society. Why should we not?

cause it's cheaper if you allow private companies to compete

Basic Income only works when all the low wage jobs have disappeared through mechanisation.

Friendly reminder that if you don't believe that health care is a universal human right, then you have the personality of a pussy fart.

>however for it to work you have to get rid of all other forms of welfare

because its a bad world out there and you gotta be willing to take it on

Because a sizable portion of the population can't even be trusted to flush a public toilet for themselves. There's no way these people are going to contribute to keeping society working if they don't have to earn their keep. These kind of programs are only going to work in a culture where more people are concerned with the public good.

I support basic income ONLY for those who have a legitimate (read: not faggot studies, bitch studies, or nigger studies) degree from a university. College graduates are massively more capable of contributing to society through means that don't make lots of money, like art, writing, and social support.

I do not support gibs for spics, white trash, and niggers. if you can't demonstrate high intelligence, you should be placed in a manual labor position like construction, waste management, or manufacturing or just starve in the street.

People have to add value to society. If basic income helps people relax, write books, make music, start small families, get education, start businesses, etc then i'm all for it. if it just spreads more nigger apes all over the place, I'm against it.

Lando Calrissian was a traitorous, backstabbing nigger who sold his best friend down the river to face certain death, all so he could continue his mining operations on Bespin. He then made a feeble attempt to redeem himself, presumably after the empire went back on their deal, by noggin his way into Jabba's palace and completely bungling Han's rescue operation that had been so carefully laid out by Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and the rebel alliance, nearly getting everyone killed in the process. Fuck you, OP. Fuck Nigger D Williams. The wrong side one.

Basic income? It would theoretically be a step in the right direction (cheaper, less bureaucratic, more fair), but it's not an ideal situation and once we implement it we will never be able to take it back.

Medicare for all? Hell no. Government run healthcare takes away a lot of liberty. People can buy healthcare with their basic income in this scenario.

Because I know I have to work to afford shit.

yeah that happened a long time ago.

Not so friendly remainder that you should pay for that universal human right for everyone by yourself.

It's a great idea and needs to happen.

All we have to do is decrease the overbloated military and spy agency budgets to pay for it.

>inb4 but we will be attacked! Muh terrorism
No we have nukes and we can deport muslims.

It would also increase consumer spending and help the economy.

>Why don't you support Basic Income and Medicare for All?
Places an astronomical burden on the working class that are already poor to begin with.

Yeah, I think that. I think housing is a right too. But giving people everything they need also causes problems. The costs are out of control right now and that's a huge burden on the workers. And it makes more people just checkout of society. And possibly become degenerates (and make extra cash with prostitution and crime, etc). There are underlying reasons for this, and they HAVE to be addressed. Liberals deny all the problems and they profit from the chaos it causes.

Maybe just making them work outdoors a few days a week would be enough. Not hard labor, just some exercise and make some connections, and find opportunities for other work, etc.

When you pay people for nothing society begins to fall apart.

>basic income ONLY for those who have a legitimate degree from a university

So people would basically pay off their student loan by doing nothing after graduating. You say that only intelligent people should get welfare but at the same time your idea would massively degrade the value of an university degree.

yeah, no

The entire point of the concept is you cut out all forms of government bureaucracy associated with traditional welfare, and just send people the money unconditionally. It ends up saving money because there is no longer a wasteful army of government employees, and people end up getting more money too. By keeping separate government healthcare aid, it undermines the entire point.

Because all it does then is create a society of entitled children. It creates a society of people who don't want to progress other then socially, you can see this now in todays society. Obamas entire presidency has been overshadowed by social problems. Money and attention to social problems and as we can see the "progressives" are regressive so the problems will never leave. Things like NASA and space development are left behind for bs social things and free money and other shit would just enable this

I support a right to work law.
The government will give you a job at minimum wage if you need one.
You can drop it anytime when you find a better one.
Then get rid of any other kind of government welfare.
>NEET delusions

Why don't you support yourself?

A DNC staffer?

>Reddit: Like, if I, like, had basic income I could, like, be an artist.

I'm not giving my tax money after paying for my own masters and making a career for myself so some liberal faggot can finger paint vaginas.

>The entire point of the concept is you cut out all forms of government bureaucracy associated with traditional welfare, and just send people the money unconditionally.
Isn't the point to distribute purchasing power to the people to grow the economy raising the standard of living and freeing the nation from all money being bank debt?

And other lies FOX news tells you.

Because I refuse to subsidize failure.

I am for this for people who need a job but not free money for people who do nothing (except for who I said under set conditions earlier)

get a job google

"free basic income" wouldn't work unless everything becomes automated. People get paid for existing they have no incentive to work. No one works, nothing gets done.

Cash alone doesn't stabilize a person. That's why there is low income housing, senior housing, mental health housing, and so on. These services are still needed. Basic income plus those services would take us a long way toward cutting poverty and boosting the economy.

This only the disabled get euthanized.

Basic income wouldn't be that bad, if implemented correctly.
But maybe rather than "income", in my realization of this idea, it should be limited non-refundable allowance, i.e. in form that you can't save and can use only to buy some limited set of products. It would prevent people from buying TVs, cars and other luxuries. At the same time it should be billed instantly and somehow controlled, to avoid the alleged case of accepting food stamps in US by store owners, to buy other products, later just using them for other clients.

As for medicare/public health care, government should provide loans without interest rate nor fee for people in need of medical care, maybe with some laws forcing people into becoming organ donors in case of death.

Post-Jedi, Reformed Lando would never support the inevitable jurisdictional bankruptcy of such policies. Empire Lando, well, that's another story.

Because not all lives are valuable

>"free basic income" wouldn't work unless everything becomes automated. People get paid for existing they have no incentive to work. No one works, nothing gets done.

Do you think that with a basic income jobs no longer pay wages?

What if you wanted something that was out of the price reach of your basic income? Wouldn't you need to earn money to buy that? Isn't wanting more incentive enough? People work terrible jobs in all sorts of industry because the pay is high. People don't drill oil wells for fun, they do it so they can by RVs, vacation property, huge TVs, steak for dinner every night.


You'd essentially be giving everyone capital. You'd be vesting them with resources so that they finally would be able to become productive. If the poor aren't productive, it's because they don't have the means to be.

I'd rather the government invest in people than invest in crooked corporations who horde their wealth offshore.

>Why don't you support Basic Income and Medicare for All?
Because it's fucking stupid and destined to collapse.

So is stupidity. Case in point: You

Oh look. Nothing but baseless personal insults.

As opposed to MSNBC and CNN?

And how are you going to afford the trillions a year basic income will cost?

Friendly reminder that if you do believe that, you are objectively wrong, and it doesn't matter what your personality is. It is NOT a human right, period.

You can do that by lowering taxes

Ok but what about the people who have house and family, lose their job and can't find a new one for whatever reasons. You're basically pushing them into poverty for having bad luck. That's madness.

Faggot where you work? Learn economics and see why your ideas suck. Faggot piece of shit.

Rudyard Kipling, actually. And he was right.

Those programs and services don't stabilize anyone, they are traps that keep the people who use them perpetually stuck at poverty levels and completely depended on government handouts. They also cost more in bureaucracy than anybody actually gets out of it, its horrifically wasteful. All of the money spend in these things would be put to much better use if it was just evenly distributed to everyone.

>You can do that by lowering taxes
So your argument is something like you wouldn't be so poor if you got to keep more of your minimum wage?

And how does lowering taxes distribute purchasing power to the people? As productivity raises and automation raises, how can you get the PP into the hands of the people when less and less of them have a productive job to do?


Don't be so dramatic, it would only cost $235 billion to give everyone SSI.

Because I work for a living

people shouldn't have student loan either. College admission should be based on #1 personal ability (professors select the students they see potential in) and #2 the number of participants needed in a field. Then this education should be publicly funded so that people can get educated and add the value of that education to the world.

if you think that the value of education is that it makes dollars go to your wallet and then you spend those dollars, you're a fucking retard. education uplevels the way that people think and drives culture, art, society, morality, and progress in general. For the few, elite liberal arts grads that the system would produce, paying them to follow their intuition would have a much bigger benefit to society than forcing them to get jobs in marketing or whatever.

Being housed, fed, and clothed when you are otherwise unable to care for yourself is a 'trap.' Let's give these people the freedom to be homeless and starving. Gotcha.

>Don't be so dramatic, it would only cost $235 billion to give everyone SSI.
Let's see...

324,550,000 x $15,000 = $4,868,250,000,000 per year.

That's 4.8 TRILLION a year. Not "235 billion" as you claim.

>Basic Income

WTF is this?

I do but only when we remove blacks from this country

National SOCIALISM is the light.

Fuck all you posers saying you're NatSoc but not supporting BMI or Single Payer


i do. we already subsidize everything from prenatal care to graduate/professional school, so why not give everyone a little mullah to do whatever the fuck They :choose

Only if you have strict immigration and welfare controls. Basic Income is working welfare, you get it and you can still work.

Not citizen, no benefits.

>You're basically pushing them into poverty
Such limitations would obviously only apply to subsidized funds.
Actually, I think this kind of basic income, could be extended to "subsidizing income to minimum level", with all money provided by government exceeding this limit (e.g. you make $500, the basic income level is $1000, you get $500 spendable from government) be shifted to being only tax-deductible (for you) or given to employer, to rise employee's income to $1000.

Because I understand basic economics.

Who's paying for it, commie?

If we got rid of all welfare programs and switched to a full UBI system, every adult in the country would be getting more than a full time minimum wage level income. That's how much is being wasted by current welfare programs.


People need to understand how much we pay fucking NIGGERS at the DMV or DHS or WHATEVER to do all this shit, all the fucking beuracracy, all of it. It's a massive waste of money, but the waste isnt on the money GIVEN to the people, its the million useless government jobs, government contracts that don't work or get exploited.

Honestly I'd be okay with every person in the country just getting say 100 or 200 a month food stamps, no fucking long process needed to apply just simple, and end the SNAP program entirely.

My only issue with this is black people, Cascadia White Socialist Ethno-State when?

being fat is a disabling condition but the difference is that you can make yourself skinny is you have to.

Because minimum wage covers all the costs of living. And then get rid of all the infrastructure that actually serves people. Put thousands of firms out of business and lay off hundreds of thousands of government employees whole you're at it. Great. Great plan, chief.

Why stop at food stamps? Every single program has the same waste, get rid of it all.

I guess BMI would be fine flat out, i just think making it only usable on food would be a good idea personally.

Though to be QUITE honest with you senpai, blacks would probably spend the money on drugs or other things and starve to death because they can't manage money.

Might actually make things better.

I do support it, but I don't think many of the other people supporting it understand what a revolution in the way we live will be necessary for it to be implemented.

It won't just be "everything will be the same except you'll get free money".

Things will change. Really change. Most businesses will shut down. A lot of things will become very expensive. A lot of people who think they will see many benefits from a redistribution of wealth will suddenly find themselves much poorer than they were.

Who will scrub the toilets at Wal-mart? Nobody.

'food stamp waste?' You really fall for that meme?

We give billions of handouts to corporations and you're worried about some guy trading a few microwave burritos for some beer?

A strong middle class will provide enough productive jobs, don't worry.

>professors select the students they see potential in
Massive corruption incoming. Are you out of your mind, son?

>Such limitations would obviously only apply to subsidized funds.

>Actually, I think this kind of basic income
First you need to get rid of low wage jobs otherwise people just take a part-time job and get their basic income on top.

Guess what, if for some reason you can't live on ~$15k-20k a year, you are entirely free to get a job and work for additional income under a UBI system. This is the core problem with current welfare systems, aside from the waste, they incentivize people to stop working and leech off government handouts.

>Who will scrub the toilets at Wal-mart? Nobody.

Wait, so then things won't be so different after all.

You fail to understand the problem. The issue is not people using food stamps for things they are not supposed to, the issue is more money is spent on administrative costs and bureaucracy than goes to actually helping people.

The problem with basic income is that we need it before mass automation, but people aren't willing to accept basic income without mass automation and they won't accept mass automation without basic income for current workers to fall back on.

>We give billions of handouts to corporations
in the form of food stamps you stupid cunt. Jesus Christ I am done with Cred Forums. FUCKIONG SHIT.

Hey guess what,
1. $20k a year isn't going to cover social services, that's maybe enough to cover housing, car, insurance, not even enough for food clothes and other purchases,
2. If social services don't exist, then there won't BE social services

Basic income doesn't replace health and human services. You still need medical insurance. You still need referrals.

>Be Microsoft employee
>Take my food stamps to Microsoft food stamp court and buy sushi, caviar, and champagne

Feels good to get corporate food stamps.

Because my aspiration is not to be NEET and I refuse to enable NEETs. I will do everything in my power to make sure being a NEET is as difficult as possible.

What part of
Do you not understand?

You don't seem to understand that there are things that you can't pay for with wages.

Brain surgery, for example.

because it costs too much and we're already in debt due to social programs anyways. Do you even math you fucking liberal imbecile?