This guy is paying people to shitpost IRL

The founder of Oculus Rift is paying people to shitpost IRL - has this been discussed on Cred Forums yet? He's talking about Pepes and meme magic...

Other urls found in this thread:

Where is my check?

He looks like Twin Peaks FBI man still-suit guy.

Bumping, thought it was pretty interesting


This, where do I fucking get paid, I've been doing it FOR FREE

oi nvm some faggy reddit shit

Yeah seriously, I need to know.

Makes me consider getting one of those things that I'll probably only use once.

fucking liar better put his money where his mouth is.

I bet he doesn't pay for Taytay shitpost

false flag

now liberals can claim we are paid by him

Where are my money. BITCH!
t. Pol

But i do it for free

If this is true, have you seen one meme from him posted anywhere?
He hasn't made a PAC, for tax purposes alone, he's got no financial sense. Man who is obscenely rich usually has accountants and staff that would do this, yet he hasn't? Smelling more like lies.
Now we have someone, who works at a company who is trying to censor the internet from any opinion they don't like, dumping money in the most fiscally irresponsible way, to the candidate that says mean things. He's doing this to create memes that no one has ever seen.

The whole story doesn't make any sense and anyone who believes it should be hit with a bat until they gain a tiny bit of common sense.

3 threads just like this, potato Google

>has this been discussed?

>everyone wonders how to stop Cred Forums from influencing world politics
>just trick them with money

Literally niggers.

Proof? What kind of journalist needs proof?

Just because OP keeps making the same thread, user posted this in another thread OP made and I found it interesting.

>Since nobody fucking else looked into it:

It turns out that organization has existed for less than a week, and the other day they posted to /r/the_donald demanding money/donations and tried taking credit for everything reddit and Cred Forums has done to promote Trump, down to fucking pepe memes.

I'm just making an info dump to BTFO OP any time he posts this bull shit. Sagegoesinallfields

They told him to fuck off, media shills saw it and spun the story to mean that we've been funded for the entire election by an organization that has existed for LESS THAN A FUCKING WEEK.

It's completely bullshit, but normies will eat it up.

I'm actually not the same guy that posted the other thread. However I do agree with most of your points and now think the story is most likely BS. Just thought it looked like a cool story and wanted to believe it because some Pepe billboards would be pretty funny.

His 'organization' is a week old. He's a false flag faggot.

Then why make more threads, saying the same thing, over and over and over and over and over again?
You are the same guy.

It's cool, I will just cock block every thread you make with wit and class trying to spread these lies. Actually collecting evidence to start emailing these "journalists" for making up stories and posting them with no facts.

Someone needs to tell them that the general public isn't as stupid as they perceive.

Is there a gloryhole edit of this gif?

This guy & Milo were Nimble America and bot manufactured and shilled the Nazi Pepe meme shit. Milo's '''''''''''''''''''journalistic integrity'''''''''''''' Is in serious question if not dead

As I lack the autism and shill power to create a hundred spam threads faggots will ignore this

It was dead the moment he signed up with Breitbart

The reddit asspain is phenomenal:


thats an outright lie. They want to discredit the massive and actual GRASSROOTS support for trump by claiming it was all a paid effort.

probably because they realize CTR is just a bunch of unfunny and disingenuous retards attempting to propagate.


Pretending to objectively cover the Pepe alt- right phenomenon while being involved in an organization with a facebook billionaire who is funding the Pepe shit seems sort of unethical to me

>/pol always said it was hillary that is paying for shitposting
>ends up its an alt-right brony for trump

>people here actually did it for FREE all the time

wtf i thought we are all in this?

>A major news organization has now used the word 'shitposting' in one of its articles

What a time to be alive

Fucking false flag no proof

>all bronies were these loud obnoxious sjw types fighting to "challenge gender roles" and to "change the definition of masculinity"
>seems like all the bronies are supporting trump

what happened?

No shit. Who do you think has been funding the 24/7 Trump General/CFG threads for over a year.

Most of you idiots do it for free because you're too stupid to see when you're being used by viral marketers,

>media trying to claim that all of the massive alt-right support on the internet is becuase somebody bought shills
>they are literally accusing the alt-right of what hillary is doing
>trying to make it so when people talk to us online, they think we are shills

you fuckin idiots.


nah it's just a false flag to make it seem like there aren't ACTUAL people with these opinions.

>who's funding the generals

Come the fuck on you faggot. we have multiple boards dedicated to generals because Cred Forums autism knows no bounds. Maybe consider that some rich, influential people grew up on here and are using their powers combined with their knowledge of shitposting.

You're a fucking newfag and you are implying Cred Forums wouldn't have leaned right if it weren't for some Cred Forums sperg. holy shit

This is bullshit! All that faggot has done is put up a billboard, big deal.

That cunt hasn't paid us, it's all bullshit.

pepe is not funded lol

I have been a Trump General OP before.

You are simply wrong. I know it's hard for nihilists to understand that someone could actual WANT SOMETHING to happen.

this. They're trying to accuse us of being Trump's CTR.

>guy says he's been paying people to shitpost
For what purpose?

shills are trying to make us resentful that we don't get 'paid to shitpost'

they're trying to make us feel wronged

they want us to revolt.

>dat ID

because. They want to be able to write off everything we say as being Trump's CTR.

And to sew dissent among us. As you are doing right now. Resentment that we don't 'get paid'

There's nobody paying the alt right to shitpost on Cred Forums.

>because. They want to be able to write off everything we say as being Trump's CTR.
But who is making this guy lie user? Why would he do that?

false flag

We need to counter meme this shit like we do with /CFG. He's trying to make us look like we're CTR. This is a classic PSYOP COINT method. This is a challenge to silence us.

NO U has been the democrat's go-to argument for the last 6 months, its shockingly hopeless

imagine if you were some sort of (((political campaign specialist))) with 30 years experience in propaganda, when suddenly all the rules changed, and your opponent was lightyears ahead, leaving you flailing to justify your paycheck by resorting to tit-for-tat

Ignore these threads this is a CRT raid no dissent against one of us allowed. We will not make america great again and usher in the age of kek if when we get help we call out as them shills

>mfw I do it 4 free

all in the name of KEK

what a retard.

Something you should know, this guy specifically wanted to put memes on billboards. Anti-hillary & pro trump things.

No intention for any type of "trump ctr"

Somwhere along the way, words got twisted and he said he and his group wanted to pay to promote memes or something.

Classic counter intelligence. If you appear paid for, your basically loose your voice because your opinions are paid for. CTR basically.

Most of us have been on the payroll for months. I don't really believe anything I post.

he works for facebook

what are you talking about?

you don't think anyone at facebook have any vested interest in defeating the right wing?

have you not been paying attention?

it's more for independents.

probably a vanity project, to show how "influential" he is

>bus driving up a hill
>run behind it and push for a second
>"did everyone see me push that bus up the hill? buy my book!"

When do I get fucking paid then

>you don't think anyone at facebook have any vested interest in defeating the right wing?
Why wouldn't million/billionaires not want the right wing to win?

Ware muh monay Google?!?

what a (((coincidence)))

which, again

he hasn't even done that

so what did it cost him? Oh, it costed him a few words to some reporters. Facebook shuts down conservative news stories. This is a false flag. and obviously one.


Yes, exactly.
This is a way for the establishment to say we are all paid trolls, and not a grass roots movement. And make us question each other's motives for Trump posting.

This is cointel-pro.

I never wanted money to thread bump for trump.
I'd still do it for free even if I was offered money.
Making America Great Again is its own reward.

for many reasons.

I don't need to explain them to you. Literally if you don't know that already then you haven't been paying attention in news. Facebook, specifically, gains more power from left wing authoritarians giving them massive tax breaks and such, and facebook in turn censors right wing media.

There was just a lawsuit about this.

This is really misleading. He's not paying people to shitpost and troll like CTR, he's donating to a PAC that claims to "shitpost IRL" by printing le funny meme t-shirts and stuff.


it's too obvious

i mean, a facebook official? come on. Facebook has been sued for stifling right wing voices.

and you don't see a news article reporting on every left wing billionaire who is funding clinton, which is literally every politically inclined billionaire.


I wonder why it's so (((misleading)))

must be an (((accident))) of reporting.

Yes but that's all a ploy. I mean they post things that their demographic wants to see to make more money but they would never actually want higher taxes and things like that. It's like how the head of Marvel donated hundreds of thousands to Trump or how Fox funnels money to the republican party through FCC fines.

>implying Cred Forums wouldn't have leaned right if it weren't for some Cred Forums sperg.

Spergs are easily subverted through memes

Sure it's not great money but I've gotten a couple hundred for posting here in the last year or so. I sorta thought most people were in on this already tbqh aside from the obvious CTR shills

Someone should show Zuckerberg some of the Anti Semitic memes he was funding

That's why /bsg/ generals only attracted 40% redditors and 60% Cred Forumsfags who laughed at the blatant marketing

are we talking about crash team racing

I loved that game

since you made me think about douche-bags with money...i'll say this...

mommas-boyz like this lil girl rarely get any play on Cred Forums

he/she is still pumped up to get first pubes/armpit hair...

practices for balls on chin w/own knuckles...

Neofag is losing their shit over this lol one dude said he's gonna return his oculus rift and donate the money to shillary, everyone is acting like it's some huge firestorm when in reality most people don't give a shit about a rich dude shitposting or who people support for President. scroll to the bottom of the page, these idiots believe this guy owns Cred Forums.