Obama vetoes Sept. 11 Saudi bill

Siding With Saudi Arabia, Obama Vetoes Sept 11 Bill Passed Unanimously In Congress



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is this even relevant because if congress unanimously passed the bill they could just overturn the veto

Obama is definitely a Saudi plant

that's a big breach with the senate and the american people nonetheless

so much for the President that ought to make you HOPE and wanted CHANGE

King howler afraid of getting called up himself from other governments?

well good thing he doesnt have much time left as king google

God help us. Someone, kill this piece of sub-human garbage. Blow his brains the fuck out with a .44. I hate him so, so much.

Obama is Dictator not a president, he doesn't have to listen to congress. This is good though, if the bill passes, saudi's would dump their 780 billion in junk US bonds and fuck the market.

Did he officially veto or pocket veto?

why has there never been an assassination attempt on king Google? The only president ever deserving of one.

>Obama siding with the Wahhabi scum.

That would be racist.

The only people who have an issue are people like you, the type of people who believe they'll get their way if they censor themselves
Good luck with that by the way.


He should stick to talking shit about this country on his world tour. Can't wait to be rid of King Google

So that's what that secret meeting between the Saudi Royal at the white house was about a couple days ago...

they have 300 bln actually, not 750 as they said

It doesn't need matter. Congress will override. People should have the right to but we're gonna be in trouble if they sell the treasuries they're holding.

Obama is not Christian. He's Muslim.

Can we just admit it already?

Minus "need"

Who gives a fuck

Just nuke them you coward

Jesus Christ. You cowards would never be able to vote for brexit

That is what will likely occur



This is WONDERFUL! It completely exposes his bought-and-paid-for, corrupt regime for what it is.

The Saudis are the bedrock of America's middle eastern policy which is disintegrating by the day.

The Senate and House WILL override because they have to answer to their voters.

Obama painted himself into a corner. He's going to be defeated.

You better believe this will come up in the debate, and who do you think will come out looking better?

I've heard that if this passes it opens up the United States for being sued by other people for shit we've done.

yes/no ?


Majority of Congress voted on the bill.2/3rds of Congress already support the bill,and you only need 2/3rds of Congresssional votes to override Obama's veto.President Fuck Up's veto is going to be overrided by Congress,and there isn't a fucking thing he can do about it.

you just have to address the other ((((problem)))) and then you can GTFO of the middle-east without remorse now

possibly, but who knows
Aside from Russia and Iran you have still a big influence in the rest of the world

You can read it yourself here:


Official Summary:

> This bill amends the federal judicial code to narrow the scope of foreign sovereign immunity by authorizing U.S. courts to hear cases involving claims against a foreign state for injuries, death, or damages that occur inside the United States as a result of a tort, including an act of terrorism, committed anywhere by a foreign state or official.

> It amends the federal criminal code to permit civil claims against a foreign state or official for injuries, death, or damages from an act of international terrorism. Additionally, the bill authorizes federal courts to exercise personal jurisdiction over and impose liability on a person who commits, or aids, abets, or conspires to commit, an act of international terrorism against a U.S. national.


The Obama regime helping muslims again.


>why has there never been an assassination attempt on king Google?

Because the right is otherwise a peaceful and vastly law-abiding people. Just about every political assassination, or mass shooting, or widescale violent riots in this country have been caused by leftists, liberals, and Democrats.

It's called projection. The left is what they accuse everyone else of being.

it's not self censorship you fucking tool, the idea is it will catch on in places like reddit etc and Google's recent anti hate speech program will be unable to block wrong-think since it can't block every post it finds with 'google'

Fuck off kike

On one hand, having a law like that sounds retarded (as you'd set a precedent). On the other hand, vetoing it is even worse.

Filthy niggers

Why are American lefties so deeply up the ass of literally the worst country on earth? Saudi Arabia still executes people for "witchcraft" ffs

And and even bigger fuck off to you kike loving faggot

they even forbid jews from entering their country, but god forbid if we want to do the same with their religion

What do you think is happening you retard?
People on Cred Forums are too scared to say nigger so they're self censoring?

On Cred Forums you can say nigger or kike all you like, nothing will change, but it wont be long before places like reddit twitter and facebook are auto censored so finding an alternative that they wont be able to censor is the only option most people have if they still want to practice free speech.

>backing up alqaeda in Afghanistan
>backing up ISIS in Syria
>backing up Saudis

What the fuck is wrong with you, USA?

You know is 2008 I thought people who called Obama a Muslim were just tinfoil hats. The past two years he's really made their case.

What I don't get is, they set the narrative that 911 was caused by Iraq, why didn't they keep that narrative if they want to suck Saudi's dick?

Agree with you 100% user

Obama is trying to cement his legacy as America's Globalist President, who sacrificed us, our American freedoms, for some vague "greater good." Instead, we're returning to nationalism, congress will override his cuck veto, trump will tear all of his crony trade deals in half once he's elected to office, and his memory is a stain to both conservatives and the liberals who voted for hope and change and instead were rightfully swindled.

ok, who is saudi bill?

Some hillbilly muslim, hates pork and stabs police for a living. George Soros pays him seven figures.

poor bill, that why he got passed away?

Declare war against Saudi, freeze and confiscate their US holdings.

never mind, disregard, drunk as fuck.

we're gonna fix that in november

Mrs. Clinton, I'm POTUS.

Isn't this hugely retarded of Obama?

He's doing exactly what the republicans want, and Trump can use this in the election.

Which is what we should've fucking done in the first place since 9/11.

Exactly. The U.S. government use to stroll in and take what we want. Now we still perform major acts of terror and cruelty but it's not even to the people with resources, it's to their enemies.

We're performing appeasement for money, like whores. We should be conquerors again.

it's all good dutchie

It was a retarded law.

Can't believe you're gonna make me say this but Obama is right on this one

Explain the segments you think are retarded.

>Which is what we should've fucking done in the first place since 9/11.
>implying saudis didn't get permission for 9/11 from US first

How do we even sue a country?

veto. He had until midnight

>The Saudi government has lobbied heavily to stop the bill, the European Union has formally opposed it and Gulf States have condemned it.

>the European Union has formally opposed it
What the fuck I reading.

Why are we defending the muslims?

Threat of tariffs, UN oversight, EU partnerships, etc.

In the case of a middle eastern slavecamp like Saudi Arabia, we'd invade and take the oil like we were originally meant to do.

>It was a retarded law.


EU doesn't belong to Europeans. That's why only one section is voted in by the people (EU Parliament) and why that one section is targeted to have more power removed.

There are five fucking branches and only one is voted in. EU is a method to give cool nobility titles for the new world order to jews and their backers.

4224 Escondito Circle

How do we sue them for terrorism though?
Wouldn't it have to be proven that the government had something to do with it?

Because the US foreign policy is dictated by Israel and KSA business respectively.

IIRC iraq got permission to start shit with kuwait, which is why they were a little perplexed when the US swooped in to declare war

Yes. That's what the bill is for, to prove the Saudi Arabian government was involved in terrorism.

You can't demand documentation without suing.

fuck that gif is mesmerising

Oh okay, that makes sense. Thanks.

>soviet cunts
>American ally

He didn't get the legacy he wanted, so now he just destroying things on his way out, as a fuck you to American people, like it's somehow their fault he was such a failure

Because people who actually understand the consequences of the bill know how stupid it is.

>'Thanks, Oboonga' meme
>3,000 conscripted to oily 'Sacrifice Feast' 15 years ago
>melanin accentuates guilt


That's the situation that the zionist bankers are hoping for you stupid goy.

>Giving Kennedy credit for what Nixon did.

that's not true, but it's a common myth

what they told him was that US doesn't take a position on territorial disputes

translated from diplomatic speak what that means is that US was prepared to allow Saddam to keep the disputed territory which included kuwait's northern oil fields

instead he took the entire country, which we could not accept

could have been due to a misunderstanding / miscommunication that he thought he could get away with taking it all

miscommunication in diplomacy over red lines etc. causes more problems than you might think (including the US-Japan pacific war)

He's a dhimmi, not a muslim. He's a non-muslim who's accepted the supremacy of Islam into his heart.

>It was just the Saudis!!
>Israel had nothing to do with 911!!!!

it was both you freeloader.

He could have just been a normal president and not done anything out of line and he would have been famous forever as AMERICA'S FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT WOW HE WON A PEACE PRIZE and nobody will remember that he got it for just showing up. Nigga done fucked up.


Obama's an agent of the Jews make no mistake about it. He's in there to turn us on the Muslims in hopes that the West and the Islamic world destroy mutually destroy each other. His service is life-long

I don't get why this even matters.

>oh no Iraq will sue us now

I agree, Ruskie.
Fuck this business-as-usual nonsense.

When will we finally impeach Oboogle for his crimes?

RIP international courts.

Talk about bad precedents.

Well pretty much everyone hates the Saudi Monarchy, both the left an right so yeah, another Trump victory was just made.


Usually an impartial observer but just how is user a coward? Because he doesn't attempt to kill the president? Are you a fucking retard, boy? Why are you so excitable over this in the first place, Brit?

This is completely unilateral action, American law can't force foreign nationals in foreign nations to do shit.
All this bill would actually do is force the US Government to persecute foreign governments accused of attacking our citizens, instead of continuing the current policy of expressing our deep concern while giving them billions in "aid".

Obongo's "argument" against this is that it is setting a precedent that foreign nations will somehow use to persecute American citizens as a stand-in for the United States, which is something that already happens in shitholes like Iran and North Korea.

In reality he is opposed to it because it is another blow against globalism, making the federal government accountable for protecting American lives and giving its citizens justice, rather than placing that responsibility on the United Nations or The Hague.

>letting people sue the Saudi government over their involvement in 9/11

He's blocking it so the US government can't be sued by the literally dozens of nations the USA routinely bombs. Shit, just imagine if all of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen came knocking and demanding shekels...and that's not even going back to before the year 2000. hoo boy, we'd go from 20 trillion in debt to 100 trillion in debt!

Plus we'd be suing the Israelis since the Mossad had their own zionist fingers in 9/11.

I agree with you and would also suggest that he is setting himself for future profit. As his time in office draws to an end, he needs to maximize his future earning power. He ain't getting shit from Hillary and the CTF.

screen cap this post

>US passes a law
>now foreign countries can sue us
Can someone explain this shit to me? They can already try to sue us in international courts if they want.

I think the most ridiculous argument the White House has made is that it would open our military and leaders to kangaroo courts.

That is a complete lie. The only way that happens is if that faggot president and liberals allow the US to be someone's bitch. There's nothing in that bill that says foreign entices and do the same to us. if they tried we have no obligation to follow their lead.

>lel they sue us meme

The only way that premies is true is if you have a faggy liberal president that believes other nations hold his nation accountable. He rational is, "If we allow this law then I'm going to allow government to sue our country because I'm a sniveling leftist cuck faggot."

That law was fucking retarded.

He was never the president of hope or change. The only new thing he ever brought to the table was darker skin.

International courts already exist if a government wishes to sue another government.

What this bill actually does is allow private American citizens to file suit against foreign government or agents in federal court, thereby forcing the Federal Government to actually prosecute acts of terrorism and other damages against US Citizens.

It's entirely possible that, for example, the Saudis just say "fuck off" but by prosecuting the case and forcing the government to take some action, information such as the Saudi's role in the 9/11 attacks enters the public record and we force the Saudis to either acknowledge their role and compensate us or create public outcry and a mandate for the US Government to take meaningful diplomatic/economic action against enemy states.

They do that and no more Uncle Sam protecting them. Saudi army is shit tier, even with the most advanced weapons in the world they are getting fucked in Yemen.

Good on Obama, those families should be suing the Taliban instead.

Saudi Arabia is guilty of a shitload of things, but this isn't one of them.

It only takes 2/3 vote in the Senate and Congress to overturn a presidential veto.

Either way it can be overturned, and it's looking pretty likely that it will be overturned. If that's the case, watch the US dollar plummet in value. It's going to be fucking glorious.

But they basically can not succeed in us court. If we provide a legal framework they could and likely would be successful.