I'm in the process of making a WW2 risk map, and here it is so far.

Any of you risk players have any suggestions on what to add?

Other urls found in this thread:


I was also thinking of maybe splitting Nazi Germany into two factions so two people can play it, which would allow it to expand faster to mimmick WW2.


No that's stupid.
Also, add Turkey and Iran.

What date is this map? I think I can spot some ownership errors

1939, I couldn't find a detailed world map on google images so I suppose there's slight inaccuracy.

I also know Vichy France never existed at this time, but I added it anyways so I don't have to somehow spawn it in the middle of the game.

Should still give some bonus to Nazi Germany? Like perhaps changing the bonus map to give Germany a huge bonus?

Here's come hotfixes for better accuracy. I took the liberty of updating them for you

Gibraltar should be owned by the UK
Crete should be owned by Greece
Balearic Islands should be owned by Spain
Germany should have 1 more tile on Denmark
Italy should have some Aegean Islands
France should own Djibouti
Romania should own Moldova and 1 other Soviet tile
Poland should own 2 more tiles in Lithuania
Denmark should own Bornholm
Tibet should be separate from China
Spain should own the Canary Islands

oh and Malta should be owned by Great Britain

Thanks for that, I didn't realize those differences because apparently no detailed 1939 world map shows up on google images.

Also, I thought Tibet was technically under the Kuomintang during this era? Shouldn't it be the same as China?

Well then I guess it depends on who you ask, but officially you are more correct in saying it was under KMT control.

Iraq was independent in 1939, they didn't become a full fledged satellite until the British intervened in 1941 after the Iraqi Army staged a coup against King Abdullah

Finland should still be in posession of Finnish Karellia and the isthmus just north of Leningrad because the Winter War didn't start until late 1939 and didn't conclude until 1940, so the border changes wouldn't have taken place yet

Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was an British colony independent of the Raj

Lebanon was a French colony

Great Britain only controlled the Southern half of Yemen, the 3 Westernmost provinces were property of the Yemeni state

Oman was not a British colony

Eastern Thrace was and still is part of Turkey, not Greece

and at the time, the Republic of China wasn't one state under unanimous rule, it was more like a loose group of feudal landowners and warlords and their territories acting together in mutual interest (or at times the opposite) so Tibet would technically be on their own and the provinces north of Tibet were controlled by a group of Muslim warlords by the name Xien Ma, also not exactly China

Thanks for that,

And regarding China, I figured I will just keep Tibet and Xinjiang under the ROC because the ROC was the legitmately recognized central government. There was some warlordism, but a lot of progress was made with centralization prior to WW2

Also, how do you guys think I should handle Nazi Germany?

I was thinking I could give Germany like a 2-3x bonus for the first few mupdates to mimick their rapid expansion.

I also figured that maybe the bonuses in Africa could be lowered because it's OP with Britain and France at the moment.

Only in theory though, any of the families could have told Chaing hi Shek to go fuck himself at any time and do their own thing, half of his time was spent playing the families off of each other and keeping them from either joining the Japanese or the PRC.

They only begrudgingly agreed to stop fighting a civil war halfway through the Japanese invasion when the Americans told Shek that he wouldn't get any more foreign aid if he didn't quite fucking around with Mao

Yeah some sort of bonus when declaring war as Germany would be good, and then maybe give a debuff if they have been actively fighting an enemy for more than 5 mupdates or something

do you have the archive?
are you in the circle?

meant for

Circle? Archive? No

do you have a tripcode i may recognize?
this is another of mine in addition to

You mean like setting a tripcode now? I'm confused.

do you play often? the circle is a skype group used to collect maps and put them in the archive.... other shit is discussed there too but it was formed for coordinating risk map discussion, design, building etc. if you play often or are interested in building maps that would be a good place to go... trying to see if you are new to risk in general etc. i dont recognize your tripcode.

come here

also there is a game starting here


Kingdom of Albania

come here man

I made some changes for you, I hope this helps

I play here and there, how can I join?

I guess the ROC would be irrelevant in Europe and West Asia, but why did you remove Vichy France? And what happened with the ally/axis indicator to the right?

Also I don't really want neutral countries to be playable, I meant this to be two groups of people fighting.

go to the quest thread first. instructions are posted toward the bottom