Liberals believe Trump kids killed Triceratops

You have to tell me that this is staged. My mind cannot comprehend that liberals are this fucking stupid.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Jesus Christ.
This is why we need better science education in schools.

Someone on my fagbook is posting the daily show clip over and over. I'm going to start doing that with this video.

liberals all learned from pop sci youtube channels, don't worry they probably know more than anyone with a real degree :^)))))

Why don't you pick a video that isn't retarded

It's pretty much the same thing as the daily show video

I love the interviewer.


>saber tooth tiger
>wooly mammoth
I'm losing my shit. I don't know how the interviewer kept a straight face

Just post it once, you don't have to stoop to their level.

wtf is happening here?

This is fake right?

1:02 is a blatant creepshot.. wtf

To be honest I didn't know a saber tooth tiger was extinct, if you're not autistic or a fucking biologist you probably wouldn't either.


Liberals already know everything.

i know that because of ice age the movie

Jesus. What are you, 5?

>To be honest I didn't know a saber tooth tiger was extinct
How did you not know that? At the least, never seeing it in any modern article/history book/movie/comic/story should have tipped you off that they're not around anymore.

>having facts
Kek, they haven't had a single fact to backup any argument this entire election


>To be honest I didn't know a saber tooth tiger was extinct

we got a ringer


Mark Dice does this all the time. You should watch his other interview stuff. I found his series on trying to sell an ounce of gold for about $50 (and then progressively less as the videos go on) demonstrative of how little people know about the value of money.

>To be honest I didn't know a saber tooth tiger was extinct
1 post by this ID.

>To be honest I didn't know a saber tooth tiger was extinct

unironically kys tbhonest


>american education
it's fucking insane how little attention you pay in school and how much attention you pay on frog memes on Cred Forums

t. American education

even over here in cuckland I know that shit from grade 1


(((German))) film maker celebrates the anniversary of verdun by sending a thousand kids running over the graves of the men who died there.

Retards go home.