I have a question that has been bothering me for years

I have a question that has been bothering me for years.

Why do niggers always think that listening to police officers is optional?

It's like they don't even realize that nothing good can come from being obstinate with the police.

I've seen cops explain things in a very rational manner to niggers, but the niggers always ignore the cops.

Why can't niggers think more than one step ahead when law enforcement is involved?

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Because they're paranoid


It's their animal brain, a result of their considerably lower IQ. Doesn't allow them to think ahead.


>Why do niggers always think that listening to police officers is optional?
They don't have fathers to teach them how to behave responsibly.
>Why can't niggers think more than one step ahead when law enforcement is involved?
Mentally inferior to the average white man. Can't do much about evolution.


Bad parenting. They don't realize to save their arguments for the judge, and argue their case to the arresting officer.





They are taught from day one by shitty parents that cops are the enemy, that whites benefit from that, that they are victims. They then become shitty parents themselves and it continues on.


I don't care but it leads to niggers getting put in the ground so it's a net positive for me

yeah also they mapped something called the warrior gene that is prevalent in blacks

we can just call it the asshole nigger gene


Niggers don't listen to anybody.

Their egos do not allow for it. They literally do not process advice, criticism, much less orders or instructions.

The undeveloped negro brain automatically shuts down and enters 'confrontation mode' when anybody tries to tell them what to do, because they believe it is a personal attack on their social status.

People think that these niggers are making a conscious choice to disregard police instructions or orders, but the reality is that they disregard ALL instructions and orders, all the time.


Googles dont have respectable father figures.

Googles dont know how to show respect for themselves or anyone else.

>Mentally inferior to the average white man.

I hate to admit it, but I think this is undeniably true.

I can't believe how god damned stupid that niggers act.

If they would just shut the fuck up and act polite, cops wouldn't get aggressive with them.

Niggers can't seem to understand that, though.

They always try to resist and act like assholes, no matter how much it hurts them.

This behavior is appallingly ignorant and makes them look like animals in need of domestication.

They only live in the moment. Foresight and delayed gratification are alien concepts to them.

>mfw "google" is written on that kid's sweatshirt

>Have two black friends, one 11:59PM dark, one mixed
>Both have actually been profiled by a few cops
>Dark as fuck one is straight up oreo, great dude that's always polite
>Halfie has a somewhat ghetto mindset
Every time the Black Void gets stopped, he acts like a decent human being and has never gotten more than a warning for anything. On the other hand, the half-breed goes mild chimpout sometimes and almost always gets slammed with tickets.

It's almost like not being a rude piece of shit when a cop pulls you over helps your case immensely.

People who think like you are either very young or live in a well-off white neighborhood.

You don't have problems and you only care about your money and security.

Well . . . the world is not that easy. Most people cannot just magically get money and live in bad neighborhoods where they are not guaranteed security too.

Cops need to give respect to be respected, and a lot of them don't. Take decades of cops not respecting a group of people or neighborhood and this is what you get. Whether or not blacks are right, it is a result of more well off people.

Finally, this is really a problem of poor vs middle class vs rich and education.

The rich or stupid don't understand and think it is the black's fault. The middle class might understand, but most of stupid. The poor are at the butt of the issue but are looked down on by everyone.

a google's understanding of consequence doesn't exist.
They pursue gratification of immediate needs, and have very low regard for even the next 30 minutes.

Do you think slave masters just whipped niggers for fun?

If we knew how the niggers think then I don't think we would have these problems.


OP, I have the answer:

Black people have their own form of "law enforcement" it is called TRIBALISM (that is, GANGS) blacks only see authority based on city block, based on turf.

Blacks (and most mestizos, to a certain extent) look at law enforcement as GANGS.

So the reason why we have issues is BLACKS DO NOT WANT TO BE COPS. NO!! BLACKS WANT TO BE GANGS.

that is the REAL reasoning behind the conflict.














>Newfag didn't use "google"

>Cops need to give respect to be respected

The law gets enforced, regardless of whether you respect it.

This "respect is a two-way street" mantra only applies to your faggot-ass group therapy sessions and liberal arts college campuses.

A so-called realist like yourself shouldn't have any trouble understanding that.

>The rich or stupid don't understand and think it is the black's fault.

Why are you absolving niggers from all personal responsibility?

Go black to Plebbit, you fudge-packing queer cheerleader.


Cops are usually polite to a fault.

Niggers like you make them racist and combative.

Think about that shit.

This is 100% correct.

Has anyone else noticed they escalate every situation they're in? Nigs can't into peace, they make everything a silverback-style show of dominance even with a police officer.

t. went to diverse schools

Because they're basically feral little animals that have never had an adult or anyone in position of authority telling them what to do. Also, niggers are niggers.

I guess thaibro noticed

>Cops need to give respect to be respected

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

Honestly I have noticed a trend.

Everyone I know that is propolice had a good father. Everyone proBLM had no father, a father that ran out or in a couple of cases, white women with beta fathers

It is all about their matriarchal lifestyle .

It's because they're stupid af, they have no ability to reason abstractly and see the cop as a part of a wider system which they can never beat, and they're too agressive because of the higher levels of testosterone, the MAOA gene, etc.

Let me finish this for you.
What they are taught is then re-enforced in their daily lives, as part of a vicious cycle of aggression between the two groups.

Never noticed she throws the baby onto the ground to fight, holy fuck.

Google has no concept of abstract authority or respect. They have a lot of trouble with East Asians for this same reason. East Asians are small and place a high premium on respect. Google looks at a physically smaller creature presuming to give orders and decides to feel insulted.

acting white is social ostrichization

>grew up in a poor neighborhood
>best friend is a dark as fuck Puerto Rican
>neither of us act like niggers towards police
>have pretty much only had positive experiences
Literally the only bad experience between the two of us is when I had some cop give me a ticket. I was speeding and didn't try to get out of it. I was also polite, the cop was just a fucking dickhead.

I'm telling you, it's great ape style dominance fighting with them.

Googles crave a daddy figure.

It isnt even about being "big" physically.


Googles didn't evolve in a societal setting, and still have most, if not all, of their hunter/gatherer tendencies to support their pack-like mentality.

Just look at these niggers.




It's their biology.

The nigger behaviour is hardwired in their primitive brain. There is substantial difference between white/asian and nigger brain structure, especially in frontal lobes where highest cognitive functions take place. There is nothing we can do about it. It will never change.

>Why can't niggers think more than one step ahead when law enforcement is involved?

Because then they wouldnt be niggers.

>Because then they wouldnt be niggers.

At last, I truly see.

Mostly because Black supremacists worship Islamic pissgods like "Yakub" the "supposed" person who made "white devils"

He also looks like Rocky Dennis.

>People who think like you are either very young or live in a well-off white neighborhood

I get sick of this excuse. I've lived on less than $1500 a month for most of my adult life. I've mostly lived in shitty apartments in shitty neighborhoods. I've never had any negative run-ins with cops. Frankly I'm less afraid of cops than I am of my neighbors most of the time. Niggers are the most horrible people on earth to live around. They smoke weed and blast shitty music 24 hours a day, their horrible kids are always running around the parking lot fucking with people's cars, and if you try to say anything to them about it they cuss at you or worse.

The only times in my life I've ever dealt with cops at all have been a couple of times when I've called them and the three or four times in my entire life when I've been pulled over (it's also pretty easy to avoid getting pulled over btw, just obey the posted speed limit and don't put rims or neon or other stupid flashy crap on your car to draw attention to it). Avoiding being shot by police has nothing to do with race or income or any of that, all you have to do is be polite to them. If you obey the law and are a decent citizen you probably won't have to deal with them in the first place. If a cop stops you or hassles you for any reason even if you're not doing anything wrong (which rarely happens btw), just be polite and answer their questions. They're just doing their fucking job.

>Why do niggers always think that listening to police officers is optional?
it stems from the "alpha male", caste-like system their communities operate in -- where males must show animalistic aggression to avoid being usurped by other "alphas"

the analogy for a non nigger would be if one were to find themselves in prison and surrounded by thugs, they would have to conform and 'act tough' / choose a side... despite it being going against every civil fibre in their being

this attitude pervades their entire make-up as niggers and thus manifests at 'inappropriate' (assuming there is an appropriate place for such knuckle dragging) times... and its own analogy could be when military grunts bring their ingrained, PTSD-fuelled barbarism home from the battlefield

>you cannot expect a nigger to act civil when they've been reared on degeneracy
>burgers should have assimilated them proper or repatriated them...

Who's this niglet?

They, in their fatherlessnes, crave the male authority.

I teach elementary in the ghetto.

The niglets are often "diagnosed" with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), which basically means they're wretched little shits with bad tempers and zero impulse control. They spit, scream, curse, hit, and sometimes try to bite you for telling them to sit down. It's fucking ridiculous.

You got it mane, it's always an alpha dominance thing, they escalate every situation.

So what you're saying is we should deport every negro back to Africa and then build a wall?

Me mum works in a school and based on phone calls with her, can confirm.

>I teach elementary in the ghetto.

lol why

>they admit being a nig is a mental deficiency
>but they do nothing about it

>grow up without a dad
>don't understand how authority figures work
It's not rocket science

He wants to reach those kids.

I'm at the end of my rope. I don't know how much longer I can take it. The pay is shit, the administration is shit, the other teachers are fairly apathetic (just trying to retire), and the kids are borderline demonic. The ONLY upside is the hours; 7-4, weekends off, two months for summer.
Thinking of getting a Security+ cert and getting the fuck out of there.

because they think that cops are racist and go out looking to shoot black people. they literally think this

The good (re: white) schools are pretty tough to get into. Every teacher at a shit school has applied for a transfer. I have bills to pay, and I refuse to flip burgers.

This is the world we live in.

a "wall" is a meme for autist consumption and electioneering, and would not do diddly squat (see: occupied Palestine; Berlin before that...)

repatriation was mooted as far back as the turn of the 20th century (see: Marcus Garvey / Panafricanism movement), but was never realised... nor was genuine integration measure, thus you are where you are today -- in civil war stasis

moreover, today, with some 37 million negroes in the U.S., shipping them off would be unwieldy - even for those, likely few, that would leave willingly - and Africa is an irreparable shit-hole nowadays, and vastly more so than it was when perhaps such a notion would have held some water

>horse: bolted

I didn't ask you, you fucking blue-gummed job-shirking watermelon-inhaling nigger.

>I have bills to pay, and I refuse to flip burgers.

I know what you mean, but teaching nigglets might actually be worse than burger flipping.

As far as stress is concerned, absolutely. My hair has already begun to gray, and I'm not even 30. That said, minimum wage is for the birds.

You sound like another teacher-user...

What city are you in?

I know a bunch of people in Chicago that go through National Able to get IT jobs. They get you a CCNA and a think maybe another cert or two and then work with IT companies in the area to get you a job.

Both of the stories you posted sound exactly like the schools I've taught it. It's fucking uncanny.

To me the scariest part is I hear the same stories in Canada and other countries

RIP Western Civilization

Because up to their first cop encounter, all niggers have to go on as far is authority is anemic high school teachers and maybe a coach.

They see elder nigs chimp out so they take it to school where they get away with it, then they level up and "graduate" out into the actual world where they treat cops like poor old Mr Whiteman the math teacher who is working well into his 70s, and then boom you get nig happenings.

That and the nigga who spent 2 years in prison knows the law better than lawyers, according to literally every black person.