Why cant liberals into analogies?

Why cant liberals into analogies?

The number 1 argument against this is
>Le humans r not skittlz lel

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Notice it's an immediate attempt to feelize the idea.
Being a liberal only works aslong as you feelize everything.

>Why cant liberals into analogies?

bc literal autism

Analogizing refugees to nuggets of artificially flavored fruit candy is dehumanizing in every sense.

Like Shillary, they have selective memory loss and fail to remember anything that doesn't push the narrative.

Which is funny, because feminists ran around with EXACT the same analogy for decades. This is how we crack them - use their own tactics against them.

Because they aren't human you retard

Plus it gives a bad name to skittles.

Analogies aren't supposed to be so damn literal. Would you prefer it if you had a bowl full of humans to snack on instead? Also islam deserves to be dehumanized, considering thats what they do to apostates.

slide tactics
>know it's difficult to play your analogy-argument
>derail, derail


It's a shit analogy imo. It's funny because the first time I saw this analogy was being used by feminists that "menz are evul because they is skittles and if you eat the wrong one they gonna rape you".

How can you dehumanize something that isn't human?

>analogies are evil because feels

Am I losing my mind or did this exact meme not exist a couple years ago as the "if 10% of m&m's are poison would you grab a handful??" and it was a feminist argument regarding men being rapists or some stupid shit.

It was a retarded argument then and I'm glad it's been spun back onto sjw faggots.

> refugees are not skittles
> but men are m&ms

>a fucking leaf

But of course.


Why are conservacukcs so intellectually dishonest?

The difference between the feminism one and the refugee one is that not all men are given an ideaology that could poison them. All of these syrian refugees (Statistically insignificant amount of whom aren't muslim) are all given islam. Islam is inherently pretty destructive

>Its was a retarded argument then
>but now I'm glad that my side is unironically endorsing it

It's because of sheep mentality, or whatever you want to call it. They are programmed people. The media queued them to be offended. It doesn't have to make sense.

Months ago, I showed my girlfriend this same analogy, and she said it made sense and helped her understand the issue.

But today, she's "triggered" and offended by it. No reasoning with her. Posting about that dead kid on the beach asking "WHAT SKITTLE WAS HE".

It's all programming.

Anyway, I broke up with her today. Not going to procreate with a government zombie.

I would agree with you if we were exclusively taking Yazidi's and Christians out of Syria who are being Genocided. But we are talking about the passive portion of the aggressor group in the nation.

They are not coming here to be peaceful They are here to convert or kill you. Go read their fucking book. If you faggots want to feel good about yourselves GO STABILIZE SOME AREA OVER THERE AND TAKE CARE OF THEM IN THEIR OWN FUCKING LANDS.


DO SOMETHING other than just stealing a couple so you can pontificate your "moral superiority" you fucking child minded faggot.


liberals are actually the ones that like dumbfuck analogys like that, but not when it's making suggestions like the memberberries

Yes they are, analogies are a comparison between one thing and another for the purpose of clarification or explanation and meant to be taken literally you retarded burger.

oh look, a skittle


it's great making them taste some of their own medicine

>possibly killing yourself over wanting to eat candy is now equivalent to possibly killing yourself over saving lives and preventing hundreds of thousands or even millions of people from enduring hell on earth
If you seriously believe this then you are a fat fuck and should kill yourself.

The relationship is taken literally, not the objects in the relationship.

You stupid muzzie

I think it's a wonderful analogy as it also suggests a great way to deal with all these people trying to get in. We eat them.

That doesn't mean they are literal.

Cmon bruh do you even english?


Yeah by poisoning your own country, almost all of them are bringing the thing that made their countries hell on earth over to the countries they are fleeing too.

The real question is, why are conservacucks backpadelling so hard? I mean it's not the first time Trump and his Deplorables spilled the beans. In fact every time Trump gained ground in polls he spouted some autistic bullshit only Cred Forums would say. Only difference between him and Cred Forums is that Trump loves the Skypes.

>accepting Muslim refugees
>preventing hundreds of thousands or even millions of people from enduring hell on earth
>not allowing

>saving lives and preventing hundreds of thousands or even millions of people from enduring hell
>implying most migrants aren't doing it for economic reasons
>implying any amount of migrants are actually from Syria


My mistake I didn't realize CTR hired austrians. Feel free to be autistic, we won't mind.

The thing being European, American and Russian military interventions?

>saving lives and preventing thousands or even millions of people from enduring hell on earth

you look pale m8, probably because of all the heart blood you spilled

desu it is a retarded analogy and argument

but this is sweet justice for the sjws who originally invented the analogy to use on men

Why don't we just not kill ourselves?

No the fact that islamic rebels want to overthrow the secular government. Our retarded president is funding them, and the russians are funding the secular government. This war would still be occurring without interference because islam needs to be intertwined with the government it is the majority in otherwise it gets it's followers get pissy.

Meaning there would still be war
Meaning there would still be an (((excuse))) to take in the refugees.

Enjoying those free Austrian welfare bux, Achmed?