How smart are Asians really? I think the "Asians are super smart" claim is just a meme...

How smart are Asians really? I think the "Asians are super smart" claim is just a meme. Sure they are probably the next in line after whites but most of them are just illiterate rice farmers and lack any original thoughts, they just repeat stuff from book 24/7 because if they fail their exams their family forces them to commit sudoku to preserve family honor.

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It's a statistical fact, unfortunate for your racially based self esteem. Asians not under the heel of a communist regime have flourished. Singapore for example was transformed from a third world country to a first in fifty years. Now our gdp per captia is 50% more than that of the UK or the US and is the second highest in the world. The Japanese survived 2 nukes, annihilated infrastructure and built the world's second largest economy.

IIRC in the US the average Asian household makes 68k, white is 57k. Niggers are 33k. Average is 51k. In the US Asians are also overrepresented in top schools.

Still nothing compared to the Jews tho.

I always found those IQ stats suspicious, are mainland Chinese really that smart or is there something else going on ?

If a good IQ score is needed for something important like getting in a good school or getting hired or whatever, I'm sure they'll practice taking the test very hard. If that still doesn't work, I'm pretty sure they'd have no qualms cheating.

t. asian

IQ tests for global scores come from Lynns and the Wealth of Nations. Indecent studies show the scores of US Asians.

Certain asians (mostly east asians) are slightly smarter on average than whites, yes. You could make the argument that they lack creativity, though.

and that's for whole east asian populations where they outscore whites by ~5 (without cheating, seeing as all countries score on a similar level). Asians in western countries (and also pooinloos on that matter since they're high-caste) are probably averaging around 120.

IQ wise they're top flight but whites have the edge in innovativeness, which is arguably more important. It's to do with different parts of the brain being different sizes probably

Asians are very intelligent. They however have significant issues with empathy. This is likely due to the fact that the mongoloid derived races have higher levels of estrogen in their blood which minimizes empathy towards others.


They are called asians because they study their Asses off.


So, asians on average on smarter. But they don't have any autistic geniuses like Newton, Tesla, etc.

Gotta catch up before you can really innovate.

Btw Asians are no different than high-scoring niggers in America off a plane, they're the exception

>china cheat at EVERYTHING to look competent.

I'd bet you $, IQ tests are only of ritch hand picked spoiled kids

Japan and Korea seem to have Inovation, and a tech & auto industry

the rest are sweatshops, and cheap knockofs

The only reason Asians score slightly higher than whites on IQ and tests is due to their iodine rich diets. Better stock up on Suvival Shield X-2 at, you'll really break the conditioning.

>most of them are just illiterate rice farmers and lack any original thoughts, they just repeat stuff from book 24/7 because if they fail their exams their family forces them to commit sudoku to preserve family honor

Sounds like this is the meme m8. Remember there are more Asians than non-Asians on the planet. China, India, Japan, Korea... East Asia has been the centre of civilisation for thousands upon thousands of years, compared to Europe's ~500, and by all accounts Asia, will be on top once again in a matter of decades. Look up the lost of Asian inventions if you think they lack originality.!

Asian schools/education are all about drills and standardized tests. Of course they score higher on IQ tests.
There's a reason Europe/Canada/USA still has the best engineers in the world, China and India are shitting them out like crazy, China alone has 8 million engineers graduating each year without any quality. Their only advantage is that they're (still) cheaper for easier work.

1/5 people on earth is Chinese, not even Asian.
and somehow they'll call them a minority here

You guys managed to conquer wide areas of China and India alike, India was a cultural center for 12,000 but that doesn't mean shit. Iraq/Iran was the cradle of modern societies and look at them now. They came from Africa and look at them now. By your logic niggers are by far the most advanced people on earth

Pajeet pls.

They literally have bigger brains which is correlated strongly with intelligence(kangz have smaller brains). Smarter, but missing something. Neanderthals also had huge brains but they died out regardless.

>How smart are Asians really?

Education system is creating distortion in data.
Smartest asians come from monocultural education systems (Check you privilege on that, fellow Finngolian) and U.S (where asians do better in school than whites) is most likely getting above average material from asian countries as immigrants.
Swedes are getting dumber because southern Swedish schools are becoming gang violence plagued multicultural hellholes.
Wealthy jews (ashkenazi) are sending their children to elite private schools all around the world.

The transrace adopted children study seems to show clearly race based IQ differences, but that is between whites and blacks where the starting difference is 10-15 IQ points (allegedly). Such study done on white and asian transrace adoption would most likely be without conclusive results because effect of the IQ difference of 2-6 points in advantage (if such exists) would disappear in margin of error/statistical noise.

i work in academia and i can tell you that gooks are actually the worst shit to ever exist,

they generally lack creativity , and it's not just a meme , they are also mostly out of touch with the real world around them idk

poo in loos are fine, at least the ones we got here are really smart and mostly bros

asians are just more likely to have trained their cognitive abilities (they tend to perform very good in school here because their parents are very strict)

and yes you can train IQ tests to an extent

>It's a statistical fact, unfortunate for your racially based self esteem. Asians not under the heel of a communist regime have flourished. Singapore for example was transformed from a third world country to a first in fifty years. Now our gdp per capita is 50% more than that of the UK or the US and is the second highest in the world. The Japanese survived 2 nukes, annihilated infrastructure and built the world's second largest economy.
The sole reason Asian countries have become first world countries so fast is because of globalization and a lack of tariffs on the part of already developed nations. Also that high population density has an effect. It's just a bubble that's been spurred by internationalists.
>IIRC in the US the average Asian household makes 68k, white is 57k. Niggers are 33k. Average is 51k. In the US Asians are also overrepresented in top schools.
Yeah, because legal immigrants from Asian countries have essentially a sample bias because of the immigration selection process. Then again who would expect an autistic chink to understand any of these things. Go ahead and keep studying hard though so you can do good for you white boss :^).

>without cheating, seeing as all countries score on a similar level
You really can't make that inference. China, South Korea, and Japan all have their own versions of studying and doing things that would be cheating by western standards. Chinks, Gooks, and Nips lack the Western concept of honor.

They are studious like girls. That's it.

It'd be better to say that whites have a lot of variation within their populations. This goes beyond IQ by the way. You can see it in penis size and other physical characteristics as well. Also whites/Europeans are the outliers since most "races" of people, even the most genetically diverse sub-saharran Africans lack this broad degree of variation (again refer back to IQ and dick size, kek)

Through all famines and imperial clearings, all dumb people and intellectuals were taken out of the gene pool

My experience with Asians is that they are pretty ducking smart. My wife's the daughter of a literal rice farmer, she's been in Sweden three months and she can already converse in Swedish. I'm frankly astounded. It's not like she spends all time studying either.

You're just autistically thinking about IQ, refer to the graph here: Yes Asian have an average higher IQ than whites but at the end of the day a larger proportion of whites are brighter than Asians.

I recognize this copypaste

Race and IQ statistics are flawed for the following reasons:

The test are done on nation scores, white countries have tests scores which must include non whites aka Arabs and Africans, therefore lowering their score.

These tests are done on varying age groups ranging from kids to teen to adults, taking into consideration brain development, this would skew the scores.

The testing period varies a lot from 1959 to 2000, which would skew results due to advancements in nutrition and the nations economy.

The amount of people tested vary per country from 86 - 5000+

Therefore its my belief that all statistics found on these websites and journals claiming to represent a nations IQ are invalid and have not taken a proper scientific approach in their representation of IQ scores. Depending on where test were taken within a country can also skew results dramatically.
If you want to talk about a races intelligence, the safest thing to base it off would be its scientific and mathematical achievements, these seem to come overwhelming from western nations.

Here's a video detailing births and deaths of people who made significant contributions to science, culture and art from 600BC to 2012AD:

After living in some Asian countries for a while I find it hard to believe.

That's odd since I just typed it up.

When you're in a new place your brain releases chemicals to accelerate learning. Not saying she isnt smart but dont expect her to learn other things with the same ease.

who do asians squat in shopping isles, its so disgusting...
Op is right

I work with a lot of asians. The city where I live today was colonized by japaneses. In fact, we will go to a japanese festival this afternoon.
They really work their asses of. They are extremely hard working. Most japs came here without anything and now are overrepresented between doctors, top civil servants, etc.
At first I admired then. But now I realize that it is all pure effort. No creativity. No depth of thought. They dont think out of the box. They strictly follow all the rules. Of course, they are way better than googles.
In fact, considered marryng a jap girl. Fortunately didnt do that. Jap girls appear cute, but they are very angry. Complain all the time. But at least are not anglo bitches who cuckold their man.
Also, asians hate googles.