Who is Russia's bestfriend and why is it Serbia ?

Who is Russia's bestfriend and why is it Serbia ?


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Vassal, not friend.
It is possible to love your master though.


Why do you use words whose meaning you don't even know, google?


But you are their vassal, not de jure but definitely de facto. Similar to Armenia.

In a similar way USA has a lot of it too, which we use the euphemism of "allies" but they are basically our vassals.

Friendship exist between equals, Serbia is not an equal to Russia.

some historical connections during 19th/20th (Serbian revolution, WWI) century, explosion of nationalism in the 90s and generally diplomatic backing by Russia in the UN strengthened the bond
also Slavs, Orthodox, ex-communists, always on the same side during wars (Russian volunteers during Yugoslav wars/Serbian volunteers during Ukraine crisis) etc
West treated us like shit for the last 20-30 years, so there's really no other alternative

Our prime minister is still trying to satisfy both sides in order to stay in power, while Putin is backing right wing parties and socialist party (since they will always push for the Russian side in order to get power/funds)
Putin these days only need to say something positive about us, or give us cheaper 20 year old helicopters and we'll spread our legs, meanwhile he's selling us gas for higher price and is not really encouraging Serbian-Russia trade

But in spirit I think we're the same people

Cool, I like this


Shh my fellow ``````ally``````, don't piss me off lest I kick you out of NATO and hand you over to the big bad ruskies.


Didn't Serbia agree to buy gas for more to sort of support Russia?

>But in spirit I think we're the same people
Osim što ste vi malo veći cigani.

well our politicians did behind closed door, higher prices of gas for few vetos in the the UN
nobody talks about Kosovo anymore anyway

>Putin is backing right wing parties
I heard about a nationalist party called Dveri who wants to move things in the right direction, is that what you're talking about ?

Mate, ako smo mi cigani, vi ste orci. Oni najgori pecinski trolovi baki. Treba vac leciti olovom, po mogucstvu nekoliko doza odjednom.

So it's not really Russia screwing over Serbia, that's more of a friendship thing.
A question for you, Serbibro
Will I get hate for being Russian or not if I decide to visit Serbia?
I've seen some cool Russia loving stuff but at the same time I've seen some people who would totes attack me if I were to visit

Get a load of this gu-.. goy.

[pali traktor]

nope we actually like russian visitors but don`t expect older people to know english...

[melje hrvate tanjiracom po njivi]

nah, majority of people loves Russians here
those who don't would not show it/wouldn't have balls to
some older people in Vojvodina like my dad dont like Russians because of all that liberating thing you did
Dveri are perfect political party for diaspora, talk about traditionalism and Serbia for Serbs, but would go with anybody in coalition for a little bit of power
you also have Radicals who are the same but far more popular
but as I said, socialists are main Russian backing party (then again every USA has it's own party allies too)
but than again I'm pretty jaded about our politics because our current situation, maybe some other user can be more objective

Russian best friends are
1) Its fleet
2) Its Army
3) its ICBMs

thats it.

Kmetovski mentalitet. :^)

Serbia is EU's bitch now though.

whats going on in that picture?

I don't understand this russian - serbian friendship. the russians never wanted to help them in ww1 they merely protected their interest.

tfw no ruskie bff

gibs dat monies, toothpaste

Bitches love tanks.

Serbians best friends are apes. Because that's the only specie that will breed with these disgusting subhumans.

Fucking -ićs

because russians are closet faggots, while the serbs are eternal cock suckers, it was bound to happen


nobody does.
It mostly comes down to

>well at least they never did as any real harm
Unlike the rest of the major powers.

Serbia has no friends.
Russia has no friends.
Together we are friends.

Well we do have greeks as friends, greeks are bro tier.

Zavjetnici is the new political party (Oath Givers). Many religious and cospiracy theorists gave up on Dveri because their 666 logo.
Oath Givers have a queen and im in love with her but its impossible. They are a fresh party, they were a movement at first. I think when the referendum for serb republics holiday (the controversial one now in sunday to be held) will be the opportunity for the Oath Givers to come here to bosnia to the serb entity and probably plant their seeds there as well.
Their party leader went to moscow the same time as Dodik the serb republic president, 2 or 3 days ago. They all touch hands with russians a lot.
Maybe god can help me meet her, just to have a simple conversation with her. I know that kind of love is not only forbidden to a degree, but its damaging to all, especially her.
Lifes a bitch

it's probably Kazakhstan or sum shit irl

Few months ago Putin told us that Russia doesen't sell its friendship to anybody,few weeks later they gave us over 50 air crafts, when NATO noticed this they give Croatia ballistic missile and again Russia gave us money and S-200.They are trying to make us their stronghold if WW3 ever happens

I want it like to good ol friendship between willy and nicky, so German-Russian alliance to make europe strong again (including the ethnic cleansing of dark people of course).

>not mentioning Greece

I'm disappointed, my Orthodox brothers.

Пpиeзжaй в Hoви Caд, pyccких дo хepa, кpoмe их мнoгo cepбoв гoвopит пo-pyccки a тe кoтopыe нe пoнимaют oбичнo любят pyccких и тepпeния, чтoбы пooбщaтьcя хвaтaeт. Хaмoв нe вcтpeтишь.

kingdom of Serbia and Greece, when?

Look everyone, euroatlantic literal pederast is projecting his degeneracy onto others.

>Friendship exist between equals

Amerilards in charge of understanding basic human concepts.

We are currently a vassal of USA because it was forced on us by the political elite that you corrupted, yet almost nobody loves you besides some braindamaged degenerates, and the majority of Bulgarians still love Russia despite getting nothing out of it and despite Russia having marginal influence here. How do you explain that?

I would love this to be honest.
Every summer it's like we all move to greece either way :D

>marginal influence
didn't russia buy like half of your black sea seaside property ?

>some older people in Vojvodina like my dad dont like Russians because of all that liberating thing you did
People just don't appreciate the classics

>I love to suck russian cock: the cuckpost

>didn't russia buy like half of your black sea seaside property
not even close

I'll be your bff bro


You are damaged human beings.
You can't even comprehend basic human concepts like cultural, historical, religious and blood ties, or friendship.

It's all replaced by cocksucking for you, because that is the only thing you know.

>russia finances BSP
>russia finances ABV
>russia finances DPS
>russia finances ATAKA
>through BSP, DPS and ATAKA leech billions for nuclear reactor
>lol you voted against the reactor? kek too bad goy
>sell oil and gas for the highest prices

>people still suck their cock because they are cuckolds

бyдьтe ж людьми peбятa, вce ж мы люди
вceгдa вaм гoвopю

If we had common borders splitting the fake state of Fyrom apart, balkans would be far better and more controllable.

>Хaлкидики turns literally into Sklavinia during summers

Literally not a single point of that is true.

You have substituted objective reality with the drivel of paid pseudo-intellectuals.

It's 2016 and you still refuse to open your eyes


yeah, keep denying the absolutely obvious, and keep drinking that semen, Putkin ain't gonna praise himslef

>EUSSR forces us to close our existing and perfectly safe nuclear reactors
>Some politicians try to build a new AES which we absolutely need
>They are forced to break the contracts with the Russians, alleged "Russian-paid communists" try to negotiate with a corrupt American firm to build the reactors instead
>Ultimately the Russians sue us for the broken contracts and we have to pay for being mindless western bootlicks, while our "western partners" refuse to compensate us, like they refused for South Stream (which was also presented as "bad", yet somehow they admit that it's a loss that will not be compensated)

>somehow all of that is le evil Russia and Putin fault

Бyквaлeн oлигoфpeн.

Posto je ovo ocigledno konac za Balkan, pitanje za Bosance: sta se to desava kod vas ovog vikenda? Neki referendum? Vesti nikako da prestanu da seru o tome, kao da ce da izbije WW3 zbog toga.


>Bulgaria is under the rule of a russian funded party
>accepts shit EU conditions
>Russia gains a trojan horse in EU
>utterly fails

holy shit

So the party that literally put us in the EU is "Russian funded", OK.

Because they needed a trojan horse. And how is that trojan horse working when the same "Russian-funded" party cancelled South Stream?

Hillary is that you?

And the shitty EU demands are also the fault of Russia.

Can you possibly have your head further up your ass?

Mazanje ociju pred izbore

Znaci standardno.

Tako i ovde i u Hrvatskoj.

We don't go to war for Russia, we are not in their economic and military alliances, and we do not pay them.money, care the explain how that is vassalage?

Are you insane? We don't like Srbs and never did

hon, you are Illryain-Slavs and we are Batlo-Slavic-Finnic-Norse people. Russia is a Slavic meme is a product of state sponsored Russian Slavophile "intellectuals". State ordered such a "research" and "philosophy", so it will give Russia a justification to collect lands like Poland and do stuff around Balkans.

You really need to educate yourself on russian subversion before you make a fool of yourself. Russia did not expect GERB which is as much of a foreign investment as BSP, just funded by germans. So the russians lost their trojan horse. Until pic related happened, when it was pretty clear that it's a government that won't last, so they stole a bankworth of money and resigned.

And south stream was NEVER supposed to be finished. It was deliberately sabotaged by BSP so our nation would be divided between USA-Russia, instead of being united around BULGARIA. But yeah, go suck foreign cock.

This is some "reptile aliens" level of actual "conspiracy theories".

You need to learn to fucking read before making a fool of yourself.

How does GERB matter when the fucking BSP were in power when South Stream was cancelled?

Was Vigenin, the first foreign minister to pay a visit to post-coup Ukraine, also from GERB?!

You buy the same empty rethoric that BSP uses on its senile electorate, except you probably think that you are much smarter than those decrepit red grandmas.

>It was deliberately sabotaged by BSP so our nation would be divided between USA-Russia,

You are an absolute fucking retard. This is the level of mental gymnastics you have to resort in order to hold on to your sorosoid worldview and continue denying the objective reality around you.


>if someone understands that Russia has foreign interests means he's a sorosoid
>there's no way good rasha would fuck with orthodox brothers!

kek, you are an absolute retard

Any entity that is big enough works towards its foreign goals. In simpler words that a retard like you will understand, they fund political parties and governments. Just like the USA does it, and just like the EU tries to do it but fails. South stream was not the first, and is certainly not the last failed pipeline that was supposed to pass through Bulgaria, but since you are a kid, you don't remember the others.

I personally don't suck US, EU or russian cock, but hey, I can't stop you from being a faggot.

>Russia has its interests so somehow that is related to all the bullshit you said.

The cognitive dissonance must hurt you. Don't worry, you can just ignore those pesky facts and spew outright lies, like BSP sabotaging South Stream and not simply executing the American orders relayed by McCaine.

>I personally don't suck US, EU or russian cock

Yes, you do. You have clearly taken a side, you repeat the talking points of the Western-controlled media and yet you try to convince yourself that you are somehow independent and pro-Bulgaria, while defending those who are fucking us time and time again and trying to pin all of that on the Russians instead of the people who actually fucked us over.

Not just best. These are the only friends we have.

kek I don't see how exposing russian subversion is defending the others, I can easily tell you how many times we were fucked by the west but this thread is about our "orthodox brothers"

And yes I have taken the Bulgarian side. I realise that neither the west nor the east gives a shit about us. But you go ahead and stay disinformed and keep drinking that rasha semen!

>kek I don't see how exposing russian subversion is defending the others

1. Seriously try to argue that the disaster with our atomic energy is Russia's fault.
2. Unironically claim that the Russians themselves cancelled South Stream.
4. Russian subversion exposed!

That's still much better than us.

After NATO ordered us to destroy our army (including literally cutting up the ballistic missiles, of which we had a respectable supply) we do not even have an Army as our only friend.

>ignores the fact rasha sells us the most expensive gas and oil
>ignores the fact BSP - literally communists educated in CCCP - was the one who got us in EU
>ignores the fact that BSP deliberately sabotaged the whole COUNTRY with KTB and SS

rasha dindu nuffin!

>ignores the fact rasha sells us the most expensive gas and oil

Why exactly should they sell us cheap gas and oil? What do they have to gain from it? What have we offered in return?

If we were a transit country we would have been in a position to negotiate better prices. Guess who fucked that up - your western masters and their puppets from the whole political spectrum except Ataka.

>>ignores the fact BSP - literally communists educated in CCCP - was the one who got us in EU

Yes, and if you had two brain cells to rub together, it would make you think, and reach some obvious conclusions.

>ignores the fact that BSP deliberately sabotaged the whole COUNTRY with KTB and SS

You should be put into a mental hospital if you really claim that BSP was the one who sabotaged it. I mean they cancelled it, but it was because they followed, as they always do, Western orders.

The ruination of KTB was the fault of DPS and GERB. It's not even a debate.

keep on suckin' boy!

there are no friends in politics you tard

Like I said, you need to stop projecting.

Or at least search for a better comeback in that postmodern spiritual desert that your mind is.

Best friend my fucking ass, thats what people tell them self here to sleep better at night.
Russia will always watch their interests first no mater who will they screw over for it.
Political interest portrayed in the vial of ilusion of being friends.

It's pointless. You are saying that our openly pro-russian parties aren't pro-russian. It's like I'm arguing with a retard.

You fools, it doesn't matter whether it was BSP, GERB, ATAKA or whoever. They are all the same. They were all members of the communist party and/or members of ДC. It doesn't matter who you vote for, what will happen has already been decided by the ДC generals.

Belene was never meant to happen, it was used to steal the money through public contracts like "project management". 13 billion leva and there is nothing there, only a hole in the ground.

KTB was destroyed so they can funnel the money to other banks like FIBank, because our banking sector is on the edge of collapse.

You may hate the EU and NATO, but that was the best possible outcome. Look at Serbia and Kosovo, look at Cyprus. This would have happened with us. Either way there would have been NATO bases in Bulgaria, we just had the option to give them freely or oppose NATO in which situation you would be looking at a separate state in the Rhodope mountains for the "oppressed turkish minority"

You are refusing to see the actions on any and every important issue, and instead believing the empty words that are also believed by the literal senile old people who have been brainwashed for decades and continue to vote by reflex.

At the same time you somehow believe that those old people who believe the same thing that you do (that BSP is pro-Russian) are completely different from you and you are much smarter.

Friend Dveri are a fucking meme
they are lie and they cheat
the bastards wanted FULL co-op with russia but now talk about "small trade agreements" once they passed their 5% on the elections

oh and they had doomsayers going around cities yelling to vote for them since they are the SAVIORS

>You may hate the EU and NATO, but that was the best possible outcome. Look at Serbia and Kosovo, look at Cyprus

When I look at Bulgaria, I see that maybe we had nothing to lose. Everywhere except in a few cities there is only death and decay, and even in Sofia there are gypsies, niggers and "refugees" in increasing numbers.

We lost 30% of the population in 25 years of peace. We are almost done for.

That separate state in the Rhodopes is happening anyway within 5-10 years, and it will be lucky if it's only that state.

In any case even if joining NATO and EU was tactically sound at the time (or at least inevitable) things change and we will be fools to pursue the same course that is steadily leading to our destruction.

Russia has a much stronger military now. NATO on the other hand is gearing up for war with them and China, while flooding us with refugees to accelerate our demographic demise.

yup, you are a retard

seriously, stop posting

Another quality post.

Just kill yourself already, you bring nothing of worth to the world.

>he thinks his delusions are worth shit


We must go back.

wow the US delegation was so white back then

Nice eye.
I dont see a single nigger.



India is one of the few countries that said: "Russia has interests in that region and foreign powers shouldn't interfere". India is one of their closes allies.

Based Poo

>used to
(((What happend?))) youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups youtube.com/watch?v=PtIi8QR5Mzs

You focus only on Bulgaria and not on the general region. Serbia, Moldova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Belarus, are worse than us, Romania was like us but they are getting better, Greece is going down fast. Even for the average russian life is worse than for the average bulgarian. Young people are fleeing from all Eastern Europe, not just Bulgaria. Once the economic crash comes bulgarians will come back because if they are going to be poor and miserable they prefer being poor and miserable in their homeland.

Yes, you see "refugees" but there are not so many compared to other countries. Serbia has a lot more of them, I can assure you. ДC is handling the refugee crisis smartly. They keep close relations with Turkey so they don't flood us and they spread news stories how police beat and kill refugees, vigilantes hunt them on the border and so on. This is somewhat true of course, but they are spreading this information globally to scare the hordes. This way only the "refugees" who can afford to pay our trafficking groups come here. These are the refugees you see. We could have become another Greece when it comes to refugees but ДC has handled the situation well. The refugees you see are here only for a couple of months max and then they move on. They don't stay.

Russia will not last long if they keep going the way they are going now. They are not producing anything. They rely on exports of raw materials. The industrial powerhouse that was the USSR is no more. They can flex their muscles but they can't win a big war. NATO has the technological superiority, even over China.

Don't despair my friend, we have been through worse times.


Just stopping by to salute to our orthodox bros, spending vacation tripping the balkans, people are very cool across the board. Thank you for your incredible hospitality.
T. Ivan.

I hate the bastards bulgarishits more than baltshits, those have have reason to hate us but you scum have betrayed us many times simply because of personal gain, even though we are the same number many times saved your ass.

orthodox balkan countries should leave the EU and NATO and form a regional federation

No, we just don't want to be a russian colony you fuck. By "betrayed" you mean "not let us do whatever we want with you". It all started with the railway when Banteberg ruled Bulgaria. Read up on it. We wanted to uphold the Berlin treaty, but you wanted us to violate it because you wanted the railway to go to Russia. Then you gave Macedonia to the Serbs after the Balkan wars. Then you occupied us in WWII and ruined the country by killing every somewhat capable person in government and business and putting in their place complacent, incompetent fools who would be loyal to you like a dog.

You only fought the war in 1877 because you wanted the Balkans for yourself. When we wanted to go our own way, suddenly we became "traitors".

Stop funding our corrupt politicians and maybe we'll like you.

>tfw Rusia and Romania gave Bulgaria its freedom in 1877-1878
> tens of thousands of our young died in order to save our fellow ortodox brothers from the islamic rule.
>tfw now bulgarians are the first to shitpost about our countries, and TRI MORETA shit

that war was not meant to liberate Bulgaria, but to take the straits, it just so happened that we got liberated, you got used, lad

>NATO has the technological superiority, even over China.

What do you mean "even"? Russia has technological superiority over China, this is why one of the major concessions was the Russians agreeing to sell them S-400 after they had to copy S-300.

Russia also sells them jets that they could not properly reverse engineer.

Russia has the technological advantage in artillery and rocket technology, and probably in electronic warfare as well. There is a relative parity regarding tanks and planes with NATO. Their nuclear arsenal is better and larger.

NATO is obviously stronger overall but they have no chance in a European war within 500 km of Russia's borders.

>They are not producing anything.

You are reading too much dnevnik and deutche welle.

The "smart handling" of the refugee crisis, even if true, is irrelevant as we can only wiggle and play tricks so much. The "crisis" is purposefully engineered for demographic replacement of Europeans. As long as we are in the EU and NATO it's only a matter of time until we are forced to be completely enriched.

Not to mention the fact that there will continue to be barriers on our development imposed by the EU (although with all the human drain it's not even necessary anymore) and with "free trade and movement" we will continue to lose people to the West.

>Don't despair my friend, we have been through worse times.

Barely, this is only comparable to the ottoman invasion really. We will not live through another destruction of this scale, and it is well underway, including the destruction of the very fabric of society, of the history and cultural identity.

You are continuing to make the mistake of regarding what happened in your head with what actually happened, and taking your hypotheses more seriously than reality.

No, you are just high on rasha semen.

No point, we tried.

These fuckers will just quarrel and squabble and we'll have to stop them from killing each other.

And we'll be the ones who will get accused of things going wrong again.

where did you learned russian radovan?

>you got used, lad

We romanians got our independence, while we also got yours.Your state is free now because we gave it to you. If the Russians wanted you would've all been a second Kalinigrad by now.

>you scum have betrayed us many times

Only one time really, and it's in recent history when we joined NATO.

We had to regain our lost lands in WW1 and you supported our enemies Serbia and Greece so we had no choice. We did not go to Russia to fight you, you came to our land (Dobrudja) to fight us.

In WW2 we did not fight you, and we joined you and tens of thousands of Bulgarians died fighting on your side in the ending phases of WW2.

You were against the reunion between North and South Bulgaria in 1886 which was a major fuckup on your part as it still gives fuel to russophobes to this day.

>Then you occupied us in WWII
That was after you fought agains us in two world wars, for fuck's sake! At that point we had to consider you hostile.

And on the topic of Balkan wars, frankly, we can't really tell one Balkan orthodox slav from another.

>no masta! i gonna keep on suckin!

You read too much russian propaganda without even knowing it. Just remember that Italy and Spain both gave a bigger GDP than Russia.

>The "crisis" is purposefully engineered for demographic replacement of Europeans.
>falling for memes

The refugee "crisis" was engineered to weaken the EU by making the countries hostile to each other. Britain is leaving and you can see the "crisis" is doing its job perfectly.

Stupid animal, go to teach history, disgusts me to argue with you ... Only in the Balkan war, we have lost 200,000 of our people, to your country existed, but after 20 years you were against us. We captured your country after World War II? Bastard, to remind you that you were an ally of Hitler, you're not just standing on the sidelines, you are actively helping him ... Smelly gipsies you have all your history story of a prostitute who went to bed under any counterclaim.

>what is PPP GDP

Yes, I am sure that Italy and Spain are totally comparable to Russia when it comes to scientific, industrial and military output.

I bet you also think that Russians engineered the refugee crisis. You really are retards beyond redemption.

The crisis was engineered to produce a divided more easily controlled population and to enforce a European police state, part of the coming global one. Not to mention White Genocide, the old goal of the jews.

Well, we fought against your bloc in both world wars because you and your allies would not give us Macedonia, which you gave to the Serbs. Germans promised Macedonia to us so we joined with them. We got Macedonia during both World Wars, but we all know what happened both times.

Russia has only three allies in the whole world: the Russian Army, the Russian Navy, and the Serbian people.

You fucked it up, shouldn't have supported Serbia in 1885.

We did fuck up by not accepting the Russian arbitration after the first Balkan war, but still, we can hardly be blamed for fighting WW1 with the people who would have helped us regain our lost lands - lost to your allies Serbia and Greece.

Once again YOU came to fight us, Dobrudja is not in Russia you fucking retard.

Yes, we were an ally of Hitler who refused to send troops against you. We did not have much choice either, we would have been steamrolled otherwise. Hitler also arranged that Romania returned stolen land to us.

And as I mentioned, 300 000 Bulgarians fought on your side in WW2 after you installed the communist regime here, which killed many of our intellectuals and also many innocent people.

Well syka, they have to explain to themselves their betrayal by blaming you, so its kind of self-destructive self-therapy at the expense of their own nation. You have another country like this near your borders with the spirals of peremoga, so, you know what it's like.

You're either an Aussy Proxy, or actually stupid.
Stop it, Burger.

>We did not have much choice either, we would have been steamrolled otherwise

This sentence is not very clear, I mean that we did not have a choice becoming an ally when a 500 000 German army was ready to invade.

We lost 3 wars before that and the whole strategy of our Tsar in WW2 was to keep the lives of Bulgarian soldiers.

He refused to send troops to help Hitler, with the words that those troops would join you.

You're lucky you're not near me now, I would have crashed your skull for the nonsense that you write.

stfu, german whore

Uneducated people are often aggressive, yes.

However I am not only educated, but I lift as well. One on one you have no chance.

>Russian allies
Yeah, despite the memes, Greeks have no Pan-Slavic maymay that keeps them bound to most fo the Balkan or Russia
Beside of some military connections, we would gladly live in peace on the Mediterranean and stay away from orthodox memes and Balkanics (well except of Serbia, which are loved)

>a European police state, part of the coming global one. Not to mention White Genocide, the old goal of the jews.
>actually falling for Cred Forums memes

I'm wasting my time with you. Do you also believe Russia is the savior of white people and a fighter against degeneracy?

Yes, you did occupy us you fool. And you know, one of the greatest people in our history, Vasil Levsky, warned us. "Those who liberate us, will be those who enslave us".

Typical Bulgarian gypsy bastard. Always lying.

Anglokike, leave the thread immediately

>However I am not only educated, but I lift as well. One on one you have no chance.
Do you also own a katana?

What are you even doing on Cred Forums if the neoliberal talking points are so ingrained in you that you can't accept obvious reality?

Fuck off back to plebbit.

No, Russia is not the saviour of the white race, but it's a country that people can work with. It's a country that does not seek to impose a global order or its model on other countries. And they are absolutely the good guys on the world scene at the moment.

>posting battles from the war you lost

k, I can post battles from a war we won

You're retarded kill yourself

>However I am not only educated, but I lift as well. One on one you have no chance.

That was the cringiest shit I've ever read.
What is it with people thinking "I can lift weights, therefore I can fight people" meme?
I'll take an average built MMA fighter over a power lifter anyday.

I not only lift, but I am a MMA fighter as well

Russians=based. One of the only only uncucked cultures left in Europe
Serbia= based
Is there a need of a further explanation?

>It's a country that does not seek to impose a global order or its model on other countries. And they are absolutely the good guys on the world scene at the moment.

Russia, the bringer of peace. There are no good and bad guys you fool. Everyone is trying to protect their interests. It just so happens Russia is having a bad time doing this and Cred Forums is gobbling up their propaganda because they like to be the edgy contrarian kid. The amount of russiaboos here is astounding.

Dveri are something like the religious right here. They are friendly to Russia, but lately they seem like they are selling out to the West because "muh opposition unity, muh Vučić is the problem". Their leader recently said the opposition should unite against the government, meaning he would unite with Bernie-tier pro-NATO leftists and progressives.
Serbian Radical Party is the strongest nationalist pro-Russia party, they are great but their leader is somewhat soft on the government because he hopes they would go anti-EU and anti-US. Other than that, they are absolute madmen (support all Russian parliamentary parties, held a pro-Trump rally etc). Also the whole party is based around Greater Serbia.
Socialists are kind of pro-Russian because of connections with Zyuganov and KPRF in the 90s, and they are a Russian safe bet for good deals, but they are just a corrupt interest group and sell out to anybody who pays the most. We need to absolutely BTFO them asap. They must disappear.

They are too green and ignorant to be a serious option.
Their heart is in the right place, and based Milica is a cute, but they have no real policies except "muh tradition, muh Kosovo".

serbs literally killed us

What doesent kill you, makes you stronger.
Thanks Gavrilo.

I can do all of those things, and I am also a famous chess grandmaster.

Guess which one. Also come at me bro

>mfw Gavrilo literally destroyed Austro-Hungary

And I'll let you know that I'm a sniper that went to secret missions with the Marines and SEALs and I have 900+ confirmed kills. I also won 100+ gold medals in kung fu, judo, karate, shooting and wrestling. And I also own a cannon and I can blow your house up.

Not only can I do everything the Bulgarian does, I am also a famous chess grandmaster, a Draughts champion, and a Navy SEAL.

I won a gold medal in the Montenegrin Sleeping Championship too.

I am a chess master as well, and 4D chess at that.

I am also adept at horse archery.

You suck at chess, Loek.

>There are no good and bad guys you fool

Denying that good and evil exist in this world is a Satanist and Cultural Marxist/Relativist belief.

I believe my own eyes.

Each country pursues its interests rationally but somehow some countries always choose to do that by supporting islamic terrorists for example. Others consistently support civilized governments.

Really makes you think.

Serbia has friends?

>try to have a serbo-russian thread
>a bulgar stabs you in the back and hijacks the thread



Fucking Tatars every fucking time.

Cred Forums is our territory, pal

We mainly reign over /balk/ but we can send raiders to any of our vassals any time if they don't fall in line.

TY Gavrilo

although I guess a better analogy would be that a bunch of Bulgarians showed up on a feast uninvited, fought between themselves and left.

I love Serbs because always been bro-tier
I like Bulgarians
I like Poles

t. Russian

дa ce биeм eдни c дpyги e тoвa, кoeтo пpaвим нaй-дoбpe!

>t. Russian
>German flag

So which side of the family got liberated?

This Turks think we like them for some reason. Serbian puppy-like love for Russia is cringe as fuck

who do you like tho ?

You Mongols think we like you for some reason.

We screwed you over at every possible point if it didn't fit us.

In late 1800s, we allied with Austro-Hungary, not Russia.

We based our 2nd constiution of the constitution of France and used a horizontal version of a French flag.

It was the French that helped us the most in WW I

We "escorted" your soldiers off Yugoslav soil as quickly as you could leave and didn't allow a single soviet soldier to stay inside our borders

We said fuck you to Russia after WW II as well

So yeah, we don't really like you.

If I may ask, was it really Tito, primarily, that held Yugoslavia together for as long as it lasted?

Look at that buttmad shitskin. Nah, you lick our boots all the time. Bad puppy, shoo, shoo. Again. There was no racemixing between mongols and Russians. Ever. It was absolutely shunned. Mongols didn't occupy Rus' land. The Russians payed tax to the mongols and the mongols left them alone.
To even think that they could have influenced the cumulative genome of the untire Rus' people is A-grade retardation and wishful thinking on your part. No one in Europe does have mongol blood. It was mongol invasion of Europe, you know? Might have skipped school that day. Parts of Russia were a tax protectorate without physical presence of mongols in Russia(Area they had control over is nowadays UKRAINE and TINY fraction of European Russia) itself whatsoever. As far as the taxes go, mongols controlled some Russian states, but not directly. Each Duke had to send fixed amount of money to the khan, in order for khan to let him rule. This was called yarlik. There was always one Duke who collected these money from every other and sent the whole bunch in one package to the khan.


It was the east-west rivalry, USSR vs USA that held it together.

Well it was the good life that held it together provided by it.

Tito was a retarded commie, we could have switched to capitalism.

People forget Yugoslavia existed before SFRY.

King Alexander held everything together better than Tito.

Assassinated by Bulgarshits :(

.t slant-eyed Mongol rape baby.
Go dick suck some churkas, they're waiting their turn and don't forget to praise Kadyrov.

Russian people are in warm relationships with Finns, Belorussians, Brits, Germans and Italians.

Your average churka(looks much like srb shkije) is a manlet skinny fag with toy BB gun that gets btfo by everyone - from Belorussians, Russians, Ukies to yakuts.


300 dead in a theatre

Get fucked Rus

1500 dead in school
by a couple of churkas

get fucked Rus

Found a cuck. Go suck frau Angela's dick, Yabloko.

>We had to regain our lost lands
It's hard for russians to understand other countries can think that way. You guy are all so small what does a few extra acres matter? One should aim for world domination or don't bother with expansion at all.

Yabloko is a party led by a balding Jewish migrant-loving cuck, very much like United Russia

Cuckledoodledoo, back to sucking, Tatar!

Didn't know about Finns.
Belorussians don't count, they're Russian
The Anglo is a snake
Germans are beyond salvation
Italians- this seems the weirdest one desu...What could you possibly have in common ?

It mattered back then because there were Bulgarians living in those lands.

Nowadays, even if we had an army and the international situation was suitable, nobody would want any territorial expansion as we have barely enough Bulgarians within our border as it is.

But I don't agree with you - if you annex Novorossiya and Northern Kazakhstan tomorrow, it will hardly be because you aim for world domination. I would not even view it as an expansion attempt, it's simply restoring what is rightfully yours.

He likes hairy, masculine, Italian men, with hairy ballsacks to lick.

>Who is Russia's bestfriend and why is it Serbia ?
Meme created by dajoos.
We have nothing in common with those turkshits.

It was a legit question tho

they do seem to have better relations with Italy compared to most others

Italy is one of the countries that dares to speak against the sanctions

Also Putin and Berlusconi are close friends

>It was a legit question tho
It's a legit answer.

RussoMongols are god tier cocksuckers.

And they prefer it hairy, because of their history.

you are both skypes

What do russians thing of the yakut?

remind me, which one is that again ?

Well integrated mongols.

>'I've played crusader kings'

>Italy is one of the countries that dares to speak against the sanctions
The sanctions are bullshit tho.
We know this do. But no Romanian politician would ever take this position.

I'm so fucking sad we didn't impose sanctions on RusMongols :(

We need to join NATO ASAP

The sad thing about this is that every time Serbia needed help from Russia, Russia screwed up in one way or another.
>ww1 - serbia fucked
>ww2 - serbia fucked then fucked by communist russia
>nato bombing of serbia - russia can't do shit because weak
I honestly feel bad for Serbia.

I hope you do.
The EU too. You deserve some shekels before it collapses. More than most.

I'm not talking about the government, I'm talking about ethnic Russians and whom they are friendly with. Finns are out neighbours and good mates, Brits are similar to us in mentality, Germans are our long friends and there used to be about five million Germans in Russia before the Union felt, we learn early at school that Italians built many beauties in Saint-Petersburg, people go to Italy adults and teens to travel the most in Europe and bond been ever since.

There's nothing serious between them, Serbia is a candidate of EU anyway.

I hope we do too :)

Thanks Romania

Tatar population at the time of Ivan IV conquest : 4 million
Russian population at the time of Ivan IV conquest : 9 million
Russian population today: 94 million
Tatar population today: 5 million
Russian Supremacy one right

You already forgot what NATO did to your country in 1999.

EU won't expand anymore, that's was solved once and for all in Brussels, when EU 25 -> EU 27/28
Turkey speculation has always been a German scare tactic. Serbia will never be in the EU, Ukraine will never be there. Serbs are bound to misery as its essential to shkije identity.

Your Mongol daddy won't be happy with you if you suddenly stop sucking cock like this, Tatar.

Oh ok.
See, I asked because I genuinely did not know.
The media here portrays you as autistic faggots who just want to expand their borders.
I remember I was legit surprised when you guys wrote "for Paris" on the bombs and gave the frogs a puppy.

I read, listened and talked.

Sucking conqueror's cock is essential to Srbian survival. Centuries under turks and all that

Nothing compared to what Russia did.

Only countries that will never be in EU is Russia.
You are not European.

We didn't, and we hate them with a passion.
You are among a few of NATOfags that we like.

Put that cock back in your mouth, Tatar!

That's right, also moldovans are still sucking Russia's cock.

I agree about Turkey but it's in their interest to get Serbia

Okay, now I'm getting triggered.
Protect my feelings pls.

yeah yeah best ally but when the UN pigs were bombing Belgrade what did russia do? nothing.

We care for any White brother. Sorry to say that, but we don't see you, Bulgaria, Hungary, Balkans countries and Portugal as White.

The cock won't suck itself, Tatar!

hey it's you again, you posted the same picture in that thread a few days ago where I exposed you as a kike

Bulgar, please. Take that easy. Russians have the right to separate themselves from those they, quite rightly, deem non-European.

What does Russia think of Ireland?

>inb4 a bunch of achmeds with union jack flegs hijack this post

He's right, Bulgaria is not white, its full of turkish rats and gypsies.


mix of mongols, tatars, asians.

Moscow is the biggest Muslim city in "Europe"
Moscow is the biggest Chinese city in "Europe"


Russians are truly disgusting scum.

Cock, Tatar! Cock!

Cpaнныe чypки, yeбывaйтe c мoих двoщeй.

To be fair Russians are all pale and blonde to me.

Meh, who gives a shit... All that matters to me is that I'm Romanian.


Tы нe нa двaчe, днищe

Don't forget that you don't need to be orthodox in order to be romanian, 'cause religion is a individual matter.

I'm an apatheist.
I do go to church when it's important to my family tho.

And I can respect that, just don't claim Europeandom. We are bigger purists than US one dropists.
Actually forgot to specifically mention Ireland and Scotland, but we see all inhabitants of the British Isles quite brotherly

Knindza go back to le leddit pls

>just don't claim Europeandom.
That's just dumb.
My people have been here as long as yours.
What I meant was I don't care on your opinion on who is or isn't white.

Plebbit is your destination, kike.

Serbia and even fucking parody non-country like Macedonia have higher wages than us, even if our GDP is higher (so only the rich are getting richer).
The EU is useless and shit.

>And I can respect that, just don't claim Europeandom. We are bigger purists than US one dropists
kek, even Patton called you a bunch of savage mongolian bandits

Well this is rather a cultural thing, but I think that in 20-30 years Romania will finally become a true secular country, where religion is treated like a personal matter rather than a cultural one, and the percent of irreligous people will finally be around 10% compared to 0.2% like it is now.

And I thing it won't be a coincidence when the number of well educated romanians that use critical thinking will increase in the same time with the number of irreligious romanians.

this guy aint russian.

Because they are.

We should have fought the USSR after Germany.

You live in Europe, but you are not European. People who lived there for long enough are not quite your ancestors. You carry gypsy and turkish blood, your somewhat ancestors didn't. Romanians were not allowed to the Russian Imperial court for a reason. And Romanians were recieved on conditions and building non-European barbarian nations were recieved.


This is considered archetypical Russian phenotype. There is a reason we separate ourselves

You are considered a Tatar rapebaby.
Now back to sucking.

That might not end up the way you think.
Secularism is what's destroying the West.

>You carry gypsy and turkish blood
It's sad people actually believe this.

But the confidence of the romanian society in the orthodox church is decreasing, it was just 58% this year.
And the number of eastern orthodox adherents in Romania decreased significantly (in 2011 there was 16.3 million adherents compared to 18.8 million in 2002).
So BOR will become less stronger in the future, thanks to the population decline.

I'm not saying it isn't happening, I'm saying it isn't necessarily a good thing.
People are losing trust in the Church because it's a corrupt shit-show. My grandma died at the age of 92 hating the church because a priest put her husband in jail during communism.
She still died a Christian.

Secularism won't bring the progress you hope for, is my point.

Christianity is cancerous. Orthodoxy brought prisons and murder to Rus

Uhm... yeah

classic Bulgaro-tatar made up history.

In 917 we were not allies, you invaded us.

After some time we rebelled.

Velbuzhd was inside Serbia.
What was your army doing inside Serbia ?

Taking a stroll ? Breathing in the fresh air ?


I'll give you 1885, but that king was mad and was forced to abdicate by us, we changed the entire dynasty.
Actually we were the most humane army in the world at the time.
Even now in Geneva it stands be as humane as Serbia in 1885.
We provided both medical supplies, let the red cross help and provided field doctors after a battle.
You had none of that, no medical supplies, no field doctors, nothing.
First nation in the world to stop a war for a day in order to let the red cross help you and even donated our own doctors and medical supplies.

Balkan war 1 ?
Bulgaria promised help to fight in Macedonia.
The third bulgarian division sat at the border and watched, doing nothing.
When we asked for Bulgarshits to support our claims in what was promised to us, they said lol no.

We said lol no to theirs and took entire northern macedonia instead of up to Skoplje

The defence agreement with Greece was not a secret.
Nor a betrayal of anybody.
We had best relation with the Greeks, always.

So in fact it was Bulgars betraying all around, we were just responding to it.

You Tatarshits were always subhumans on the Balkans, on par with Albozergs.


Because we love them, and they respect us...

Russia historically have no friends. Serbia always traitor, see Tito-Stalin split, current times when Belgrade moving to EU and many-many other things. It myth for idiots in our countries.

I like how every balkan country has it's own alternate history. Stay safe, mate, and enjoy our land, language and culture.

Tito wasnt even a Serb, he also worked against Serbian interests

Actually there's history that everybody believes and there's "bulgar history" which only bulgars believe

Nobody wants to be your friend.

Everybody knows how you treat your "friends"

Why must you faggots fight ?
Let's just create a super-state and purge Europe of degeneracy.

We have nothing in common with either you or them.

Romanians are I suppose nice, but bulgars aren't and we don't generally care about them.

iam russian and i like serbs.

not everyone with russian flag posting is russian. tho.

We know the difference between Russians and Tatarshits like the cocksucker above.

The serbs should first learn their place. There is no surprise they are gladly hosting every war on their territory.

Nothing in common, just your DNA.

>nothing in common
We were good at removing kebab.
Serbs and Bulgars were mercenaries in the Romanian States armies during the time of the Ottoman Empire.
Shit was cash.
We even celebrate some of the same heroes with you (pic related)

Well they got bombed to shit. We would be salty about it too.


>cumming to bottled albanians


he could be an ethnic ((("german")))


dont believe Cred Forums or russian politics, serbs, russians, poles, belarussians, ukrainians(real ones) bulgarians, romanians, hungarians, slovaks, checks, and all the slavs are brothers by blood. and war.

i bow down for serbs fighting hordes of antislavic invasions.

If you look at the map we have a lot more in Common with the Moldavians and Ukrainians than with Bulgars
And greeks just below FYROM

Not to mention Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins and Slovenes.

I mean you linked the fucking map
Look at the fucking colors
More or belarus is darker in this map than Bulgaria

We have more in common with Belarussians than Bulgars.

Look at Ukraine, it's dark as us in some places.

So yes.
We have very little in common with Bulgarshits.

Much less than other ex-yu nations. or Ukraine or Belarus or Moldova.

Completely different

just once again proving my point

We're closer to Bulgars than Anglos, but that's normal considering we had almost no contact with them.

The nations we did have contact with, we're closer to any of them including fucking belarus than Bulgaria.

Why are Serbian women so pure and beautiful?


Once again proving exactly what I said.

I do wonder why we're this close to Moldavians

Complete difference

What is this? Genetic Distance?

There's no Serbia in this picture even...

Do you look at these posts that are all proving me right or are you just dumping stuff in order to appear "smart"

hes albo zihani in usa.

dont worry about him. russians are serbs and serbs are russians.


romania is serbiaaaa!

>Romania is Serbia

Gora Romanija (Mount Romanija) is actually a mountain near Sarajevo lmao


I don't mind him at all, he's just proving me right.
In every picture he posted with closer to former Yugoslav states, Moldavia for some reason and Ukraine than to Bulgaria

Plot of admixtures, check the black dots.
Check the other balkan countries then, if there is no Serbia. There is no significant difference between all of them.
Y-dna appears in different percentage, but when you consider population distribution its virtually the same. Autosomal dna difference is less than 6% between the Balkan countries. Most of the geneticists, clump together Croatia and Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, because when average is considered THERE IS NO FUCKIN DIFFERENCE!

Moldovans actually settled Moldova (Bessarabia) from Serbia. In 13th/14th century some guy named Bogdan moved Vlachs from Vranje/Macedonia area to there.

Moldovans are mixed with Ukrainians.
Historically Moldova was always 30-40% slavic

dont worry, serbs will wake up.

wait till more muslims flood the 3 great satanistas. german, france and uk.

t:zigani analbanian

>Geneticits clump us all together

But that's not true you retarded fuck

They clump us in Western Balkans and Eastern Balkans

Both geneticists and linguistics.

With east being Bulgaria, Romania, and west Former Yugoslavia.

In every fucking picture you linked we're nowhere near fucking Bulgarians.

French are fucking closer to England than we are to fucking Bulgarians in some of them.

Is there average between them, no fucking difference, they're all the same ?

Dumb cunt american.

it was the jews that implemented commubnism
leave Gavrilo alone

Serbia is just a Russian vassal, if anything Bulgaria is Russia's best friend in Europe.


Ancient Illyrian eh ?

this. Serbs are degenerate turk mongrels.
I think that Norwegians and Austrains are well liked by the people too overall


Significant difference?

Nah he played too much Ejew 4
If he played CK2 he would call it a tributary state

>i bow down for serbs fighting hordes of antislavic invasions.
i've never read a more cuck statement than that


Video very related, bless orthodox faith.

they are kavkaz churkas. which immigrated to slavlands to leech of and steal. they are parasites by nature. this is why their state fails and lots of mafia and corruption, they cant feed of their own, this is why they go to other nations to suck off benefits. like they did in Yugoslavia and when they sucked enough blood they take over.

>our greatest ally Btfo moments

it is respect.

not taking literally.

same like israel fighting off hordes of arabs like serbia fighting off NATO doggs.


Look at how we're split really nicely

look at how bulgars and kosovars go more towards greeks than us.

We go more towards croats bosnians and hungarians.

Did you even read the article you linked ?
I suggest you do

Do you realise how minute the differences are in human DNA ?

We share the vast majority with monkeys.

over 90%

I mean read the fucking study you uneducated fuck

>Comparison of the variation data of autosomal and haploid lineages of the studied Western Balkan populations reveals a concordance of the data in both sets and the genetic uniformity of the studied populations, especially of Western South-Slavic speakers.

> genetic uniformity of the studied populations, especially of Western South-Slavic speakers.

>especially of Western South-Slavic speakers.

Bulgars aren't western south-slavic speakers.

>sexfantasy told by turks

Dude what the fuck is wrong with you and the Bulgarians? Everything I posted, is to show you that in the bigger scale, balkanites are very closely related and some consider them indifferent.
Yet you cry about the Bulgarians and how you are 0.01% further. Holy shit!


can't belive how desperate these turk-gypsies are, trying to make their shithole country seem stronger with muh russian brother memes


t.german cum producer pls croatia go produce more german cum your mama merkel is not happy.

>Siege of Constantinople (717–718)

>The winter of 718 was extremely harsh; snow covered the ground for over three months. As the supplies in the Arab camp ran out, a terrible famine broke out: the soldiers ate their horses, camels, and other livestock, and the bark, leaves and roots of trees. They swept the snow of the fields they had sown to eat the green shoots, and reportedly resorted to cannibalism and eating their own excrement. Consequently, the Arab army was ravaged by epidemics; with great exaggeration, the Lombard historian Paul the Deacon put the number of their dead of hunger and disease at 300,000.

Are the good old times coming back, greekbro?

germans fuck croatian girls on vacation, they think germans care about them

Wonder what will it take to make an average Serb realize that Russia ISN'T our friend, maybe they need to sell us of to NATO like in the 90s again, guess we just need to wait and see..

nothing wrong with them, but they are shitskins and have no place in Eurppe. when Russia will restore its racial suprematic reign, we will help our brothers to drive out the Balkan and Iberian menace to Asia where they belong. Дa пoмoжeт Haм Бoг!

Because you can't comprehend how little differences are in DNA and how those little diffrences matter.

Oh look, half of Poland is Swedish
Oh look half of Hungary is German.

If we went by your logic.
Which is incorrect.

Nobody considers balkans population the same.

It would be like considering French and English the same population.
They're not.

They're also 0.01% difference.

We are not all the same, not even close.
Is it normal for us to be closer to bulgars than to english ? Yes, we fucking live next to them.

But of all our neighbours, they're the least close to us apart from Albanians.

Germans and French are the same as well, are they the same population

Fuck off with your globalist propaganda you fat fucking faggot.

russia was severly damaged in those time by traitors and (((people))) in politics.

As I know, Yugoslavia wasn't "liberated" . Narodnooslobodilacki rat Jugoslavije's did it by themselves with supplies and minor help from Allies and USSR

S-200 has no chance against Nato, even S-300. S-400 is OK.

some help in Russia at the end of the war, but it was pretty much over at the point, not like the germans could win.

At freeing Belgrade mostly

But unlike other nations you didn't leave your troops behind "for safekeeping" and left in a hurry.

They wouldn't do shit if it weren't for the USSR. They literally didn't fight a single battle, only guide the Soviets.

S-125 shot F117 down.

It's inferiority complex. The serbs were never relevant on the balkans. The so called "serbian empire" lasted for 20 years, while the nations of Bulgaria and Byzantium were crumbling under ottoman invasion.

Hey, serbs, how does it feel to live in a city built by tatars?

.t Chetnik

That's objectively not true, they fought plenty of battles.

We held down as much german soldiers as the entire allied force in italy in 1943.

they had more than 250 000 soldiers in 1943.

by april 1944 they had 650 000, by 1945, nearly a million.

What the fuck did you think they did ? Masturbate ?

Germans tried to destroy them in seven offensives, and never succeed.

you can't compare never relevant bulgaria to Byzantium. Byzantium was a shithole too actually. All the crippling tortures, corporal punishment and orthodoxyshit was Byzantian legal gift to the state of Rus. Russians "thank" them for it wholeheartedly

>city built by tatars

Lmao, you didn't build shit.

First it was a place of some paleo-lithic people.
Then of Romans
Then of Greeks
then of Bulgars
Then of Serbs
Then of Hungarians
Then of Ottomans
Then of Serbs again

the city itself was razed 44 times.

>seven offensives
t. Commie
"Seven offensives" is such a meme that nobody is even mentioning them anymore.
Don't embarrass yourself. They didn't start a single battle against the Krauts. They didn't liberate a single town on their own.

>We share the vast majority with monkeys.
idk about you dude but I ain't no fuckin' chimp, that evolution shit is a lie

Actually no, both you and bulgarshits adopter Serbian version of byzantine laws, which had it's differences

>Zakonopravilo was a completely new compilation of civil and religious regulations, taken from Byzantine sources, but completed and reformed by Saint Sava in order to function properly in Serbia. Beside decrees that organized the life of church, there are various norms regarding civil life, most of them were taken from Proheiron.[1] Legal transplants of Roman-Byzantine law became the basis of Serbian medieval law and Serbia became the part of European and Christian civilization. Zakonopravilo was accepted in Bulgaria, Romania and Russia. It was printed in Moscow in the 17th century. So, Roman-Byzantine law was transplanting among East Europe through Zakonopravilo

>Zakonopravilo was a completely new compilation of civil and religious regulations, taken from Byzantine sources, but completed and reformed by Saint Sava in order to function properly in Serbia.

>Zakonopravilo was accepted in Bulgaria, Romania and Russia.

> It was printed in Moscow in the 17th century.

you were printing our laws which we wrote down in 1200 in 17th century you tatar.

Yep, Belgrade definitely sounds roman and greek.

why do balkans suck russki dick so much? its like they always need a dick to suck :(

.t I'm an alien

ayy lmao

Ofc you fucking retarded royalist

It was called Belgrade before you tatarshits arrived on the Balkans.
DAI clearly states on several occasions Belgrade, before bulgars ever arrived.

I know you understand Russian down there

B этy эпoхy, пo cлoвaм иcтopикoв, физичecкиe нaкaзaния нa Pycи были нe в пoчeтe. «Pyccкaя Пpaвдa», ocнoвнoй юpидичecкий иcтoчник тoгo вpeмeни, глacит: «Ecли ктo кoгo yдapит бeз княжeгo cлoвa, зa тy мyкy 80 гpивeн». Ecли cyдить пo oтдeльным yпoминaниям, кoтopыe мoжнo тpaктoвaть пo-paзнoмy, нaкaзaния пpимeнялиcь в ocнoвнoм пpoтив хoлoпoв или людeй, гpyбo нapyшивших цepкoвныe ycтoи. Из пытoк yпoминaютcя битьe нa caнях, oтpeзaниe языкa, битьe poзгaми и выжигaниe клeймa нa щeкaх. Ho в цeлoм cвoбoдныe люди, кoих былo бoльшинcтвo, нe пoдвepгaлиcь тeлecным нaкaзaниям. Bo вcякoм cлyчae, в дpeвнepyccких иcтoчникaх нeт мaccoвoгo yпoминaния o тaких фaктaх. Haoбopoт, ecть инфopмaция o тoм, чтo в Hoвгopoдe oткaзaлиcь пoдпиcывaть дoгoвop o дpyжбe c нeмeцким гopoдoм Гoтлaнд, в кoтopoм yпoминaлиcь пытки в кaчecтвe нaкaзaния вopaм.
1) члeнoвpeдитeльныe (изyвeчивaющиe) – лишeниe чeлoвeкa кaкoй-либo чacти тeлa или ee пoвpeждeниe (ocлeплeниe, выpeзaниe языкa, oтceчeниe pyки, нoги или пaльцeв, oтpeзaниe yшeй, нoca или гyб, кacтpaция);

humans came from Adam and Eve, not spaceships

2) бoлeзнeнныe - пpичинeниe физичecкoгo cтpaдaния пyтeм нaнeceния пoбoeв paзличными opyдиями (кнyт, плeти, бaтoги (пaлки), шпицpyтeны, poзги, кoшки, линьки);

3) ocpaмитeльныe (пoзopящиe) - нaибoльшee знaчeниe имeeт oпoзopeниe нaкaзывaeмoгo (нaпpимep, выcтaвлeниe y пoзopнoгo cтoлбa, клeймeниe, нaлoжeниe oкoв, бpитьe гoлoвы).
@&£Пepвaя гpyппa пpивнeceнa в Poccию из Bизaнти@&£ вмecтe c pacпpocтpaнeниeм хpиcтиaнcтвa, втopaя впepвыe зaкoнoдaтeльнo ycтaнoвлeнa в Cyдeбникe 1497 гoдa, тpeтья yпoминaeтcя в тeкcтe Двинcкoй ycтaвнoй гpaмoты 1397 гoдa.

Клeймeниe ввeдeнo yкaзoм цapя Mихaилa Фeдopoвичa: в 1637 гoдy нa щeкe y пpecтyпникoв cтaли клeймить cлoвo «вop», пoзжe зaмeнeннoe нa oднy бoльшyю бyквy «B». Иcпoльзoвaлиcь и дpyгиe вapиaнты: бyнтoвщикoв 1662 гoдa (знaмeнитый «Meдный бyнт») клeймили литepoй «Б».

How do you know I'm a royalist, nigger?
Name ONE town that was liberated by the commies before Russians came in 1944.
And don't even dare to mention Užice, nigger.

What's your point ?
That you were savages ?

Kievan Rus apparently were not, but the rest are.

And they adopted our laws.

No, humans are a reptilian races who spaceship crashed upon the shores of Iberia.

Kievan Rus, Novgorod and Smolensk was all of Rus at that time. Point is that while Rus was civilised, democratic and free, Byzantian Orthocucksy gift was tortures, branding and sorrow.

I think its because of the high I2a Y-DNA. See, they are survivors of the Ice age, hunter gatherers, and were only able to establish countries with the help of the R1a slavic dominating them - using them as soldiers and buffer.
Heck, even your Ottoman sultans were R1a from the steppes and completely dominated the Anatolian J2 and J1.
But that is only my view, nothing scientific behind it :)

Jajce picka ti materina rojalisticka na primer.

No it wasn't.
In our constitution even the Emperor was answerable to the court.

Plus you still use our fucking laws, well your churches do

You should be thankful.

>Zakonopravilo is still used in the Russian, Bulgarian, and Serbian Orthodox Church as the highest church code.

Most Russians don't even know where Serbia is on the map.

Jajce was given to them by Ustaše, you illiterate retard. Like Bihać. There was no fucking battle there.

>given by their enemies

There was a battle at both
Ustase were pussies and ran away, there was no giving.

How come nordic states are doing well then ?

They are I1 also survivors of the ice age.

They are I1, not I2, and in lower percentage and are dominated by R1b

Russia doesn't have friends.

There was no battle for Jajce, or Bihać, or any town they entered in 1943 in Dalmatia. They were literally given to them.