What's the agenda with refugees?

What's the agenda with refugees?

They will only create chaos in all the countries... They are uneducated and reproduce fast, they have eastern values and hate the west..

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>Implying that's not the agenda

>tfw order out of chaos and turning Europe into a new babylon

Walter Benn Michaels On Paying Lip Service To Diversity While Ignoring Economic Inequality (3 minutes)

>They will only create chaos

there you go

>What's the agenda with refugees?
>create chaos

BUT WHY ???????

You just need to shift your future view of the east/west axis

Order out of chaos, good one.

Easy, the people who promote this, do it in countrys that have strong social policy. Sweden Germany, Britain. Notice their is not such a strong immigrants welcome in the USA. The money behind such groups comes from rich people.
Strong social policy cannot survive a mass influx of non contributors, so policy eventually is cut back or abolished. Taxes drop, rich get richer. Poor lose benefits.

Eastern Europe still has a chance against the skittles. Thanks to good ol' "racism".

blood for the blood god. human sacrifice never left it just became less distinctive

A young man living in the wild decided one day that the scarcity and unpredictability of his life roaming through the forests and across barren plains was no longer a life he was willing to accept. He informed the tribe of individuals he had long scavenged and hunted with that a new life was possible, and encouraged those willing to work hard and postpone satisfaction and reward for a few years to assist him in realizing his vision of a better life. Most of those in the tribe laughed and ridiculed him. They had enough to eat for the moment didn't they? Sure there were droughts, there were diseases, and occasionally the land yielded no edible plants and the roaming animals did not pass through the region. But for the moment life was easy enough. It was summer after all. There was time for dancing and relaxing. Whole days could be spent lounging at the river's side.

And so the young man left the forest in which the tribe had lately come to live and, joined by a small group of men and their reluctant wives, made their way to a small clearing where the land was rugged but fertile enough. The young man and the small group who had followed him from the forest worked day and night to construct their dwellings. They attempted to plant a crop that year but the winter came early and the crops failed. The women grew irritable, and their staid domesticity gave way to bitterness, ridicule and repeated pleas to leave this barren land and return to their life in the forest. After a long talk one night the young man and the other men who had joined him decided they would continue to pursue their ambition. After a long winter in which their bodies grew gaunt but their minds stubborn and determined, the warmer weather gave them a new energy and soon enough their construction work and their efforts to plant crops started again. The women were placated. A few bore children and took to nursing them and helped to cook the wild animals that some of the men had left for days to hunt.

It's actually pretty easy.
Companies don't have to pay them high wages but they do the same work as high payed national workers.
So wages go down, the rich get richer.
Another plus for the ruling is that they have a reason to increase the security levels, means more control, cameras, police and shit.

no hans, they arnt just trying to usher in 1984

they want a race of fuckign mongoloid shitskin subservient cucks to rule over.

your days are numbered cuck, all because you wont stand up for yourself and protect your heritage/culture. nothing of value will be lost

>What's the agenda with refugees?
Creation of the European Islamic Caliphate.

Yes, joos want to kill Europe.

Over the following months a few vegetables began to sprout, and due to their regular hunting there was enough food to see them through the winter to come. Again they sat and shivered in their dwellings. Again the women became irritable and cursed their husbands for insisting that they stay here instead of roaming in search of a better climates as their old tribe had surely done. The men sat silently, occasionally looking across the fire into one another's eyes and expressing by sight alone both their uncertainty and their stubborn willingness to continue their efforts. Another year came. The crops became more varied and more bountiful. More children were born. The wives were satisfied once more. Some danced as they would before with the old tribe, until the men reminded them of the necessity of their duties, at which point they giggled and cursed their husbands behind their backs while preparing the food and tending to the children.

Soon the small group who had left the forests and plains had grown so large that the quarrels which sometimes broke out among those living in the forest clearing could not be settled by argument alone. There were too many voices clamoring for attention and attempting to impose their individual will and perception of justice on the lives of those around them. And so the men sat silently once more and decided on rules that they and their families would abide by for the sake of maintaining harmony in their small community, even if such rules forced them to sacrifice some of their independence and personal desires. It was a winter when the men left their place at the fire and returned to inform their families of the rules which had been agreed. The women complained about the need for such rules while preparing food which had once again been put aside for the winter months. But each privately knew that the relative abundance of food they could now feed themselves and their children was something made possible only by the mens' foresight.

I really hope you made this pasta yourself.

Fucking loser

>BUT WHY ???????
An excuse to introduce more legislation to CONTROL the chaos. Increased surveillance, police powers etc.

Classic Hegelian dialectic.

Create a problem, provoke a reaction and introduce the (pre-planned) solution.


Free Stuff
Islamic version of Lebensraum.

>What's the agenda with refugees?

Either the highest caste of Jew or highest caste of Muslim (yes, there are educated, rich and affluent Muslims, like the Saudi royal family) have simply realized by this point that they cannot win a traditional war against the powers of secularism (modern Europe and North America). They can only use democracy against itself, which is working for sure.

What they want is to bring about the end of the world so they can all go to heaven. Maybe the highest caste of the Abrahamic religions are all working together period, but someone is pushing all these refugees and immigrants towards Europe and North America, and they aren't going to other Muslim countries.

In 300 years when everyone is muslim (plus an enclave of jew/christian fundamentalists) they can simply agree to detonate all the nukes and end human society so that they can all go meet Allah/Yahweh/Jesus Christ. That's the end game.

What do you suggest? Attempt to stop the civil wars that create the refugees or just killing them when they reach your border?

The settlement in the forest clearing continued to grow over the years. The young man was young no longer. He eventually took for a wife for himself who bore him several children. Together they would sit side by side in the house it had taken he and his fellows several years to construct and she would hold his callused hand in hers and would slowly come to understand why he was so quiet, so rigid and so strict with both himself and others. Many of the other wives, who had now grown older and who themselves enjoyed the comfort of their own homes and the security the surrounding farmland provided them with, sat with their own husbands and too felt a sense of guilt at having doubted them for so long, for insisting for so long that they abandon their ideals and rules and return to their relatively carefree life with the tribe which were still occasionally seen at a distance roaming the forests and plains.

When the man grew older and hard work was all but beyond him and his aching body, his daughter came to him one day in anger and declared that she would plough the land and fell the timber and carry the stones just like the young men were doing, the young men whose efforts, in her opinion, were far more rewarding than sitting around nursing children and mopping floors all day. The man's wife entered the room and tried to placate her daughter, explaining that her father was tired. In attempt to humour her daughter she pointed out that her own brother needed all the help he could get clearing out the mess from the pig sty nearby, a job he had taken reluctantly but in honour of his father, who had taught him the value of hard work and responsibility. But the daughter simply went to his closet, took out some of his old work clothes and followed some local men down to a local quarry from which stones were being lifted and hauled to construct a new dwelling in the clearing.

>create camps outside of the borders
>dont force-integrate them
>dont give them the opportunity to fallow their islamic ways and culture, make them convert by force
there 3 things i came up with in 10 seconds, all better than what we have

The young men at the quarry understood the girl's frustrations to an extent. They themselves would find it difficult to cook and clean and nurse children. Something in their nature made them restless when such work was required of them. But they reminded her also that hauling the large stones from the quarry was no easy work, and that they themselves did it not because they wanted to but because such work was necessary to maintain their small community in the clearing.

Many of the young women in the community enjoyed their role nurturing children, maintaining the cleanliness and sanctity of their homes and using their less powerful but more careful, skilled fingers to prepare the food which had become so abundant now that not a single person starved in winter nor summer. But most also felt a curious pressure to join the young woman in working alongside the men. They began to feel ashamed of what until then had been the natural duty of their gender. Surely they were settling for too little! Soon enough the women began to leave their children with older relatives or with the dolls which lay scattered in their homes and began to heave and struggle as the men were. The work was often miserable, and the stubborn and isolated silence of the men was soon reflected in the women.

>What's the agenda with refugees? They will only create chaos in all the countries...
That is the point.
Iceland showed what functioning democracy, ethnic monoculture, does in financial crisis. Iceland threw politicians and bankers in prison and people stood by the new government that said no to international banks. Why should everyone get poor and future generations pay money created out of nothing back with interest with real work to (((international))) banks?
Multiculturalism and mass immigration are warfare by (((international))) banks against democracy of nation states.
Banker families, Rothchilds etc, are creating the conditions for world war 3 with mass immigration inside democracies so that democracies could not do what Iceland did in multitude of scale when economy collapses.
Bloody chaos is the only way they can defend this unbelievable power to create money out of nothing which they have inherited from father to son since 1800's outside the control of democracy.

>create chaos
>monetize on chaos
>rebuild in your own design



The young man had long become an old man. His limbs were weak, his mind often distant and inattentive. Some of the local children mocked him occasionally while their mothers and fathers were at work. These children knew nothing but comfort. The notion of sacrifice revolted them. The old man physically repulsed them with his weather-beaten face and his callused skin. Why had he insisted on working so hard when nature was so abundant already and provided so easily a life of ease and comfort? The children, bored and restless, focused what little attention they had on themselves, appreciating for long hours their flawless reflection in the nearby stream. Bemoaning the strange mindset of their parents who worked so hard and for no obvious reason. The children knew that they too would be expected to work one day just as their parents did, just as the old man had. And they knew that in doing so they would be honoring the same values that they neither understood nor cared to understand.

One day a small group of scrawny, malnourished individuals stumbled across a clearing in the forest. Unnoticed they looked across the bountiful fields, the stys full of tame animals, and the secure dwellings which promised so much warmth and comfort from the harsh elements. It was winter and the little food they had put aside had soon been squandered and the flimsy shelters they had constructed had soon given way to heavy snow. The group trudged down into the clearing and came across a group of young people, who had spent their morning skiing atop a nearby ridge and had now descended to sit around a large bonfire which was maintained throughout the winter. From his bedroom window the old man whose mind wandered so far these days that his children wondered if it would ever return, briefly became lucid as he looked down at the ragged group of strangers. For a moment he recognized them, but soon enough the recognition had faded.

more people vote for "racist" parties -> bombs go off -> people vote even more for these parties -> people see long and short term effects this madness has brought us -> people vote same again!

It will lead to more and more nationalist parties will win election in Europe. The Nazis and Fascist will come back.

...should have happened sooner.

The elites use them to drive down wages/salaries and drive up their property values.

Thats it.

That's why Trump wanting to build a wall will bring their gravy train to an end and scares the shit out of them

>eastern values
You mean sandnigger values right?