
Trump is a racist, bigoted, nazi, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic nazi who's going to start world war 4 with his dangerous rhetoric.

He's also racist and fuck him because he's a stupid fucking white orange orangutan heh get it? I'm joking about the color of his skin while simultaneously calling others racish heh.

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I would have clipped the second paragraph.

I hope CTR pays extra for weekend shitposting.

He isnt perfect but he is none of those things, the left has just devolved to the same level of critical thinking that the right had in the 2000s and they eat up just about as much MSM garbage as the right did back then too.

Wow you've really opened my eyes. I'll be voting for Cruz this election.

he doesnt need your vote at this point so do what you want


calling him every name in the book is really triggering me right now

The choice is really easy to make, status quo to maintain the train wreck this country has become; or the only non politician to ever be on the presidential ballot.
If you don't think the United States is in trouble and everything is fine vote for Clinton.
If you think the US is fucked up and dissolving by the day and want to stop it vote Trump.
Trump had my vote from the beginning just because of the amount of tears he was generating on both parties.

Really gave my synapses a shake

The choice is even easier to make if you just happen to hate islam. It would make my day if the government stopped pandering to "allies" like pakistan, and instead tried to work together with one of the world's only other military superpowers.

I dont really care for trump's policies, but keeping his history in showbiz and business in mind, he seems like a buffoon. He is not cut of the same cloth as say bush or romney.

>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't vote Trump.
There is literally no reason to not vote Donald Jay Trump

Honestly, I really wouldn't mind if people were against Trump if it meant they'd done their own research into everything.

They see Islam as a race and not a religion, so they insist that Trump MUST be racist for being against it.

They label anyone they disagree with as a Nazi because... well it sounds good and there are comparisons that can be made... never mind that 99% of them involve comparisons that anyone in a position of politics and public speaking or having a motive in life would have, Trump's the only one compared to a Nazi because they don't like him.

They call anything they don't like fascist, because they see being told to give reasons why they have their opinions (to which they can't give any) as being silenced.

They assume that all immigrants are refugees, and that the concept of "Illegal Immigration" is just a tool used by the right to make people xenophobic.

Just jesus christ if they could at least think about why're they're leaping to these conclusions, that'd be okay. Even if they were just against Trump due to a different set of priorities, I could understand and respect that, but when the majority of the arguments out there to be anti-Trump are just either lies or are laid on false information, it's stupid, and it makes me think less of the people who fall for it.

What is that on her hip?

epic CTR shill b8 thread OP


Because most of the worlds problems are the product of Capitalism and he's a massive Capitalist... also because he has to ask why Nuclear War isn't an option.

>Downey was born in New York City, the son of Elizabeth (née McLoughlin), a model, and Robert Elias Sr., who worked in management of motels and restaurants.[1] His paternal grandparents were Lithuanian Jews, while his mother was of Irish descent[4][5][6][7]

> cut from the same cloth
> the same cloth that uses Executive Orders to start wars in other countries/send SOF teams into any country they please
> the same cloth that works hand in hand with the armaments industry

Theres your problem, chief.

Reminder that trump predicted 9/11


Shorts, unfortunately.

What I meant was, he does not seem to have the personality and the temperament of a president. I dont think you want him running US like he was running celebrity apprentice.

>tfw your head will never be between her thighs

The media only shows videos where he is High Energy, he's where he spoke to AIPAC:
Isn't that a better temperament then Hillary Clinton who has played the woman card over and over?:

I love buzzwords but what I like more are facts.

Either hes smart and knows that the average American has a tiny attention span, thusly having to play it like a reality show (as most show the loudest and most memorable character wins), or hes dumb yet somehow still holding in.

He does have a massive ego, however it also appears carefully calculated as to outrage people yet still garner more support, by virtue of turning heads. So yes he is exactly like a gameshow host, because he knows thats how you win: play the crowd.

Your n33tbux will 404.