The 5 Whitest Countries general

>America, Brazil, Germany, Italy & Russia

Not invited:
>everyone else

Other urls found in this thread:

that brazil number is far lower I believe
every nigger with a drop of white thinks he is european down there

Germany reporting in.

Allah be praised

We unironically have a lot of whites here because of Italians immigrants. Thank you italianbro


I'm pretty sure that is Nazi war criminal flowing through your veins

Who /poolofeuropeangenes/ here?

Italian, swedish, german, portuguese and spanish all circulating in my blood.

his house is on fire and he keeps blabbing

>I'm pretty sure that is Nazi war criminal flowing through your veins
Grandpa was a cool guy, he was a tank mechanic.
Not nazi war criminal at all.

Where is Canada? OP shooped that shit.

Asians aren't white

>whitest country is the one with the most white people, rather than the one with the highest percentage of whites
That's like saying that a bowl containing 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of coffee is whiter than 1 liter of pure milk because 1

Arab and German here

Holy fuck Soros is so assblasted over his my 8 million shoah that he's literally destroying Hitler's dream in an attempt to live out the jew dream of destroying what meant most to him this is hilarious what a show.


South american "whites" are rarely white. A typical one = 50 % south Italian, 25 % Spanish, 25 % african.

Wow mate you are so white.


I kinda wanted to make a joke here but you guys are in dire state and I feel bad because you guys were once at the top and it must suck being there and seeing it all go to shit.

Everything is good here. Cred Forums on damage control as usual because nothing is happening here

we don't think about you guys at all

How do you do fellow whites?

More like 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of coffee are whiter than 1 irrelevant teaspoon of milk.

>non-americans will never know what it feels like to live in the whitest country on earth

>we don't think about you guys at all
I don't think anyone really cares a bout that Achmed fampai.

If you're saying so.

>Guy who is living here
>He doesn't know what's going on

>Hue-Google living across the pacific
>I know how people in Germany doing

wew lad

>Mexico is more white than Sweden

Realy makes you think

Your migrant crisis has been reported over and over to the entire world, that part alone is pretty shitty to begin with.

No need to be butthurt at it though, maybe they will leave you guys alone if you convert.

>inb4 the south is white

>posts Graph from 2013
>Wikipedia entry says 79mio. population

Hans pls stop embarrassing us

his house is on fire and he keeps blabbing


81m out of a population of 82m are white,
98,78% are white.
I don't think brasil has any right to shit on us.

But if you mix coffee and milk you get brown shit as a result, while this teaspoon remains to be white you fucking retard.

Am already Islamic (Father from Saudi Arabia and German mother). Met enough folks from Syria that I can say they are all nice and helpful people.

> Brazil

Doesn't like 90% of Brazil ID as "Pardo, Mulatto, mixed?"

I thought it marketed itself as the most Africanized mutt country in the world.


but yeah syrians are better than the niggers and shitskins who come here not for refuge but for welfare

>across the pacific

As-salamu alaykum fellow white germanic friend.

Also that explains a lot Mohamed, thanks for proving my point.

Isn't Canada all poo in loo now?

sorry, wrong chart!
I meant this one

Good thing that they don't mix much then.

>tfw germanic, italian, spanish and austrian genes.

Not a single non-european drop of blood.

Perfect european DNA.

Feels bad living among so many mestizos.




We're all slanty eyed Indians, yhea.

Argentina coming in 8th. This list is a lie!

But number of Polonia in Brazil is just about 2 million so where the other 90 come from?

Latin America is more white than Europe. Everybody laugh at the true shitskins

>Portugal 10M white people
>literally the countries total population
poor but pure!

>According to estimates produced by the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), at the end of 2007 Poland had a population of 37,115,000
>that picture


his house is on fire and he keeps blabbing

Don't shitpost us or the next time you destroy europe we won't let you escape to a comfy snow mountain here again.

>Argentina whiter than Australia


indeed my white friend

you only have nigger blood fucking degenerate


now do it with niggers

>Still no brown butthurt mestizo mexican shitposting argentina & brazil.

Taco taco burrito

Mediterranean bro here.

Whitems af

Germany 81 million white number has the exact same problem. Considering we have 80.5 million citizens according to the last census.

But as you know "whites" in the US include North African whites aswell.

meant this one

>identifying as


>mfw judging whiteness of the country by total amount of whites rather than percentage.

Poorland is whitest in the world. How do I move to this paradise?

Oh here you are Paco.

The turkey of America, exportin millions of niggers everywear to work cleaning toilets.

all (100%) of braz*lians and italians are niggers


his house is on fire and he keeps blabbing

Apparently we're not actually white, bro.

did the plastic surgeon do her rhinoplasty with pipe grinder?

>1 post by this ID
sage and leave faggots

Looks better than reality, I suppose

Why you mad my black brother?

Triggered the chicano.

Have some national pride and go back.

I would love to compare your standards of living some time.

I'm sorry? Say that again? Argentina's pretty white, but I'm talking about Brazil. The nigger scum of the Americas. Degenerate monkeys.
Shitty pic related.

I and my 17 children will be american by 2050
print this

>Italy is on the list
>France is

Always makes me kek

Can elves join this party too?

Haha. Wow. You're both rapists.

Most of our "white people" are filthy stupid beaners pretending they're white. Whites and hispanics are grouped together in all statistics, probably to make white crime look like a bigger problem than it actually is.

I hate beaners more than niggers at this point frankly.

>81 million white people in germany
>total population of germany is 81 million
the fuck

his house is on fire and he keeps blabbing


Why? They included the true Aryan masterrace of course.

Yes... That's pretty much all of us.

wait what?
salsa on the photo?
has to be shopped..

You gotta admire his conviction though. He'll stop at nothing, or no one.

ayyy fellow georgianbro

Did some beaner rape your black mother or something?

>tfw when this is the top result in German Jewtube when you type in Mexico

Hahahaha sure lol we are just as fucked go check this ethnicity stats in capital cities and big cities and towns even rural ones we are fucking swamped by Chinese Indian shits

It's the blessing of irrelevance and poverty. Argentina is also growing regularly due to births and barely takes any immigration.

Do middle-easterners and north-Africans consider themselves white?

Hello dad, do you have many non whites in Italy?


we have italians

Hello fellow whites, how many googles are we lynching today?

>Barely takes inmigration

Oh i am laffin

You have no idea.

Nobody imports more brown mestizo shitskins than us.

And we give them wellfare.

I bet you are one of those "native" Germans with long blonde hair sitting all day outside and drinking "fine" beer in you training pants.

Holy fuck we are more white than Sweden.

Reporting in

vision blanca lmao, thanks for the laughs montezuma

>3rd biggest white population
>no muslims
>no jews
>only 8% black

EU so jelly

I don't know. But this here would definetally be counted as white in burgerland.

Show me your average Italian please.

Oh boy, an Argentinian in white thread...

Is this saying there's 81M white people in Germany?
What the heck

not me, I'll be canadian in about five bongs


>no jews

Nice meme.

You aren't even a real country.

Back to your village.

>these many niggers being buttblasted that they aren't white enough to post

Why so salty my white friend?

Checked my White neighbor, kek comfirms your claim.

Still less than you and you're almost 1/3 of our size


Kek is on my side.

Fear the true frog god.

Brown mestizo shitskins are considered white in Argentina, though.

Argentina is as white as the Falklands are Argentine: not at all.

125m Russia check,
37m Poland check
39m Ukraine... ukranians aint whity? anyway
There's not such thing as white people in Russian Census. just ethnicity, also it wasnt accurate.

>What is population density

That's a meme.

Brown mestizos are negros de mierda.

Nothing more than that.

Dude you're arab, you can't really talk shit about that guy and his culture.

Go back home or something.

> Brazil
> white

Top kek

Straya there's a spider on your moms vagina better go and save her.

True enough. But still you have them and in your government, too.


how many brazilians have blonde hair and blue eyes?



Weird, we usually call them Negros I must be living in the wrong Argentina. Do you have a source for that claim?


This is misleading.

They say the "Whitest", not the country with the highest amount of white people period.

America shouldn't be first on that list, Russia or some other European country that hasn't accepted immigration (I mean invasion) yet.

Haha. Ok

>12m+ whites
>not on the list

That's some seriously low energy bants, but I suppose it's about all to be expected from darkies like yourself.

Ur moms fat though.

Let's talk about muslims now?

who knows laddie
no one makes statistics about that
especially not here

millions, probably
i see several of them everyday

That was a pretty shitty come back, for a white man...

I hope your Brown bro they only let in brown or darker, helps if your muslim too
Just FYI

t. Alberto Barbosa

Sure. Why not:
>The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. However Turkey pressured the Federal Republic to allow its citizens to become guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this, and in 1961 an agreement was reached.

My girlfriend is 3/4 Georgian, I wonder, what are the odds future children will turn into Communist dictators?


We have big numbers.
But by percentage we are less than 50% so we actually suck.

I love these threads, butthurt countries everywhere, goes to show people know jack shit of what really goes down here.

Wow, that was absolutely nonwhite...

no, that number is right (as long as you consider italian and portuguese to be white)

What a cuck


>only they, who are rose in Georgia are destined to become Supreme rulers



4, Other (Japanese, ARAB...

How high is the Arab count?

>arabs ain't considered white

portuguese, polish, dutch, italian and injuns here

>no France

We don't want to be associate with fucking Brazil or United States of Africa anyway.

our president is one

but our arabs are all lebanese and christian syrians

Its sad the UK was split into constituent countries so you could fit in the top 5

German, Polish and Russian

Italy and America are NOT WHITE

>blonde hair
this isn't a sign of whiteness
in fact, blondes tend to be dumber than average

IS THIS WHITE Cred Forums?


>brazil whiter than england
>south africa whiter than ireland
>mexico whiter than norway

nice b8 tho italy

Says the 51st State

20 out of 23 million people in 'stralia are white cunt so I'm coming in.

I brought some grub you cunt's hungry?

Tell Brazil to fuck off half their population is shitskin, same as Germany.

Hungary is my +1, get in ere cunt.

I'd say about 4 million descendants of arabs and 2 million of jews and the rest of that 8% are all east asians

>cant understand that the stats are based on overall population not percentage

>not knowing third worlders breed like rabbits
we are whiter because our whites fuck so much

different from yours, it seems

then why are finns so smart?

So you are literally ruled by an Arab...?

The ride never ends.

>identifying as white

Which white are you talking about?


the picture i posted is him
does he look like the sandnigs in you wife's bedroom?
didn't think so


actually, correcting just took a look at wikipedia and some guy extrapolated the data from the 1940 census (the last one to ask about ancestrality) to arrive at 1 million descendants of arabs today

>So you are literally ruled by an Arab...?

they are indeed remarkably good merchants and politicians, while a considerable portion of polish and german descendants are remarkable farmers

>Whiter than Sweden and Norway
We did it /mex/! We white now!

who is this cum comrade?

try to argue instead of posting ridiculous picture vladimir

You seem in denial

ITT racist and xenophobes. I hope Hillary wins in November.

>cant understand that I'm attacking the premise that greatest overall population of whites = 'whitest'

do they really think all the half indians in the north are mulattoes? why is it so hard to understand that pardo = multiracial, and even half-nips can claim to be one? I mean by this chart you'd never guess the average for indigenous mtDna in Brazil is 33%, and even autosomal studies put everyone from 12 to 17% indigenous, except for the north were there were almost no blacks and they're at least 30% indigenous

not me, I'll be australian in about five bongs

kek, triggered

Top white country here reporting in

>determinate the whiteness of a country with picture of soccer team

spend to much time on Cred Forums Silva?

>identifiying as White

basically every brazilian on the internet i have ever met claims that he is white even when i have seen pics of some of them looking like shitskin retards

They are worse than argentinians

t. Rassenschande

sorry, only germans may know her name

>determinated the whiteness of a country with picture of a soccer player that is whiter than 90% of his team
u aight froggy?

Whitest country in the Americas reporting in. Thanks for all the white genes , Italy.

arabs rule all of São Paulo, their governor, mayor and president are all lebanese (supposedly) christians. The people who ran from the ottomans (initially) or just for the monies from Lebanon and Syria actually made the best hospital in the country, sell a lot of textiles and are over-represented politically. They even named a street after Temer in Lebanon

pic related: they're erasing the "vice" from his sign since he's the actual president now

I always thought getting your news from Comedy central was the bottom of the barrel. I can't believe there are some HUEs who actually get their news from Cred Forums banter.

just stating facts lad

>Brazil in charge of reading

why do you post this picture? Football team don't represent the ethnicity of a country now learn to read.

>white genes

then, you are not white

>"Football team don't represent the ethnicity of a country"
>Posted a pic of David Luiz trying to prove Brazil isnt white 30 seconds earlier


Okay muamba.

Until recently, the country took pride in being mixed, under the term "racial democracy", coined by gilberto Freyre in the 1930s.
Now black movements and scholars say this is a (offensive) myth and I don't know what kind of glue will keep such a diverse country together.
It doesn't help that the former government frequently demonized the "white elite".

don't worry ... hopefeully 17% of argentine have french ancestry so you are at least 17% white

jerome you sound asshurt

yes southern italians are tanned, but they are natives

are you proud of your own "counrtymen"?

huuuuuuh .. why you post picture of citizens in La Réunion (some tiny island)?
your natives aren't 100% white, not my fault DESU

>yes southern italians are tanned, but they are natives
I dunno man.
I am half northern german half southern italian and in my circle of friends I am essentially the "black guy".
Some northern central european countries have some very whiter parts. Maybe he is from one of them and you will definitely seem non-white to him if you are from southern italy.

is that thing implying that we should not celebrate the revolution, independece, etc.? because natives and mongrels are the ones that didn't have and important role in those events, not that they matter anyway..

It's only normal to have a slightly darker skin in Sicily or Calabria, they're very sunny locations.
That doesn't mean southerners are not white. Genetically, they're caucasoid.

t. jungle monkey ruled by an Arab

> America
> Country


Checked, and keeeked.

Best example of a racist minority that will be gone in few years.

t. buttblasted t*rk

what's your point?

Germancucks on suicide watch.

Here's Temer with his wife and kid, all of which are congolese according to pol I'm sure

Well my father is from Apulia and I can just say I feel significantly less white than most of my friends even though on my german side my grandfather was a literal nazi with an ariernachweis.

White is a spectrum and you have no idea how fucking white some central european countries can be.

It's because it's official census data and racial census are illegal in france

>not white
genetically italians are caucasian like the rest of europeans, not all of them fall into your pseudo "aryan pale blonde" circlejerk mentality, but thats fine with me.

Russia is the Best

Daily reminder anime is killing Japan.

Thanks for the invite fratello.
Went to school with some Italians. They were total bros.

I'm going to shop for groceries in a minute, I'll be lucky to see more than a handful of Germans on my way.

i bet you are one of those goatfuckers without work (if you do have work it's probably in a mobile phone store) who is harrassing women and robbing people at trainstations. go back home

if you had a bowl of skittles with 319 million skittles in them and 40% were poisonous, would you still take a handful?

>irises so dark you can't see the pupil
Neither is Germany apparently.

Way to generalize the world from the basement you keep calling "Fuhrerbunker"


>Andressa Urach

>A population of 400 million is equivalent to a population of 5 million.

Per capita, we have you lot beat.

Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."

Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

Libbre David 37: "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death."

Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age."

Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl."

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."

Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."

Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."

They do look a little too tan for kids. Are they even white (srs)

>Germany identifies as 100% white

This is even worse than the American definition.

Who is this Salami Tsunami

There is no reason to define a country based on the color of their skin

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness… It would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war."

– Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Ok, Mehmet.

the talmud is literally a jewish Cred Forums though
any rabbi can add to it

t. girlfriend is jewish

Not an argument.

>Portugal is whiter than Sweden

No thanks

Brother I hope you're just a bored guy with a proxy shitposting because if it's true germany is fucked up even on Cred Forums now.

But coffee and milk are the best combination.

Not that user but why are so many Cred Forumstards so invested in germany's future and desperately want it to be fucked?

Would you feel better about your shithole if you could somehow take Cred Forumsmemes seriously?

>Slavs and greaseballs

You are two people?

I'm not really invested into germany's future but it's pretty funny when the guy comes to this thread to talk shit about "shitskins" from south america while he's a fucking muslim imigrant screwing up a country that's not even his and to make it worse he boasts how good it is about the death of the people who allowed him inside that country.

That's what we call in my country "spitting in the plate where you ate from".

Don't tell me you're also another migrant that wants the death of the "evil" german people? that doesn't even makes sense.

>That's what we call in my country "spitting in the plate where you ate from
We call that biting the hand that feeds you

So let me get this straight.
You take one shitposter as a representation of a country and its current political position?

You know you are from fucking Brazil, right?
If we take people online as a representation of a country then I am sorry but you need to be nuked. There is nobody worse online than BRs. You yourself probably know that better than I do.

So do you feel like you have to defend these faggots to me? I feel nothing towards that saudi-german and I don't feel like he represents this country at all.
Just yesterday I was in Hanover and saw only maybe one not-white guy.
This country is whiter than snow and if you then hear that that whiteness is somehow in danger it is hard to assume that they don't have some agenda behind their bullshit

I get that there is some Cred Forums banter to it but nobody in europe takes melting pots like you or USA seriously telling them they are not white enough.

You're wrong about the proxy point.

This said it right. Europe is not "fucked" but it is not in great shape either. IMO no where in the world you will find the same amount of safety nets you have here in form of welfare, health care, labor unions and so on.

Of course most of the European countries are still well off and can finance most of their programs but I'm not naive enough to believe that it will hold on for longer. I know people who worked here for almost all their lives and still get piss poor pensions. Now that the Gov. decides to raise the retirement age up to 70+ years.

So don't expect a doom scenario but a rapid decline in QoL in Germany and other European countries.

nice meme

> white
You are funny pastanigger.

If you got so worked up there's some truth behind it.

Also let me put this way, pretty much every brazilian is used to the banter, specially the one from Cred Forums so we grew a thick skin, with exception of some newfags.

So proceed and call me whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact the jokes and memes are starting to become closer and closer to reality which is pretty scary and sad.

Peace bro.

fuck off italy, no one likes you

kek now what swedecucks?

t. Giulliano Ivanovich

I come from Cred Forums, 7-1 never forget it my hues be humble my black friends

well then tell your countrymen to stop coming here .
saw more germans than italians at my hotel this summer..

does your little asshole still hurt?

>If you got so worked up there's some truth behind it.
I am not worked up.
I can write with ten fingers and this is no effort at all.

Again you are just proving you desperately want it to be true. So my first instinct is thinking that maybe you are in a horrible position. Maybe fairly poor and not in a job or education without many social interactions. I don't know. I hope it is not true.
But if you NEED to pretend germany is fucked go ahead. If it helps you sleep and makes your existence a little better then it is really not hurting anyone.
Just know that if I could live in any country in the world I would still chose germany.

Danish and Italian hi

Don't worry spaghetti I like you.I am a kraut with an italian grandpa your country is based.

Yeh what the fug
Canada has around 27000000 white people

You're projecting again.

just chill dude, can't handle the bantz?



Wait first it is "you mad" next we are on "you projecting".

I am more bored now with you. Hope you get to visit germany some day and see it for yourself. I see I can't get any headway with you. You are too invested in germany being shit.


I will one day bro, gotta learn arab first though.
Oh shit I shouldn't have said that now you will reply with another wall of text.

I didn't consider that you might have trouble reading long texts I am sorry.
I will buy you a beer. And we can count the germans and arabs together.

I shouldn't be here

>Implying italians are whites

Sure germanbro.

But seriously it's just bantz, come on you know this is Cred Forums right?

>Brazil talking shit about any country
>current year
GO back to your filthy slum you peasant, worse than Mexicans

That's dog abuse. Another nigger is pulling it's tail with a string off camera.

>there are more white people in norway than denmark

There is a specific terminology for mixed brown people.

>down there

For the sake of knowledge:

White + Native => Caboclo
Black + Native => Cafuzo
White + Black => Mulato
Something not white but unknown ancestry => "Pardo", Marrom
Black => Negro/Preto
White and some arabs => Branco

Is Israel on the list?

To all people saying. "Where is X country?" This only shows countries where the government census have an "White" option. France for example don't have that


Cut that shit out

>tfw White+Black+native+Arab master race

> I am sorry but you need to be nuked.
But that is correct.
We should also nuke Germany and Istanbul, then spread posion on the mediterranean waters.
Maybe even throw a few smallpox blankets in Subsaharan Africa.

Triggered, Pablo?

I am sorry, Hanz. I didn't realize your cuckouldry was so far in that you started to delude yourself thinking immigrants are white.

>semitic, mongoloid, caucasian and negroid ancestry
I bet if you started spouting right wing opinions liberals would have to commit suicide to avoid triggering you with a reply.

>25 % african


Dad = 100% Italian
Mom = half-black half-spanish
Son = 25% black

Some countries just don't have that sort of stats
I think that's why


>286 / 85 / 136 / 3

Cred Forums is retarded

I'm not white, I'm Dutch. I am not French, I am not German, I am not Irish, Polish, English or Austrian. I am Dutch.

You're confusing a broad classification with your specific cultural and genetic heritage.
It's like saying an aircraft carrier is not a ship.

>at """""my"""" hotel
damn, people go on vacation. your location is quite good, nice views, great beaches, awesome temperature.
your country, culture and people on the other hand are shit tier.

hi dutch , i'm dad

>81 million "white people"
>less than 81 million people live there
>less than 60 million are "white"

Trash list

Don't you dare shit on italian women:
They are sluttier than slavs.


average Italian

those ppl are actually white,problem is,our population is huge,so that number doesnt say much

Nice try Giuseppe

>10 million whites
>10,3 million population

the amount of butthurt faggots from my country is too damn high...

also who cares if the shit hits the fan in the near future for germany? we'll be dancing polka in hell with hitler long before that happens.

From most to least:

>Abenaki (Native American)

America... Fuck yeah!

>Abenaki (Native American)
you have to go back

Here things rather happen from extremists than from refugees

Mezzogiorno should be forcefully expelled from Italy tbqh

I'm only a 16th native, my friend


But lets find out what the future holds for us.

I'd rather let some more muricans migrate here so they'll get a break from that crime, diversity and black lives matter shithole they call a country.

Ok, so specify what "being white" means in exact, measurable terms. To me it just sounds like a grouping entirely based on being pale, as a lot of subhumans with pale skin get lumped in with this group.

White = european with caucasian features (which can be seen in their genome as well)
What people often confuse with are semitics, which have light skin, but just like Mongoloids aren't actually white.

But you see, therein lies the problem. "Normal people" and blacks can't make that distinction. They see Jews as white. Even when you show them documents that the slaves sold to America were mostly brought there by JEWS they claim jews are white too.

White has the exact same connotation to non-whites as nigger has to blacks for us. It's a racial slur.