
wonder how the libtard leddit brigade would feel if we commented redpill shit and upvoted each other while downvoting their propaganda. let's raid those fuckers for once

>grades and knowledge don't determine how good of a doctor you're going to be, your skin color does

haha is this one of the threads where I have to tell you I totally clicked on that link and that ironically going to reddit doesnt make you a redditor too?


>not raiding reddit at every God-given opportunity

thought summer just ended.

muh programs



how much of a goddamn bitch nerd do you have to be to give a fuck what sites other people visit?


So dindus can become doctors regardless of skill, and they're legally allowed to treat people? There's gonna be loads of malpractice, fuck that shit.

probably better to get healthcare from outside the US, as you will have a better chance of receiving higher quality care and you will probably pay less.

Posted and upvoted all Cred Forums replies and down voted the ledditors. They're already buttmad

>paying US level healthcare bills after being treated by Tyrone
>tfw watermelon seeds are found in your pancreas after surgery
>stomach hydrochloric acid has been replaced with purple drank
>tfw you came in with only neckpains

having their internet points taken away sure pisses them off

Jesus Christ, no wonder our health care is shit.

I don't post on Reddit, but someone should point out that this, in and of itself creates racism and discrimination.

If I know that minorities can become a doctor with lower marks and lower performance, that they are not held to the same standards, why would I ever trust a minority doctor to take care of me?

There could be a black surgeon who scored perfectly on everything and is objectively brilliant, skilled, and top of his field. To give other black doctors a comparatively easy ride is a disservice to those who actually make it on their own. Because I will have no choice but to base my initial assessment on their abilities on their shared trait: skin color.

Bu the thing is, even if they scored perfectly it isn't perfect because Affirmative Action adds bonus points based on if someone's an "oppressed minority".

Sorry, I don't mean points. I mean everything they answered was correct. This is pretty near impossible for anyone, but I just use the extreme as an example.

That's acceptance not graduation.
google niggers rarely get residency.
They stay med students for years trying to place into residency. google niggers refuse to kiss ass and any medfag will tell you when it comes to placing into residency being smart is not enough. its about networking and kissing ass


Yeah, I checked the plebbit comments and one of the faggots said he didn't care what race his doc was, he just cared to have good care... while ignoring statistics of how smart someone is or how well they can apply themselves (gpa, test scores).


Kill yourself