Good arguments against this shitty comic?

Good arguments against this shitty comic?

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immigrant welfare rates

Just kidding, logic won't get you anywhere, you must use emotion and the emotion you must use is that immigrants are rapists and murderers.


Show the beetle being stabbed and raped.

Show the beetle completely running out of food and dying.

"Sure enough, the strangers arrived and ate the stupid beetle."

There you go.

Ye olde immigration brings nice food meme

Fallout 4 did it better

Also, the Tenpenny Tower mission in Fallout 3 was pretty redpilled


whatever eats beetles is what the beetle meets

All her really needs is a tattoo sign on his forehead saying "GOOD GOY"


Or the strangers are an invasive species that feeds on the same food and starts to outbreed beetles.

Show the sensible caterpillar living happily with his own race of caterpillars

That green thing in the third panel kinda looks like an ant, so there you go.


Draw another panel

>meanwhile, in the strangers homeland

Then draw a pile of dead purple beetles

>You know, the more I read about the pre-war world, the more I think they actually deserved to get nuked off the earth.
Not good enough.

There are already immigrants inside the country. Where are the good fun times they are bringing?


I was gonna go a bit harder on that panel but yours is a lot more funny in it's brevity

There obviously aren't enough strange foods and dances in the beetle's country yet. I mean, it's 2016!

No good argument. This is how America was founded.

The only argument anyone can have against immigration is that it overloads the social system.

low taxes, no social system = no borders

and then a mantis showed up and ate everybody except the caterpillar

They should show how the beetle has to provide for them and then how the strangers bring more

>Implying that there are no sensible and better insects the caterpillar could hang out with

plot twist: the wall the caterpillar was building was actually his cocoon

after a couple weeks he emerged a butterfly

the beetle had eggs laid inside him by a parasitic wasp


im white as fuck

Later, a beautiful moth appeared.


This one is good.