Can a guy be raped by a girl?

Can a guy be raped by a girl?

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Well, by law, girls don't have to physically resist a male for it to be considered rape. If she says no and you persist, it's considered rape. Now apply that law to a male, and you'd have a rape situation. However, I think rape in the usa is defined by only male on female contact. Hence, a male can't be considered raped by a female, only sexually assaulted.

What the fuck I work with this manlet.

Yeah, i once drunk bedded a ham beast and couldnt get it up, ended up passed out without completing the deed. I woke up some hours later to her on top of me, me i side her, no condom. Was i raped Cred Forums? Not that i was going to stop fucking her (aside from putting on the rubber)...

What if you're tied up and she spends 7 hours putting foreign objects in to your anus?

yes. when you are fucking her while drunk she raped you. baiting you in not using a condom is also rape. when women stare at you on the bus and they are not hot it is stare rape. when she rapes you and you have an orgasm it is not rape anymore thou.

If his dick is hard, then it isn't rape. If his dick isn't hard, then sex wouldn't be possible. So no, a woman cannot rape a man.

Yes, but people need to stop acting like its the same kind that happens to women. If a 20 year old had sex with me when I was 12 I wouldn't have called it rape but some guys would have.

>Can a guy be raped by a girl?
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if you are """raped""" by a women you are fucking faggot. how much of a pussy do you have to be to afraid of the pussy? women have the strength of a small child. i know going "muh male rape" feels good to say as if you are telling women you can play that game to. but seriously quit being a faggot

Unless it is some 300 pound muscle woman, there's no way a woman could physically overpower a guy to force sex. Except for fringe cases (paralyzed, children, etc), the guy is able to stop the sexual encounter at any moment. Also if the guy isn't interested in the sex, his dick will remain flaccid, so penetrating the woman wont be possible.

Yes, in some bizarre obscure cases it is conceivable a woman might be able to rape a man, but it is as rare as a a case of a human biting a dog. Rare enough you can say no, a woman cannot rape a man.

The FBI defines rape as "unwanted penetration" or something like that, and lets be honest, "rape" in western society means "an undesirable man making a woman uncomfortable". That's it. That's what it means. Lets just be honest here.

I could easily use my words to get a cunt to leave me alone, I've done it before. I'm a man, so I could also defend myself easily if I didn't want to have anything to do with her yet she still persisted to touch me.

Of course.


Actually happened to a guy in Toronto a few years ago.

The guy was in a bar and was being an annoying drunk douche to these three girls. At the end of the night, they invited the guy to their car for some hot action..

Well, they proceeded to "insert" into him any loose item that can usually be found in the trunk of a car during winter, including an ice scrapper and a snow brush...

Found the article.

Are you saying that you'd be completely okay with your mom mounting you and making you cum inside her?


If she's dog ugly yea

They still got a hole to be penetrated, don't they?