Can someone explain why?


Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Trump and fuck all whites people, kill them all

Imagine the smell

I just don't understand the self hate of their own race while glorifying all others. What causes them to be so hypocritical when it comes to race?

Is that a tranny or a butch lesbian?

Mental illness. In the USA this creature gets a museum and an exposition because there are (((people))) who need useful idiots, here it would have gotten whacked like in that scene from the Godfather

psychotic arts mayor tries to do offensive shit. gets an audience. people try to get money from the controversy. Cred Forums looks at it and reposts it millions of times to try and point out a problem that is not present with 99.999999999% of other white people.

that's it.

white people made me fat, it has nothing to do with life choices.

the gopro attached to it's chest probably explains why, if it's actually worth considering

>White people fuck white people

How is this a problem to you?

>white people voted to end slavery
>white people voted to give women the vote
>white people voted to give blacks the vote
>blacks are, in general, more bigoted than whites

But yeah blame the whites and not the jews. Whites just keep trying to help but no one appreciates it or listens. I guess we'll just have to stop helping.

it needs a comma
"fuck, white people"

as in "make white babies"

just a special snowflake that isn't getting enough attention

Some people crave attention and have no purpose.

She/he is as proud as a peacock with that masterpiece. Powerful stuff there…transformative

It's a transfat.
Xe is so fat, that every male and female traits have disappeared and all that remains is mayonaise as hormones and DNA that spell Nutella

I'm sure all those leftist shitstains who support that hippo would be upset if you made a "FUCK BLACK PEOPLE" exhibit.

If I were him I'd hate myself too.

the jews played a trick on them. the good news the ones that fall pray to jewish manipulation will fail to reproduce more white. thus the whites left will breed whites stronger and more resilient to jewish tricks.

What did the "artist" mean by this?

Fat homo desires sex with White men. /thread

Is that a midget or is that the biggest skirting board in the world?

Dear lord, look at that fat fucks shoe size... he's got feet bigger than a fucking elephant.

Why is this acceptable? How come the all powerful jews have antisemetism and we dont have shit. Wtf

Fuck drumf and fuck white people

Outgroup preference.

Because black is more slimming.


Because it wants attention

Naw dude. When they go thru metamorphosis their genome starts to read F A T A S S

Even his shoes are fat

hating whites is new trend

Let's not be so quick to judge this man. He could have just sold his gigantic body as a billboard for advertisers

she makes pigs look good

what gender is this thing

It's so fat, it has to make its own clothing


Tavistock Institute


>mfw I burnt all the Marxists on campus.

i'd so kick him down those stairs

pic related (on right) is girl who went to my alma mater who is the most degenerate white blm supporter i've ever seen.

Why do so many Batman villains appear on the left?

It goes deeper...
I noticed also the left is wearing a camera.

So who are these people? artists?

fuck fat people

Xe has a glorious powerlifting physique

no tell me

Imagine how shit that blob's life is.

He's a disgusting fat pig. He's not funny, he's not likable. So he latches on to social justice because he craves human interaction and approval from the social mob, and this is his smug gotcha at a group he's allowed to criticism and carries risk in doing so. He's the modern left, a mumbly-mouthed doughy pussy of a man. A chubby coward that will cover his eyes and plug his ears if confronted with controversial facts like muslim child rape in europe, because he's only in this for his ego.

Tl;dr he's a faggot.

She wants to be fucked by something other then dindus

Seriously it's probably because in the US they have lots of negroes and actual whites to fit in and score major Virtue points go full retard "fuck whitey am I right fellow black sensible colored hearts?" but that shit can't be considered acceptable, especially when if the contrary happened you'd just get murdered by a Martin Luther KANG and he probably would get an endorsement on live tv by Obama.
We might be very cucked with africans but we'll never reach the point where we're considered at fault in our own country by the majority of the people.

Fuck white people! Fucking punk ass degenerates

this is the post that accompanied that photo

Decadence was a mistake.

Maybe she just desperately wants to get laid

>Canadian flag
>legit response i thought was the exact explanation for this

we really have torn reality boys

Give that obese woman a BBC.

because when you are fat you have mini strokes daily and become retarded.

hes a provocateur nothing else.

fuck white people
white people fuck

ignore him

Are we sure it's a he?


What did it mean by this?

Pronouns are xir, shitlord.

nobody even remotely inteligent uses the word 'fuck' in public

Why? Just look at him. that's why

When you virtue signal so hard you turn into a wizard.


Cis shitlord bigot.

you already posted this here, did you forget? I know it's probably hard to keep track of every thread/IPswitch

>i'm a worthless fat pile of shit
>pls give me some attention

it can't be helped

You try going through life fat, tiny-dicked, and sexually ambiguous, and see how much that ends up messing with your head.

Every day he doesn't take a machine gun and mow down a dozen people is a good day for him.

Fat people need someone to blame for being fat just like niggers need someone to blame for them being niggers. It's the current year and no one accepts responsibility for their own actions anymore so who can they blame without getting backlash?


if he really believed his own bullshit he would kill himself. lead by example fat man and off your fat ass.

He's ronery and desperate for any kind of interaction others could do with him, that's why.

Having read little other than the self hating big media outlets through all his life the only thing he was able to come up with for his plea for some human warmth was the bbc meme said media always pushed forward.

>reverse racism
Stopped reading there.

If black people in America had a motto, it would be "blame someone else."

"Pay attention to me"

He's one of those hack dime-a-dozen 'artists' who aren't actually in any way creative or capable of making quality artwork, so he relies on shock value instead.

Art schools are literally a breeding ground for filth like this - people who think themselves skilled or important because they pissed in a jug or stuffed a tampon in a teacup.

Most artists are self-righteous scum nowadays. Don't give him attention, that's what Mr. Dunkin' Donut wants.

Here, forgot pic

weak minds.

they do only what is "popular", not principled.

Who is this?

I need a name for a meme i'm doing


America being America again
should we just nuke ourselves and let Russia clean our mess?

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Too much food in too little time.

ree = wee

is that Egyptian pepe scripture from the tombs?

This one it's a distraction attempt from it being an obese wale.

>white people made racism


>Promote fuck white people with an unfuckable white person.

Once you go black, you never go back.

These are LITERALLY the same exact people who spend all day online calling us fat neckbeards. LEL

He's fat and probably hates himself.

>when you defy national stereotypes and actually make a decent post
good job leafy

Finally a name too associate with this rope recipient.

Didn't this happen on some college campus down in happy South Africa? Some sort of "art" installation?

Looks like a bisexual woman who change her gender or simply a far gay.

I wonder which has more usable space, the pictures frame or his body.


>make a custom outfit with your shitty graphic design
>still can't button the bottom of your shirt

Imagine being this fucking fat

as an Alfa Romeo enthusiast, this is one of my favorite Pepes.



da fuck is that?

They obviously just want to be raped by the tribe.

oh shit i just realized its the same thing