The Future

So whats going to happen when all the races start mixing together and intermarrying into one single blurred together group with the same skin color, etc. How is that going to change politics? Will there be racism anymore?

We need answers.


OF course there will be racism.
Look at haiti, after the independence they have had civil wars between the lighter and the darker ones.
Look at africa, they kill each other cause they are from different tribes but they are all niggers.

All that will happen is that Islam will become the dominant religion, and muslims will just kill anyone who gets in their way when they have substantial numbers. This is why the middle east and parts of africa are Muslim only.

you don't understand. There will be no lighter or darker ones. Everyone will look the same.

and of course people will still kill other, what im asking is will there still be discrimination.

pic related

language, religion, height, penis size, good looks, eye colors...
Look at Brazil, that's the future.

That sounds horrible.

People do not seem to mix on the whole.

I am not sure it will ever happen.

The west is likely to collapse first.

No more diversity! How can this be allowed to happen??? So inherently poblematic and raciss I literally can't even! I mean, NO MORE DIVERSITY?!

Yeah, tell me how I get out of this chickenshit outfit

>Everyone will look the same
Now that's some potent strain of bullshit

By the time race mixing has reached critical mass people will be genetically engineering their children. So everyone who isn't a lower-class savage will have greek gods for children.

Even niggers know niggers are ugly.

Slavery. That is the end goal. However, it won't be the slavery of centuries past. In fact, most of the slave mass won't know they are slaves or have any idea their overseers exist.

even poo in loos revere the lightest skin. everybody has always and will always want to be white, except for (((current year))) cucks

Tribalism is in our nature, we'll always war and hate each other arbitrarily.

but we as a species won't last long enough to see that day my friend


There will definitely be some kind of -ism, whether it's race or religion or nationality. It's how the human brain works on a fundamental level, there is always an "us" and a "them."

Theres an effect where with less differences and less perceived injustices amongst groups
The groups hate/divide even more

can someone user remind me what the effect is called?

>So whats going to happen when all the races start mixing together and intermarrying into one single blurred together group with the same skin color, etc
Then people will all look like North-Africans or South-Americans and it will be ugliness and sadness for ever and ever

Is that from aliens ? Watched that thenother day actually. Shame they don't make horrors like this anymore

It's not going to happen. People by default are attracted to people who look like themselves, except for googles. Googles are predatory and want to spread their inferior genes to other populations.

>bonus situation...

They will basically be a genetic underclass.

We cyberpunk now.