TRUMP GENERAL - Countdown to Pence Rally Edition

Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump TH on Hannity 9/23/16
>Trump trolls the media
>Trump Rally in Chester PA 9/22/16
>Pence Rally in Mesa AZ 9/22/16
>Trump on Dobbs 9/22/16

>Pence Rally Colorado Springs CO 9/22/16
>Trump grabs some cheesesteaks 9/22/16
>Trump speech at Shale Conf in Pittsburgh PA 9/22/16
>Trump round table Dayton OH 9/21/16
>Trump Rally in Toledo OH 9/21/16
>Trump Black Church TH Cleveland OH 9/21/16
>Trump Rally in Kenansville, NC 9/20/16

>Trump on F&F 9/22/16
>Trump on Fox8 Cleveland 9/20/16
bit ly /2d40Rzt
>Trump on Savage Nation 9/19/16
>Trump on Orly 9/19/16
>Trump on F&F 9/19/16

>Trump ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero


Other urls found in this thread:






Bend the knee.





trump is a racist


everyone. i have some bad news.. look at image

guys.... this is bad. 49 out of 50 states

he won't even win all 50 states... i.. i just can't do this anymore.

i've been a trump supporter since june of last year, when he took that escalator ride to make the announcement.. but this is just.. t.. too much.

i just can't take the risk. i'm s-so sorry, but... this is the end. i wish it wasn't, but... but i just knew it was too good to be.. true. this is the end of donald trump's campaign.

i used to be a trump supporter, but after this... it looks like i'm gonna have to s... start shillin' for... hill.

i'm now r-r-re-ready for.. hilla.. ry.....



>ctr having to resort to posting cp now
Fucking hilarious

Oh yeah awoos

I just want Trump to win bros.

The liberal tears, the tears would be possibly the best thing in my entire life. When Brexit won the tears were fucking glorious, legions of uppity condescending libtards crying after they had just been BTFO.

I didn't want it to end and now there's a chance for it to happen again. Please don't fuck this up America, I beg you

will hillary kill herself?

I will forgive but never forget. I will never apologize for expecting someone to do the right thing in the first place.



>wins DC without winning California



Alfred Hugecock.


>Bernie Sanders' older brother Larry is running for David Cameron's seat in parliament


Barry the Shoeshine Boy.

So what are you gonna do during the debate, anons? How will you watch it?

Gonna get comfy in bed with gf, make a nice big dinner, snacks, hot beverage. Turn up two laptops and have the debate on one and /tg/ on the other. Will probably avoid the rolling sticky, since /tg/ was and will always be much more comfy.

[email protected]

>liberals on nov 8th

*Steps into courtyard at high noon*

Hillary, I might seem madder than an old wet hen
but might I say Im more happy than a delegate cookin' supper for 'ts baby llama.
The truth of the matt'r is these yere United States needs conserv'tism
n' you are more crooked than a cactus durin' a sandstorm.
Yer n' yourn woolies have used my werds against me.
But no longer will I stan' by like uh lil' miss nancy.
I will vote my conscience
and I will vote for Dahnald J Trump.

*An iron horse is heard rumbling in the distance*

So them votes yer got over yonder
yer think they belong to yerself?
Then you might be more crazier than a tangle-legged chicken fish.
There's no need to slack jaws or slangander 'ne longer.
Just hand them over to Dahnald
n' you won't have to see the end of my smoke pole ya hear now, slummy?

So who gets to bring who to the debates?

Do they shell out tickets or they give like 50-50 to both candidates?

Post original.

I really have started to think that leftists must all be slaughtered. They are not human. They're just human shaped meat being driven by leftist programming.

Trump should post his sources and fact check illary/the """"fact"""" checkers on his website live during the debates


I see there is a small YT link errro; will fix for next OP

>Trump TH on Hannity 9/23/16


Who is at that you guys like so much that you watch in the evenings?

Is it Cavuto?

Sam Hyde

That's a strong start.

J Sullivan. Cap this post.


Ken Yan

he's a jew so he probably has more connections in the uk than the usa


Remember when this was a thing that redditors were actually shilling here?

ive honestly never clicked most of these /tg/ other categories.

I have to work and can't get out of it so will watch at work.

I can tell you right now, her toenails are not that healthy. Get that shit straight Garrison

Uh oh... someone just came up with a flawless plan to stump the Trump.

I think it might be over, guys.

We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood
We kill for honor
We are the holy ones, our armors stained with blood
We killed the dragon
In glory we return, our destination's end
We slayed the dragon
No more living in fear, it's time to raise our king.
We made it happen, we're the chosen ones!

We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood
We kill for honor
We are the holy ones, our armors stained with blood
We killed the dragon
We're the chosen ones!

Riding through thunder and lighting once again
We slayed the beast, we brought an end
Now we have left the kingdom of the damned
Heroes of the day, legends forever!

We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood
We kill for honor
We are the holy ones, our armors stained with blood
We killed the dragon
We're the chosen ones!

It seems to me like a journey without end
So many years, too many battles
We've finally arrived, now we're standing at the gates
Heroes of the day, legends forever!

In glory we return, our destinations end
We slayed the dragon
No more living in fear, it's time to raise our king
We made it happen
We're the chosen ones!

We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood
We kill for honor
We are the holy ones, our armors stained with blood
We killed the dragon
In glory we return, our destinations end
We slayed the dragon
No more living in fear, it's time to raise our king
We made it happen
We're the chosen ones!

where is that young awoo's hands?


Considering he is preparing for the debates by having to stand near the podium and being hammered by the toughest questions from all of his advisors for 5 fucking hours without a break, i'm sure he'll have something like that prepared.

I think candidates get to choose a small selection of seats. The rest are donors or people who know people who work in the network producing the debate.

>100% accuracy

That's about the same accuracy as me in CSGO.


That map needs to be corrected, it's (((Hollywood))) that has 55 electoral votes, California has 0.

... I've raised actual pigeons that were smarter than that.

>making pigeon coos on national television
They realize people question her judgement and brain health right?

Got no love for politicians
Or that crazy scene in D.C.
It's just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes
There's a growing feeling
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due
I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?
Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
There's a revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

That is actually really good normie material.

>that forced smile

Because you never fire your gun, probably.

Fox News contributer defends Hitler, calls out Frankfurt School Jews as the root of our Ills

Trump won't win,this will be the result. screencap this.

What is taking Assange so long? It's almost debate day where are his leaks?

These people have the mental capacity of a 13-year old.

u mad?

Its funny
At first they thought they were the good guys
The shilled for bernie, tried to co-opt this board
Then when it didn't work they tried "TRUE CONSERVATIVE" or the Hungry Kasich
Now that bernie is gone, the nice ones have left the brigade. CTR is full of nasty hillshills that just want to hurt you, at least the bernouts tried nicely to convert people.

TFW when this happens.

You can see the cut where Hillary's goons beat him up for his endorsement.

corrupted globalist

Something really off about doing projections based upon current polls is that current polls are just a single plot of a trend that won't be final until election day.

If Trump is losing today, events between now and election day could cause him to win.
If Hillary is winning today, events between now and election day could cause her to lose.

People do projections and guess based upon current data and try to say it's "final" when it's just part of a nearly unpredictable fluctuation, especially this year with how unique this election is. We have 44 days left for Trump to destroy Hillary in debates, for Hillary's campaign to fuck up even more, for new investigations to unfold, and so much more down the line.

So don't fret. Don't think you have it in the bag either though, just watch the sun come up again and again with hope in your hearts and fire in your eyes. We're going to win and Make America Great Again.


Trump will win.


Trying to come up with a drinking game. Help me out bros.

>Hillary lies about emails, take a sip. (worried I may run out of beer)
>Trump makes his number 1 hand and waves it around, take a sip.
>Trump says Chyna, take a sip.
>Hillary coughs, drink until she stops.
>Trump says "Excuse me, excuse me!", finish beer.

Fucking idiot plan. She won't even say why or how he's lying but will just make a sound. No more effective then yelling racist or whatever instead.

I too have been wondering this. He leaked the DNC stuff the day before didn't he? Maybe tomorrow? Not betting on anything.

it goes to congress where they vote Donald Trump to become president. You need 270 dipshit.

they didnt need to touch him, they just gave him a plane, and he cucked out.

IT IS NOT OVER! Rep.Jason Chaffetz (our hero) is to question FBI Director Comey during the House Judiciary Committee on September 28 2016.


Very nice. It's in the Facebook normie style, should spread more.

Hey uhh... nice dubs! But these trips say he won't!

i always thought the bernie shills were more annoying. it was like a know it all 16 year old trying to explain to you how the world really works

>the house elects trump
libshits would be BTFO kek

Was her defense literally that she couldn't remember because her brain was fucked up? Is this part of the interviews from the FBI?

What happened with Pagliano and Combetta?

How much are Cruz memes worth in the market

>30-14 against other SMFCS
>9-20 against LEMs


SO Trump just schlacks her and she sits there cooing like a Pigeon the whole time?

This is why nobody listens to that person, at least they've noticed they're utterly shit

they have lost 70% value

How do you think the vice-presidential debate will go on the 4th?

fucking pathetic

Nice singles, Jeb

A good Jew is a DEAD JEW


Currently being hunted down like the mongrels they are.

Really good, well made, top score.

lets hope she does this

NAACP Leader Speaking Against Cops In Charlotte Financed By George Soros


She's a lawyer. She stonewalled the FBI by just saying she "couldn't recall" anything.

heh ,drumpf tards BLOWN THE HELL OUT

They're in free fall. Sell now

even better than the Trump Debates.

>winning PA

choose one

That works perfectly.

lewd hand holding up 200% in the last week though

Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease is Why She Will not do Press Conferences

Pence is probably being trained by Trump himself

Wasn't there supposed to be a hearing?

Trump is a bigot and a brute.

She used her concussion as an excuse for not being able to remember briefings. Not just "I can't recall"

Kill yourself, globalist Jew cock sucker


Already done, they didn't show up again. Which is why they are being held in contempt now and being hunted down.

I wish he was a dictator so we start purging people like you from the world. Unfortunately no matter how much the braindead sheep want him to be "hitler" he's still the most socially liberal republican since Lincoln.

Kaine is a lispy faggot and Pence is a comfy father figure. Kaine has nothing to even talk about, either. Maybe accusing Pence of hating gays because of the cake thing?

>adult critical thinking workshops

Why the fuck do these idiots believe this is a good thing? How the fuck have they fallen to the same traps of cultural marxism that you'd find in a shitty communist dictatorship?

It reminds me of the shit ceausescu did. WE WUZ

VIDEO - Unhinged Liberal Stops at Trump Supporter Home Flips Him Off Calls Him Racist While Cursing

ok, can i get an example

how bad should I feel for having supported him in 2012?

He has to appear Tuesday. If he doesn't, the committee sends out the headhunters.

Another one.

>Why are you upside down?

This is a story all about how his life got red-pilled upside down
So I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how he became a fan of Hillary's health scare

In a Liberal University born and raised
getting brain washed is how he spent most of his days
Women first, cucking, being a tool
and voting for Sanders' is what made him cool
When a couple of times she was up having a fit
started coughing without much control of it
She fainted while on camera he knew right there
That he would be voting for the man with luxurious hair

Just the way we like him.

I fucking wish he were a dictator.
Then we could get rid of undesirables like this. However, Trump is nothing like that. He's a good, honest American patriot.


What, did they make 1 prediction in their lives or something?

Can't do shit without your cp, eh roody-poo candy-ass?

that is a masterpiece

Both didn't show to their hearings and I think they're both being held in contempt of court, so new hearing are going to be scheduled where they're stripped of their immunity in light of the stonetear evidence. At least that's how I understand it.

So bets on them being a part of pic related?

KGB defector on Liberals: “You are stuck them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information.

They will be hunted down by US Marshals if they fail to appear now

>Brainwashing workshops to prevent a Dictator Trump


>Will probably avoid the rolling sticky
This, it's the Walmart of debate threads

>This one weird trick makes you look like a fucking retard live on television! Learn how!

>The rest are donors or people who know people who work in the network producing the debate.
>(((people who know people who work in the network producing the debate)))
jesus h christ

this is why I don't waste my time trying to argue with them

Don't forget this woman is JEWISH.


Wew lad it's gettin' good now.

Wait hol' up...


100% of 0 accuracy is still 0 accuracy

Trump will call them out if he has to. He doesn't give a fuck.

Contempt of congress, not contempt of court

>tfw I'll never make sweet little MAGA babies with her


I love Trump!

I really wish this person gets told to shut the fuck up at one point, this reeks of someone who was surrounded by people who politely nodded thier heads whenever she said stupid shit like this.



(only link I've found so far)

totally legit

Really should happen. A teacher rooted in Socratic dialect would rip these sophists apart so quick they would regret the idea of it immediately.



So she's going to sound like a bird on national TV? Good plan. I can't believe Trump hasn't thought of it.

Take a shot everytime any of those things happen, would be pussy shut otherwise

Pence a cutie!!

Has it been hijacked or should I stop reading and start?

>Bernie Sanders' older brother

he's a dinosaur?


vot hilary


holy shit, forgot all about that


She has been confirmed to be Jewish rat

Keep in mind. A GOOD JEW IS A DEAD JEW

It's in the process, you can certainly help.


I don't know why that Hillary Clinton for President is trending, maybe because the NYTimes endorsement?

Every single tweet is negative.

My dad likes this Steven Crowder guy on youtube, and he seems like a great guy, conservative, christian, owns guns, anti-islam. The whole shebang. But EVERY video he signals against how evil white supremacy is and how he's not one of those evil white supremacists.

Like, dude, there's nothing wrong with just wanting to work for white people as a white person.

>stroking Cernovich's ego

It's funny because all the tweets I see are anti-Hillary

get Hillary Clinton for Prison trending

holy god damn

It really is a mental disorder


Steven Crowder is a cuckservative.

why live?

Post original.


>Ron Paul supporter
>well fuck this then
>Johnson 2012!
>too apathetic to actually register and go vote

Not this year. Was at the caucas, wear Trump merch regulalry, will debate if someone starts it, watch almost all if the rallies, watched the debates, watched the RNC.

Trump energizes voters.

>why isn't everyone as ideological as me

Ideas without implementation are worthless.


He's a whiny cuckservative who is gay for Cruz

America the Banana Republic – Most of Clinton’s Recovered Emails Will Be Released After Election Day

Crowder is a light hearted stepping stone that tries to be anti-PC but just can't completely shake the guilt complex.

Not a praying person, but if you are, pray for Trump to be guided past the enemies of America who are running the debate and will stop at nothing to destroy this patriot. Pray that Teump is not blinded by their obvious attempts to bait him.

McCarthy tried to expose the communist plot and they destroyed him, now the final battle is here and Trump must be delivered from this evil that is clawing at our heels.

I drew you a Trump, /trumpgren/

Johnson wasn't even on the map back then, so he either didn't do retarded shit, or nobody noticed.
No need to feel bad

i'm living to vote for trump, but after that, idk tbqh. she'll never notice me.



I guess. I'd rather he didn't do it constantly though. Do you really need to say I'M NOT A RACIST all the time to reach people in the modern era? To me it just comes off as weak and desperate.

I thought that was Snake for a sec.

>the biggest news publisher in the world has pushed for hillary
>meanwhile in the land of trump he plummets in the polls

Feels good rooting for WINNING candidates

she follows me on twitter so there's that going for me I guess

You're pretty cool drawbro.
You too Portubro,

Oh, just let the man defend Trump.

>Hillary trying to get Lester Holt to (((fact check))) the candidates

Holy fuck do these people even know what a debate is?


Impressive work.

That he is

It's Official: America Is Not The Greatest Country On Earth... It's 28th!

the audience can't even say anything during the debate so it's not like it matters

>bragging about the NYTimes endorsing Hillary
>bragging about nonexistent polls showing Hillary rising when she's losing ground fast in Florida, Ohio, Nevada, Iowa, NC and other states

Is a debate not a thing where the person it's rigged against gets fact-checked on every statement they make just to try and make them look the fool?

>anti-media candidate doesn't get endorsed by the crooked media

Who fucking needs the media anyway when you have the people behind you?

I want it too britfriend. Unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy liberal tears with brexit because nobody over here actually knew enough about it to care one way or the other. When Trump wins I will finally get to enjoy what you felt. Can you please post some anecdotes of your experience with liberal butthurt after brexit? I want to know what I have to look forward to.


>all this degenerate hand holding

Worse than that spammer last night desu senpai.

it doesn't explain why you drew John Candy instead of Donald Trump

>(((media))) supports hillary
>shill polls
Yeah, we're winning so hard you're back to trying this crap. It does feel good.

Not for long.


Sounds pretty metal.


We need Trump


Favorite new copypasta.

by all means

This is the most reddit thing I've read all week

She's that desperate m8, literally terrified

Look at the beginning, the moderator spends like 5 minutes telling the audience to FUCK OFF with any noise. Never interrupts Bush or Kerry to fact check them

We should care, why?


Goddamit, CNN.

The dead have risen once again, always ready for electing a demoncrat

Every time Hillary lies aka whenever her mouth opens, everyone in the crowd yells PEPE. Donald just points to the crowd each time.

>they still think the Nazi comparisons hold any weight

Literally who?

honestly i had no idea either. it's some random writer from the new yorker.

(((Soros’s))) campaign of global chaos

Hillary employing PSYOPS experts to help her in debates!

Why isn't there already a Metal Band Album Cover meme generator by now? Its current year.

Dude, if you think that sorry ass state is gonna go red i've got some Ocean front housing in west texas at good prices.

I'm going to save this link
When that faggot tries some shit it's always nice to have evidence of what a true moderated debate looks like

>Holt asked Hillary Clinton if she ever gets her “feelings hurt” due to the Republican attacks on her. Referring to a young person in a town hall event who said that his generation feels Clinton is dishonest, Holt said to Clinton, “And when he said that I winced.”

Sigh, the moderator will basically fellate her wrinkly pussy and crucify Trump.

The shills are coming.

She wants the fact-checking to eat up the time for her. The more she talks, the worse she looks to the public, so she needs all the help she can get.

>non-existent polls
They're on RCP. Eat shit.

The people in general hate Trump. Go outside and ask the first person you see their thoughts on him. They'll probably call him a racist baboon.

>nothing to back up his candidate




No shit, he'll try. He'll fail, though.

How many hours left until debates?

Check the rest of your replies.

FBI Dump Reveals Obama’s Pseudonym Use, Private Email Traffic with Hillary’s Private Email

>Ahh my eyes

Yeah that typically happens when caught in tear gas.

Thanks CNN for the special report.

it's weird cause that's how I felt about the religious crazies in the 2000s, and for some reason the religious are "conservatives"
but now it's the liberals who are completely sociopathic and insane


It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

You know, the enthusiasm gap between Trump and Hillary is incredible. The media is trying to create artificial hype for her, but it's not working.

CNN gets caught by Trump Train, 'Oyyy veyyy my butthole'

I watched the whole thing. I honestly hope she flips her car and dies in the resulting fire

Would newsworthy if the tear gas supplied to the police didn't work.

It won't help her, though.

Bonus: CAPTCHA = popcorn

Like that will matter, the mods were weighted against Trump during the primaries and it didn't stop him from scoring devastating hits against the opposition.

I'm imagining it now and it's worse than Dukakis in a tank or Al gore sighing constantly.

please rate


[email protected]

Watch this This is how a actual general debate goes. If they do that, the debate will be a sham.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado



Try again
You can do better

Going pretty well so far. The only positive comments are CTR bots spamming the NYT article, which this hash was obviously intended to promote.

>the new yorker.

Speaking of The New Yorker - pic related is from there


(shit sound - streamer apparently working on it)

Kek approves, obviously.

>when someone tells a lie



There's a saying in Chicago. On Halloween the dead rise from the grave. The next Tuesday, they vote.

>The New York billionaire has skipped practicing a full debate as he gets ready for his first on-stage meeting with Hillary Clinton. While he has studied policy ideas and practiced answering questions he may face Monday night, experts who have been through the process call his decision to skip time-intensive mock debates a mistake.

Will these faggots ever shut up?

One side always does this, wonder which one?

here's the background to OP's pic

pretty nice

What are Trump's chances of winning Delaware? Delaware has the highest concentration of blacks at 23%, is basically a US tax haven filled and is dominated by a liberal college in the north. I think the south though might be more conservative.

I think I met a person irl like this. She was a clearly mentally deranged liberal, I think she was the example of one of the few female autists in the world.

Literally the plot of my favorite Chris Farley/David Spade comedy


Did they not pay attention to the whole "Mock debated for FIVE hours without a break"? I swear to christ, the fucking lying is atrocious.

Jeb fucking practiced against abusive Trump stand ins to the point where he was fucking sobbing, according to a campaign aide. Didn't help him any.

What did these same (((Experts))) say about his primary debates against 17 other people?

Somebody should post the article stating Trump did a five hour long debate drill with no breaks while being grilled by Miller with hard questions, I can't find it.

>7 frogs

Let him be himself. This is why I wanted him nominated. To fuck with Hillary during a debate. If I wanted scripted acting I would have voted for Cruz.

Many thanks. I always like to have original too ;_;

>oy vey he didn't come talk to our (((practice moderators))) how will he succeed he is certainly a bad goy--I mean candidate

>Jeb fucking practiced against abusive Trump stand ins to the point where he was fucking sobbing, according to a campaign aide.

>has skipped practicing a full debate as he gets ready


>CNN or whoever the fuck reported that thinks Trump is going to tell them how he's preparing

but 5 hours is still small time tho

but anyway, trump can't beat her by memorizing policies, he has to use his persuasion and chaos factor to fuck her shit up and push against the moderators

hey now, he had a 5 minute diet coke break

>Jeb fucking practiced against abusive Trump stand ins to the point where he was fucking sobbing



Photoshop hillarys face and other libs shits on them.

aw, poor jeb. trump 2016!

>but 5 hours is still small time tho

The actual debate is 90 mins.

Democratic Party Attorneys Admit DNC Is Corrupt

Kek. Sounds nice. Sauce?

Hahaha Yeb tried so hard to be high energy but he just didn't know what to do. So he spent his time running around dunkin donuts trying to win individual votes in person, carrying chairs, showing his turtles to autistic children, etc.

He can beat her by memorizing policies because Clinton has none and almost everyone in the US would support Trump if they knew his.

Plus his persuasion is already in the bag.

>"Mr. Bush, the Trump stand in is here."
>*sigh* What's his name?
>"John Miller."


Some things are just too pathetic to be believed, but then again, its Jeb! so it makes you think.



Beck to upvotedit you little fuck






PA will go red. I'm almost certain.

Screencap this.

>>The New York billionaire has skipped practicing a full debate
Because that kind of practice doesn't fucking work. Even if it did, he doesn't need practice, he needs to study.


Clinton Skips out on Charlotte and Will Meet Satanyahu (her boss) Instead

Wait, what? Sobbing? Source now!

Hillary caught employing PSYOPS experts to help her in debates! She's getting desperate lads!

Most non-iest non-story since John Miller.

5 hours is insanely long for a debate with no breaks

I want to make some memes but i don't know how.

will bernie's goons ever lynch lyin hillary?

Trump knows all the psyops tricks, he's gonna disrupt anything she tries. Also psychologists are hacks, they don't know shit about Trump's mind.

>5 hours is still small time tho
When preparing for a 90 minute debate, no it is not small time.

and yet it's at the top of /r/politics
that sub is easily one of the worst subs on leddit right now

They're cucks and feminists, so no.

that's not what psyop means
of course shillary's getting 'experts' to tell her how best to attack Trump. this is how these people operate, with so-called psychologists, experts, groups all advising them on how best to proceed in any course of action. she will memorize 5-10 attack lines and think she has it in the bag
instead of focusing on her own answers and policies, and how to defend herself against attack, she is getting fed lines that will make her look petty, panicky and like a woman on the rag

Everyone write down "Hillary coughing fit during debate 9/26" and put it under your pillow and sleep on it.

Fucking pidgeons(liars)