The Most 2016 Thing Ever

Have we reached peak degeneracy?
When do we start firing up the ovens?

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Wat the fuck. Why the fuck is the NHS paying to mutiliate trannies when it's under enough financial stress as it is.

Apparently they're Eucadorian. Crisis averted

>man who was woman
>woman who was man

Doesn't that cancel out? These two could have been together without having to mutilate themselves in the process.

so in other words, a man impregnated a women

yeah, this is headlines material all right

That poor kid who is going to live with those things as parents.


>man and woman had a baby
still less degenerate than Cred Forums

No, because the kid will be forever mentally and hormonally fucked.

The mother is essentially a woman on steroids and the man is a male on estrogen. I imagine how that will affect the baby

I wonder what kind of effect all these hormonal imbalances will have on the baby.

So just to be clear, woman gets sex change into man. Finds a man who sex changed into women as its mate, and the woman-to-man gets pregnant by the man-to-woman's feminine penis? Am I getting this right?

>man gets a woman pregnant
Why is this news?

no, we haven't even gotten started
if you don't start the cleansing now, it will forever be too late

Male on estrogen = lower sperm count and lower sperm quality
Female on testosterone = ?

"Two mentally ill people have child"

This has already been done before. Years ago.

Also that mtf tranny is fucking disgusting. The one that got pregnant is bretty good though.

99/100 times it ends badly, 1/100 times we get the Kwisatz Haderach

so a woman gave birth from being impregnated by a man... whoda thunk.

I love how that will trigger every religious cuck.

they have centered their lives around and staked their health on a fetish m8

Facial hair, deeper voice, more promenant jaw structure, no more periods.

So this is what it takes for white heterosexuals to have children

I was thinking more of the effects on her eggs

I tip my fedora to your post good sir!

10/10 reference to Dune

Wait so... are they going to have to rip apart her fake dick?

They're technically Hispanics

lol the woman looks so much like i did when i was a teenager

this upsets me

Well, at least they aren't gay.

She didn't get the surgery, she just cut her hair short and popped some pills. We man now.

Every day we stray further from God.

>the woman
Which one?

God it's going to be so fucked.

It might end up killing itself, that's going to fuck it up bad.

The ovens are almost pre-heated.
Now we just need staff and seasoning.

This is a beer belly

most trannies have original genitals

Isn't the Daily Mail like the UK National Enquirer?

>A woman acting like a man got pregnant by a man acting like a woman.

Fixed it for ya.

The one giving birth and not sticking their dick in the one giving birth.


How would she have gotten pregnant if she got a cock stitched onto where her vagina is?

Any time someone goes tran but doesn't get the full sex change operation, I consider them to be people who are just seeking attention or who know they are mentally ill.

Think about it, if these fuckos really thought they were a man and a woman, they wouldn't think they were trans at all.

the actual woman

>I love how that will trigger every religious cuck.



That's how I imagine a gay Swede would look

>Have we reached peak degeneracy?

Not yet. We still have to get over the upcoming zoophilia acceptance and pedophilia legalization movement.

And this man tips his hat to you for supporting his global nonprofit organization.

>pedophilia legalization movement
We're getting there, slowly but surely


So it is a straight mentally ill male/female couple?


I'm still mad over Laverne Cox (the tranny from OITNB) getting nominated for Best Actress Emmys.

be nice

not my fault i had a late puberty

This. Is this the new nuclear family?

The headline here is that we are actually allowing these sick degenerates to breed. Welcome to dystopia.

Do you look more masculine now?

totally this.
i want to murder them so bad.

Poor kid! Hope the state finds a way to take them away from those parents.

Is nothing sacred anymore? This is going to be normal in ten years, and anyone who disagrees will be branded a bigot

yeah i look like a dude nows

Are you guys actually blonde hair, blue eyed or is that a thing for young people?

holy shit

Wish I could answer this but I have no fucking idea


We can't talk about that or the dairy industry bots will be triggered that call us tinfoilers for dropping the "estrogen milk" red pill. All you need to know is that tests done on rats show that their genitals do not develop properly. That is what happens to pregnant rats exposed to estrogen. The male rats are born with female genitals which never fully develop. Harvard research shows that xenoestrogens from plastic, phytoestrogens from plants like soy, are 100,000 times more powerful that organic estrogen. 60% of estrogen in a US citizen's diet comes from milk. If you drop the entire red pill shills flood the thread to make sure everyone drinks milk and uses plastic dishware & tupperware. If you maintain the argument they call you a shill, flip the script, and say the Harvard researcher was a Jew and we shouldn't listen (she is from India, actually).

I have been through this a half dozen times already.

Honestly, millennials were a mistake. They own the entire tranny thing hook line and sinker. I don't care about the Jews because all millennials had to do is laugh at their hook noses.

Its up to US to solve this problem, nobody is going to bail us out, Boomers can't do it they are too old, X won't do it they are too stupid and tired.


How much you want to bet the child will be an even bigger train wreck than the parents?

Poor kid


blue eyes is like 90% of swedes.

blonde hair maybe 50%.

I don't know, my friend. I just don't know.

Cross dressers have baby: more at 11

So progressive

I am aware of xenoestrogens and BPA in particular. I'm thinking of moving to the countryside to avoid it for as long as I can. Most hospitals use BPA manufactured equipment when delivering and incubating babies, which is estimated to give them thousand of times more exposure to estrogen than they can deal with. Since their means of filtering out estrogen is weak their hormones are fucked from birth. It's a sad betrayl of our children that we'd allow this to go on because it's wreaking havoc on the gene pool

Their headline is too garbled.
"Baby born to a woman who suffers from delusions of being a man and who is married to a man who suffers from delusions of being a woman."

Someone please make a diagram of this. I need a picture to help clarify this shit.

Yeahh, what a fuxkin insult to the title parents.

Theres nothing wrong with that. It's just a normal straight couple.

>>"The baby born to a man who was a woman who got pregnant by a woman who was a man..."

That's sitcom gold, baby!

>millennials were a mistake.
underage detected

Womens' bodies naturally produce estrogen. Babies are already exposed to it.

We're talking about unhealthy levels of estrogen

is there estrogen in the tap water?

More like man who is still man impregnates woman who is still woman

actually there is a very nsfw gif about this exact scenario

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

I read this in Jerry Seinfeld's voice

>Born to a man who was a woman.
>Got pregnant by a woman who was a man.

I hope they'd stop this bullshit, makes it sound like some crazy miracle birth.
As if the kid had been born to people who legit changed their chromosomes or something.

That kid got born to a man and a woman who had been popping some hormone pills and identified as a different gender.
They should follow Finland in this regard and deny the right for these people to have kids.
The child won't grow up to be even remotely normal.

>peak degeneracy
implying these people will ever stop unless something is done. humans are constantly pushing forward, no matter the direction they are heading. only a nuclear holocaust could save humanity at this point

Estrogen is released into the water supply when women taking birth control urinate. It's hard to filter out.

Estrogen mimicking chemicals are far more potent when absorbed than when directly consumed so a shower is worse than drinking the water

wouldn't be possible i thought since the uterus is not implanted in a sex change

Degenerus Maximus

holy shit i didnt even think about that, has there been any studies on kids coming from fucked up parents like this? is it gonna be a hermaphrodite? this poor creature, literally cursed from the moment of conception.

back to the innawoods with you tinfoiler and stay there please


He looks like Justin Beiber

These aren't conspiracies.

Just imagine them being muslims too. Welcome to Europe.

Does the ((man)) still have breasts in order to feed the infant, or are they going to attempt to facilitate the production of milk in the ((mom))? The child is going to be so angry at the universe for being cursed with such an existence.

I couldn't find any but the kid is probably going to have a whole host of mental problems and that's before the fucked up family dynamics come into play

ok tinfoiler
keep rejecting your meds and thinking reptiles live among us I'm sure a breakthrough will come soon.

Are you retarded? What's so bizarre about what I said? Would you like to offer a better solution as to why men are more feminine these days?
Just keep ignoring endocrinologists and drink the kool-aid

>Have we reached peak degeneracy?
No, the children that are created from this nonsense need to breed.

Whatever is in that unholy womb is the Singuneracy

sure thing
I don't care about your "proof" since all tinfoilers do is use other tinfoiler "scientists" evidence to prove some bullshit they think is going on like some big conspiracy is happening
I bet you think the moon landing was fake too right? Got proof on that also?
You're crazy bro and the normal society will always look at you that way. Do the world a favor and kill yourself since you already think it's out to get you anyways.
Last (You) crazy man

Browsing Cred Forums is like watching something from another fucked up universe.

Am I being trolled?

OH NO!! Mi pais

Disgusting. These people should be killed

What the fuck is going on with the world?


non-accounting migrants i guess
then again sweden will be 90% black in a few years

funny chat

Yes you are

>implying the child won't be a fucking alpha because he drank the milk of someone receiving massive testosterone injections

Im confucius

The kid is a girl though. Since the guy took a load of estrogen his sperm is probably shit tier. Too much estrogen can also lead to cancer in women and too much test is obviously bad for women

extreme and weak shill
neato, would there be any way to filter it out with a second hand process?

That's true, but studies have shown people had 20% more testosterone just a hundred years ago

Due to; as you said, estrogen in the environment (which I believe)

Of corse just mixing testosterone in wouldn't make us normal, just more
Manic depressive essentially, but imo testosterone is really important

A reverse osmosis filter?


Fuck this gay earth.

Estrogen is a sterol, like cholesterol. Almost any filter will filter it.

Fluoride on the other hand is harder to filter

>there are people on Cred Forums who don't filter their water

Literally anti freedom tier

It's about having a good balance of hormones. Too much of anything causes dysfunction and this woman is taking enough testosterone to "turn her into a man". I think it's fairly obvious the little girl's hormones are going to be fucked.

Poor kid.

The woman (male) impregnated a man (female).

I do hope you've been taking your male vitality pills too, right?

yes, this is clearly something natural and normal and not reflective of cultural dysfunction and decadence at all.

Nah because estrogen in cows milk doesn't turn us into little women. (Does make nu male tho)

A girl with both test and estrogen will just become a voluptuous woman.

i dont care i hate hypocrites more.

Fuck you faggot I stuck up for you

No I just lift and filter my wAter. I also filter my shower, but that's because I'm extremely allergic to nickel, and pipes in water have nickel. Taking a shower would give me a rash all over my body if I didn't.

>is on Cred Forums
>accuses Cred Forums users of all being fat disgusting acned autists

The ironing.

>tfw you're such a faggot you become straight

>he's not taking super male vitality pills
>he's not crushing turkroaches with his bare hands

so progressive on mental illness im with her now.

so they are actually a normal couple topkek

Doesn't that essentially mean she can't have children?
I don't know much but when women stop menstruating (menopause) they can't have kids anymore

i know who i am you all dont know who you are always throwing stones at others.

>man who was woman
>woman who was man
so they are a straight couple

The baby who was a...

needs a sickle and hammer on the shirt... dialogue replaced by ''so progressive!''

>Burn them, burn them all.
Lets just not wait for what kind of mutant crawl out of that hormone altered womb, knocked up by hormone altered sperm.
>Too many leftist, not enough napalm.

Wait, isn't that what (((they))) use against people who are wanted dead?

The KGB and CIA were aware that this fat pedo bastard, Cyril Smith, was up to no good. They're probably aware of the rest of our pedos in parliament and use it for political leverage. Since (((they))) didn't want brexit, at least we can take comfort in the fact that Nige isn't a pedo

It can go deeper.

The child is actually twins, boy and girl, and both decide to change genders at 10 years old.

Then they have Siamese twins together

I don't think that abomination can produce milk

pic related.

I hope this rebellion happens. Neocons were supposedly often children of hippies. We'll see.

This was supposed to be a joke.

>impregnating a woman who hates being a woman so much she pretends she's a man