Is this show red pilled or blue pilled?

Is this show red pilled or blue pilled?

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A little tiny mix of both, but it's more le rabdum humour than political statements. More existential themes than political.

It's pretty funny, which is what matters.


>More existential themes than political.


Neither, its a show for stoners to get high to

Somewhere in between, has had some decent bits like the whole conversation about whether you can say retard, but the gazorpazorp episode felt a little on the nu-male side, even if it was a species where the men were basically all niggers. Understood women pretty well though.

A lot of misinformation and wrong beliefs in it. But it's a very funny show if one look past right and wrong.

Reddit pilled

Funny, I literally just finished watching this. I think the leaf is right there a few 'le topical' jokes that come down on either side but it's mostly jokes about philosophical sci fi ideas. Enjoyed it a lot.

Don't you think that some things shouldn't be political?

if they made a reboot of ed edd n eddy and the first episode was about how trump was a 'bigot'
I think I'd fucking kill myself.

The color of that pill cant be seen in the physical spectrum of light. Literally hyperdimensional-pill.

Cartoons are blue pilled. Red pilled television is Fox News or your local PBS affiliate.

Hints of blue. Between healthcare and income inequality. It's satirical and cynical enough to not shine tho.

nice meme

>main character is a 'pansexual' Mexican

What do you think?


The episode where Rick and Morty fuck up their universe so much they have to abandon it and head to another one and bury their dead bodies is probably the most deep an Adult Swim cartoon has gotten.

Yeah but there is that one line about the wage gap myth in that episode that makes me think it's leaning more to blue-pill

Where did you get that from? He's straight.

It's in a similar vein to South park; points out the glaring flaws in society but doesn't really attempt to promote a way to address them

>but doesn't really attempt to promote a way to address them

That's the job of the people, not a cartoon.

>no god only science
>episode where they literally beat up a skinhead
>fuck school
>no such thing as love

this show is literally created by and for pic related.

they kicked a nazi for no reason so its blue pilled

It's mostly nihilistic and self indulgent, but sometimes it's accidentally redpilled.

>In "Auto Erotic Assimilation," Rick is revealed to be an open pansexual

The joke is that he sees so much crazy shit he thinks nothing of fucking a hivemind controlling a whole planet's population. It's not like there was an LGBTQBBQ special episode about it.

Rick and Morty are both Jews. And are voiced by a jew
The only goy is the dad, who's depicted as a dope

Did you miss the episodes like the practical gods and primordial forces of energy?


Purple pill for sure.

Other anons' complaints stand, but should be taken in the context that Rick is a reviled interdimensional terrorist against the socialist space UN.

It's a fucking joke because in one of the episodes he bangs an alien hivemind.