Why are white men so fragile and easily offended?

Why are white men so fragile and easily offended?

Imagine trying to talk to a google about racism. I'm pretty sure they are the ones to get offended

Because they are massive pussies lmao.

stop censoring yourself on pol

Because they're actually warning them.

Because those that choose to offend them will live shittier lives in the long run.

posted by self hating white guy.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Do they have even a shred of self respect?

They must think this is the only way to eventually get pussy, it just has to.

>all this projection

checked and really made me think

Kek, they are projecting. No "fucking whyte mail" should hang out with SJWs anyway.

>White dudes:
>don't like to be attacked as racists
>don't like to be attacked as sexists
>don't like to be forced to live in PC culture
>don't like rejection any more than anyone else
>aren't listened to, on the basis of being white dudes

>everyone else: "White dudes are the problem!"

Boring old "calling out X is the real X"

Get some new shit smgdh

is there anything more pathetic than the modern self-hating white male?

stoopid google loving skype

they might be offended, but at least they won't try censor you and throw you in jail or destroy your life

there's a difference between disagreement and offended

Yup. It's a mating strategy.

These are typically very ugly, low-test (literally), poor genetics, high pitched voice beta males who can't attract women in the traditional way (Charisma, confidence, masculine expresion, etc.) so they become turbo-liberal SJW retards hoping that some SJW girl will pick them over problematic Chad.

Spoiler alert, that never happens.

this desu

telling them they're fucking retarded isn't being offended, it's a statement about their irrational behavior generating righteous confusion

>why do people who were cucked into giving out charity votes get offended when we reject them

T. Google

For me it's more amusement or at the very least bemusement when someone talks about these things. I go full kostanza meme

Well I don't know about Americans, but I don't. To me it's just a chance to take the piss out of the self righteous faggots who believe that fashionable shit.

The word nigger and soon the word google will offend black people.
IQ offends black people.
Crime statistics offends black people.
Law and Order offends black people.
Voter ID laws offend black people.
Republicans offend black people.
Work offends black people.
Africa offends black people.
Black people offend black people.
You mad nigger.

By "talk about" what they really mean is accuse you without rebuttal expected.