Are there any ANCAPs here?

How many of you guys are actually anarcho-capitalists and not edgy teens. I'm shocked too see how many people support trump on this board, don't get me wrong I'm no fan of Hillary either but I imagine that at least some of you realize you terrible of a candidate Trump is right? inb4 b8 and op is a jew

not really

I am Ancap and would probably support Darrell Castle. AMA

Are you an iPolitics fag or something

my belief in Anarchist thought is not based in a an edgy teen stereotype. I walk down the streets NYC every day and i see people who don't speak the same language nor believe the same theology but don't interfere with each other beside the occasional beggar. Capitalist thought is the same to me nobody needs to instruct me on how much a coffee is worth. The active cycle of propaganda and validation are the only way obvious fictions of power and control can be so wide spread among a populace that is so diverse. Trump supporters can proclaim they stand against status quo but it matters little because he doesn't want to work for you he wants the statistical evidence that will validate his appearance of legitimacy. both parties don't need to ask your opinion because they are the ones that supply it to you. I can decide for my self what my time is worth and i don't need a president to tell me who i should be afraid of.

I've considered myself ancap for a while and I've always supported Trump. When are you retards going to learn that being ancap doesn't mean you can't be involve yourself in the current state system?

i support you getting involved in politics to affect change but federal politics is a distraction it affects no change and is meant to display stability to foreign powers

Ancap, and Trunp is the best option if we are ever going to have a free society.

ancap would be the ideal society but I don't think you can jump straight from what we have now into it

society can't offer you freedom you already have it if you are giving your responsibilities over to society you are giving away your freedom. I doubt trump has read the preamble, bill of rights, constitution, or federalist papers so in reality your not voting for an administration of people who surround trump because they will be the ones doing actual work. might as well be choosing a mascot.

>my belief in Anarchist thought is not based in a an edgy teen stereotype
>proceeds to post a novel of edgy teenage thoughts

i would be ancap if we could abolish all governments

but since we cant im just a libertarian



cause fuck having laws and shit

I've always been an AnCap of the Hoppean variety. Most issues have to be understood and solved in terms of what the status-quo is, not what we want it to be, so I always come off as conservative when I talk politics.

yeah, too many people can't even phatom stateless society, it would be too much of a shock and disturbance to them, they'd create it all ove ragain. I'm 20 and don't belive I'd get to live to see the ancap irl, anywas it has to "grass-rootz" change. People must at least cnsider it, alongside slowly eradicating govmt from our daily lives thus proving it's obsolite

yeah, I dream what I desire, I do what I can

Darrell Castle always came off as pretty libertarian to me.

Are there any issues where your views differ with that of Castle's?

What do you think of his Pro-life stance?

Don't you think in an anarchy, thugs will simply steal your capitalist things ?


Just minarchist

I'm ancap because I'm already rich


Survival of the most fit. Before states existed people were accustomed to constant threats. Now we're pussies with no respect for the fact that violence can happen to us and no personal responsibility for our own safety.

I am Anarcho-Syndicalist.

Ancap master race reporting

you're going to loose against the country next to you, where they actually work together and produce stuff.

>How many of you guys are actually fags here?
Oh, I assure you there are plenty.

Ancap is a spook desu.

Anarcho syndicalism is a spook too.

Capitalism is a spook as well.

Communism is a spook.

Socialism is a spook.

Ect, ect, all spooks.

Why are people talking about this subject so much? It's as unreachable as communism. It's a utopia. It's interesting to speculate for a moment, but this is just too much.

Maybe you could talk about minarchism or something actually attainable.

Minarchism first, AnCap later.

>says he's ancap
>would vote for a politician
wew lad

>supporting trump
>i consider myself ancap
i have bad news for you user i think you might be actually retarded

The security sector would be privatized instead of the government having a near monopoly on it.

every toddler learns about the ant and the cricquet.

private, public, what's the difference. The basic premise is power.

and abusing it

Anarcho anything is a meme and is only believed in by edgy people in general. aka edgy teens who never grew up.

No, it's not, but there are some very powerful counterarguments you can't simply ignore.

No there aren't you cuckboy Redditor. All the Anarchist (((theorists))) wrote some cuckery that espouses ideas like "free love" which is quite literally allowing Jamaal to fuck your wife while you watch. Go kill yourself and more importantly, fuck off to reddit.

>All the Anarchist (((theorists))) wrote some cuckery that espouses ideas like "free love" which is quite literally allowing Jamaal to fuck your wife while you watch

But AnCap doesn't espouse that idea, nor any other idea. It only espouses voluntary association.

If 2 adults consent to a closed relationship, that's perfectly OK.

If 2 adults consent to an open relationship, that's also perfectly OK under AnCap.

However, if 2 adults consented to a closed relationship, and one cucks the other, that's not OK. It's like a violation of the "terms of the relationship".

Woa, this view of relationships is so innovative, who would have thought!

you're not wrong, but I'm going to mince meat you.

you are going to need your military, hillary