ITT: We pretend we're liberals

ITT: We pretend we're liberals

>Poverty is the biggest factor in determining crime rates

>Trump's comments are deplorable

>Diversity is our biggest strength.

I would like to help the most vulnerable people in our society. History will judge us on this.

Fuck off shill slider.

I worjed really hard to be where I am but this poor Syrian family needs my help! I will house them and give them confort all at the expense of my own comfort.

im a single mom and if you dont liek that you can get out. only looking for real men who will dick me even when i tell them not to so i can accuse them of rape then continue to collect welfare checks for my six babies (im 18 btw) lol so random XDDD

> Borders are racist man, why can't we all just be one?

> I deserve $15 an hour, because I'm human.

> John Lennon's "Imagine" is how I wish the real world was.

Liek why would any1 deneye the holocost. They're's
Liek no evidence against it XDDDD

Guns kill people, therefore only the government should have them!

Islam is a religion of peace, ALLAH AKBAR!

America can't go back the way it was when only white men had it good. It was never great.

Hip hop is a valid form of musical expression.


>I'm on the RIGHT side of history

I am literally shaking from this post.You should warn ppl that they might be triggered by your blatant microagressions. I want my Mommy and my safe space.

Am I raping Jesus every time I have premarital sex?

Trump is by many standards a liberal, and a lot of you idiots support him. So you don't really need to pretend, you are liberals.
If you were truly conservative, you'd convert to Islam.

looks like somebody never discovered fire

It's important that we have a sensible debate on immigration, but we shouldn't talk about it at all. It's 2016™.

^Every BBC Question Time a Labour MP does this

Wow I can't be friends with someone who disagrees with my political views.

blurp derup boorr gurrr only murders own guns. no government in history has ever disarmed its people to consolidate power and oppress them dur hfkfur cum gargle

>Europeans have no culture.
>Europeans are only on top because of cows
>Europeans are oppressors who stole African wealth
>Europeans are to blame for the middle east being shit
>Europeans didn't invent civil society

We pretend we're ironic right wing fashoz spewing hate bcuz freedumz given by liberal democracy
>liberal=freedumz dumdumz

Ja barabaaaa,sve je dzaba

I came here to post this

You mean every time immigration is mentioned to a labour mp

Luckily there won't be many left soon :)

>Islam is a religion of peace, ALLAH AKBAR!

considering that those terrorists arent muslim, id say lets look at real muslim countries like Iran/Indonesia

>It's ok if my son wants to to lop of his cock
>My grandkids are ethnically diverse.
>Lizard people are OK in my book.
>I love me some niggers

Trump is worse than Hitler! His supporters should all be rounded up and put into camps!

You're a White Male


I fucking identify as a madkin-absolute-spiritperson and i take immense offence to that comment.
Check your sane, animalistic privelege you fucking shitlord!

all humans are equal

Heh... yeah... sure.