What exactly is wrong with Hilary's policies?

What exactly is wrong with Hilary's policies?

>muh no guns
>muh programs
>muh innocent crimials
>muh what is a ceasefire
>muh refugee grannies
>muh what is tpp


>What exactly is wrong with Hilary's policies?
She's pretty good in my book. After all the 25 years of Republishits throwing crap, nothing sticks and she's well versed in making peoples lives better.


I get why her gun policies are retarded, but explain the rest (I'm new to politics)

Regime change at every opportunity possible, tpp, payforplay appointments, 8 more years of pretending that pay gaps are caused by racism/sexism, useless anti-gun policies, etc...

Anyone who lives near the debates should get mobilized

Show up outside the event with noise makers, strobe flashlights and air horns. Pretend that you're a Clinton supporter. When she enters the arena bomb her with lights and noise in hopes of triggering a seizure

If you're lucky enough to get into the debates start coughing every time she gets the chance to speak.

I would also suggest yelling the names of people she has killed and the names of Bill Clinton's rape victims

Trump can't beat her fairly, so act like a fucking retard and trigger a media backlash at all levels?

Good plan, junior.

Slowing down welfare reform will prevent disincentives for single mothers to have more children they can't afford to take care of which will create numerous problems for society as a whole.

>dat chart

Was "barefoot and pregnant" the official Confederate motto?

She's not gonna protect us from transgender feminist muslims XD


Good read

>prevent disincentives
fuck off.

Well she's a continuation of the Obama administration.

When current policies fail, people tend to vote for a change, not more of the same.

Have you actually met any poor people? Currently poor people who aren't single mothers are expected to get back to work with food stamps and vocational rehab with no steady flow of government cash upon which to live. The lack of cash is a good incentive to get back to work while giving cash payments for each poorly cared for child is a terrible and disastrous policy.

Her policies are the typical, very much expected, very much surface level policies of the average Democrat. She lies extremely close to the center of left and right, only really differing but the average Republican candidate on a handful of issues like gun-control, taxes, etc.

What this means, is that she isn't going to change shit. It's just a front to gain votes, and then she will sit on her ass for eight years, pandering to the corporations that put her in office. Effectively, this is what every president has done since Reagan. And it makes sense. The closer you are to the center, the more votes you'll get.

The issue with her isn't her so-called policies (well, they are just another minor issue on their own in the big picture). It's the fact that she has time and time again proven how corrupt she is, and how uncaring she is for the future of the working man in the US. Again, this is how every politician has been in the last few decades, but Hillary is 10 times worse, and its all unraveling before our eyes. We have a chance to stop it BEFORE we are stuck with her in office. And on top of that, a chance to end the trend of corrupt politicians by electing a man that is very much against the establishment, and the status-quo.

Seriously, she's fucked. There are new details adding on to the lies and deception of the email scandal almost every week. People in office have been inpeached for less, and here she is with 50% of the vote. That fact in itself shows just how rigged the polling and media are in her favor.

She's a war mongerer.

She changes them constantly.

Thats pretty lame

She is against right to work which allows people not to get fucked by unions


>What exactly is wrong with Hilary's policies?
Open borders
"No such thing as radical Islam"
Tax the middle class to death
Rape the 2nd amendment
No cool wall with Mexico
Sell out favors to wall street and foreign governments.
No transparency.
No accountability...
"green energy" means higher energy prices
gas at $10 a gallon...
Same old urban pathologies.
Double down on Obamacare failures.
Divisive class/race gender agenda.
Serves Globalist ideology...

>she's well versed in making peoples lives better.
Did she make Ambassador Steven's life better?

>she's well versed in making peoples lives better.
master b8 m8.

Let not give her Ammo.

i like this idea
but we should let trump throw all the blows
different idea is go to debate
and when hillary talks, look somewhere else, like at your phone or the floor or to the far right
then when trump talks look at him and smile while nodding. media cant use audience in her favor

Look at her record while she served as secretary of state. She was instrumental in many events that destabilized the middle east. Giving you a tl;dr version wouldn't do her catastrophic failures justice.

>muh guns
>muh niggers
>muh jews

damn son

>What exactly is wrong with Hilary's policies?
They aren't actually her policies. Whatever she says her policies are is actually just a reflection of what she thinks people want to hear from her. We don't know what her actual personal beliefs and policies are.

If she were true to this, then it would actually be a good thing. She'd be able to judge what the people want regardless of her own personal beliefs, but since she hasn't indicated this, it appears she's just lying her ass off, which casts major doubts on what she actually believes

>Seriously, she's fucked.

I wish that were the truth. I've said that so many times and yet she keeps getting away with it.