Let's say you had real power. I'm talking beyond "Magneto" level power. You raise a large island in the Pacific, or Atlantic. You foster plant life and steal animal life to turn it into your own, let's say 250,000 square mile country. It is now time to encourage the best stock to emigrate from their countries to your new land. You somehow infiltrate the major news media outlets and plead your case.
1.) Give your speech to entice the favored people to come to your county. (min. 2 paragraphs)
2.) What is your criteria for acceptance into the new utopia?
2,) You won't live forever. What economic and social plan for future defense after you die and can no longer repel military attacks?
3.) Basic societal structure and legal platform to serve as the constitution for your fledgling state?

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if you receive more money from the government than you contribute, you cannot vote

I agree. but I would never institute a government that gave free handouts to people. Welfare cases would not be allowed on my island.

I'm really just looking for a write-fag to belt out a glorious #1 for me.

I'd raise it just off the coast of India, so the resulting tsunami would give the cunts a bath

Kindof short sighted, Straya, but you have the power to do what you will in this scenario.

Make and market it as the one true and new Israel, do my best to make shady deals with Jewish power brokers, they all start setting up shop in the untouchable Superman's island, import as many ethnic Jews as I can fit, wait a number of years and just gather as many politicians and celebrities to the island as possible for one night of holocaust remembrance


Sink island

3. Politicians do not command the military. Now that we have all these sofisticated, multi-million dollar war-machines, civ-fags have no power over the government like founding fathers planned.

Excellent. But I wasn't thinking of the Push button A or B to kill a certain group. I was thinking more of creating a place for us to go.

3. Darkies can visit, well-vetted darkies can migrate but only if they agree to be neutered.

Could you expand on that thought? I like the idea of not letting civilian politics of feelings/vote triangulation into military policy.

3. Any unauthorized children born to a native mother by a darkie visitor will be neutered.


That era is over in my utopia.

We don't need to "go" anywhere, they do.

In fact with these incredible powers why not just say "fuck it, I'm your racist god now," and just go apeshit, outright killing as many power players as you can get to?

How about... No Darkies? Under penalty of instant death.

Well, you just blew a hole in to my entire narrative. I guess that is an option too.

Military will cooperate with, but will not answer to legislators. They will serve the constitution as we have written it. They will be funded by taxes collected by the government at a rate agreed upon by the military and the voting public, renegotiated every year or so if needed.

Let's say your power set is more suited to geographical manipulation and large scale military actions, and it would be tedious to exterminate millions of individuals,

yes but when you die everything may be undone

You can't go full Robert Baratheon. You will sow dissent.

I still see the need for some fascistic oversight. We can't let the military run rampant. Yet we can't be constrained by public sentiment when the ultimate public interest is at stake.

"I'm tired of this shit and probably so are a lot of you."

Then I'd just earthquake the fuck out of "problem areas." I WILL take lives.

If I could push a button to do away with all, I would still see the value in keeping some. There are some bright minds among them that would be a value to society. They still have a small part to play in the final goal.

Philosopher King? It's risky to put all your eggs into one vulnerable little human brain of a basket. I think the military funding control by the people may be a sufficient check of power.

you're also trusting the potentially idiotic masses not to elect Obama 2.0 as king.

You may be right. But I see control of funding to not be sufficient oversight.
There will be no voting while I live. They will come willingly to my rule or they will be raped by the hordes across the ocean. That is their choice.

You said yourself, your government shouldn't die when you do.

So then does the Philosopher King, himself, choose his heir. I admit I'm not too educated on the subject.

Then the voters would vote to make it harder to earn money to restrict the supply

When only property owners could vote they made the laws in their favour making it hard for non property owners to get property.

I don't think that would translate, since land is a finite resource and much easier to monopolize than employment is.

Not everyone can be employed at once tho it never happened before

I'm racking my brain and I can't think of any situation where that "flaw" could manifest into a problem.
I don't know about Canada, but in the states, having all the leechfags and overpaid bureaucrats allowed to vote has been catastrophic. There's too much of a conflict of interest, they choose a bigger welfare check over better economy every time.