Did they finally stump the Trump?

Did they finally stump the Trump?


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Yeah! I bet this one will stick?


I don't personally care about this one but does anyone have any more information on it? For me, even if it was true it utterly pales in comparison. Is it just a stupid crap fling they hope will stick?

Whenever the headline is asking a question, the answer is always the opposite of what they're trying to imply.

except clinton foundation is known to scam money out of people who give to charity and jew the money out of victims of natural disasters and various funds. they are also known to take bribes and sell government positions and favors to "donors". yeah stumped indeed.

The DNC already committed systematic fundraising fraud for Hillary Clinton and nobody cared.

Over a year and this is all they can come up with?

Oh I know. Like I said even if it's true it's pretty much nothing. Does anyone know if it's really nothing though? I'm trying to convince an idiot who doesn't believe all the shit Clinton has done, or at least thinks that Trump is somehow worse.

>julianna goldman explain
>julianna goldman



This sounds like nothing but horseshit.

Next thing ya know, news gonna break about how Trump could of been, possibly maybe with trusted sourced leads that, systematically got an ambassador or a file clerk killed

Trump supporters are too dumb to even understand what self-dealing is, let alone care. Also, they think giving to charity is being a "cuck."

If the IRS presses charges, his supporters will say "Obamur dun gone dun it nao!"
In short, Trump can't be touched right now because idiots. Like he himself said, he can shoot someone dead in broad day light and his supporters would still like him.

>Is Trump guilty of this thing that people have evidence Hillary did? Maybe the people that are outraged that Hillary did these things might also be enraged if we can convince them that Trump did it to!

Every article from the past 6 months. All this projection is getting really tiresome.

>clickbait title

The answer is no.


>Also, they think giving to charity is being a "cuck."
very little guarantee your money will help anyone, it's more likely to go into admin fees and the generous wages people running those organisations

furthermore you need an excess in money to do it in the first place, so it's more of a commodity for rich people to think they're moral

if you want to actually help, physically volunteer or provide actual objects and not money

a fucking leaf though

did cbs employees have a mass pedophile ring?

See what I did there?

I am a student and I volunteer for évents in my city and give money to world food programme and Wikipedia.

Maybe you are just a selfish scrubby cunt. Fuck, being talked down to by Australia is like having the fat kid telling you to lose weight.

GEEE i guess then he'd better wait until that AUDIT is done...


> question marks journalism
Not even once

Did Hillary really fuck up in all ways that she's reported fucking up in?

Did they finally kill the Hillary?


>did trumps foundation commit fraud
>dont worry about the clinton foundation goyim

Kikes man

That is indeed a problem. If you're genuinely worried about it, you can donate to the suggested charities here:

Yes,convince yourself that just throwing money at poor people actually helps them out,of course the only reason they are poor is because they ran out,not like they have no idea how to manage their lives and are dying off like nature intended.
Jesus,I know leafs are retarded,but this is some weapons-grade autism.

Did Hillary Clinton commit sodomy on her friend's 3 year old son?