Thinking about Christianity

The more I think about it, the more I seriously think about it being the only solution to the wests problems.

The Bible often speaks about a remnant who will end up having to rebuild.

I think this degeneracy is going to lead to widespread breakdown and a lot of people simply won't make it.

What denomination is the most red pilled?

Other urls found in this thread: 1&version=NLT

>The Bible often speaks about a remnant who will end up having to rebuild.


christian identity


Praise Jesus.

West needs a spine and militancy against corruption of its own

I recommend we start by gassing all the current political leadership worldwide

Name a single atheist society besides the commies


Here's the thing, gods aren't real, religion is a collection of easily-dismissable bronze-age superstitions and myths compiled into doctrine for theocrats to control a populace with an iron grip and full of oppressive dictatorship of the human body and sexuality, and doesn't come even anywhere close to grasping the full majesty of the cosmos and biology and exploring the potential of the human mind.

But the world looked a LOT better when everyone was going to church.

I am going to make only one post here. You will not nor never will you get what you claim to want whilst posting memes that separate and perpetuate Christians into homophobia or as being homophobes

Mormons are the only branch I see with enough hierarchy to weather the storm of a breakdown.

Deus vult.

I'm pretty sure googles and native Americans didn't have a religion either

>But the world looked a LOT better when everyone was going to church.
this is what makes gods real

The enlightenment was a farce, Kant killed them all.

It's the natural progression in the west dude. Atheism is just going to continue to rise. We're going to replace GOD with FAMILY and VALUES and an understanding that when these things break down, so too does society.

God has left his plan detailed in the bible

Jesus speaks about the times of the end so if you're interested you could always read the gospels 1&version=NLT

United States. You honestly believe the businesses that actually keep this country alive is headed by actual christians?

Bible is essentially the jew playbook...
has basically got it though

>What denomination is the most red pilled?
Southern Baptist.

Catholicism if you can find a based traditionalist priest and congregation or Russian Orthodox if you cannot.

>all cultures are equal
We'll be waiting right here when you get a real job and learn how the world works

wait a little

Catholic or Orthodox. Everything else is heretic desu.


>Atheism is edgy

Wtf is an "atheist society" like an official atheist state?

>finally meet a qt3.14 gf
>she goes to some Christian college
>heh whatever
>start dating
>can't text her, can't call, can't make it obvious we are dating
>college will expel her for it

What the fuck is this may may you fags were talking about? The religion is cucking me hardcore.

Define equal New Nigglander

An athiest society is what the US will look like in twenty years if progressivism does not slow down. All Western societies have been built on Christian traditions and morals, for an athiest society to exist it would have to deviate from all of those which is exactly what modern liberals are trying to do.

>myths compiled into doctrine for theocrats to control a populace with an iron grip and full of oppressive dictatorship of the human body and sexuality

Could be, but society was way healthier and less degenerate. Wouldn't mind returning to this.

Yeah but you wouldn't be able to jerk off anymore if it was done right.

What he said.

Paul in corinthians talks about people fallowing other people claiming himself or apollos, and said it wasn't right. Beloeve what the bible says, and do as it instructs, be of Christ not of a man or movement.

>he post that picture thinking he will ridicule someone
>he believes everything that society tell him without batting an eye


Traditional Latin Catholicism

The last vestige of true Catholicism that is universally hated and ostracized by Pope Francis and his gang of liberals

Latin is the key to victory

The Latin Mass kept Europa safe, white and powerful for centuries

How does being called a brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs, and murderers of Christ factor into thier master plan?

why would you want to do it with a good wife?
everybody knows jerk off fucks you up

Well the Catholic Church and Pope are quite the reverse

They want to bring in more problems


brother, the next step in your redpill adventure is recognizing the importance of organized religion on a pragmatic basis

you were selling tickets to heaven
Protestantism is the best

ignorance is not a solution to our problems.

The west needs to encourage selective breeding for intelligence and health via special sperm banks and donors.

That will improve the gene pool and make society a lot more stable.

You're not guaranteed a wife. In fact, religion is a pretty good way of keeping all the good wives for the upper echelons, and making sure the unmarried virginal lower castes remain your faithful peons. That's how suicide bombers start, control the women, restrict the sexuality of the young males, turn them into killers.

Yeah unlike Christians who don't believe everything they're told from some source of authority like a book

>Muh western societies built on Jeebus
Name one way America was built on Christianity

that's totally false, in every church i have been they form couples, the more children you have the better

>what is the declaration of independence

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Japan, Denmark, etc.
Run by atheists? USA, Israel, China, Russia,etc.

>that's totally false
You should try leaving your village sometime and seeing how religion treats the rest of the world.

>literally turning against his country man
>literally turning against the man closest to God on this earth

Please end you life. Argentina deserves better.

Actually, he picked them up from the south pole.

Jews love being made the victim and antagonized. For only a few silver shekels they set off a happening that has been going on for 2000 years.Their abuse of ancient meme magic only started biting them in the ass with Hitler.

Fuck off Christfag. YOU ARE A DISEASE

here we go

sorry if you have a shitty church bro, come here they are cool

>But the world looked a LOT better when everyone was going to church
Look, I know it's not real. My point is secularism has destroyed society. I believe only a select few rational and intelligent people can handle atheism, the rest descend into hedonistic free for all and destroy society. I want to be with the group who carries on, I hate this apathy and pessimism.

So it doesn't really matter what Church?

Thing that annoys me about atheists is they insist you don't need to be religious to be moral but then they live immoral lives. It reminds me of an alcoholic who says they could stop anytime they want.

Mormons seem pretty solid with all their prepping but they really don't have a large presence here. If I were American I'd probably move to Utah.

It was to highlight the degeneracy.

99% of the people who follow a religion dont actually follow what their book teaches
most religions are oppressive to women, and just inherently oppressive
this is why i will never join a religion or go to a mass filled with a bunch of lairs and hypocrite

>Nature's God
Baby's first lesson in Deism?

Did they wait at the docks or the cargo port?

Theism isn't synonymous with organized religion. The overall gist is that a universal singularity, constant, higher power, divine being, etc. exist, and was responsible for setting the laws in place which would dictate how organisms develop, the existence oflife, etc. (Naturalism, which consist of thousands of networks)

You may believe organized religion fits into your narrow perspective, but you are in no way providing any legitimate arguement against theism.

>being a pagan
>thinks he's a real Christian
sad fa m

>ITT: What Christians Think

Who gives a fuck? Are you even allowed on the Internet or does that break one of the Commandments. Sorry but America is all about the Constitution. Easy to get them confused with the number of cultists in power...

I suggest listening to the KJV Bible, downloading blue letter bible. Praying and diving in head first.

Its hard going the first year but after that you feel like a whole new person.

Here are some resources. Just remember the world hates you and your religion. Its a motivator.

the base of america constitution is In God We Trust, man, make america great again


We start a new one.

With a Warhammer 40k theme (It'll be the ultimate meme made real).

Sorry I meant to put

And the rest of you fucks! TELL ME WHEN JESUS RETURNS OR IT'S LIES.

>World ends when Jesus returns

Let it end... You are the chosen ones after all

>The more I think about it, the more I seriously think about it being the only solution to the wests problems.
explain how you could possibly cause a reemergence of it

any argument you make for it could be made for a westernized version of islam, except unlike christianity that idea is even plausible

we need a spiritual revival removed from all the old shit actually, we should make a new religion completely (no, not kek)

Somehow I think commonsense got lost or destroyed, and mostly the only way people get it now is via Christianity.

Moved to Houston from small town and they have to air ads for talking to their kids, not spend all of your money, how to make friends, how to be loyal to people, etc... You know, basic human thoughts must be televised to these people.

>we need a spiritual revival removed from all the old shit actually, we should make a new religion completely (no, not kek)
that's going to be imposed in some years
everything is written in the Holy Book if the true Faith

Thank you for posting this

Not believing in Pangea

You're welcome.

>What denomination is the most red pilled?

from a relatively unbiased/outsiders perspective, Evangelical Christians seem to know what's up and aren't usually totally insane or preachy. They seem like the most "Christian" Christians. to me.

Your same arguments can be applied to societies

>99% of the don't follow 100% the law of the society
> most societies are oppressive to niggers and minorities

But you wouldn't choose the live outside the society?

God's work is a work in progress

>everything is written in the Holy Book if the true Faith
you mean vague badly translated text is in it and you reinterpret it to mean whatever you want when it suits you

i want to go back to animism, as a concept it isn't even so bad or unbelievable

For the most part.... Avoid the mega churches though and the charismatics.

>God's work is a work in progress
christianity is diminishing everywhere but china and africa

What a bloody shame it's been demonized by the media and American conservatives and utterly castrated internally.

That's a cult, senpai

Why don't we try and replace the secular theology of liberalism with something else?

Problem with Christianity is that it's too... meek. Loving your enemy, tolerance, empathy. Half the reason why our society is so fucked up is because these aspects of Christians culture run rampant.

Your right to say out society needs something spiritual to fulfill the 'god need' of people, but couldn't it be something more robust?

Well, we are living in a hedonocentrist society. Where muh short term feels triumph over the long term ones.

The pope does not represent me at all.
EVERYONE can speak with God.
Go back to sell your tickets

What's the % of villeros in your pentecostal church? 90%? how does it feel to be surrounded by niggers?
This is your fault, you anglo jews exported your missionaries and now all our lower class is evangelist.

The major problem of the world, we are either animals or weapons still developing, trying to make peace.

And the answer is we can't, there always needs to be an enemy. The whole world can be for God, but it needs to be trying to get rid of devil cults, and then Salem Witch trials happen.

I'd like to try starting a tinychat group of people like us having these discussions.

>Plz join


Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Non PC Christian discussion

you need some translator to read the book that's true, but if you find it, it will be easy to read it

also being a pagan is bad

Eastern buddhism?

Atheism isn't an ideology you dumb fuck. Whether you believe some medieval fairytale or not has no bearing on whether you're a retarded socialist degenerate. I know religious people who are just as bad as the average commie poser exist.

I bet you are a commie who lives off welfare too. Part of the problem, not the solution.

well UK is doing ok with islam
behead your enemy, fuck their woman, etc
God doesnt want it, but they do it anyway

>This is your fault
oh my bad let me take personal fucking responsibility for that

also this special snowflake kinds of christianity needs to go

oh look at me i'm a transmormon orthodox decepticon

you either adhere to the overall priniciples of the whole faith or you don't so you're not much better than evangelists

the remnant is the british empire

it was never white
they werent white until you savage pigs invaded and killed/raped them

fuck you
you destroyed their civ and im pretty sure you fucked up their christianity too

>Evangelical Christians seem to know what's up
Nah, they're heresy relativism tier.

The user you're responding to should join Orthodoxy and start inquiring from his nearest Monastery or priest.

Those portraits are from Egypt you mulatto idiot.

>also being a pagan is bad

sounds like any kind of paganism at all is a redpill

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Cred Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to their enemies, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".


>those huge eyes

Anime was real.

are you talking about the muslims? they are put here by God, same with the Jews, everything else is pure pagan gods

Catharism is the only Christianity that actually takes the religious promises of the early christians seriously

To a large extent, modern liberals are neo-cathars

>What's the % of villeros in your pentecostal church
I do not live in Buenos Aires like you


by the definition i've posted islam isn't pagan

>Israel is run by Atheists

Thing about the UK is Orthodoxy is very very rare. It's an Anglican and Protestant nation with *some* Catholic Churches, but due to the wests affinity for Protestantism and Catholicism you would be hard pressed to find a solid Orthodox community.

>Why don't we try and replace the secular theology of liberalism with something else?
Like what? Secularists are trying to do that with humanism, but is it really much of a surprise that it is only really prevalent among the intelligentsia? Again, the intellectuals have an easier time with atheism than the populace.

I believe society as a whole, no matter what society, is full of liars and hypocrites.

Take Islam for example. You have these rich oil nations like Dubai who have specific areas for western tourists where they can drink to their hearts content. It's pragmatic more than religious.

I think all societies are built on lies, but I think some lies are necessary to ensure civilization lives on.

We live in an era where the truth is easily found for those who want it, yet what we see is they can't handle that truth and they ruin their lives.

I'm only 26 and I've seen too many of my friends lives turn to ashes because of their indulgence in frivolities and their hedonistic bad decisions.

How dark will we let the world get for the sake of "truth"?

did i said islam is pagan?

not all of them and romans were the elite that could pay those portraits

do you stupid think that romans were pale people with light hair and eyes?

hahahaha, its amazin how brainwashed you are

see my pic and see augustus features and other bust from roman emperors

they have similar features

>I do not live in Buenos Aires like you
So 100% of your parish are villeros with shitskin
>W-w-we are not poor we are rural
What's the last time you took a shit in a toilet that can flush toilet paper? kek

any esoteric belief is going to be more interesting and comprehensive than mainstream religion

christianity isn't esoteric it's the mcdonalds lunch of spirituality

i bet she is 100% latin or 90% latin with some germanic pig in her

If you think that woman looks like the obviously sandnigger kid in the portrait you need to get your brown eyes checked mr mulatto man.

>i want my freedom to let people fuck me in ass and create caos and liberal thoughs
wew that sound fun

you dont know what you are asking, look up at Solomon how he end up trying to find forbidden knowledge

>are you talking about the muslims

what are we even talking about anymore

>What denomination is the most red pilled?
none because they all either try to get you to believe Jesus isn't a Jew or actually worship the Jew
and that whole
>Christians are the real Jews
bullshit is some next level shit

i don't know what the fuck did you trying to point out with that dictionary's quote

Look I don't hate you religiousfags but if you try and enforce your religion on me of course I'm going to start hating on you.

that your use of the word pagan is totally fucking wrong

dumb motherfuckers think of pentagrams and vague satanic shit when they say it but that's not what it means in the slightest

I haven't tried to force it on anyone. I'm looking to understand things myself.

I always use toilet paper.
Enjoy your villas, wachin.

Was not trying to say you, Britbong. But some of the members in the religious groups.
>I'm looking to understand things myself.
Same here

You already hate us. We have nothing to lose.

I agree. Many of the 'truths' they build society on are garbage anyway. Gender equality, racial equality, egalitarianism. Liberal atheists are some of the most delusional people in the world.

If anything religion may indoctrinate people against truly damaging /destructive ideologies (Marxism, nihilism, hedonism).

You use it but you don't flush it.
You disgusting mestizo piece of shit provincian scum and to add isult to injury an evangelist.

Keep it up. Just keep it up....

how can i expain it to you
if you are not a muslim - jew or a Christian you are a pagan
that's it

when i said my pic i mean this pic see his ears and see augustus and other roman emperors

they share similar features with him

you must be some germanic in argentina, how does it make you feel?

your ancestor were savage with no civ that romans wanted to exterminated and you end up using everything from them

that is really low

get fucked, pig

I love you user.

>I think I'll make a post about Skype-ish holy scriptures, and the worship of Skypes
>but where to post it?
>I know! Cred Forums
kill yourself

alright, and how is that bad?

Look we don't hate those SJW types but if they try and enforce their newspeak on us of course we will start hating them. Oops they already did. Oops we already hate them.

They're out there. If not, Ireland and Scotland have Orthodox monasteries. In fact, Orthodoxy Christianity was the first in that region. See St Brendan.

For someone to believe in something but to do the opposite every day of their lives are false believers.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

you aren't looking up the true God, everything you are doing is meaningless

Kek, Cred Forums actually played an integral part in me coming around to converting to be a Reform Skype.

Quick reminder: Jesus isn't a Jew:

"We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither were Saul, David or Solomon called Jew. In fact you will not find the word Jew in the first eleven books of the Bible. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible, is in 2nd Kings 16:6 (and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century) where we find Israel was at war with the Jews and drove the Jews from Elath. Isn’t it interesting that we can read over five hundred pages of the Bible before we find a Jew anywhere.

We know that God changed the name of Abram to Abraham, Gen. 17:5 and that God changed the name of Jacob to Israel Gen. 32:28, but no where in the Bible do we find where God changed the name of Israel to Jew! There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!

By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn’t until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite! We must conclude therefore that the first "Jews" were Canaanite-Edomite-Hittite. It is certain, according to the Bible, that Jews are not Israel."

well that's an incredibly simplistic world view

in fact i think the only reason monotheism got so popular is because it's so basic. only one diety to explain and care about

>Look we don't hate those SJW types but if they try and enforce their newspeak on us of course we will start hating them.
So nice edit but what happens if I don't have their "SJW" views?

Like I said i'm not a porteño.
See ya negrito

An user just posted this:

Please watch if you still think Christianity is a jewish shill

Holy fucking shit, I'm speechless. That star is actually the star of some divinity they choose to believe in. Remphan banner. Literally, belzebub or moloch. What the fuck

I can see many pagans saying science, roman Catholic Institution and nationality are more important than Jesus Christ.

And some Argentinos trying to argue against those blind and deaf creatures.

it aint basic or easy, God is pretty complex and we are never going to find all his secrets, even Jesus didnt know the date of the end,
i think we should relax, accept God and Christ and live our lifes as simples as we can

>What denomination is the most red pilled?

I just totally converted to Christianity today. It's the way to go.

Dumb nigger god teleports the animals to noah , or the angels brings them to noah

Mormons got this cult points, they already have doctrine about a big war against em in the end days. Many if not most have guns and stockpile food and water to last two years.

>I can see many pagans saying science, roman Catholic Institution and nationality are more important than Jesus Christ.
you're the vapidly christian brazilian who had a shitty hard life right

we're the same people having the same discussion over and over again

also pagan is in and of itself not a specific belief system it means more or less anything not abrahamic and not buddhist so complaining about "pagans" when the elephant in the room is how christianity can deal with islam i don't know why you're even worried

This seems pretty important to me, any thoughts Cred Forums

>What denomination is the most red pilled?

Read the bible and belief what the bible teaches you , if you let some church teach you its probably false because there are to much denominations and just one truth. And you will have to build the truth around the church , and not around the word of god .

It would help to know which Church you think has the right idea if you plan on going to Church and being part of a Christian community.

islam is not the problem

globalist are
most if not all islamic countries have a western govt puppet

the problem is that you germanics are stupid enough to believe everything they say and show

The Children of the Devil
37I know you are Abraham’s descendants, but you are trying to kill Me because My word has no place within you. 38I speak of what I have seen in the presence of the Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.”

39“Abraham is our father,” they replied.

“If you were children of Abraham,” said Jesus, “you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham never did such a thing. 41You are doing the works of your father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they answered. “Our only Father is God Himself.”

42Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on My own, but He sent Me.

43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. 45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!

46Which of you can prove Me guilty of sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47Whoever belongs to God hears the words of God. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

Holy mother, this is insane, I didn't know that part on the bible.

>teaches women to submit
>teaches men and women to have babies
>teaches women not to slut
>teaches women to respect men
>teaches men to be good kind gentle leaders
>redpills on the slimyness of kikes

it might not be perfect, but it sure would solve a lot of western civilisations problems

>It would help to know which Church you think has the right idea

>Not going to the church where all pious upper class girls go.

Get out.

I need to state that Catholicism is not about Christ as is about mass control.

About Islam there's not much I can say or do so as a Brazilian monkey so far from the source of the problem. As a Christian I can say for sure we should not tolerate evil and nor be afraid of dying doing whats right.

Mate, as pragmatic as that would be, I really do want to be part of a community that has its shit together, not just where I can get some upper class qt.

It's important to realize that what the Christian Bible says, and what Christians actually practice, are two entirely different things. The Catholics basically built up a corpus of writings and philosophies and interpretations of the Bible that have helped give rise to the religious movements we see today, but realize that these are largely matters of interpreation.

The fractious nature of Christianity should give you some heads up that the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible are not at all like the neat little statements of faith you see on church websites. They're complicated, convoluted, historically rooted collections of books that were written by humans. These humans were probably divinely inspired in some way, but that doesn't mean errors and human interpolations are not possible, if not probable.

Read up on Higher criticism of the Bible for a more objective, historical approach before you start listening to pastors try to sell you a membership to their churches.

the "jew" of today arent the same as ancient hebrew or ancient jews

those "jew" in western countries are germanic/slavic mixes

>Problem with Christianity is that it's too... meek. Loving your enemy, tolerance, empathy. Half the reason why our society is so fucked up is because these aspects of Christians culture run rampant.
Daily reminder that love =/= tolerance for sin

>what Christians
what christians are you talking about?
there are many christian groups in this world

My family is 100% southern European from little hamlets that were unscatted by migrations and I look nothing like that sandnigger, I'm the most generic western European you can imagine, like most roman emperors who btw a lot of them are described as light eyed and haired.

Everyone who has symbols with stars are cancer

Except on their flags, of course.

>talk about religion in public and get attacked
>have actual religious discussions on board that people want to shut down for being "offensive"

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in bizarro world.


ok, germanic

what is germanic migration?
romans werent like that

Yeah but he is literallly calling them the children of satan

Christ said we would be hated.

>I really do want to be part of a community that has its shit together

Unless you go amish, that church would still have to deal with the rest of society.

According to most christian denominations, we are all sinners, and we try to keep our shit together the best we can.
I don't think you will find a "community", but you can meet very valuable people, that try to live by the christian ideals the best they can.

I would go for older christian denomination, which tend to be intellectually deeper.

OP more details on this "remnant" thing, please? Where did you read this?


Either go Lutheran (should be good, over here it is but due to the unstructured nature you can never really tell what you're going to get) or Orthodox. Catholicism and Anglicanism are pozzed to shit.

Sure thing bud disregard genetic and historic evidence.

>Bible warns us about usury
>Usury has been pushed on us by the kikes who own our politicians and governments because of debt

Christianity is the final redpill

I'm getting more and more devoted to the faith. It just delivers the food of the soul in a way money, women and fame cannot. The closest thing I felt to this, was studying old works of philosophy and getting obsessed by the arguments. I guess spiritual needs are indeed more important.

I've also been thinking about Christianity a lot. Been thinking about how to be a better Catholic. This past Friday I tried going through the day without meat, but Friday's are the days I order Chik-Fil-A, I NEED IT after a long week. Couldn't help myself. So I swapped penances with praying the rosary. Surprisingly long, too many hail Mary's, I don't know what it meant about reflecting on the "Mysteries" so I skipped that part. Didn't really know what I was doing so it was rather rushed.

I'm also trying to abstain from masturbation but I'm too weak. Just masturbated today. It isn't easy when you're a loner. Tomorrow is Sunday, I'm a bit nervous of going to church. Normally mass is held in the mornings but I googled that mass for fellow college students is held at 6:30 PM, so I think I'll go then. So that I can interact with the normies.

The problem of atheists is that they think belief in God is a scientific matter (it isn't, you can't probe either or) but a philosophical. Once you understand that, you realize its rather ridiculous to believe that there is no God, there has to be an origin to everything, and God, serving as a concept as the origin of everything is the answer.

Furthermore, the concept of God is necessary for morality
Why is math logical? Its because it has unchanging, indisputable rules. Through logic, math is able to arrive to mathematical truths. Taking this and comparing this to morality. What makes morality true? It has universal, unchanging rules. Thus, a moral person is morally objective, while the immoral are relativist.

very debatable , but i think stars are cancer on flags also

>contrasts simple works of faith, with exorbitant amounts of wealth and materialism...

I have nothing against Cathloic Christians, but you're doing it wrong.

Are you aware that its because of the bible that jews hold all that finantial power right? christians could not be money lenders or bankers and thus the only people in Europe who could were either gypsies or jews and well you imagine the first group was not up to the task.

christianity is the only true redpill

christ-path: acting selflessly

serpent-path(left and right hand): identify with the supreme being and control reality

As a Christian, this image upsets me, yet I don't feel the need to hurt people over it, cut their heads off nor strap a bomb to myself and blow it up in a crowded area.

Let me go look at some pictures of Jesus and see if that changes anything.

they didnt have brown nor brown eyes

why dont you go fuck yourself, germanic pig?


There you go

God bless you, user!

>TFW fighting a porn addiction and having a real craving right now
If only my young retarded self never started this bullshit

I'm Dutch.
Enjoy your poverty.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in Sodom.

Did you mean "they didn't have light eyes or hair" ? that's wrong, they were described to have them and we can see the original colour of the statues also notice you can tell the pupil from the iris of the girl in the middle without even looking in detail, I bet your country's GDP that if you restore the colours of that painting you'd be surprised.

No it will help to read the bible and study for years and with that information you choose a denomination, its only eternity we are talking about , you cannot just pick and choose what you like

I actually bought a bible online last night with the intent on reading/studying it and likely converting to Christianity.

Am I on the path to becoming red pilled? Any tips for a first time reader?

dutch are germanic

i prefer poverty than been a subhuman germanic pig, you arent christians, go back to your pagan savage religion

I'm an atheist, but I pretend to be a Catholic (Catholic parents, confirmed), and promote religion to my non-religious friends. Even if it's not true, there's simply no better way to keep the general populace moral.

I am sure we are in worsen times, with worse degeneracy.

Sounds good, i got some zyklon b in the attic next to my hanging ropes.

Would't bang

The jews wanted him dead all that 3 years he preached . But muh jesus is a jew meme

I would want to find whichever Church is closest to classic Christianity.

I wouldn't know, I'm on the journey with you.

I don't know too much about it, only I've heard a few times about talks of how in the end times only a few will truly believe, and they will be a remnant. And it will be up to them to rebuild.

This desu. I want my Orthodox back under Catholic flag.

and we have another

>the original colour of the statues
those were painted by germanics

Sodom didn't have Tinder and Grindr. Or selfies.


None. To be christian is by definition not red pilled.

Where, what, or who the fuck did energy come from?

Atheism numbers are faling
Islan is growing in the west and cristianity is growing in the east

>it's another dominican romanboo raging against "germanics" episode

Thank you for correcting the record, 0.02 has been added to your account

>The more I think about it, the more I seriously think about it being the only solution to the wests problems.

Somalians helped to OHIO.

45,000+ Somali live in Ohio.
25% of Somalis Immigrants speak English well enough to get a job, especially the young people.
40% have become citizens of the United States of America
80% live with their families
Average Family has 7-8 members
99.9% of Somali are Muslims
57% are eligible to become U.S. Citizens
The number of Somali's living in central Ohio will continue to increase in the next 5 years
Unemployment is rate is higher 5% then state average rate.

The government pays Christian organizations to help them settle here.

There are 9 main major refugee resettlement organizations (Volags from “Voluntary Agency”) with approximately 450 affiliated organizations throughout the country; many are run by former refugees.

Below are the 9 Volags that operate today:

US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB),
Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society (LIRS),
International Rescue Committee (IRC),
World Relief Corporation,
Immigrant and Refugee Services of America (IRSA),
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS),
Church World Service (CWS),
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA,
Ethiopian Community Development Center (ECDC),

To be anything but Christian is by definition to be not redpilled, and not white.

Or hormones and trans.


This. Secularism is a western phenomenon. Religion is rising in Europe due to an increase in migration.

We'll either sort our selves out or die off due to secularism.

architecture that you go from romans and greeks

why dont you post something from 300 AD?

The government is empowering dumb Protestant organizations to do idiotic stuff like this

welcome home

> I seriously think about it being the only solution to the wests problems.

Somali elementary Students Graduation

Thank you Christians! This makes Jesus happy!

>A board this obsessed with proof, evidence and logic claims to be "red pilled" when believing in some nonsense that middle easterners thousands of years go wrote

Wouldn't bang even harder
>those were painted by germanics
That level of delusion, prove that ridiculous claim with carbon dating or shut the fuck up you annoying WE WUZ poster.

>I would want to find whichever Church is closest to classic Christianity.

And how do you know what is that and that its not being corrupted.

Jesus spoke in parabels you can make anything from everything, now and also then, the word of god is a methaphor , but jesus sure as hell did not think that , for it is written he claims


>Church network offers sanctuary to illegal immigrants to avoid deportation

>Churches Offer Sanctuary To Immigrants Facing Deportation

>Arizona Pastor Explains Why His Church Decided to Shelter Illegal Immigrants

Doing the lord's work.

>What denomination is the most red pilled?
KJV-only Baptist.

They are Bible-centric and stick to one version (a version which calls out Talmudists as the synagogue of Satan no less), which means that they're literally impossible to subvert.

If you're in Europe, then Orthodoxy might be a better choice though, as they often tie to nationalist groups. Catholicism is a no-go at the very least until Francis is gone.

Church of England and most of Anglicanism in general has unfortunately been subverted.


Ken Ham is more honest about his beliefs than Origen, he might be an idiot but at least he is not a passive agressive atheist cosplaying as a christian.



It's literally the only hope they think they can cling to in the face of possible hopeless entropy.

>Corrupted churches blind to the dangers of the heathens they bring in mean that we all must abandon Christianity altogether

>it doesn't really matter what Church?
The church matters more than the denomination tbqh. Find a strong community of faithful people your age (even if it's a relatively small one) and help it grow, while using the Bible to red-pill people.

germanics arent chrsitans, i mean they dont even practice christianity


>What denomination is the most red pilled?

Oh god. It's a virus. It's a real computer virus, but it's designed for us and was designed 2000 years ago.

Oh god.

I agree, Ken Ham is a good guy. See image, what a lovely multicultural faith.

What denomination is the most red pilled?

It's not just something that happened thousand of years ago, it influenced heavily until recent history. And religion still influence heavily our lives. Jews still push for the coming of their Messiah. It was strong enough to make them go back to Israel. It is important.

Since the beginning of the first millennium until some decades ago, it was the defining set of values and morals into the whole west. It was capitulated and vested with european imagery. And it spread into the whole planet. So it's not something that just happened thousand of years ago, in the middle of nowhere. Is something relevant NOW.

>It's a virus. It's a real computer virus
All cultural trends can be thought of in that way, in case you hadn't noticed...

>Problem with Christianity is that it's too... meek.
t. someone who's only read very out of context scripture.

> I believe only a select few rational and intelligent people can handle atheism, the rest descend into hedonistic free for all and destroy society.
I think you're the idiot here. Your belief literally commands that life has no meaning for in so many ways. Maybe you're the irrational one for believing in intrinsic meaning in your created perceptions where one can't be found.

>implying all of those didn't vote for mcstain, romney, and cruz, and aren't part of the #nevertrump bullshit
Yuropoors should avoid American political discussion.


>tfw even doing all you think was right to God, when you finally met him, he just says: I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Yes of course. Blessed is he and whatnot.

>Atheism is just going to continue to rise.
oh boy.

Eastern Orthodoxy.

/r/ing source on this poll

>red pilled
Christianity is literally the religion of cuckoldry. You spend too much time on Cred Forums memeing about 'deus vult xD' in your basement if you think otherwise.

Why not just suffocate on goat semen?

I am not saying it doesn't have historical importance in the academic sense - but the fact that it is something "relevant now" is partially why I think it's crazy. Believing in ANY religion that involves an all encompassing being that tells you kill non believers (Quran) or tells you not to jerk yourself off (The bible) is pure fucking unadulterated insanity.

Tips fedora etc, yeah I know. Admittedly some religions are worse than others though, especially the "religion of peace".

Yes goy, Christianity is the only hope

T. Semitic shill

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep" he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Cred Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven bullshit and in eternal rewards for dying a martyr would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Well thats god's test for the white man, i am a racist myself and it is a very hard test indeed

>Since the beginning of the first millennium
>it was the defining set of values and morals into the whole west

Really? How sure are you of that?

but germanics arent christian

pretty sure, rome fell and Christianity is still kicking

What your relationship with God and Christ have to do with a filthy whore behavior, you idiot?

I'm not an atheist, I don't follow your middle eastern faith.

>Christianity is still kicking
Not a relevant indicator - Islam is still very much alive and kicking and it's literally the most shit-tier religion around.


Fuck off Justin.

Christianity is inherently anti racist and pro globalist.
The whole idea that all races are the same is christian in nature, the whole "all made in god's image and all equally inferior to god" argument.

Religion of progressiveness and tolerance will save the west amirite?

I swear you christcucks practice doublethink as badly as SJWs do. First it's "christianity is a religion of peace because we abandoned the violent old testament" then when you get called out for being a cuck religion because of it suddenly it's "DEUS VULT LELELELEL".

The guy in that image is a religious leader in his community and he is literally a cuck because his religion teaches forgiveness to the extent of literally being a cuck. That's right, the guy whose literal job is to know all about christianity and set an example for others is being a cuck. You deus vult memeing kiddies don't know shit about your own religion which you only took on to 'fit in' on Cred Forums in the first place no doubt.

kek... It doesn't affect me at all. Maybe only traps and dykes

My husband, gay friends, and I will vote for Trump.

>Implying it really matters what you vote for you are fucked either way. Trump is the most jewish goy ever elected , and if you belief in god ; god governs the world ,what is going to happen is going to happen

The correct term is meme, Cred Forums did not invent the word it was Dawkins

If you're going to say that the man who said that he was going to raise a half black baby without his real father and try to keep his family together for the sake of his own children is to be frowned upon, you are the one who let cuck memes go to his head. His wife is horrible for her infidelity, and he would be within his rights to leave her or take other similar measures, but when you want to protect your own kids, what are you going to do in today's day and age? The law has tied his hands and this man has decided to endure hardship and shame selflessly for his children's future.

do you blame christianity for the fall of rome?
it was germanics that fucking invaded and destroyed everything

>Derp the world is the USA.
Why are yanks such fucking morons?

Why is it Cred Forums has good religion threads and /his/ is full of shitposting?

they have a pretty good clock in dubai thou
that counts

Stay still

t. retard in basement. old blacks are VERY religious. The ones that scream PRAISE JESUS and do the clapping and stuff.

And they were generally well of 2 generations ago. Now you have googles that ran away from religion and commit 50% of violent crimes

why don't you post some Dominican architecture from 300 AD

This board allows for open discussion and liberals co-opt whatever else they can so good luck elsewhere

You're thinking of mecca

Or US. The US leadership is religious, just probably Moloch instead of Christ.

And no one knows about Russia or China. Russian people are Christian, so it probably reflects into the gov

Oh yeah he's really doing it for his family and not because he's a cuck fetishist. I know reading is hard for americans but at least just don't bother posting when you don't want to read what you're arguing against.

wow lad, im not claiming roman history, im just saying your germanic pigs are subhuman savage that must be exterminated

Religion is the only thing that can keep googles in line. A God loving google is actually pretty decent.

your damn apostate

In 313 AD the Edict of Milan under Constantine made the persecution of Christianity illegal.

And it wasn't until 380 AD that Christianity was made the sole religion of the Roman Empire.

>pretty sure, rome fell and Christianity is still kicking
>it was germanics that fucking invaded and destroyed everything

Wrong faggots

The Germanic tribes never destroyed Roman civ they vassalized it and replaced administration

Islam literally destroyed the west.

Duh.. this is why you end up with Carson or Clarke instead of some google in Charlotte.

>Implying catholics are christians

that's tru

also, they have a mysterious black box too

As a murrican I'm personally sorry and accept my responsibility to fix our shitty Rome 2.0 complex. I wish I could say we'll bounce back and be what we aspired to be, but no we're just filthy babies. We'll return to the dirt, or whatever you believe in and pack heaven and hell with fresh souls.

I'm sorry for letting you down, Australia. Fucking keke.

What the fuck are you talking about? The best part of the bible is transforming yourself and walking the path of christ. Feeling love, trying to do good and trying to be the best human you can be. It's not a guide on political thought, but a guide for your spiritual life.

How come most of the cucks are the liberals? Christians are mostly conservative. The only example for a christian is Jesus Christ himself. It has nothing to do with the actual crisis. You can help them from your country without inviting them home. Why are you retards so hard on one of the most powerful tools against degeneracy? It's a positive force for the western civilization, not a negative one. Look what the fuck happened since we drove off Christianity from public life, and since we let christian morals to wear off. NOTHING POSITIVE.

I literally said he is doing this selflessly and why he will raise that baby. This statement denotes that, while you are the one claiming he is a sexual pervert cuck fetishist with no proof whatsoever that he wanted his wife to do this to him.

Rome wasn't sacked until 410 and then again in 455. Rome wasn't even the capital at that time.

>being this new

>The Germanic tribes never destroyed Roman civ they vassalized it and replaced administration
what are the dark ages?
>Islam literally destroyed the west.
they never conquered italian mainland

you are germanics are really stupid and you are in denial

still germanics raped and killed the shit out them

now the europe representation is a pig with blue eyes and blonde hair

fuck you, pig, fuck you

>The best part of the bible is transforming yourself and walking the path of christ. Feeling love, trying to do good and trying to be the best human you can be. It's not a guide on political thought, but a guide for your spiritual life.

It could be more eloquently explained. I am only "getting it" now on surface levels that mean nothing. It's "God makes an avatar of himself to relate to people and realizes his mistake so they suffer until they kill themselves and all planes of existence under Heaven itself is the trash, but please dont be atheist or nihilist still" with "Be happy because otherwise you're a drag" thrown in.

>interracial breeding
>less whites
>more christcucks


I find religion to be meaningless now, but Christian ideals are deeply engrained in western civilization, and western civilization is the only functioning civilization (well, up until we abandoned it in the last few decades).

In the sense of redpills, Christianity is the perfect dosage. Jews are... well they are fucking jews. And Islam is honestly too fucking redpilled, to the point that they are too busy slaughtering each other for degeneracy to have a functioning society.

stop wasting your time with the notion of religion. Follow your own path to God, the Supreme Being, or whatever notion you have of a Higher Power. Build your own church in your heart, and develop your own personal relationship with whatever you believe God to be. Once you do that, you will be a lot happier. otherwise, you will be stuck with all the problems of man-made religion, corrupted by human Atheists often claim to believe in nothing, but from my experience, they just transfer their faith to something else. Its impossible to be human and not put faith in something, I think all of us can acknowledge that.

The only reason germanics were able to successfully attack is because of how weak the empire had become. Otherwise they would not have stood a chance.

You should try reading some other books desu

>no true christcuck
Stay delusional.

Your Cred Forums memeing doesn't refute the facts. Did you even read the image I posted? It is a FACT that christians are more likely to be liberal.
>support immigration and equality
>positive force for the western civilization
Cool story. What you're trying to say is that christians are less likely to be parading in the streets in degenerate half naked BDSM gear which is true, but that doesn't refute the fact that they're still libcuck advocates who agree with bringing in rapefugees.

Yeah he's going to raise another man's baby because his religion told him to do it. It has nothing to do with rationally trying to keep the family together. He literally, LITERALLY says that he was fucking furious the entire time until a baby came into the picture, which he then dropped his anger and celebrated the fact because he's a christcuck.

>what are the dark ages?
The collapse of centralized Roman Power.
I.e Islam destroyed it.
>they never conquered italian mainland
The Italian mainland was under Eastern roman control after it was retaking from the Germans.

Important note is that there was something to retake from the Germans unlike Islam.
Islam occupied Sicily for 150 years and the whites have been wiped out.
>you are germanics are really stupid and you are in denial

I'm Polish. We are the people who killed jews in Pogroms after WW2 and got away with it. Problem?

Christians *are* Jews and you're a semen enthusiast whose parents and teachers hate you.

I really think that the christians there are left are on the conservative spectrum of western society. And I'm really positive that they don't see with good eyes the importation of millions of middle east man trying to kill infidels at all. I really sense JIDF on you.

>I.e Islam destroyed it.


Islam made Rome fall!? Islam?!

>defends christians and muslims


On an individual level, you passed a positive message. But on a society level, it's another discussion. It's the discussion of whats best for collectivity.

Thinking this image is a valid argument in your favor simply shows how little you understand about Scripture.

When did the Byzantine Empire fall nigger faggot? Yes it is a continuation of the Roman Empire.

>the whites
what whites
you are bad at history, please , refrain from posting

most intelligent people (intelligent enough to truly question the shit they were told growing up) are atheists, at least in private.

I am defending the revival of Christian life to some extent in public life on Western society. Not muslims.

dumb ass alert! That's not the only reason Rome fell, not by a long shot. I may not like this guy, but he gives a great , in depth look at the fall of Rome. It fell to a wide varity of things coming together, the perfect shitstorm. But primarily, it was the economy, stupid, that did the most damage to Rome by far.
its a long vid, but

because I am not a sand nigger.

>what whites
Exactly they killed them all because that what Islamists do.

You don't know shit about history

Islam wasn't around until the 7th century.

Byzantine empire is not the same thing as the Roman Empire before it

God commanded we build a fancy golden box as a vessel of His Presence.

The extravagance of Catholic Architecture is done to glorify God and make the sanctuary fitting for his Holiness to dwell.

ok, good night

>what I think/feel is more important than facts
Once again christcucks prove to be barely different to SJWs. One more time for your monkey brain - a literal professional study was conducted and showed that christians are more likely to be liberal. Get it through your head that all the edgy deus vult memeing on Cred Forums is not representative of the actual population. I mean do you really think gay pride tranny degenerates make up half of america or something? There's a reason why hillary is the front runner in the election at the moment.

>dumb ass alert! That's not the only reason Rome fell, not by a long shot

When the FUCK did I say that?

>pig with blue eyes and blonde hair

I'm not arguing that germans are hotdog sausage faced flaxen haired sun and insult-alcoholism vulnerable people

but if those traits were so bad why did we actively breed to preserve them for 1000s of years before we even thought to record history because it seems fallacious or egotistical? is paper chinese privilege? should we weave our genome or weave our genome after we weed out what we empirically decide is bad? How do we define what's bad?

How do we give a shit enough about our own species other than our individual selves to invest in it?

We can't. We fail.

What I really see as problematic, is if the church or the christian community would be manipulated in:

a) Aiding Israel, like the dumbass american evangelicals due to phony bible translations and payed up pastors

b)Church gaining too much power, and start conflicting with the state, as it happened infinite amount of times in infinite amount of states in history


c)Start being a antagonistic force on scientific progress

If those 3 states could be safeguarded, than I would love to live in a beautiful conservative christian faithful nation. It would be damn sure better to what we have. Praise Jesus.

>I may not like this guy

and that's the problem, I think. Society always attempts to push the need for religion on you, for us all to adhere to a rulebook, but personal faith in God is special and unique to the individual. would that we all were taught to develop our own faith. Instead, human nature dictates that inevitable, somebody will preach that belief and build a new religion, thus begging the cycle of oppression again.

What sacrifice did prophet Muhhudmed make so,humankind could benefit.

burnt offerings BTFO
The Chsoen People,of Flying Gold and the Oil Buddha BTFO

>There's a reason why hillary is the front runner in the election at the moment.

Because trump is a demented geriatric with a hamster on his head and neurological sun damage.

Where is that study, you idiot? I don't believe that christians align themselves with liberals. At least in america. No one here is talking deus vult. No one is talking crusades. Just the restauration of our communities.

Fuck off, you edgy little nigger.

True that man. I agree with you! On the individual level, it would be felt like forced and oppressive. Probably I would reject something like that with rebellion too.

>The only reason germanics were able to successfully attack is because of how weak the empire had become. Otherwise they would not have stood a chance.

>how weak the empire had become

See that cunt fuck? Where did I specify one thing like your dumbass said? Jesus Christ your IQ is 20 points lower than you think it is.

>Where is that study
Are you fucking retarded? What the fuck do you think I've been referring to this entire time? Please don't tell me you actually need me to link the study to you when you can find it with the information in the image I posted.

It was its other half and its largest economic hub.

The fact that Rome allowed the East to govern itself destroyed the Roman western half. Constantinople was a more important economic hub the Rome. The East fueled the Wests military.

The East was stronger then the Western half in its creation.

I'm scottish and you can break bottles off in your ass jimbo juarez mcclinton the third.

You fail to realize that holding his family together, raising a baby that would otherwise be without a father, and being a Christian aren't mutually exclusive, and the only reason he is being victimized are because the laws force this outcome upon him, right?