How do people pardon his xenophobic racist writings by saying, "it was a different time?"

How do people pardon his xenophobic racist writings by saying, "it was a different time?"
Makes me sick that he is considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.

Lovecraft wasn't racist. He had great praise for well-educated hispanics and blacks. Read Cool Air for an example. He is anti-degenerate. Most of his stories cast disdain for idiot rednecks and intellectual cesspools.

I enjoy how millenial faggy boys like you are so threatened by his writings as it forces you to realize just how deluded and brainwashed you are with the little world you were taught. Lovecraft's genius eclipses practically any other writer you'd care to put up beside it.
Stay sick, fag

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

He literally thought black people were a lesser race contaminated with beastly icor from cackling outer gods.

>he literally though the outer gods he made up himself for his fictional stories existed

they... aren't?

That sickness isn't HPL. It's ebola.

Kill thine self.

Hail, ebola-chizzidy-chan!

Based Lovercraft.

Let them h8rs h8.

Who the fuck cares.

That so updated my blog-post-count.

Leddit gould!

He was racist even for his own time.

Because abandoning important and influential parts of literary (and all) history just because certain aspects don't mesh with transient modern sensibilities is ridiculous, shallow and harmful to society as a whole. You learn from the past, you don't disown it.

There is not a single classical author that wouldn't be considered "offensive" by modern standards, context matters and I care more about the work of an artist than the artists themselves.

You seem like the kind of person who would declare that 2+2=5 just because hitler said it was 4

...also, there's nothing wrong with that.

Reminder that

>Lovecraft's entire works are in the public domain

you can easily get his entire writings for free, even in good formats. He is great for casual reading since he has so many short stories. He is an absolute genius and very entertaining to read before bed.

Did you know he predicted men would fly to the moon, ww2, and blm?

read his nonfiction works.


He literally was, though.
I remembered reading a biography(?) about him where people looking back on experiences with him basically like "dude, chill on the nigger hate".

Lovecraft is great and created a wonderful and interesting universe through his stories and collaborations with other writers, but nah, fuck all that because he didn't like black people very much. Boo fucking hoo

Lovecraft is based.

The things he did and said were justified under the moral framework and social context within which he lived. Stop trying to rewrite history because it hurts your fee-fees.

Eh, so was Bugs Bunny. OMG the United States actually had SLAVERY, I guess we should really hate the USA then. Faggot.

Lovecraft writes excellent creepy stories that require a dictionary handy, his vocabulary is massive and it will grow your brain just reading one of his stories. It was so ahead of his time, people still try to adapt his stories to the silver screen and fail every time, you just cannot replicate it, we don't know how.

He didn't think that. He wrote it in his science fiction.

How fucking dense are you?

We laud him for his xenophobic racist writings, ya dingus.

"The Ancient Track" is good HPL.

Cthulhu 2016 - SJWs are already insane, he'll make the rest of us insane too.

Fuck off,nigger lover