Oh shit, this just happened


I'm fucking dead. My sides have left the solar system.

Here's a summary:

"Notorious Google tells other Googles to *BOYCOTT WORK* in protest of recent police shootings"

Like seriously, I thought they were already doing this.

>mfw then do it and literally nobody notices

Found some gold in the shared posts too

>#Shut it down

They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

>Niggers (((stop))) working
>Nothing changes

>mfw they do it and profits and productivity increase

How could her notes suggest she should've gotten an A when she can't even speak English properly. Unless this was a math course, in which case I've no idea how race got pulled into the discussion at all.

Except streets are safe if the urban youths stay at their homes.

>boycott work
>boycott school

I thought these dumb Googles already did that? If they don't already, the only people who would notice would probably be infinitely grateful.

Please Googles, please stop contaminating our schools, businesses and shopping centers. Take your Google leader's advice. You'll be doing everyone a favor.

Who the hell is this nigger


Her fucking speech would make me give her an automatic D. That professor giving this butching of the english language a B is part of the grade inflation problem

>what I learn black are the most rejected and most of the other immigrants hate us.
And in all the research she did, not once has she axed herself: if even other immigrants hate us, could there be something wrong with us?

Nogs who hate immigrants are useful idiots

>dark eyes

Maybe niggers should boycott drugs murder and rape instead.

>pick one

the only black actor worth a shit is 89 years old and hasnt done anything in more than a decade, so good

>Basically tells them to stay home
>Crime rate fucking plummets for that day
It would be fucking incredible


Is he trying to get all the nogs to watch the debate?

That is barely approaching the level of English. Google English is the strangest thing, because they seem to invent their own pseudo-English that even other googles can't understand.

Imagine schools and universities not overrun with googles. Imagine going to a restaurant and not have to deal with the "sassy" black chick.

Do they want to create paradise?

You was doing racist right into your post

>not realising this is a ploy to get the white man out their home whilst they increase burglary rates.

Maybe we can get them to do a #NoNiggasInNovember and have they vow to literally not go out of their homes for the month

>MFW they we troll them into not voting

That's not how it works

>all the dindus stay indoors
>whites, latinos, and asians barricade the doors from the outside
>jews mass suicide, one of their plans backfired horribly
>world peace
Feels bretty gud :DDD

They should just segregate from the evil white man tbqh with you senpai.

>Google English

it's called Google Translate

Organise a bus boycott on election day

>implying niggers are actually still enrolled in school, have enough money to actually go shopping, and are actually responsible enough to maintain employment


Nothing new about this. They've been boycotting for decades.