Google-Nigger. Doin it properly. Thinktank time

Everything had a story behind it. Piss for equality, etc. No one's gonna take this in unless it makes sense. what could the word google have to do with black people? It needs a connection. Ideas?

Ironically, the meaning itself could be "those evil alt righters finding a way around censorship. But it;s really code for nigger." The racist intent itself will be why it becomes a slur. They're already saying everything is code language. And it's pretty protected cuz every thread already supports that. But anyone got somethin better? Or was this conversation already had and i missed it.

Some thoughts...

0 - what's the meaning!?

1 - "Google" can sound totally cutesy, that's why you're gonna hafta be pretty nasty if you want people to be upset instead of amused. A nasty story behind it would help here. People need to be triggered and start blogging and getting hysterical.

2 - Think long term, make it normal. Use it occasionally. If you use it all the time you'll look like a clown. People aren't offended by clowns. Also, if your social media account is all about it, it looks obvious.

3 - Offend the right people. Befriend the right people. white racists will take it up easy. white sjws will probably just call you racist and leave, but black people, especially black girls are gonna be enraged and blog about it. Make Tumblr cry, make twitter scream. Then treat yourself for a job well done.

It's about fucking with google. I've been seeing a lot of people get distracted from that point. It's not about memes or forced memes, it's about having an effect. Let's try to remember that. Either their bot has to erase their own brand from the internet (not gonna happen), or they end up having to junk the project. Either way, associating google with nigger could pretty much destroy them, that's why it's worth doing in the long run no matter what. Not to mention all the keks

More ideas please

Other urls found in this thread: (number)

Goog sounds like gook, which is already a slur so we're half way there.

Google reminds me of golly wog, some racist black character from the uk

I think google works well because you can link it with googles determination to cover up black failure. I don't think it needs a specific definition

Muslim terrorists are democrats. (number)

Multiplying like rabbits, hmmm....

Anyway please continue sharing advice and ideas about doin this effectively. Im already seeing people posting images on twitter that give it away, like wtf?


lmao Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle...

"Nigger" should auto-correct to "Google" on Cred Forums, same with "Kikes"->"Skypes"

2 is good point.

when you want the fried chicken but you're tryin not to be too black.

Just google it







>It's about fucking with google.
This is like David vs Goliath except David is retarded and thinks he can get into a brawl with Goliath and win.



All the information is right there in front of you, but you only ever pick out the bits you want to see.

In the end this meme is only going as far as people who already say 'Nigger'. It is a neutral meme. It doesn't care if you hate Googles or love Googles or don't give a fuck about Googles. All need to be able to use the word Google for their own reasons.

So if you hate Googles proudly, then just use Google like you would Nigger. People who want to say Nigger, but don't already now have something to say - and they will until Google means Nigger everywhere.

Googlelovers can berate people saying Nigger for saying Google when they actually said Nigger. People get the idea.

People who don't give a fuck about Googles can do both of the above and also troll people using the world Google. Act shocked and let them know not to say it because it is a racial slur. Nigger 'Operation Google' and pick your favorite news story about it to link in when you are doing this.

We've got Googles and Skypes, but we really need to form a consensus on what Youtubes should be... They are in this too.

what do you all think about not using the logo? I saw people talking about it before. I guess it's so it goes under the radar and becomes a word only associated with nigger instead of associated with the company.

then later of course after it's well spread the logos come out, cuz memes evolve anyway

Its just something someone mentioned and i think it's worth thinkin about


it's not like it'll be in anyone's control in the end anyway

>what do you all think about not using the logo?

Using the logo is the poke in the eye that accompanies the fuck you.

It's my understanding that the purpose is to ruin google's brand name by associating it with "nigger". Liberals are dumb enough that if we effectively turn 'google" into a racial epithet, they will quit using it. I'm all for it.

Yes, that's my understanding too. and if this understanding was wrong, fuck that, because it's the best reason to do it.

You realise Google will act to defend their brand name right?

If this gets anyway half-way towards the mainstream, their lawyers will terminate Cred Forums, 2x4chan, fucking every IRC network on the planet if they have to to stop this going viral.

This is not like the DNC or the FBI. Google is the fifty trillion gigabyte gorilla in the room and they have practically no restraints on their private actions. Shit, everyone who posts here has to use the Google Captcha system. They already GOT all your shit.

Talk about sending messages all you want. If Google want to send one of their own, I guarantee you'll hear it.

>Patently waiting for the first rap song to use google
>Googles start calling each other google in the street
>Google lawyers spontaneously combust as the google singularity occurs.

when it's halfway to the mainstream it will be too late.

>Talk about sending messages all you want. If Google want to send one of their own, I guarantee you'll hear it.

Fair Use includes satire. Fuck off.

Also, I'd love go see Google lawyers serve papers to every single person using google to identify anything besides Google.

Not enough trees in the forest for all the paper needed.

row row fight the power.

If i only knew the font :/

and yeah, that wasn't even right. Public enemy... lol..

Does his cap say 'we wuz kangs'?

if only someone could find the guy who runs this site and redirect it to you know where

Im all for this desu, in the interests of fucking google.
who has the screens for 'european architecture/art/couples' etc where the images all come back w/black guys? you could tie it to that; "is was google themselves who created a false reality where blacks were ubiquitous in european history"....?
>this way, normies google the theory to find out and go 'oh well look at that google do this shit all the time lol'


>Not realizing that we're Goliath considering we have kek as our Poseidon
>Google has as many millions to burn on autists as Hillary has to burn for 1 election cycle