Counter shilling general

Pic related is a good guide on how to deal with SWJs in general. I'm sure the Trump campaign has read it.

Can anyone recommend resources on a more pratical and technical level to push ideas out and redpill normies?

I mean which blogging and social media services to use to get maximum exposure, how to create anonymous accounts there, how to get subscribers.

Posting on Cred Forums is fun. It's venting frustrations, but other than that it's mostly preaching to the choir. We're not going to win the culture wars with it.

Other urls found in this thread:



>They are the Social Justice Warriors, the SJWs, the self-appointed thought police who have been running amok throughout the West since the dawn of the politically correct era in the 1990s. Their defining characteristics:
>-a philosophy of activism for activism’s sake
>-a dedication to rooting out behavior they deem problematic, offensive, or unacceptable in others
>-a custom of primarily identifying individuals by their sex, race, and sexual orientation
>-a hierarchy of intrinsic morality based on the identity politics of sex, race, and sexual orientation
>-a quasi-religious belief in equality, diversity, and the inevitability of progress
>-an assumption of bad faith on the part of all non-social justice warriors
>-an opinion that motivation matters more than consequences
>-a certainty that they are the only true and valid defenders of the oppressed
>-a habit of demanding that their opinions be enshrined as social customs and law
>-a tendency to possess a left-wing political identity
>-a willingness to deny science, history, logic, their past words, or any other aspect of reality that contradicts their current Narrative.

>The Three Laws of SJW are these:

>1. SJWs always lie.
>2. SJWs always double down.
>3. SJWs always project.

>The eight stages of the SJW attack sequence are as follows:

>1. Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative.
>2. Point and Shriek.
>3. Isolate and Swarm.
>4. Reject and Transform.
>5. Press for Surrender.
>6. Appeal to Amenable Authority.
>7. Show Trial.
>8. Victory Parade.

What does it mean to project?

Taking your faults and blaming your opponent for having those faults.

i.e. imagine a basement dweller mocking someone (who actually isn't a basement dweller) for being a basement dweller.

Imagine if we told Tumblr they were all fat animus lovers who don't fit i to society because their autism makes them socially Maladjusted by increased cognitive speed

It means they attribute their own feelings, shortcomings, character flaws, etc., to others.

From the book:
>This tendency to project their own thoughts, feelings and tendencies on others can be one of the normal individual's most powerful weapons against the SJW. The accusations made by SJWs when they attack others usually reflect, on some level, something they know to be true about themselves. An SJW with creepy tendencies will tend to accuse others of sexual harassment. One who is unsettled in his sexual orientation will often accuse others of homophobia. Female SJWs who feel inferior will accuse men of sexism. And since they are all habitual liars, SJWs find it almost impossible to believe that anyone is ever telling the truth.
>In other words, an SJW's accusations will usually tell you where you should start looking in order to expose the SJW's lies.

The truth of the matter is most Cred Forumslacks are guilty of doing precisely what SJW's do mostly. Not that it's terrible, it's just ingrained nature at this point.

We've turned this place into little more than an echo chamber, where any dissenting opinion is shouted down as a shill. Admittedly, shilling is huge for now, but after the election, that should die down.

We're never going to be better than (((them))) until we put ourselves above the same bullshit they engage in.

>Can anyone recommend resources on a more pratical and technical level to push ideas out and redpill normies?
Tell them you don't believe in equality. Then double down on it.

The idea that 'equality=good' is the cornerstone of their religion (I mean, ideology, whatever) and rejecting it will reject all of their moral authority in one swift blow.

>echo chamber meme
Srsly it's getting old

>The truth of the matter is most Cred Forumslacks are guilty of doing precisely what SJW's do mostly.
Yeah I don't exactly see people here being doxxed because they have a dissenting opinion. There's no culture of fear and virtuee signalling dominating and moderating the extent of discourse on Cred Forums like it does in SJW circles.

Go undercover

>Pretend to be effeminate cuck
>Record your silly shrieking
>Upload to YouTube
>Get millions of normie girls and homos following you
>Slowly reveal your power level and redpill them

Seriously though, it's probably best to just use SJW services like YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress. If they ban you that means you're succesful enough to get on the radar and then you move somewhere else.

>most Cred Forumslacks are guilty of doing precisely what SJW's do mostly
In spite of you being a blithering retard, you're still allowed to voice your opinion. You haven't been banned. I'm amazed that you're too dumb to work out the difference between someone making fun of you and someone silencing you.

(nice bait)

Indeed, for SJWs it's all about virtue signalling. You're not doing that when you're user. That alone makes us nothing like them.

You know what to do

It's called pacing and leading, Dilbert man talks about it regularly.

>We're never going to be better than (((them))) until we put ourselves above the same bullshit they engage in.

You think this is about being "better" then your opponents?

It's about winning.

The only reason you see an echo chamber here is because people are literally being paid to shill for Hillary Clinton. We've had the proof for some time now.

Got the rapist of the 12 year old girl off the hook

Here it is

that image is retarded

You're a stupid fucking nigger and it's not surprising you can't think of anything more creative than "WE CAN'T STOOP TO THEIR LEVEL WE NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE"

Cred Forums is one of the few places you can present logic and evidence and argue your point without some faggot with a tiny dick banning you instantly for offending his middle class suburban SJW dogma. Find literally anywhere else you can ask why mainstream news is hushing up and ignoring islamic rape of children. Go on.

Karl Popper: Open Society and It's Enemies

Reads like a playbook

>his other book's reviews

>read the racist screed that this scumbag spewed out in response to a recent Guest of Honor speech made by non-white author N.K. Jemisin at Continuum in Australia:

>"Jemisin has it wrong; it is not that I, and others, do not view her as human, (although genetic science presently suggests that we are not equally homo sapiens sapiens), it is that we do not view her as being fully civilized for the obvious reason that she is not.

>She is lying about the laws in Texas and Florida too. The laws are not there to let whites “just shoot people like me, without consequence, as long as they feel threatened by my presence”, those self defence laws have been put in place to let whites defend themselves by shooting people, like her, who are savages in attacking white people.

>Jemisin’s disregard for the truth is no different than the average Chicago gangbanger’s disregard for the law…

>Unlike the white males she excoriates, there is no evidence that a society of NK Jemisins is capable of building an advanced civilization, or even successfully maintaining one without significant external support. Considering that it took my English and German ancestors more than one thousand years to become fully civilised after their first contact with an advanced civilisation, it is illogical to imagine, let alone insist, that Africans have somehow managed to do so in less than half the time with even less direct contact. These things take time.

>Being an educated, but ignorant savage, with no more understanding of what it took to build a new literature by “a bunch of beardy old middle-class middle-American guys” than an illiterate Igbotu tribesman has of how to build a jet engine, Jemisin clearly does not understand that her dishonest call for “reconciliation” and even more diversity with SF/F is tantamount to a call for its decline into irrelevance…

Yeah, something like that geared to the internet age.

Bullshit. SJWs constantly agree with anything the "other" puts forward to avoid confrontation (thats corrupt and dangerous) and are bat shit insane ideologues to make up for the fact they can't do independent thought. Where is Cred Forums shutting down and harassing debates and universities? Where are they implementing anti-free speech laws?

I think you are focusing on one aspect and reducing comparison to that: Being cunts.