Sup Cred Forums, Cred Forumstard here

Sup Cred Forums, Cred Forumstard here

Someone on Cred Forums found a poll of nickelodeon for kids to vote the president of the united states yesterday.

These are the two videos you can vote on:

1. Click on the video
2. Click on the "i" in the upper right corner
3. Vote for Trump
4. ?????
5. Profit

We especially need more votes for Trump on the Hillary video.

Other urls found in this thread:


When do they air the results on Nick?

Why would they even do this? Let kids be kids, holy fuck, can the kikes please stop indoctrinating the youth?

The video about Trump isn't even judging, they made it pretty fair.

I am trying to thumb down the video, but it doesn't let me.

Have our records been corrected?

No idea honestly.

Are you signed in?

Yes. The thumb turns dark like it would when you thumb down a video, bet then it becomes light again.

>nick is more bipartisan than MSM "news"

It's 77% Trump.

Leave it to Nickelodeon to take a more unbiased look at the candidates than legit journalists do.

Yeah, I felt the same thing. This is actually way more neutral than the MSM.

this shit is fucking cringe b8


>Hillary became a lawyer

Too bad they didn't tell the kids what Hillary did as a lawyer.

When someone rapes kids their age she got them off. Yay, Hillary.

Check em'


>A fucking kid's channel is more unbiased than professional journalists and the rest of the media.

Nick used to air a news show a long time ago

honestly though i didn't watch it because it wasn't Ren and Stimper

be sure to give a thumbs up on the Trump vid and a thumbs down on the Hillary vid

I remember seeing Bill Clinton in 92 as the first time Nick covered the general election in the US.

Is this covered by Nick News? Must be defunct a long time ago.

well they sure are starting them early

>voted for Trump twice

did my duty Cred Forumsro

Hillary did lot's of cool things before running for president like:
>Getting people killed
>Deleting emails
>Selling her soul to Soros

I think the actual vote is towards the end of October and I'd assume that's when they actually announce the winner

They're probably afraid of complaints from parents if they appear too biased. Too bad MSM doesn't care about appearances anymore...

>4 out of 7 are not white
How inclusive and tolerant

I did my part!



Are the Cred Forumstards still doing this?

There was a thread yesterday and one for a short time today, but there isn't one atm.

That's what they want you to think

Too bad they don't have the focus to make a difference... This is a worthy project. It only needs some SJW salt to make it popular.

what did he mean by this?

If you have an adblocker or a tracker blocker youtube can't register likes or dislikes check if youtube is keeping track of your viewing history if it isn't you have something that's blocking it from collecting information



Nickelodeon has done a mock kid's election since at least Clinton's first term.

they even had an asian girl with a lemonade stand supporting McCain in 2008

>Cool things Hillary did before
>Fuck the dude that was president

''Woow, impressive''

By that logic Monika should be running for president as well.

it's neither neutral or unbiased, both videos are dumbed down for kids and don't really provide any useful info

It is stillunbiased and neutral, even if it is very basic information.

>kids pick president
more like
>kids being forced by ignorant adults to push leftist propaganda

still better than CNN

Why not link the Trump version?

That's how we got Obama

>Why not link the Trump version?
The top one is Trumps version.

hah, I didn't notice it.

>seven kids
>four googles

>no hispanics