How to redpill gf about Ukraine

So my (baltic) gf is a huge pro-Ukraine (is there even such a thing) fan
How do I redpill her
I don't necessarily mean that in a pro-Russian sense, that country has enough of its own issues to last a lifetime, but to support (((Ukraine))) you need to be seriously retarded

Tell her about all the Ukrainian and Czech rape gangs in the UK that kidnap and sell women into sexual slavery mate.

>how to redpill gf about Ukraine

Balts are ugly af and have square-shaped faces. Dump her and get a qt Slav or Scandi grill

Ukrainians are based


Lithuanians are the whitest people in Europe
Because it's a US-backed shithole and she refuses to acknowledge that



no such thing

Poland will never stand with barbarians from western or estern Europe. We must build a wall.

Meh, life here is not so different from another place.
The "revolution" is long over. We are now totally separated from communism and are westernizing our country more and more.

Don't you have better things to do with gf other than brainwash her with pol shit

but theres nothing wrong with being pro-Ukraine.

>mfw people in your country will never actually try and fight the government.

she doesn't care about ukraine, just anti-russian

Tell her that Ukraine has always been the heart of russian empire and was given false national identity by US agents and propaganda as a part of operation to collapse USSR

No because she's actively interested in politics and especially in Ukraine, so our conversations always reach that topic

>redpill on Ukraine

There's probably only about 1% of people on Cred Forums who understand it at all from any perspective.

Fucking knew she's Lithuanian. Anti-russia, pro-ukraine propaganda on TV and internet 24/7. ignore my flag.

Prussia for entire germany?
Alright I guess.
And I support Ukraine too but not the government.
I would be pissed too at russia after the holodomir

>implying it was a genuine revolution of popular conviction
the people got played
No no, she's genuinely obsessed with Ukraine (though yes, she is also very anti Putin)
Got some sources for that?
>muh hoholodomor

She is right though. Ukraine got rid of russian corrupt oligarchs (who were replaced with (((pro-western))) corrupt oligarchs). In the end it doesn't really matter, propaganda war is practiced on both sides, altough i'd say that russia does it better.
Also sage because shit RIDF thread

>dates a balt
>thinks he can change their mind to like russia

brits cant possibly be this stupid

>I would like to "redpill" her about something I know nothing about

Yeah, sure, whatever. Why don't you sweep in front of your own door and kill those googles and paki in your own street, first?

>the holodomir
This is BLM tier bullshit
>Russians are killing Russians en masse and literally conduct active genocide of themselves because communism
>This is because we're Ukrainians! Ebil Russians are being mean to us.
Communism wasn't targeting Ukraine particularly or specifically as a distinct group.

Just so it happened that communism wasnt so great but Holodomor rhetoric implies that all this bullshit was le ebil plan of Russians against themselves.
There's a false division, Ukraine was never a nation/distinct group.

she likes Russia, she dislikes Putin and the govt
I'm Russian (from Ukraine) myself you fucking hohol, I just want some hot sourced arguments
i dont really see that as an improvement at all, especially given the current state of the country

Conflict in Ukraine is just another example of how empires and non proportional balance of power in the world affects hit spots. Teach her that empires (multinational, large states, in which one ethnic group is dominant over the others) are inherently evil and bring blood and disbalance to the world of free people and free nations. Also learn this yourself.

>I'm Russian (from Ukraine)
This alone was very funny.

Goddamnit a fascist Europe NICE

don't see what's funny about it
ethnically russian, unfortunate enough to be born in Ukraine

>Got some sources for that?
Kievan Rus Sprouted from Kiev, them power shifted to Novgorod, but still pretty much one kingdom. Then Novgorod built a new city Moscow power shifted to moscow, Peter the great built St.Petersburg shifted power there.

Then commies came, and shit went fucked.

But at no point in time Ukraine was anything like a nation or a distinct group of people in Russian empire.

Ukraine to Russia is like Texas to Murrika.

>i'm russian
>not born in russia

Polish Jews shill for ukrainian (((nationalists))) all the time.
This whole revolution was staged.
I don't support russkies but I'd rather have russian puppet at my borders than jewish one.

You won't find one Russian in Russia who won't call an eastern-Ukrainin a Russian, they don't even speak Ukrainian there.

Been to Crimea before Euromaidan, literally everyone is speaking Russian, and most of the things are written in Russian. Been to Kiev too, Russian is(or was) the dominant language in the capital of Ukraine, could barely hear any Ukrainian even there.

>there are no Russians in Ukraine
>what is the entire origin of the conflict


oops, wrong map

>Been to Kiev too, Russian is(or was) the dominant language in the capital of Ukraine, could barely hear any Ukrainian even there.

It still is desu.
The default language when speaking to a staff member in a shop or in a business environment is still Russian.

But people between themselves, in family, on TV, stuff like this, they try to speak Ukrainian. Young people too. There is a lot of propaganda by the govt and the recent nationalism.

But you'll still year 10 spasiba for one dakoyoo.

>mfw still hear people saying the price in rubles instead of gryvnas after all these years

>So my (baltic) gf is a huge pro-Ukraine (is there even such a thing) fan
>How do I redpill her
Tell her the truth. How Ukrainians have been conducting civil disorders, overthrowing the governments they elected themselves just a few years ago and breaking shit only to elect even more corrupt scumbags a few months later for well over a decade because the globalists show them pretty pictures of NY and Berlin and tell them they gonna get gibmedats. How the Ukrainian economy has been going down the drain since the 90-s. How their GDP halved within months after their last revolt (it's gonna take them about 30 years just to reach the Yanukovitch level - that is, if their economy ever stops the freefall and starts growing). How they borrowed the money from the globalists they're never gonna be able to pay (which effectively means thay'll be paying with their sovereignty). How each new Ukrainian regime, including the one of Poroshenko, is more oppressive and authoritarian than the previous one.


>tfw she is a globalist