Is everyone mentally ill to an extent, Cred Forums?

Is everyone mentally ill to an extent, Cred Forums?

Ignoring the obvious reasons why illnesses are being diagnosed more than ever, is there an objective set of criteria for how a "normal" person acts, and if so how many people meet said criteria?

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No, just you.

I don't know about "everyone", but sure as fuck a lot of people have been trained by the media and modern society to be basically Solipsists, and that's a hardcore poisoned worldview that eventually deteriorates in psychosis, sure.

Bonus question: is there any other nationality that'd bother making such an obvious joke?

>posts shitty slider thread
>surprised when all he gets are joke responses
Stay dumb my google.

Those videos are good so far, ty

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is a cool game.

Some people act like animals but are "normal".
Some people act civilized but have "issues".
I don't know. Western society was damaged and it shows.

No one is mentally ill, that's just a label normalscum attach to us to justify our oppression.

It was fun, the endings were generally pretty bleak though.

>I don't know. Western society was damaged and it shows.
I agree, something tells me we used to have standards in behaviour and conduct and they're literally gone so nobody knows how to act.

i often think i am going crazy because I feel that way

then i go out in public and see someone who clearly considers themself normal BEHAVING in a a manner that seems totally insane

and i literally think, "wait, you can do that? you can act that way?"

i think there's a wide range of mental states that are within the range of "allowable (in)sanity" and many people are a bit nuts.

if you're diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, you aren't institutionalized. u are given drugs and u continue to live in regular society. lots of people are legit nuts.

in all likelihood the best fps rpg game ever released

If everyone is mentally-ill, then no one is.

Learn tautologies, m8.

The mental illnes issue is a fabricated psyop meme to divide people and get them to buy more from pharma business.

Shit man really, that's great news! I need to go tell my sister's dolls that they can stop following me and I should let my reflection know he can stop talking.

Real mental instabilites are not as widespread as the mental illness meme OP is refering to.

To a degree. I subscribe to the thought that all mental illnesses are "spectrum" disorders, everything from homosexuality to schizophrenia can all exist in varying degrees of severity.

I loved the ending. All that build up to Jack's shenanigans.

They're more than that, though.

Homogeneous society is easy to comprehend and interact with but with this new attitude of smashing every standard it gets too chaotic for a person too handle in crowded places like cities.
This situation can wear on some people's mind. There are big correlations between urbanization and things like stress or depression.

This desu

Your neighbor who is convinced they're being stalked by the ayylien menace is probably a lot more mentally ill than someone who just gets down sometimes. There's extremes, but the milder ones like stress and depression just exist to get big pharma to make some addicts to support their prices. Most can probably be worked through with therapy, a better diet, exercise, or just relaxing every now and then instead of using pills.

My Bipolar I and acute episodes of delirium were cured with electroshock therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation. The drugs might as well be band aids and a smattering of Jewish nonsense but mental illness is definitely not a fiction.