So what is this so called white culture that nationalists keep assuring me is actually a thing?

So what is this so called white culture that nationalists keep assuring me is actually a thing?
Because all I see white people do different is be really weirdly into watching professional sports and what, starring in toothpaste adverts?

art, history, society, science etc etc.
Don't get butthurt, ahmed.

We do and have done everything. We just do it better because we are better people.

I love how black people are always so eager to say white people have no culture but like what even is black culture? Sitting on porches and listening to loud music?

Greco-Roman culture and it's derivatives.

"White people" aren't real. We are a diverse group of European cultures all with more achievments in technology, art, government and economics than any other continent on the planet, with an exception being east Asian cultures.

Aight sorry for shitposting to start with but I am a lil curious.
What have you done today that you say would makes you White?

>Rap "music" and hip-hop "dancing"
>Wrecking houses, gang violence, drug abuse, petty crimes
>Collecting welfare, blaming whitey, skipping school, resisting education, being in prison

Jacked off to anime.

Bought cargo shorts at Target while drinking a pumpkin-spice latte

Paid my bills using money that I earned from working.

Was a dad to my kids

"""""""white nationalism""""""" is bs for people like usa or straya who flushed their heritage down the toilet

Woke up before noon and did laundry for work tomorrow.

Organised my magic cards
Did some gardening
Went to the gym
Designed some wedding invitations for a client

productive Sunday all in all

Non-Whites appropriate White culture (automobiles, gasoline, electricity and electrical appliances,White man's clothing and languages, etc) and then say Whites have no culture.

Just say NO to cultural appropriation by non-Whites.

>Just say NO to cultural appropriation by non-Whites.


You're living in it now, dumbfuck, you're writing on it. You're free to write on it too.

Jesus christ.

There are white cultures in the same way there are asian cultures. Plural.

I think it's mostly just yanks who refer to "white culture" in a singular sense much like a lot of Asian Americans go on about "azn pride". It's a meme that gives people who are out of touch with their roots something to take vicarious pride in. It's not a bad thing but can be a little silly at times.

Why the fuck is no one capping this shit
