White males surging Donald Trump in the polls

>Trump’s fortunes rest on his core supporters, white men who lack a four-year college degree, an economically stressed and socially and politically conservative group. He leads Clinton among them by 76-17 percent, an enormous 59-point advantage. That’s widened from 40 points early this month; it’s a group Mitt Romney won by 31 points -- half Trump’s current margin -- in 2012.


>uneducated rednecks support Trump

Thanks, I had no idea. This is completely new information.

Right, because black voters, about 90% of whom will vote for Hillary Clinton this November, are well-known for being a highly-educated and intelligent demographic.

IS this bait

>do everything possible to fuck over a group of people
>act surprised they choose competition
Really makes you think, huh........

This is because we are insulated from the degenerate globalist brainwashing injected in modern universities.

we have had to live on natural law, logic and common sense observation and instinct to survive rather than swallowing a fragmenting unnatural anthropomorphic construct which fundamentally fractures the psyche separating one from his natural place in the world leading to mass neurosis.

after i scored in the 98th percteile on the PSAT I descided I didn't need the system. Quit HS and never attended any further formal education.

I am not a raging success my most worldly standards but I have lived on my own terms and been self employed the past 20 years. and own my own home.

A university education in my view only really makes sense if you know and are committed to perusing a specific field.. general liberal arts degree just to show people hoping you'll get somewhere to me is not only a waste of time and money but in view of the globalist dogma prevalent a positive hazard.

Trump will get atleast 20% of the black vote.

>educated liberals
>always courting the least educated demographics

really makes you think

Anyone else disappointed how Trump handled the debates on September%`day% 2016?

He flip flopped so much. im a huge supporter of him but he just came off as sadly incompetent. Now im not for Hillary but at least she added to the debates and was more Presidential.

Trump really needs to bring his A game next debates vs Hillary or someone might not be getting my vote.

>We're for the lower class, the underdogs. Vote for us, we know what's best for you!
>Look at all these lower class BIGOTS voting for Republicans! Intelligent people vote left!
Democrat logic

>have an endless amount of sympathy for black felons who commit suicide by cop.
>don't have any for white poor people.
Liberals, everyone.

>implying niggers will leave their porches to vote for someone who's skin isn't the same shade of shit brown as theirs


You're a little early there CTR, or you've rused me.






They wouldn't want to personally insult Obama's favorite massa, user. :^)

it's funny how they blatantly make this bullshit up and it's gobbled up by few who take it seriously. Articles like these with no basis in reality just help drive people to the trump camp.

>the largest demographic overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump


ITT: prove you hard wrkin whyte male

(paying 300+ dollars a week in taxes so niggers could live in manhatten (harlem) hurts!)

Im hispanic and voting for Trump. Not all whites

Its fair competition as well. Trump is fair. Hilary just hates whites.

Why didn't any of these people make a big deal about Obama's support among uneducated niggers?

Disenfranchised white males finally playing identity politics, just like every other group has been.

Jews frantic. Cucks livid. Immigrants scared.

Lets make some fucking grass grow.jpg

everyone but me gotta learn

>all whites are uneducated rednecks
and people say liberals aren't bigots.

>not getting paid in cash

fucking hammer this in your head.

"Educated" people only vote for Clinton because they are women with shitty degrees.

Whites finally voting for their interests.

Same here brother....
I had an IQ of over 120 when I was young... Took my GED.

I used to install Satellite Systems for big commercial places, financial institutions, racetracks, Hurricane Center, and even ran an uplink/downlink for Bill and Hillary for a international conference.

I now run my own little business from home, and make decent money.
I'm not a millionaire, but I do okay.
You don't need education to be a success, ask all the idiots with degrees in dumbshit who can't find a decent job. What you do need is foresight, some intelligence, ambition, and hard work.
I'm just sick of the status quo... I think a change is in order. Look at us.... how much worse can Trump do... really?


You mean a 4 year brainwashing degree? Hmm wonder why all the guys dumb enough to fall for the useless degree shill are voting for the shill candidate.

Anyone else disappointed how Trump handled the debates on September26th 2016?

He flip flopped so much. I am a huge supporter of him but he just came off as sadly incompetent. Now I'm not for Hillary but at least she added to the debates and was more Presidential.

Trump really needs to bring his A game next debates vs Hillary or someone might not be getting my vote.

>Trump is popular among white males
>They try to use this as a proof that Trump is Racist

White people are now racist for existing and making their choices. How could you let this happen?

You are an inspiration for university cucks like me

Wanna start something of my own too, but the dosh and security from employment is my safe space

Does anyone else feel self-conscious when they run that demographic? I have master's degree and am still voting Trump. The media does a good job making me feel stupid.

Arigato Mr.Roboto

Define education. Participating in what is by all accounts a rigged system where you get jobs through connections and hardly ever merit does not make you more intelligent. Going tens of thousands of dollars into debt while having to write papers on why Jamal should be allowed to sit at home and pop babies out all day does not make you superior to anyone.

What it does do is create a class of people who falsely believe themselves to be superior and deserving of having a lower servant class underneath them. That paradigm is falling apart and were coming you.

>didn't go to left wing brainwashiversity
>don't support left candidate

Yeah, that sounds about right.

i dropped out in 9th grade, my academics were shit, but after i dropped out i excelled in english comprehension/writing, near expert level video/audio editing, turns out my IQ is around 125-130.

i've turned my skills into a freelance(ish) job working for a channel that does voice overs

Of all the "college grads" that are against Trump, how many of those are worthless Liberal Arts, Art, or Psychology degrees?

where does that pic come from, i know it's something to do with a live hillary interview but i never understood what happened during the video

Whoa there, buddy. The shilling doesn't begin for another 30 hours.

>Ivy League Ph.D.
still voting Trump. Education isn't what someone gives you, its what you take from them. No one in academia today fucking understands this.

a lot, just look at the universities that milo has toured, then look at all those who protest him. you can tell by the way they dress, their hair, and the way they act.

>implying degrees are worth shit in the current year

Kek appeared to us during a Hillary interview. CNN quickly cut away.

>White Male
>In College

Checkmate CTR.

Now go fuck yourselves.

did the video go like negative or was it some kind of corruption?
it happened so fast i couldn't tell

So they're saying that the stupid people who voted for Obama are now voting for Trump and that's a bad thing? Does that mean Obama was pretty stupid too to have taken so many stupid voters from Romney?

These news organizations are retarded.

I'm pretty sure it's just out of focus background objects that were perfectly framed between 2 bodies in the background. If memory serves they were on a plane or exiting a plane. Some kind user will post the original video I'm sure.

degrees are memes now and most of them won't get you a job , you don't even learn anything in most and there's no entry requirments to university . It's a "who went into debt and drank heavily for 4-5 years" paper

CS degrees , engineering degrees are an exception obviously , they actually learn things

>Uneducated means no college
>Implying someone with a degree in psych / women's studies is intelligent

all i know is kek is gonna make something happen during the debates im sure of it

This is the same thing they said about Brexit. That people who voted Brexit were less educated. And they were using this as some kind of attack to justify against voting this way.
But guess what, there are a mixture of people who voted Brexit. Some who are also smart and educated, otherwise how could they expect a total majority. Tehy still insist on callign Brexit voters dumb, blinded by left wing media.

>mfw I have to explain this every time to Remain supporters

Stay mad nig media

who are you quoting?


>the group of people most affected by the issues Trump speaks about support him the most.
Why does this surprise anyone. The types of lifestyles led by the educated aren't really affected by immigration.

I would love to see the uneducated population of this country get at the academic class that's tried so hard to deconstruct them.

This man is in bed with the devil. At least he believes in the Second Amendment.

Your mom

for item in dataArray:
if targetWord in dataArray:
useId = getPIpost()
sendString ""

That's because white people are the most racist.

If you need a website designed, I have a degree

>literal string
get fucked.

Feels good. No more liberals cuucking us.

>near expert level video/audio editing

Fugg man I wish I knew how to do that. My uncle owns a multimillion dollar A/V company doing things like commercials for Wal-Mart and BP but won't hire me because I have no skillzzz

So I work construction with my friend's dad. Its nice to have family, right?

maybe if you weren't such a nigger about it you would have my mad skillz

Yeah well I can build a house better than you so nananana boo boo when SHTF I'm not letting you in


have fun being a wageslave

but for reals where do I learn without going to school? Just youtube and dicking around?


it should be 100% of white males

it does give me hope tho that at least 75% of the nations white guys aren't total faggots, there's still some fight left in them

yup you also should have good mental imaging of what you want your project to look like.

also a lot of time needs to be sunk into it

Thats not all white men. Thats only the uneducated white men without a college degree.

I'll take this percentage but I would have thought it would be higher as well. Considering that Democrats are the party of high school drop-outs the finding of this poll isn't negative in the slightest.

I just have my high school diploma and went to work because my father was dead and going to school would ruin my mother and my sister was already sucking the student loan dick after she graduated with no end in sight.

So worked warehousing and got swole, they paid for me to get forklift training, then because I'm a vidya cunt I knew half a dozen of our regular customers were vidya niche companies and could accurately tell when their orders were going to surge I got promoted to corporate to take over those accounts.

I've never had to struggle with bills past that first two months on my own where I started with nothing but a few hundred after burning my high school job savings on an apartment and all the moving, utilities, etc. Now I have better quality of life than my sister, most of my peers at the age of 22, and have the finnancial security to consider going to university for night classes to pursue an interest in engineering, naval architecture specifically, or expanding my capabilities through trade colleges and learning more about automotive repair since my warranty is gonna be out soon, and welding, and machining. All viable alternate carreers if anything happens to my comfy job and valuable hobbies.

I'm almost certain that going from high school to college without giving people a chance to really appreciate the difference in lifestyles before and after, the work ethic and understanding how to efficiently manage a higher up the chain job so it doesn't negatively impact the lives of your workforce (real problem with university business degree fuckers sending their orders to the warehouses at a half hour before cut off, because they don't understand they just added three hours of overtime to half the workforce to get that shit out same-day and are a major reason why we had so many labor issues from peole quitting), and the time to figure out what they actually are willing to work towards in their limited personal time is what is killing people.

I'd rather the Jews have a home state than Palestine at this point. I'm not even a huge fan of Jews either.

Just gives us a place to dump them all this time.

Can I get a source on this my fine African friend?


Shitskins are scared of white people refusing to take their shit anymore.