Is the United States the only place on earth that has no social or professional consequences for being fat?

Is the United States the only place on earth that has no social or professional consequences for being fat?

Case in.point: most United Statsian posters won't think pic related is fat; rather, he'd be "average" or "a bit chubby".

No! But it is the only place where it is seen as being desirable.

The social and professional consequence is that you die for it, retard.

He's fat. Lower end of fat since the upper limit is so high now, but still fat. He looks much better after Marvel got ahold of him.

I wish his panties were smaller :3

Those are some tiny nipples. (no homo)

What are you on about? Fatness isn't desired here. If it were, BBW porn would be the most popular, and the celebrities people ogle at in magazines and film would be fat.

That is fat you dumb fuck.

Maybe you are the problem, user.

Haters gonna hate

I'm asian and I don't even think he's that fat. He looks fairly average regardless of culture. He's skinny fat at most even though his build looks stocky. The USA is filled with fatasses who are so obese that they'd make this chump look skinny.


This guy could put on some muscle if he tried. He's just skinnyfat.

He did. That's Chris Pratt, an actor who went from "Chubby dopey guy you liked in parks and rec" to stud in 1 movie.

He's always admitted to being fat. I kinda miss the old fat Chris partly due to him no longer doing comedies since no one will take him seriously anymore. Then again, I remember that's he's a God fag. So I'll just watch his bloopers on jewtube

that guy is not fat. he's not ripped, but he is genetically smooth. If he had to go cut firewood all day long he would outlast most skinny guys because of his energy reserves.

He has barely noticeable love handles, so yes, he could lose maybe two pounds and be better, but lots of white people simply do not have the dna to be ripped without constant effort, which is not healthy.

amy schumer is fat. that guy is not fat.

Your implies that negative social or professional consequences are common in other countries. Can you provide examples of these?

Since when is being fat a big deal? Being fat us now natural for humans. Statistically skinny people are freaks.
Skinny people are only 20% of the population what is their problem?

He did,

Are you fucking retarded?

I eat to deal with anxiety

do you really think that the raito of fat/skinny around the world is the same as in the US?
wew merican logic

>United Statsian

there probably are effects they're just not outwardly apparent. Attractive people are treated better (halo effect) and generally get higher paid etc. Also it's an indication of laziness or apathy to a potential employer or manager - just on an almost unnoticeable level

If you think this is fat you are a manlet. He's larger but it's mostly muscle with a tiny bit of fat. Probably much healthier than the toothpicks and obese virgins on this board.

[spoiler]Gas all fatties btw[/spoiler]

He got off his ass and did that. Now he's an A-list actor.

t. butthurt lardass

Americans are fat disgusting mindless drones. Texans are the only ones worth salvaging. For mocking purposes.

You know how I can pick out an American visiting Germany? They are fucking fat and always wearing tennis shoes. As if they are athletic.

Theres tons of fat A list actors lots of them there prime was in the 80's and 90's but theres still Jonah Hill. Typically comedians can be fat and still top tier.
People should always try to be in top shape but if they are happy fuck it.

>tennis shoes.

what exactly is a "tennis shoe".

lol. I say the same thing and I've never played tennis in my life.

I feel sorry for people with the surname "Pratt/Prat".

It means idiot here.

Yea, China for instance has an exploding obesity crisis. Soon the whole world will be as fat as America and then the whole world will be just a reiteration of our culture.

You have to basically eat nothing for a while to get those abs. You have to force your body to eat your belly fat deposits until there is almost none.

And keep a diet that avoids adding any possible fat on the abs.

That's beside working out, of course. But to start getting those abs, you first have to lose weight by eating less.

I'm sure those actors and sportsmen who get those abs are using some weight-loss pills.

No, just consume less calories than your body requires. Its that simple.

>Case in.point: most United Statsian posters won't think pic related is fat; rather, he'd be "average" or "a bit chubby".

Yeah...that's sadly the case in the UK as well.

>just starve yourself

Sounds healthy desu senpai.

He looks like a former athlete turned desk jockey

It is. Limiting your calorific intake can prolong your life (atleast it does in mice and other small animals)

>starve yourself to get abs XDDDDDDDDDD, also spot reduction XDDDDDDDD
SHIT are you autistic or trolling, i thought crossover from /fit/ is high here so people would know a thing or two about fitness

>rest of world gets fat
>America gets skinnier from millennial being vegan, Molly popping, edm loving hippie dippies
>instead of burgers America is represented by skinny , weak vegans

>United Statsian


Your body positivite movement is gaining a lot of traction here. We're going to outlard you in a generation of so, unless we get beheaded first.


he's not skinnyfat he's straight up fat

He was chubby; now he is not. By any case he is not a fatass

ya'll posting in a slide thread

Chris Pratt is on gear, every Hollywood actor who gets big is on it.

Can you even find a picture more american than this one?

Would still let him crawl up behind and fuck me

Of course we can user.
You spent a lot of time to say that you need to unnaturally cut to get abs like that.
Gear is far from uncommon in Hollywood

wtf is gear

Steroids or more generally illegal body enhancing substance


Lower end? He's could drop 3 stone and still be overweight!

he is chubby.

Two pounds? That's literally taking a shit when you're that size.

>You have to force your body to eat your belly fat deposits until there is almost none.

No such thing as spot reduction.


I would call that pic slightly overweight.... he's probably a little less attractive to girls than a fit chad type.

Other than that, no, nobody cares and why the hell should they? It's nobody else's problem.

I'd call his size the "warning" phase... like "warning you're getting a little big, maybe do something to turn this trend around before you're a disgusting lardass".

this is not fat at all. you can see abdominal definition. its an unflattering photo if anything. he is probably 17% BF

Only walking skeletons and manlets, aka yuropoors, think that's fat.

a little pudge makes guys super cute

Yeah, asswipe, I never said anything about spot reduction.

Fat on the belly is organic deposit, it's the last spot on the body that will used by your body. So you have to starve yourself and lose weight on your entire body to be able to cut on your belly fat.

That means your neck, feet, face, arms will become skinnier by losing weight so that those ab muscles become visible. Everyone has them, they're just hidden behind reserve fat deposits.

You don't even need to exercise to get abs, all you need is lose weight and they start becoming visible.

>wear the flag as underwear

>united statesian
>check flag

Nice proxy, shitskin.

It's not that hard to do for a month or so, but a figure like that is pretty hard to maintain

Looks fat to me, but I'm above average.

Fuck off homo.

It's also the country the surname comes from.

Being called "Chris" Pratt made people call him Crisp Rat.

He didn't explicitly state he believed in "spot reduction" though.
He's right about the weight loss though. You could have the muscles for "abs" but look "flatter" than an "ottermode" guy who was all about aesthetics.

That, or they expect us to believe they can afford to go to the gym during the period where they aren't officially "working" as if the gym is a 9-5 for them.

Given that the original 80s bodybuilders were basically gay-for-pay in order to pay for steroids, and the famous actors of that breed (Schwarzenegger, Stallone) defining "movie-star action-hero physique", it would stand to reason that the actors whose main appeal is not the fact that they have >1% figures, when they do put on sufficient muscle and lose sufficient weight to look like that, are using steroids.

Back in the 50s Sean Connery was a bodybuilder, but he quit in part because he wasn't as WAAC as Muricans who didn't do cardio or sports that used their nutrition for anything other than maximising muscle size.
By the standards of today's Hollywood actors, the physique of a competitive bodybuilder of the 1950s would be quite tame, so something has to be going on.


t. Fat Fuck Loser Nerd