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Shillary takes things Trump said (most likely about Rosie O'Donnell) and implies he's referring to all women

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Oh boy it's over for Trump after this


really activated my almonds..........................

I just had a daughter. I am still voting for Teflon Don

Sure, they'll get raped by refugees in Hillary's America, but at least nobody will touch their egos!

How the fuck isn't this considered libel?

Libel only applies when money (or the potential thereof) is lost due to someone's lies.

It wouldn't work here, unfortunately.

wtf how is that libel?
they didn't make anything up about him. They literally used audio of him speaking,

I love this because it demonstrates who is capable of thinking critically. If you say one bad thing about one specific woman, why does that mean that you hate all women?

If that's an acceptable metric, then every liberal who has ever said anything critical about Sarah Palin also hates all women.
Anyone who has ever said anything critical about Anne Coulter also hates all women.
Women bitch about each other can call each other horrible names all throughout middle school and high school.

Congratulations. Everyone is now a misogynist.

Um, I am 100% sure that I've heard this exact shit before. I'm talking like a year ago before.

Comments are enabled but I cant see any
do I need to loggin or what

It's set to uploader only, so only Hillary can see the comments

Youtube is owned by Google.
Just so you know, in case you didn't.

Welp, I wanted to see the replies

Has anybody noticed the complete lack of attack ads against Hillary from the Trump campaign?

Maybe it's different in other states, but in Oklahoma seen like 3 Clinton campaign ads lately and nothing from Trump.

>Trump's response
>list of Clinton's rape victims

Trump's saving his cash for the final few weeks. Hillary can afford to piss away millions a day thanks to all of her (((support)))

>he's referring to all women
He is referring to all women. He's a scumbag.

God forbid a woman have to face the fact that she ate to much food and became unhealthy and hard to look at

Actually, Clinton gets charged more if you watch the add or click on it. CLICK ON ALL HER ADDS!

It's over

Give it up DRUMPFAGS

After this anal wreckage Trump has no chance. That orange meme just lost the women's vote

Responding to a question about his respect for women with "Err I can't say that either" is an insult to all women.

Trump said he is 6-foot-3 and 236 pounds — giving him a body mass index falling into the "overweight" range.

Yeah he is fat and needs to lose weight. He doesn't lie about it or act like that's not the case. Women should be held to the same standard.

Saw this last night, made me kek.

They got 90% of his audio bites from his very public feud woth roseanne barr. Thats the sound of a scraped barrel bottom lads

Trump wants to win the election under budget and ahead of schedule.

Trump is so not sexist that he will insult women like he would a man

Libs treat women like delicate little flowers like in Victorian days.

>dat presidential booty
gar for trump

Somebody make an "Are these the daughers we want for our president?" for Obama

Didn't Hillary intimidate and bully Bill's sexual assault victims

Young women should be the ones caring for their bodies, not 70 year old men

What's the context behind the clip at 0:23? This might be convincing proof that Donald doesn't treat all women without respect. That's all I'm saying.

What's the context behind 0:23?

trump could stand to lose a few pounds...

>Responding to a question about his respect for women with "Err I can't say that either" is an insult to all women.
If you would've watched the whole Stern interview, he says right after, ''No, I do. I treat women with great respect''

He was just joking, this shit ad takes everything out of context

Do you have the interview? I'm too lazy to look it up

Trump hasn't said anything about women that women don't routinely say about each other, everyday.


All I hear is that Hillary Clinton is a fat ugly slob.

>Responding to a question about his respect for women with "Err I can't say that either" is an insult to all women.
Way to jump around my point completely.

Are there NO WOMEN you have ever said anything negative about? And why should comments about those SPECIFIC women implicate you as hating ALL WOMEN?

The comment arebt loading lol