Post Memes of Politicans from your Country

Post Memes of Politicans from your Country
Left- and rightwingers welcome

Canada is barely even a country.



It's ok, your whole country is a meme so seeing your flag makes everyone laugh already.

Stoiber 10 Minuten nach Paris

Don't call us a country - it's an insult to the word. We're just a big collection of faggots.


Dont worry, it seems that most of us will share the same fate in 10 years..... or maybe in 5.

Nope, you will never be as bad as Canada.



ich würd 2000€ zahlen um dem Böhmermann beim Verrecken zu sehen zu können. Diese erbärmliche Witzfigur würde sich doch Live von Ali den Arsch fisten lassen nur um ein Zeichen gegen Rechts zu setzen.


>me in the middle

Ich leg 2000 dazu wenn ich auch mal ne runde mit stechen darf.


You guys are pretty racist, you should stop






All is lost

Kek'd heartily

Danke AfD

He alone suffers for the sins of socialism.

>Only in Germany is this photo seen as a negative thing.


i wish i was Norwegian
Swissland is as cucked as sweden compared to bases Norwegian.

The poster says "Turning left" and was made by our Bernie Sanders like party.


Danke, AfD.


Danke AfD

We have this funny man running for president in our country, you might have heard of him

This guy got elected into the EU Parliament

Hail Sonneborn, GröVaz der PARTEI

You think Clinton is corrupt?


I thought the wall was supposed to keep niggers out.

Don't think I don't know why your family ended up in Argentina, Jorge.
Or rather...Jurgen

Ach te.memy z Dudą. Najlepsze!
