In time, you'll learn to accept it, Amerifats

In time, you'll learn to accept it, Amerifats.

Other urls found in this thread:


>0 deaths.
You make it sound like a desireable thing.

The zero death image is missing the well armed government thought police

1 death satisfies the optimality condition.

fact: there were no homicides before firearms were invented

And whenever you fail to remove all the guns you get 7 deaths


So you don't want people to have the right to bear arms and defend their property?

Fucking cuck


Where's the knives and trucks?





I'm guessing no one remembers Nice's truck incident

Also banned in the UK

Replace that crazy person with a paki and that could easily be england, Amir

Fixed it for (You), (You) fail troll.

second picture should be labeled "1 death"

Make a cartoon of a truck over 80+ French bodies.

today some bydlo thug pwned two cops in my town with a 9mm handgun
i dunno where he got one from,
guns are banned here

>If we stopped law abiding citizens from buying guns, I'm sure filthy niggers will stop using guns as well, despite the fact that most guns that are acquired by criminals are from old soviet caches!

you are literally retarded, you deserve to have your country overrun by Muslims

It's time you brits shut your cuck mouths and enjoy getting butchered by sand niggers with machetes.

lets not bring up the fact jo cox died by getting shot here in the UK... making guns illegal just means does not stop criminals having access to them. Tard

1 post by this ID

>le get rid of guns meme

Fuck off cunt.

if guns aren't legal in your land, then why are there as many attacks that there are

>you can just get rid of guns
when will they stop living in a fantasy world.


> Be British.
> Own gun.
> Never shot anyone.

Explain this, OP.

Thats implying that no one will ever have a gun.

The last scenario is obnoxious as fuck. Gun laws dont get rid of guns. They're still gun deaths in UK, but the last comic implies that there can be no guns total.

Cant fuck with the 2nd, brit bitches. I bet even the Brexit supporters are reluctant to grant gun rights.

It's amazing how successful Europe has brainwashed its people into thinking a person (you) aren't responsible enough to own a gun.

You know this is bollocks, geezer

In Russia with total lethal handguns ban we still have thugs using lethal handguns. And law obedient civilians may not have lethal weapons on them. So the thugs with guns fuck you in the ass, pussy.

Some time ago a police officer got killed with a WW2 handgun because he gave his armor vest to a civilian.

assault knives don't exist, user.
not even a crazy person would use a kitchen knife in that way, knives are only for vegetables.

>There are people that unironically think gun control will stop gun violence

I want off this ride

Dear Britfag,

Thank you for your input.

Since, don't live here, don't pay taxes, and your nation has not had any say on how we conduct business here since the 1780's, aside from that thing in 1812, your opinion is inconsequential.

The Colonials.

When crime rates drop to zero for over a decade, we can begin discussion of disarmament.

>In time, you'll learn to accept it, Amerifats.
You finally get unbanned for spamming this daily?

Shh, don't tell them about zip guns.

There is no excuse for guns.

>Implement gun laws that disarm civilians in order to fix crime!
>Place all guns in the hands of the government
>Government will surely protect us!

Being this fucking stupid...

True enough, just look how the various gun laws reduced crime in the UK.

impossible, owning a gun makes you 3,000% more likely to kill yourself and your family

We are doing our part for population control.

You don't really care about lives, because then you'd realize second hand tobacco smoke kills more people in the U.S. each year vs shootings.

Your only purpose in constantly reposting this is Aesop's sour grapes.

Stay mad Ahmed. You'll never get my funs.

Why are foreigners so obsessed with our guns anyway?

That's exactly what it is. The right to defend yourself or passively depend like a cuck on the cops sticking their neck out for you.

Would you be comfortable if the life of your family depended entirely on a 911 operator ? Listen to that Lady's tone and think about it.

7 death happen when guns are heavily controlled or outlawed too. See France and events in your own country.

And in the next frame the man is holding a kinfe, or driving a truck, or just holding a big rock with which to bludgeon his victims.

You really think banning guns stops murders?

Weren't you eurocucks just rekt by a semi truck?

Coz they are fucking jelly that you can retake your local government buildings with guns and flag of your country. Go on murica, hoplophobes must die.

What's funny is some of this countries most strictly gun controlled areas also have some of the highest gun related crimes.
>New York City

because Cred Forums is 50% foreigners arguing about our elections and 50% them trying to troll us over our freedoms

If they take guns away, these people will just learn how to make bombs, which would kill far more than 7 people.

All things considered, the "2 deaths" scenario is the best one.

A little lost life is worth the price of liberty, Britcuck. It's why we kicked you out in the first place. But I wouldn't expect a slave to understand.

Fuck off mohammed we know your dirty tricks you don't need guns

I'd rather die a freeman, than a pussified bong.

No excuse is needed.

>"We're also very very lucky that the attackers tried to use explosives rather than guns."

Lefty Logic. More dangerous than most people think.

Israel is experiencing a large number of knife attacks. And 99.9999% of them end by knife attacker being shot. Fuck you OP again.

So not at all ? Either way, it's not even about that, it's about having the freedom or not to defend yourself.

How could you feel in control of your life if you depend on someone else to use force to defend yourself, your family, your home and property ?

>If they take guns away, these people will just learn how to make bombs, which would kill far more than 7 people.

I love it when this comes up. I never bring it up myself. For some reason most people don't know that all it takes to make a bomb is a basic understanding of chemistry and shit you can buy at a hardware store or even WalMart.

Refined chemical products are so easy to come by in a first world country we've pretty much got the fixings for bombs all around us at all times.

I hate Piers Morgan more than Hillary honestly

Fuck off, it's just googles killing googles. White America has a murder rate almost identical to western Europe.

>Needing a gun to protect yourself

What are you third world? Are you compensating?

>0 deaths
Use a knife.
Now imagine trying to fight a guy with a knife.

this user is correct

Bandits will ALWAYS find way to get gun even if ITS OUTLAWED, you dumb cuck

wtf i hate guns now

>What are you third world?

1) Partially.

2) Leave it to a britcuck to forget why the Second Amendment exists in the first place.

Next category is "famous truck attacks for 200", anyone?

>banning something means it doesn't exist anymore

The guy in the op seems to have some kind of stand, they were dead before they knew it.

You have two choices.

The ability to defend yourself when faced with someone about to kill you

Or waiting for the cop with a gun to show up after you've already been killed

Pick one.

>Caveat - you're not as hard as you think.

>prevent shootings by taking guns
then you'll have stabbings and illegal guns
>prevent stabbings by taking knives
then you'll have stonings, beating, other stuff

tl;dr you can't eliminate a problem only looking at superficial issues, you need to look at the core problem and try to eliminate it, faggot.

For instance if you want to end terrorist attack, you need to deradicalize and civilize mudslimes and deport them to their own countries or simply kill them. Banning burkas, guns, radical views won't do jack shit.
Nice day to you mr. 1984 country.



>gun bans work

Mr Crazy man could just make a bomb or run over a bunch of people instead.

That's not even getting into how a ban will create a massive black market for guns



73rd post best post

Yup. Trying to control 'weapons' in a city is like trying to make a sterilized forest.


So Great Shitstain has had zero deaths since they took everyone's guns away?

>gun-free zone
>what is a knife

Only weak need to excuse

Hur hur retard the vast, vast majority of home invasions are for theft of property. You don't enter the equation for these niggers. Your big hard man act of le walking down da stairs to confront him is the retard move.

You must be pretty short and manlet, to be this petty over something as inconsequential as property. Don't you have insurance? Are you poor?


Except instead he gets a machete and goes about beheading several people in IKEA or on the street.
Then he gets sentenced to a jail room more comfy than most hotels where he can write in his diary with his head on a super comfy cushion, because we don't want poor Ahmed Mohammed feeling uncomfortable.

If banning guns stops mass shootings, why don't you just ban murder? Surely criminals will stop killing people if it's a crime.


Who said anything about a home invasion?

Thanks for not answering my point though, cuck.

Please look at this here OP You can say all you want that banning guns will fix the problem. It doesn't. It didn't when France was attacked a year ago by 9 or so terrorists (who killed a good number of people) and it didn't help when that truck went rampaging through that French town and killing all those people. He didn't even fire a shot and he managed to kill a lot of people.

The problem at the heart of it, the one that most DON'T want to accept, is this: If people want other people dead, they are going to accomplish it, one way or another and by any means necessary. There is no limit to how we can kill another person.

Perhaps we should just start banning people since people are at the root of this problem. The tools utilized mean nothing without the intent behind it.


its also missing the illegally manufactured AK69000 assault riffle.

the moment we ban guns, the cartels and other groups will make their own and they will be much worse.

Hello this is sage


nigger president lol

Add a wall to the last pic.


So; how are those knife and ax attacks working out? EU police literally wearing chainmail again; right back to the middle fucking ages.

The weapon isn't the problem; it's the stupid.

We should also ban immigration from brown nations give the amount of deaths, violence and sexual abuses they have been causing in our relatively gun free land. Oh, they have illegal guns too.

What prevent this to happen in a country where guns are aloowed?
You can't stop a truck by shooting at it.

Fuck off


We can learn from the UK. If you take guns away from the cops: zero deaths. Brilliant.

shart in mart

da tovarish


It's a theoretical situation you autist. Great response though

>You can't stop a truck by shooting at it.
that's where you're wrong kiddo

You should add a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" in the bottom one.

>0 deaths

More like 50 deaths.

There are many ways to get a gun illegally. How do you think Googles get it?

So if America isn't dangerous enough to use protection as a reason to own guns, then why ban guns? This is like saying we should ban medicine in first world countries because we're healthier than Africa and India, and don't need it.

Post more leafs

>Leaf defending use of guns
This triggers the American left winged autist


You've clearly never been the victim of random street niggery, big ben. Give it time though, the religion of peace will be your street niggery in no time at all, and you'll be wishing you had a way to protect yourself more than hiding or running.

makes sense

The most majestic words in the English language

>just let people steal your property
The funniest part is that you don't even realize how pathetic you sound.


You win

Spot on.

Britfag, America already told you once. Do we need to tell you again?

We have 300+ million guns. You? Aww, jelly much?

Fix that for you.


That's literally how they stopped them...

You miss the part where the criminal had a knife or illegally acquired gun and kills them all makong your argument shit.