What if Trump doesn't Win ?


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We will accept American Trump supporters as refugees.

But, women get priority. :^)

I'm actually more afraid of Pence than Hillary.

How come ?

I'm not a fan of Trump much at all but he's a wild card. He's an "if" but with killary clinton if you've got two brain cells to rub together you know America is going to get fucked.

civil war

It won't really matter. Presidents don't really do anything anyway.

pretty much this
not gonna happen

I lost the post that out-lined Pence's views but they were pretty bad. Other than that the VP's entire job is to be such an unpalatable alternative to the president as to make assassination unthinkable.

Hillary will probably send the NSA and FBI directives to keep "alt-right supporters" on close surveillance.

Exept all the corrupt appointments to agencies like the FBI that have us in the current mess we are in. Also appoint supreme court justices.

I go back to doing what I always do.

what mess, and what corrupt appointments to the FBI?

>empty SCOTUS seat
>whoever is placed will tip the entire Supreme Court one way or another for the next generation
>"lolz it dun mattir"

kys faggot

That's already been going on for years.



>Prioitize women and children
Do "manchildren" count? If not, then I guess I'll take the SJW redpill and identify as a woman.


Then I'm going to beat you all up

Crowdfund purchase of >
Establish the Cred Forumsony
Hone memeing techniques
Come back for 2020

Same as it ever was

My heart

Race war begins...

I hate that fucker so much

Then there's going to be a massive run on ammo and these faggot boomer cocksucking motherfucking queer cunts are going to spend all their social security checks on .22LR and sell it for 4x the goddamn price and I'll never be able to go to the range and shoot for a reasonable fucking price again YES I'M FUCKING MAD

Then it gets spicy

He'll win, sweetie. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, okay?

The VP is powerless in American Politics. They are the mouthpiece of the President, serving with the presidents power only if the president says so. Pence was picked because the man has a SPOTLESS record, literally can't dig up anything crooked on the guy, and he is basically the best dad anyone could ask for and he really likes talking to people.