Is there a good argument against the death penalty?

Is there a good argument against the death penalty?

>muh human life

You murder someone, you waive your right to live.

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Yeah I don't know I dont get it.

Liberals don't understand justice. They think jail is just for rehabilitation. Sometimes the scales must be balanced.

>Is there a good argument against the death penalty?
Because the judicial system is flawed and under the death pentalty, innocent people have and will continue to be killed for crimes they have not committed.

That is a valid concern.

But wrongful convictions are at fault, not the death penalty by itself.

God decides what final punishment shall be. Imprisonment is not a tool of justice, but one of proetection, to keep threats to human life and property away from society. In only in societies, where infrastructure is too poor and weak to support proper jails, i.e. places like Mexico, Colombia, or the Philippines, can the barbarous death penalty be considered done in the name of protecting the community at large.

Keeping a guy at his whole life in a Supermax is worse than killing him right away, to be desu.

It costs more to execute a prisoner than locking them up for life.

Again you are falling into the is it fair argument. It's not about fairness. It's about authority and its limits. Society has been granted the authority to defend itself. This authority is conditional based on the developmental nature of that society. If a society cannot handle the criminal element with imprisonment properly, then it has the authority to seek recourse with a death penalty. If a society can handle the criminal element with imprisonment, then they have lost the authority to enforce a death penalty to protect society.

>killing is wrong, i'm going to kill you

You should only get the death peanalty for killing a white man. If you kill a minority or woman you should only get a small fine

I've heard that the death penalty now is just used as leverage to get a plea. How very few prosecutors actually try to put someone on death row. I forgot where I read the statistics though.

Murder and rape should be punished by death.

You couldn't be more wrong if you were actively trying.
Maybe that's the case where you live because the prisons are such absolute shitholes, but we have humane standards here and that shit is fucking costly.


Thou shalt not kill

>killing is wrong
>im going to house and feed you for free for the rest of your life

You take away the chance for appeals, and it's more costly if the country uses death row, than to just imprison for life.
If you believe in the death penalty, you're honestly just dumb.
>inb4 individual liberties are worthless
I wouldn't expect a shithole like Brazil to understand the importance of individual liberties

An eye for an eye...

The government shouldnt have the power to murder the citizens its been deemed capable to protect, government power isnt reliable nor trustworthy enough to decide someone has committed a crime that, for now anyway, is worth killing them for.

many things have been legalized in 50 years, in 50 years maybe more things will be, modern perspective may see it fit for someone to die for a certain crime but in the future it may seem unjust, we have to protect ourselves from rash decisions such as murdering civilians

Bullshitted this argument

Wasting tax dollars housing someone up until their execution, and false positives.

I only defend the death penalty for murder.

Murder will always be wrong.

In America it costs more to execute someone than to jail them for life because of the death row appeals process.

The burden of proof should be extremely stringent for the death penalty (although no 'technicality' excuses). Evidence without absolute proof should lead to life in prison with no chance of parole.

We need to step our game up

Its too slow. To purge the world of niggers we need something a lot faster

Only when there's evidence without a doubt

People complain about the DMV being inept and inefficient all the time but they trust the government to decide who deserves to live and die?

Also how many innocent people being condemned to death by mistake is acceptable?

I need to use this on libshits. Thanks for the ammo, m8.

well it does make it kinda hard to release and compensate the hurt party

im all for the death penaltybut i think it should only be applicable if the case is clear cut, through camera footage or unmistakeable DNA evidence or legitimate confessions

>USA 35
>ignoring the hundreds murdered by state and federal police

a fucking leaf

In America, the ammount om money spent on due process for sending somebody to death is more than sending them to prison for life.

And who knows? We could have killed hundreds of innocent people in the past that could have been proven innocent if they had DNA evdience at the time.

Well said, Brazilbro.

If it is literally 100% obvious im all for the death penalty. But I also think there are tons of cases that aren't so obvious

Didnt read the top test, just saw China with a lower noose, and thought it was a short person joke.

Why not let them work off their debt to society?
Cutting their lives short is probably a costly thing for society.
Keep in mind murder is by no means only done by absolute scum but also college educated people who have plenty to contribute.

I wholly support the death penalty for murderers, child molesters and rapists desu.

Should the death penalty have existed before DNA evdience

Hundreds of people have been proven innocent because of DNA. Evdience like blood used to be tested by blood type rather than genetic material up until the late 1980s.

An actual good argument made by a Brazilian?

Now I've seen it all.

why not gas the Jews so they cant push leftist propaganda to kill Germans?

Educated murderers are normally nutjobs like the Unabomber or Breivik.

I don't know how can they contribute to society.

Murica, you're getting lazy.

Read what he said again, carefully this time.

We can't get lethal injection drugs approved by the FDA anymore. All the manufactures stopped selling it.

We have many executions on backorder. The 35 that you see were done with remaining drugs and fireing squads.

It's the most effective way to stop crime. If you just lock criminals and set them free, probably get out even worse than before

Some people confess due to fear of going to court. Rape cases etc

> innocent people have and will continue to be killed for crimes they have not committed.

Maybe if we became christians again this wouldn't matter because those guys would go to heaven for being wrongfully killed

>not adjusting for population

Hunger games when? Why not chip them and throw them on an island? Last one standing wins their freedom. Trial by battle essentially.

I would pay and bet on this stuff.

He's actually right, but the "it costs more hurr durr" is kind of disingenuous without explanation.

Strappng down Tyrone and shooting him up with a bunch of syringes full of Nigga-B-Good is indeed pretty cheap. The problem is that the time between sentencing and execution is on average, 15 years, the entire length of which involves legal proceedings which exponentially increases the cost (lawyer's fee's, goy).

The average cost per inmate per year is around $31,286 for the 3Gs (Gates, Guards, Guns) and food/prison upkeep - you can lock up someone for 30 years for less than a million. Contrast that with when you're having to bring in forensic experts, defense and prosecution attorneys, bailiffs, etc. to testify and go over evidence for the sake of trials and endless appeals, you're tacking on a couple of million dollars (if not more), per case, easily.

>Is there a good argument against the death penalty?
We need all the murderers we can get. There should be prizes for the right ones.

>killing is wrong
>you proved that you would take a human life, also I understand that recidivism is a thing that exists
>to prevent you from taking further lives, i'm going to kill you

it is worth noting that there may be situations when the death penalty is going too far, but mass murderers and rapists are fair game to me

>tyrone had 6 children, I hope these 10 hours of community service make you think about what you have done

Sometimes, innocent people are killed. Also, has a lot of potential for tyranny. For example, literally the picture you posted.

Yes. If somebody barges into a church during mass back in 1500, and then rapes and kills a woman, it's pretty fucking easy to gather evidence. Granted, it was FAR more difficult to get a scenario like that, and most were very flimsy (not to mention the fucked legal processes), but all I'm saying is that it should be easier to get a death sentence now that we have better means of acquiring proof.

Damn we need to catch up!

if they get a life sentence you would be spending money to house them anyways

you won't understand it until it hits close to you

I grew up with a guy who's dad (a cop) was shot and killed by a nigger in our 93% white town. He never knew his dad because a porch monkey decided he didn't want to go to jail. I never once felt sorry for that cocksucker as he sat on death row waiting for his lethal injection


This is some retarded shit its wrong on two completely different levels even the one you tried to make the point on. You don't think that if the wrongfully convicted suspect is now dead instead of in jail that'd have any effect on actually realising his eventual innocence?

Besides that obvious point the death penalty will always be inherently flawed as a punishment for what will always be an imperfect justice system. You can always free someone from jail but you can't do anything of the like after killing them.

nah, most life is spendable.
human or animal.

if somebody shouldn't be alive, put a bullet through their skull

Imagine the following scenario, which implies being blue-pilled about Hitler but whatever. Hitler is caught and sentenced to death. He dies and that's it. Now imagine Hitler is caught and sentenced to life in jail. When he's 70 he writes a book called "Jews Dindo Nuffin" where he says he's sorry for the 6 gorillion.

Anyway my point is that if you keep that person alive there's still a positive outcome able to be attained from that whereas death implies nothing will be gained. If you are a little bit more psychopath you could say the positive outcome would come from doing human experiments on them.

If there is doubt, he shouldn't even be convicted, let alone executed.

But there are cases in which there is 99.99999999% certainty. Especially with the forensic tech of this day and age.

Working well in the philippines so far.

There is nothing 100% certain in this world. Nothing.

By that logic, we should completely ditch the criminal justice system and let the criminals run free.

But people are convicted if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt (99.9999...% certainty), not beyond any doubt (100% certainty ).

Philippines is under a purge currently, it's a special case.

How about instead of death penalty, just exile the motherfucker?

If someone violates the law of the land, ship them to somalia and they can be happy without rule of law there.

Ship those who commit petty crimes to less shitty places, like brazil or south africa.

>If there is doubt, he shouldn't even be convicted, let alone executed.

The standard is beyond reasonable doubt and if it was anything less than that we'd have a fair few murderers walking free

>But there are cases in which there is 99.99999999% certainty. Especially with the forensic tech of this day and age.

Every conviction is thought to be absolutely certain until its not

>We...estimate that if all death-sentenced defendants remained under sentence of death indefinitely at least 4.1% would be exonerated.

There is nothing stopping those people from joining somalian pirates and then killing people and robbing ships.

Hey. When demand for human organ transplants declines, China will ease off their steadfastness in defending the Party.

>If someone violates the law of the land, ship them to somalia and they can be happy without rule of law there.

This actually isn't that terrible an idea, at least until a government is set up and gets pissed at you for shipping them all your murderers.

>killing is wrong

no murder is wrong

In a society that actually valued religion the death penalty is acceptable because people believe that life does not actually end at death.

Unfortunately now people don't believe in the afterlife so hanging child rapists and serial killers is mean.

Pay them for it.

I'm sure you could offer the new somalian government half the upkeep cost of inmates to have them shipped there as new upstanding citizens and they would take the offer before you were finished talking.

>God decides what final punishment shall be
Yep, when he chooses whether you go to Heaven or Hell.

>good argument
Wrongful convictions.
The legal system is not perfect and makes mistakes. Having a terminal punishment makes a wrongful conviction irreversible and has no place within a legal system

I heard of this happening once. The criminals ended up creating the greatest country on Earth! Who would have thought?

I would rather that punishment than jail desu, at least I'd be more free.

Nothing special about it, problem is drug dealers and solution is to get rid of them.

They just not afraid of what needs doing.

>But people are convicted if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt (99.9999...% certainty), not beyond any doubt (100% certainty ).

Are you 100% certain of that which you have just mentioned?

Free to have a tire strapped arround your neck by niggers with ak-47's.

But yeah, free.

What keeps the US from exiling? If we can't kill em, lets just give them away

No, but I am 99.9999999999999999% certain.

>Be a boiolao
>Having hard time in Brazil
>Kill some random viadinho
>Exiled to some random shithole on the planet
>No Zika, no more boiolice
>Quality of life improved for free

Nice plan

The United Kingdom wasn't founded by criminals


Uncle joe enters a room where a girl is livestreaming beauty tips. He rapes her live to a million subscribers, burns her alive, show his ID and says UNCLE JOW STRIKES AGAIN BITCHES and gives his social security number. Tell me again why uncle joe shouldn't be executed.

You people aren't arguing against it in principle, only in practice. The real question is: When someone is undeniably guilty (very explicit video evidence for example, or an execution in broad daylight with thousands of witnesses, or some asshole dictator or warlord known to take pleasure in letting people know how vile he is), what argument is there not to execute him?

The only "good" argument is something about state's executing citizens, blah blah.

I just retort to give that privilege to corporations if they dislike the state doing it so much.

They usually have a problem with that, too, which should make them realize there is no perfect system.

legitimately don't understand how people can put rape and murder at the same level, what do you lose from being raped? The implications of it are not nearly on the same level. Would rather be raped than even burgled tbqh

A 1000+ is nothing when you consider China's population.

>Would rather be raped than even burgled
stop posting your fantasies here bong, Tyrone doesn't want your body

Puritan autists.

The same reason people act like rubbing some girls cunny is literally worse than killing someone.

I'm Chinese and I'm fucking proud of how based my country is :)

western civilization was built on aggressively culling our most violent and criminal

its one of the many things that separate us from the negro

That should really be corrected for the rate of violent crime.

It's morally indefensible. To advocate for the death penalty you must concede that another person's life can be taken against their will by simple decree.

Circumstances are irrelevant as to when the destruction of another person might be deemed tolerable because you must first declare that persons who are not a present threat to anyone else should be destroyed.

Executions don't work, Rehabilitating prisons are effective and allow people to return to work after they are released, see Norways low recidivism rate. And now I will be mobbed by Cred Forums because they think they have the balls to see someone and condemn someone to death

>Is there a good argument against the death penalty?

Yes; The court system simply cannot be trusted when it comes to taking a life;

December 9, 2014
Ohio man exonerated after spending 27 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit

Kwame Ajamu was just 17 when he was convicted of murder in the killingofa Cleveland money-order salesman. On Tuesday, Ajamu, now 57 and out on parole since 2003, wept after a judgecleared all charges against him.

“I’m so happy today that this battle had come to an end,”Ajamu said, according to Reuters. Cuyahoga County Judge Pamela Barker stepped down from her bench to give Ajamu a hug, the Associated Press reported.

The case against Ajamu, formerly known as Ronnie Bridgeman, began to fall apart after a key witness recanted his testimony decades after the conviction.

>Executions don't work
people who have been executed don't commit more crimes
sounds pretty effective to me
the ineffective part is taking to long to execute the guilty

t h e r e
i s
n o t

It rasyst to kill criminal savages

This man was told he was innocent after 40 years in prison. Why should the death penalty exist if there is a shadow of doubt?

>Murder with a lot of witnesses, DNA evidence, etc.
>He might still be innocent

Because being dead is better than being in prison for extended periods of time.

Life in jail + 40 hour work week of semi-forced labor (i.e. remove prison benefits and throw them in solitary if they don't work) is fine desu. There is always the chance of new evidence turning up that proves they are innocent.

It costs tax payers billions of dollars and doesn't deter crime.

The death penalty should only been sought if the family of the victim wishes it.

Why did we only execute 35 people. In a whole year?? We should execute loads more people than that.
One a week per state? That'd be 2600 people I'm pretty disappointed

What is that adjusted for population?

1000 people in china is nothing.

Death shouldn't be a punishment, it should be the mercy.

A painless death is no way to deal with Terrorists, Child Killers, or Traitors.

USA should be executing far more people imo

>apartment collapses because your construction is shit
>pay some yuan to judge
>we've convicted all of the inhabitants of crimes against the communist party, thank you for serving them justice valued party member.

>Is your butthole more private than your home?

If yes, why would you want it burgled over your home?

If no, kys degenerate piece of shit.

Based China.

Why should the state put up with criminals?

Yeah thats what I'm saying. 35 is pathetic

That's what I never understood, lets pay a large fee for an injection or $0.13 for a bullet. Or $10 for some rope.

I think the solution should be simple.

Murder that ends with sentencing over 20 years= death

Repeat offenders on the third conviction (drug dispensing, murder second degree, rape, arson)= death

Repeat convictions on the second conviction (pedos, gang crimes)

Any life sentences=death

Would be cheaper in the long run.

Mate, stop being racist. Jackass.

>Because being dead is better than being in prison for extended periods of time.

You can't fix dead...

nope time to ramp it back up
>no more appeals
>blacks can get it for a parking ticket
>jews for saying oy vey
>OPs for being faggots
Start stoking the flames it's time for a cleansing

I agree. The government of a nation, especially it's judicial system, should not get to play god with people's lives, regardless of the crime committed.



Cool, now post all the examples of actually guilty murderers in prison. Oh wait, you won't do that, because that would totally wreck your stupid belief.

>Why should the death penalty exist if there is a shadow of doubt?
Murder convictions require a unanimous jury to arrive at the guilty conviction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're apparently fine with life imprisonment with a shadow of doubt. Should 999,999 murderers be allowed to live in prison (sucking up taxpayer dollars) because that one guy happened to be found innocent later? No.

Because getting gang raped by Jamal and tyrone is a fate worse than death.

Dying is a quick end to your miserable existence.

50 years in a 12 by 12 room surrounded by thugs and human monsters languishing and watching the world go by without you is a pathetic existence.

The death penalty is merciful.

A death penalty should be applicable to people who have committed wholesome, unjustified murder themselves, as even having your life taken from you as a consequence is not nearly as bad as having it taken without reason. Reciprocating the same negative actions onto the one who committed them in the first place is just fairness.

Except for the fact that it doesnt

>Should 999,999 murderers be allowed to live in prison (sucking up taxpayer dollars) because that one guy happened to be found innocent later? No.
You say this as if it's something everyone would agree with. I think if you kill an innocent man, you're just as guilty of murder as the 999999 murderers you "allowed to live".

The issue isn't about thedeath penalty being moral. the issue is about wrongful death being moral. Even if 1/100 of criminals who receive the death penalty are in fact innocent, are you willing to "risk" it? are you willing to send 10 out of 1000 men to their deaths without cause? how about 100? 1000? if you are willing to send one man to their death for something they didnt do, what does it matter if you send thousands?
again, the issue isnt about what a perfect judgement system would be, its about how we handle our flawed judicial process.
are you willing to doom innocencts for the. sake of the damned?