What do you think of pet ownership?

What do you think of pet ownership?

Cats are jews.

Dogs are nigs.

Holy shit on that last one.

Wtf happened?

Pretty accurate

>bro-tier and loyal to a fault
what fucking universe do you live in

>don't pay for shit

Degenerate if used as an outlet for arrogance or a substitute for human interaction.

Rightful if used as a helper for hunting/guarding/farming.

LOL No joke. There's nothing better except that their lives are sooo short. Like having your heart cut out.

So put it to work you cunt as a sniff/watch/guard dog

i'm subletting from a guy/girl who have a fucking shiba inu that they refer to as "doge". memes aside, they are absolutely shit-tier dogs, i want to murder this fucking thing.

Dogs are bro tier, early warning system for feral nogs on my property

I have two cats but after having a baby they're just annoying as fuck. I still like them, just a lot less now that I'm a parent.

Ive also grown to despise people that treat their pets like children and see them as kids. You even see the pathetic shots who call themselves "dog mom" or "dog grandma." A dog is not a child. You are not a parent. You're a twisted fuck. And people who let their dogs lick their mouths are disgusting.


My ex had a cat that she cared about too much. She wanted to leave the door open so the cat could walk in while we're sleeping, and I was like, fuck that shit. Annoying as fuck when women think cats are family members. Cats are stupid animals.

These people are replacing having an actual family for having a relationship with a dumbfuck pet.

Probably the most plebeian thing ever. A house that maintains a pet is not a cleanly house. I know some people that don't walk in their house bare feet anymore because they just let the dog shit all over, or lock him to the laundry room (which has a door to the outside) and let him pee in there hoping he will drink it up and hit three birds with one stone. A dog that is functional and living outside is the only pet that you should allow yourself as it disciplines you too and you actually have some recreational or function to maintaining this self sufficient beast. Also excessive breeding towards an intended result hurts the dogs at the end becuase we are simply forcing natures hand and dictating a specie for our convenience- even amusement still in this day and age. This is why you get people carrying dogs in purses and not just letting them walk. in the end all pets are shit tier because on a mean humans are still very much shit tier.

people are becoming more attached to animals because western society has policed human interaction so much that it's the norm to cut people out of your life that disagree with you over shit that doesn't matter. like if they vote for a party you don't like, or if they go to the wrong church, or other shit like that.

a dog doesn't vote. it doesn't go to church. it doesn't have any beliefs that'll make you mad like people will, so you become a lot more attached than you would to an actual person.

because you're more attached, you'll spend the money to keep the dog alive if it gets sick or hurt rather than just letting it die.

>I know some people that don't walk in their house bare feet anymore because they just let the dog shit all over, or lock him to the laundry room (which has a door to the outside) and let him pee in there hoping he will drink it up
>not just teaching the dog to tell you when he wants outside to go shit

Some people are simply too stupid to own pets

What are you trying to slide?

>A house that maintains a pet is not a cleanly house. I know some people that don't walk in their house bare feet anymore because they just let the dog shit all over, or lock him to the laundry room (which has a door to the outside) and let him pee in there hoping he will drink it up and hit three birds with one stone.
The only people I know who treat their dogs like this are Spics, Chinks, and other minorities that lack souls.

>a specie
Right, so you only have an 8th grade education.

pls use the catalog it's embarrassing when you use the term slide knowing you use this website in the index mode

This shit belongs on /an/. Posting a new thread on Cred Forums forces a thread actually related to politics into the archive where no one can discuss it anymore.

>even healthcare costs for animals in the US is insane

Sure thing bud, still better than a mouth breathing pet owner living atop his filth.

Everything dead or alive is a different specie. And because we recognize the psyche of dogs and cats, it is that much unethical to look for results in these beasts.

You're an ESL spic who never learned that the singular form of "species" is "species." You treat man's best friend as if it were livestock. I have nothing more to say to you. If you ever tried to talk to me in real life, I'd call ICE on you.

I have a cat because I live in an apartment and cats are less needy, but I'm a dog person.

As soon as I move into a house I'm getting a dog, dogs have been by humanities side for millennia, and through that they've evolved to be our companions.

ESL is where you should've went and stayed because clearly you see some sort of fetishes to live up to in your own "rescue." Don't bother dissasociating with me because I already won when you though pointing out typos actually gets you anywhere.

Let me break it down in your buzzword associative mind, domesticating, breeding and tending animals for recreation is the ultimate Jew. And you fall for it one colorful puppy mix bag at a time.